Bài tập tiếng anh 8 học kì 2 năm 2024

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Bài tập tiếng anh 8 học kì 2 năm 2024

Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 8 học kì 2 năm 2022 - 2023 là tài liệu không thể thiếu dành cho các bạn lớp 8 chuẩn bị thi cuối học kì 2.

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 giới hạn nội dung ôn thi, kèm theo các dạng bài tập trọng tâm. Thông qua đề cương ôn tập cuối kì 2 Tiếng Anh 8 giúp các bạn làm quen với các dạng bài tập, nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài và rút kinh nghiệm cho bài thi học kì 2 lớp 8 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây đề cương ôn thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 8 mời các bạn cùng tải tại đây. Ngoài ra các bạn xem thêm đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Ngữ văn 8.

Lý thuyết thi cuối kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8





Simple Past


· Tobe: S + was/were ...

+ S + Ved/V2 …

- S + didn’t + Vinf …

? Did + S + Vinf … ?

- yesterday (morning, afternoon, evening)

- last week / month / year / …

- …ago Ex: three days ago

- in + năm trong quá khứ EX: in 1990

Past continuous



+ S + was/were + Ving....

- S + was/were + not + Ving

? Was/were + S + Ving …?

- this time yesterday, at 7.00 a.m last week …

- when + QKĐ, QKTD

- QKTD + when + QKĐ

- while + QKTD, QKĐ

- QKĐ + while + QKTD

Present Perfect



+ S + has/have + Ved/V3 ...

- S + has/have + not + Ved/V3

? Has/Have + S + Ved/V3 ...?

- since + 1 mốc thời gian

- for + 1 khoảng thời gian

- How long …?

- yet, already, recently

Simple Future


+ S + will + Vinf

- S + will + not + Vinf

? Will + S + Vinf ?

- tomorrow (morning, afternoon, evening)

- next week / month / year, ...

- tonight, …

EX: What did you (do) do yesterday? – I (go) went to the Tet market.

She (stay) will stay with her family next weekend.

2. LỜI YÊU CẦU, ĐỀ NGHỊ:(Đề nghị, yêu cầu ai đó làm gì)

Will you + Vinf ………, please?

  • Đồng ý: Sure / Ok / All right.
  • Từ chối: I’m sorry, I can’t / I’m afraid not.

EX: Will you turn on the light for me, please? - Sure.

Will you lend me some money, please? - I’m afraid not.

3. IN ORDER TO /SO AS TO + Vinf: để …

Công thức: S + V + O + in order to / so as to + Vinf + …

EX: She arrived early in order to get a good seat.

I’m studying very hard so as to pass the final exam.

  • Cách nối 2 câu dùng in order to /so as to:

Câu thứ nhất viết lại và giữ nguyên, sử dụng 1 trong 2 cụm in order to hoặc so as to, ở câu thứ 2 chúng ta chỉ lấy phần đứng sau can, cound, want to / wants to / wanted to (nếu có).

EX: The boy runs very fast. He wants to catch the bus.

→ The boy runs very fast in order to catch the bus.

Miss. Lien finished her work very quickly. She could get home early.

→ Miss. Lien finished her work very quickly so as to get home early.


Đề thi minh họa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 8

Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. wanted B. washed C. danced D. played

2. A. goes B. watches C. misses D. brushes

3. A. come B. mother C. open D. some

4. A. mentionB. question C. action D. education

5.A. who B. when C. where D. what

Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.

1.A. person B. father C. teacher D. enjoy

2. A. prefer B. enjoy C. mother D. agree

3. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific

4. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. historical

5.A. athletic B. dramatic C. scientific D. heroic

6.A. medical B. hospital C. politic D. electric

7.A. chemical B. physical C. environmental D. medical

Conditional Sentence Type I : Câu điều kiện loại 1

Question III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

(Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).

1. She may be late if she (not hurry) ________________.

2.If you study harder, you (pass) ________________ the exam.

3. You (not pass) _______________ your driving test unless you drive more carefully.

4. He’ll be ill if he (not stop) ________________ worrying so much.

5. We’ll go to the beach tomorrow if it ( be) ________________ nice.

Question IV.Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 1.

