facebook rape là gì - Nghĩa của từ facebook rape

facebook rape có nghĩa là

the access of a Facebook account by a third party, unknown to the account's owner, which alters and adds humiliating or otherwise derogatory words to the account's profile for the purpose of a prank. The act usually takes place between friends after one leaves their Facebook account logged in.


"Aw man, someone totally Facebook raped me...my only interest is 'dildoing menholes' now. I gotta log off next time I leave the library."

facebook rape có nghĩa là

Facebook Rape occurs when an individual leaves Facebook signed in and open to interference from a housemate, work collegue or other third party scumbag with nothing better to do. Such rape often results in personal details and profile pictures being changed to hillarious, often false but in some cases, true information. High levels of damage occur when the third party has long periods of time in which to Rape your Facebook.


"Ah f*ck I left my facebook on and my details and picture have been tampered with in a hillarious manner against my will; I've been Facebook Raped!" "Engaged?! Ive been Facebook Raped!" "Favorite Movies: 'Farm Boys 2 - Pitch my Fork'?! Ive been Facebook Raped!"

facebook rape có nghĩa là

When one leaves ones facebook profile on unwittingly and 'friends'or otherwise change ones staus or comment on people page to make you look an idiot/pervert/sick freak etc
an excuse to write something and shrug it off as someone else's devious work.


e.g 1
Ryan's Status
Ryan: is gay and loves men up the bum bum yum yum...and smells

two hourslater,
Ryan: OH SH**INGMOTHER*%$*£R someones changed my status...I've been facebook raped!!

e.g 2

mate 1: why the hell did you write 'i love you' on my wall last night?
mate 2: erm... oh bother.. ive been facebook raped..

facebook rape có nghĩa là

The act of repeatedly updating a friend's facebook status when he leaves the room to take a shit. Although it was against his will, his repeated lack of awareness proves that he was asking for it.


Matt: Dude, I totally wrote this thing on Jason's facebook status about sucking cock for like the third time. Gary: Man, I really admire your persistence! He was really asking for that facebook rape.

facebook rape có nghĩa là

When facebook "upgrades" a service that you were used to and comfortable with and forces you to permanently use a new, less convenient one with no say in the matter.
This violation is reoccurring and requires no consent on the part of the facebook user. Also, facebook has no actual support service so complaints of facebook rape go unanswered (sort of like claims of rape in certain neighborhoods in Camden New Jersey)


Shit! The latest facebook rape combined my photo selection, message manager, and poke button into a new clusterfuck of programming that keeps stalling and shutting down! Fuck you Zukerberg!

facebook rape có nghĩa là

This is when go on to Facebook (or My Space, Bebo etc) under a friend's user name because they've been silly enough to keep their account logged on unattended. Once you're on, to punish them for making this silly mistake, you then message random people random things, changing their status etc. (nothing offensive obviously). Once the dirty deed is done, log off leaving them none the wiser.


'I went went on facebook on a pal's computer, I forgot to log off and got facebook-raped!'

facebook rape có nghĩa là

The facebook rape, more commonly referred to as facebook raping, is the art of sneaking into someones room while they are in the toilet/brushing their teeth/getting a glass of water/etc and updating their status to things like "Brokeback mountain is my fav movie" and "last nite I cried all through the Notebook", facebook raping can also include changing someones info to make them look gay.


Andrew: Tony I just facebook raped Blake. Tony: *laughs* this is gonna be good. Blake: F**K you guys, who said I love the Notebook. Andrew: *laughs* Tony: *laughs*

facebook rape có nghĩa là

the act of sending 3 plus drinks to someone on facebook and than proceeding poking them repetitively.


janet: boo hoo i was a victim of facebook rape jimbob: howd that happen ? janet: this guy sent me 3 shots of jager than poked me 437 times jimbob: O

facebook rape có nghĩa là

A term used referring to the social networking site Facebook where users are able to update their "statuses" and share with other users what they are doing. When a person is facebook raped, it means a friend of theirs have hacked into their facebook profile and posted a status suggesting that they are or have engaged in some sort of sexual activity.


Status: Eliza Roberts is being taken from behind by Chris...and loving it!
Eliza: "Shit, who just facebook raped me?" Status: Dean Jones just had a foursome with three hot men and is now exhausted!
Dean: "Fucking hell!!! I didn't post that status, my friend Max facebook raped me."

facebook rape có nghĩa là

The act of liking every status someone has made late at night or early in the morning to provoke surprise on the victims part when they wake up to over 100 notifications.


Person 1: Goodmorning Facebook... Let's check my notifications *182* *Sam has liked your status* *Sam has liked your status* *Sam has liked your status* *Sam has liked your status* etc. Person 1: Someone was Facebook Raping me last nigh while I was asleep.