How to search for a store on Teespring

Hey thanks for asking about this! Here's some quick info for you: Teespring recently launched a new "feature" called Spring that is made for social media influencers, and allows them to create a custom website to sell their merch. It also integrates into their social media profiles to sell items more seamlessly. This feature is not for passive t-shirt sellers, and very importantly, it did not change the effectiveness, or free marketing, of Teespring. Is Teespring still free? Yes, 100% free. Does Teespring still do marketing? Yes, absolutely. They do 7 different free marketing strategies on our behalf. You can confirm this by going to your "settings" page on the bottom left side of your Teespring account page, and scrolling down to the "increase your sales" section. Is the Teespring marketplace gone? No, the Teespring marketplace is still alive and thriving. They removed the search bar from the Teespring website and my assumption is because buyers were all coming directly from the 7 marketing strategies, and not from the Teespring homepage. It makes sense from a marketing standpoint, and it's just a sign that Teespring is getting more optimized and efficient. Is Teespring organic traffic still coming? Yes, there's no doubt about that ;] Do we need to change our print-on-demand strategy? No, we do not. Although it's good to be aware of what's changing in the industry, our strategy is solid because it's built for the long run. Uploading your designs to Teespring, Merch by Amazon, and Redbubble is continuing to prove itself as the best strategy overall. Show lessREPLY

Use Teespring Storefronts to show off your collection of products. Listings featured in storefronts tend to get 58% more views on average and sell 20% more unitsStores can not only help you unlock more sales—they’re a valuable brand asset that your buyers will return to again and again. 

Storefront design elements

  • The logo header sets the mood of your store. We strongly encourage you to choose a theme color and upload the logo [max file size 1 MB]. We recommend adding logos that are around 600 pixels wide x 200 pixels tall with a resolution of 72 DPI. If you don’t have a logo, the name of your store will appear in the header space—check out these free tools for creating a logo.
  • The banner makes a statement. Think of it like a Facebook cover photo or YouTube banner – the first thing your buyer will see when they visit your store. Choose an image that speaks to your brand [max file size 10 MB]. We recommend uploading a 1600 x 200 pixel image with a resolution of 72 DPI. Note the banner size adjusts to match your image size, so any “wide” image will look great.
  • Check out our recommended design resources for online tools you can use to create logos and elements to customize your store. 

Optimizing storefronts

  • Add a variety of products—you’ll want to feature at least two or more designs.
  • It’s important to enable cross-selling within your storefront settings drive more sales.
  • Make sure to group related designs within a store. For example, your store theme is “rugby” so all of the products featured in your storefront have a rugby related design. 
  • For optimized site speed and load times please limit your store offering to 200 products or less. Remember we help you cross sell store products, so if you mix design themes and niches shoppers might be shown product they’re not interested in.
  • Take advantage of product categories! They make it easy for shoppers to find your awesome products. 
  • Use your store banner to call out sales or new collections you’re offering.  

Product display logic

We’re working on giving users the ability to further customize how products are displayed within their storefronts. Currently, the product display logic is based on creation date; newest products appear at the bottom of your store. You can also ‘star’ products [within your store settings] to ensure they’re featured at the top of the “All products” page.

Listing page branding

Creating consistent branding that carries from your storefront to your listing pages is as easy as flipping  a switch. All you need to do is activate “Extend branding to products” by switching it “on” in your store’s settings.

Here’s an example of how store branding carries over to your listing page. Notice the same ‘Lucas the Spider’ logo at the top of the store and listing page?



Listing page

Product categories

With Teespring’s new product category update it’s easier than ever for shoppers to find products in your store. Categories are automatically enabled for any new storefronts you create [after May 10, 2019].  Product categories are visible at the top of your store. Keep in mind the products you’ve ‘starred’ or featured will remain visible on the homepage of your store [under ‘All’].

Products will automatically appear within their corresponding category. Please note TeespringGo products [such as lapel pins or plushies] will be visible on the ‘All’ page of your store. Categories will only appear if you offer a product that belongs to them—for example, if you don’t offer homeware products in your store the product category ‘homeware’ will not be visible. Check out the list of available categories below.

You can activate or deactivate product categories instantly. Navigate to the ‘Storefronts’ section of your Teespring account, select the ‘Settings’ of the store you want to edit and toggle the ‘Product categories’ feature ‘on’ or ‘off’.

Toggle your product categories button on to activate this feature

Add new products directly to storefronts

You can add new products directly to your storefronts. Just select your store’s name before launching your product and it will be added automatically. Easy peasy!

Does Teespring have a search function?

All Teespring products are indexed and searchable for Google [when you opt-in], and keywords can help improve your ranking in search results.

What sell most on Teespring?

The top trending products to sell on Teespring right now.
Free design patterns..
Create home decor collection..
Create loungewear collection..
Create accessory collection..

What are Teespring listings?

The 'Listings' section is where you can view and edit all of your product listings. You'll have an overview of sales, profit, and the fulfillment region of each listing based on its products [US, EU, or global].

Does Teespring have a marketplace?

We offer full marketplace integration support—Teespring adds your products to the Boosted Network, optimizes your listings, handles order fulfillment, and provides customer service too.

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