Hướng dẫn sử dụng mautic Informational, Transactional năm 2024

Mautic enables marketers to automatically send Emails directly to a group of Contacts in a Segment by using a Campaign, or send Emails on a one-time basis. Emails provide a means for direct interaction with potential customers, clients, and Contacts.

Email types

Want to unsubscribe?

You can find the configuration of the unsubscribe text in the global settings.

Online version

Mautic also enables the hosting of an online version of the Email sent. To use that feature, simply add the following as URL on text to generate the online version link

{contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time}


For example:

View in your browser

Bounce management

Mautic provides a feature which allows monitoring of IMAP accounts to detect bounced Emails and unsubscribe requests.

Note that Mautic makes use of “append” Email addresses. The return-path or the list-unsubscribe header uses something like

{contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time}

4. The bounce or unsubscribe allows Mautic to determine what type of Email it’s when it examines the inbox through IMAP. The

{contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time}

5 gives Mautic information about the Email itself, for example which Contact it was it sent to, what Mautic Email address it originated from, etc.

Some Email services overwrite the return-path header with that of the account’s Email [GMail, Amazon SES]. In these cases, IMAP bounce monitoring won’t work.

Elastic Email, SparkPost, Mandrill, Mailjet, SendGrid and Amazon SES support Webhook callbacks for bounce management. See below for more details.

Monitored inbox configuration

To use the Monitored Email feature you must have the PHP IMAP extension enabled [most shared hosts already have this turned on]. Go to the Mautic configuration and fill in the account details for the inbox[es] you wish to monitor.

It’s possible to use a single inbox, or to configure a unique inbox per monitor.

To fetch and process the messages, run the following command:

Hello {contactfield=firstname|true}


Note that it’s best to create an Email address specifically for this purpose, as Mautic reads each message it finds in the given folder.

If sending mail through GMail, the Return Path of the Email is automatically rewritten as the GMail address. It’s best to use a sending method other than GMail, although Mautic can monitor a GMail account for bounces.

If you select an Unsubscribe folder, Mautic also appends the Email as part of the “List-Unsubscribe” header. It then parses messages it finds in that folder and automatically unsubscribe the Contact.

Webhook bounce management

Since Mautic 5 all the Email transports use the same Webhook [sometimes called callback] URL:

{contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time}

6. Please follow the documentation for the specific Email transport you’ve installed to get more information about the Webhook configuration.

Create a Segment with bounced Emails

This isn’t required, but if you want to be able to select the Contacts with bounced Emails easily - for example to delete all bounced Contacts - create a Segment with bounced Emails.

  1. Go to Segments > New.
  2. Type in the Segment name. For example Bounced Emails.
  3. Select the Filters tab.
  4. Create new Bounced Email equals Yes filter.
  5. Wait for the {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time} 7 command to be automatically triggered by a cron job or execute it manually.
  6. All Contacts with bounced Emails should appear in this Segment.

Troubleshooting Emails

Email open tracking

Mautic tracks Email opens using a tracking pixel. This is a 1 pixel GIF image in the source code of Email messages sent by Mautic.

When a Contact opens an Email using an Email client like Outlook, Thunderbird, or GMail, the client tries to load the images in it. The image load request is what Mautic uses to track the Email open action.

Some Email clients have auto loading images turned off, and Contacts have to selectively “Load Images” inside an Email message. Some automatically open all images before delivering the Email to the Contact.

If the images aren’t loaded for this reason or another, or if they’re opened automatically before sending the Email on to the Contact, Mautic doesn’t know about the open action. Therefore, Email open tracking isn’t very accurate.

Email link tracking

Before sending an Email, Mautic replaces all links in the Email with links back to Mautic including a unique key. If the Contact clicks on such a link, the link redirects the Contact to Mautic, which then tracks the click action and redirects the Contact to the original location. It’s fast, so the Contact doesn’t usually notice the additional redirect.

If the Email click doesn’t get tracked, make sure that:

  1. Your Mautic server is on an accessible URL.
  2. You sent it to an existing Contact via a Campaign or a Segment Email. Emails sent by the Send Example link, direct Email from the Contact profile, or Form submission preview Emails won’t replace links with trackable links.
  3. Make sure the URL in the href attribute is absolute and valid. It should start with {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time} 8 or ideally {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|datetime} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|date} {contactfield=DATEFIELDALIAS|time} 9.
  4. You’ve opened the link in a incognito browser [not in the same session where you’re logged into Mautic]
  5. Check if Mautic replaced the link in the Email with a tracking link.

Unsubscribe link doesn’t work

The unsubscribe link doesn’t work in test Emails.

This is because Mautic sends test Emails to a Mautic User and not to a Mautic Contact.

Mautic Users can’t unsubscribe and therefore the unsubscribe link looks like this:

Best regards,

0. However, the link does work correctly when you send the Email to a Contact.

Best practice is to create a Segment with a small number of Contacts to receive test Emails - for example, yourself - which ensures that you can fully test features such as unsubscribe behaviour.

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