Còn tiếp trong tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

You can also continue to do something or continue doing something if you start to do it again after a pause:

[Định nghĩa của continue từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press]

Các ví dụ của continue


If such a trend continues over time, the first vocoid will eventually be lost.

Work in this period also continued a long tradition of careful examination of typologies and implicational universals.

The separate, but nonetheless phonetically based requirement that faucal features be realised on vocalic structure continues to respect this feature cooccurrence restriction.

Unfortunately, available evidence is less than conclusive on the issue, so the debate continues.

Integrating health and social care assessment and care management alternative services are put in place, the district nurse continues to visit.

The interviews were continued until category saturation was achieved.

The process continues in this way for the whole period of study.

Nonetheless, this article will show that many relatively inefficient pension funds have continued to operate.

The leech still continues to harbour the trypanosomes; others present in the gut succeed those that disappear from the proboscis after each feed.

In these, music has continued to be important.

Thus, the question of possible cause continues to provoke speculation.

The effects of two continuing medical education programs on communication skills of practicing primary care physicians.

The term remission reflects remission of positive symptoms, not remission of the underlying disorder which continues to have a major negative impact despite optimal treatment.

By contrast, professional help-seeking continues to become more prevalent with increasing distress.

All participants in both groups continued to receive their usual treatments.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Tôi tin chắc rằng... sẽ tiếp tục là một nhân viên gương mẫu, và vì thế tôi rất vui khi được tiến cử cậu ấy / cô ấy cho vị trí này.

From at least 1995 onwards, all engine choices were available with all trim levels.

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