(Kết hợp mỗi cặp câu sau để tạo thành câu điều kiện loại 1)

1.Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental issues at school.

If ………………………………………………………………………

2.Light pollution happens. Animals change their behaviour patterns.

If ……………………………………………………………..

3.The levels of radioactive polluion decrease.We switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources.

If …………………………………………………………..

4.The water temperature increases.Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduces.


5.People get more diseases.The water is contaminated.

If ………………………………………………………………

Conditional Sentence Type II : Câu điều kiện loại 2

Question V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

(Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).

1. If I were you, I (look) ________________ for a new place to live.

2. If Lan wasn’t ill, she ( join) ________________ out tree planting activity.

3.If there were fewer cars on the road, there (be) ________________ less pollution.

4.If people really cared about the environment, they ( not dump ) ________________ waste into the lake.

5.If there was no fresh water in the world, what (happen) ________________.

Question VI.Write a conditional sentence type 2 for each situation, as in the example.

1.People throw rubbish in the street.The street doesn’t look attractive.

If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive.

2.There are so many billboards in our city. People can not enjoy the view.

If ……………………………………………………………………………….

3.There is so much light in the cityat night.We can not see the stars clearly.

If …………………………………………………………………………

4.We turn on the heater all the time. We have to pay three million dong for electricity a month.

If ………………………………………………………………………

5.The karaoke bar makes so much noise almost every night. The residents complain to its owner.

If …………………………………………………………………………

6.She has a headache after work every day.She works in a noisy office.

If ………………………………………………………….


Question I Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Environmental pollution is a term that (1)______ to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with (2)______ gases and smoke, (3)_____ the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the (4)_____ with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (5)_____ various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by (6)_____ junk and litter on the land and in the water.

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the (7)_____ of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (8)_____ death. Polluted water kills fish and other (9)_____ life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s (10)_____ beautiful world.

1. A. means B. refers C. provides D. reduces

2. A. thick B. natural C. exhaust D. influent

3. A. purifies B. pumps C. sprays D. poisons

4. A. soil B. forests C. streets D. beaches

5. A. on B. in C. by D. with

6. A. spoiling B. leaving C. scattering D. gathering

7. A. survival B. environment C. development D. growth

8. A. so B. ever C. too D. even

9. A. animal B. marine C. human D. plant

10. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured

II. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow

Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s four lakes per person living there.

Many cities in Alaska cannot be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get in and out is by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the world, Lake Hood Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and land on the water of this airport every day. It is a really fun scene to watch.

Alaska is called the land of Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen.

All Alaskans take special pride in their beautiful and unique state.

1. Alaska ___________.

  1. is another name for the USA
  2. is an island in the Pacific Ocean
  3. has coastlines facing both the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean

2. Which statement below is NOT CORRECT?

  1. In Alaska, the number of lakes is bigger than that of people.
  2. There is one lake for each person living there.
  3. Alaska has an incredibly high number of lakes.

3.Which method below can always be used to reach a place in Alaska?

  1. by air
  2. by road
  3. by river

4. In Alaska we can always see the sun ___________.

  1. in winter
  2. in summer
  3. every month of the year

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the first sentence.

2. "He's not at home", she said.

She said that

1. "Is it going to be a fine day today?" I asked her.

I asked her .

3. "Is the bus station far away?" the girl asked.

The girl wanted to know .

4. She said: "We have cleaned the windows.”

She told me that .

5. Charles said: "I didn't have time to do my homework.”

Charles said that .

6. Jean: "The boss must sign the letter."

Jean said that

7. Keep quiet or you will wake him up

If you ………………………………..

8. We don’t have a lot of money, so we don’t buy a lot of new books.

Ò If we

9. Vietnam sent some aid to earthquake Japanese victims in 2014.

Some ………………………..

