Is Good Friday a bank holiday 2024?

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Bank Holidays UK » Bank Holidays 2024

All bank holidays 2024 for the UK ✓ New Year’s Day ✓ 2nd January ✓ St Patrick’s Day ✓ Good Friday, Easter ✓ Early May bank holiday ✓ Spring bank holiday ✓ Battle of the Boyne ✓ Summer bank holiday ✓ St Andrew’s Day ✓ Christmas Day ✓ Boxing Day.

These are the dates of national bank holidays 2024 in the UK:

Other holidays 2024

These are the dates of other holidays 2024 in the UK:

More information about

Click on the link[s] below for more information about Bank Holidays for the UK:

  • Bank holiday [Wikipedia]
  • UK bank holidays []

Is Good Friday a bank holiday in?

Yes, Good Friday is a bank holiday.

Why is Easter in March 2024?

The day of Easter falls on a Sunday based on the lunisolar [sun and moon] calendar, not a fixed date on the Gregorian or Julian calendar. Easter date each year has been determined to fall on the Sunday after the full moon following March 21 for Western Christians who use the Gregorian calendar [modern calendar].

Is 5th June 2023 a bank holiday?

June Bank Holiday, celebrated on the first Monday in June, was formerly commemorated with a separate holiday known as Whit Monday — also referred to as Pentecost Monday.

Is Good Friday a public holiday in Nigeria 2022?

The Federal Government has declared Friday, April 15 and Monday, April 18, 2022 as public holidays.

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