capitol là gì - Nghĩa của từ capitol

capitol có nghĩa là

1. Seattle neighborhood populated mostly by an abundance of floppy beanie-wearing, ironically mustachioed, self-important individuals. Most attend art school or are "photographers". Area seems to breed misguided political views. The area is flooded with overpriced, overcrowded boutique bars designed to resemble a dusty basement. Swill beer [i.e. Pabst, Natural Ice, Busch, Ranier, Olympia] is consumed in large quantities. 2. Hipster capitol of the Northwest 3. The Brooklyn of the West Coast.


"Bro, what's goin down tonight?" "Thinking about hittin up Capitol Hill to drink all the PBRs. Coming?" "Yeah, but I can't stay too late. I have to go take pictures in the morning for class."

capitol có nghĩa là

COD Warzone irl


Practice time’s over now, we’re headed to Capitol Hill”

capitol có nghĩa là

Capitolism is an ironic reference to an economy in which market forces are subsumed to political interests in Washington. The term is derived from Karl Marx's term for a private enterprise-based economy, Capitalism, and the name of the building in which the U.S. Congress meets, the Capitol.

Similar to crony capitalism, capitolism isn't capitalism and it isn't quite socialism, but combines some of the worst aspects of both systems. A business that makes decisions based on what will earn it subsidies from Washington, rather than supply and demand, is capitolist.


To avoid bankruptcy, General Motors must make business decisions based not on the market, but on the tens of billions of dollars in subsidies it seeks from Washington. Once a prominent example of capitalism it is now one of capitolism.

capitol có nghĩa là

on January 6 2021, Trump told his moron supporters to riot the capitol in an attempt to overturn the election
they broke windows and flew confederate flags [reminder:this is the "Party Of Lincoln"] there were officers trying to stop the morons but there were also officers that were morons
sadly 1 good officer was killed but there also were 4 maga moron deaths, one was shot , another tazed his balls for some reason, another was trampled and the last had a stroke but more chaos came when dumbasses started sitting in the seats of members and the morons started stealing stuff
one even stole the podium but thankfully congress members managed to take the votes when they were leaving so where were the Trumps?
they were furiously masturbating to the riots
after Biden gave a speech telling Trump to step up, Trump gave the most forced speech in history telling his morons to go home after the riots, congress confirmed that Biden won, McConnell got replaced, Devos resigned, and Perdue lost
people started turning on Trump, hundreds of people from The Trump Administration resigned
Tucker Carlson stopped ass kissing and Pence announced Biden's Win thankfully rioters got arrested
morons said that protests where peaceful and it's antifa disguised
but before fake news could spread Trump was terminated from Social Media
Trump stopped the election fraud shit before he got banned and finally conceded
he also said he wouldn't attend Biden's Inauguration but nobody gives a shit


Person: did you see the Capitol Riots
Person: atleast Trump conceded

capitol có nghĩa là

The building in which the United States Congress meets, as well as where the President is inaugurated. This building represents democracy and civility. Also on January 6th, 2021, a violent mob of Trump supporters broke into the capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes that would confirm Joe Biden as President.


Chester: Did you hear about what happened at the capitol building yesterday?
Herbert: Yeah! Didn't angry Trumpies break in and vandalize the building?
Chester: yes

capitol có nghĩa là

when something is absolutely awesome and outrageously fantastic.


"Wow...that video is capitol!"

capitol có nghĩa là

CAPITOLISM: Neither Capitalism or Socialism. A hybrid. An economic theory growing out of indifference, economic stupidity, fostered by self interest and lack of knowledge or basic economics, history or social needs of either of the two different approaches. An economic system without direction, coherence or reason. The practice brings to regulations, laws and budgets confusion and the consequence being economic disaster.


Those people in the Capitol advocate a distinct Capitolism.

capitol có nghĩa là

Means really good, the best , untouchable/elite


The mans ball skills are capitol,those j's are capitol , wow the weathers capitol today

capitol có nghĩa là

Of Bay Area Origin
It refers to a Toilet
It gets this meaning from a Russian Word for Take a Shit which sounds similar to the title "Governor"
This eventually progressed to Taking a Governor
Eventually the saying "visiting the capitol came into common parlance
It may also refer to the state of the Economy across the world as of the year 2009 ad


Scotty-"shit bro I ate tooo much..."
Marvin-"Same here nigga, Imma Go visit The Capitol real quick"

Boss-"where the fuck is Dave?"
Assistant-"He said he was visitin The Capitol, he had some stimulus 2 unload"

capitol có nghĩa là

Somewhere that is the start of the purge


Yo the capitol is starting look at the white people

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