10. People prepared enough food and wafer for a disaster.


Bài tập ôn thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh

  1. NGỮ ÂM

Exercise 1. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. industriousB. natureC. injureD. climate2. A. typhoonB. tropicalC. debrisD. document3. A. animalB. destroyC. eruptD. exploit4. A. documentaryB. preparationC. scientificD. photography5. A. eruptionB. scienceC. destroyD. volcano

Exercise 2. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. rescueB. supplyC. eruptD. damage2. A. mudslideB. earthquakeC. typhoonD. debris3. A. hurricaneB. tornadoC. volcanoD. eruption4. A. disasterB. injuryC. tsunamiD. provision5. A. tropicalB. naturalC. terribleD. destructive

Exercise 3. Circle the words with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. preparesB. eruptsC. stopsD. photographs2. A. typhoonB. gooseC. foodD. flood3. A. lookedB. suggestedC. mindedD. decided4. A. boughtB. droughtC. broughtD. ought5. A. acheB. charityC. archaeologyD. chaos6. A. bearB. beardC. wearD. prepare7. A. geologyB. psychologyC. classifyD. photography8. A. physicalB. mythologyC. rhythmicD. psychology


Exercise 1. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. This beach is very _________ for swimmers because tornadoes often start there. (danger)

2. Her family live near an active volcano, so she's always worried about the _________ of her family. (safe)

3. Don't leave the light on. It wastes _________ . (electric)

4. Mount. Phu Si _________ in Japan some years ago. (eruption)

5. We need some _________ to cope with natural disasters before they happen. (prepare)

6. Protecting our _________ resources especially rainforests is very important to prevent some natural disasters such as landslides, floods, so on. (nature)

7. A flood causes the _________ of food and water because it destroys crops and pollutes the fresh water. (short)

8. In tropical region, it is very _________ in summer. (storm)

9. Deforestation can cause soil _________ . (erode)

10. Crops are _________ severely by a drought. (destruction)

11. A lot of _________ about people and assets were left after a hurricane. (damage)

12. Food and drink are usually _________ after a natural disaster occurs. (scarcity)

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea earthquake, landslide, or volcanic _____________________. (erupt)

2. During a volcano, you should follow the ____________________________ order issued by authorities. (evacuate)

3. Thunderstorms can be _____________________, while tornadoes, and lightning can be life threatening. (destroy)

4. _____________________ of the deadly Nepal earthquake have told the horror of the moment when it struck, leaving more than 3,000 dead. (survive)

5. The tents will be used for medical camps and temporary _____________________ after the earthquake in Nepal. (accommodate)

6. A website in Pakistan is helping coordinate the _____________________ of aid in the flood disaster. (provide)

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in the to the brackets.

1. Our coffee is a very _________ products in the international market due to the high quality and the reasonable price. (competition)

2. We both admired his _________ in helping other people. (generous)

3. The dress was _________ , so I did not have a look on it. (attract)

4. He _________ with most of the people in last night's face-to-face meeting. He was so talkative. (communication)

5. They were very surprised when they knew his _________ . (nation)

6. He is so _________ to his community because he never misses an opportunity to help people. (activity)

7. In addition to hand gestures, facial _________ also belongs to non-verbal communication. (express)

8. Despite the _________ of chatting online, we will still be using face-to-face meetings to communicate with each other in the year 2050. (popular)

Exercise 4. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

1. Some types of computer games can be _____________________. (educate)

2. Smartphones can vary from day to day due to new _____________________ by different companies in the world. (invent)

3. The _____________________ of a nuclear power plant costs a lot of money. (construct)

4. Space _____________________ brings about many benefits to science. (explore)

5. Life is become easy and _____________________ through science and technology. (comfort)

6. Nuclear waste is _____________________ for both humans and the environment. (harm)

Exercise 5. Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

1. Due to the _____________________ in the science and technology, impossible things have become possible. (develop)

2. Robots increase worker _____________________ by preventing accidents since humans are not performing _____________________ jobs. (safe – risk)

3. As a _____________________ (science), Professor Tran Dai Nghia set an example as a true _________ (research) who devoted himself to the ____________(science) career.

4. Robots save workers from performing _____________________ tasks. (danger)

5. One disadvantage of robots is its high cost of the _____________________. (produce)

6. Robots are being used in both _______________ manufacturing and the _____________ field. (industry – medicine)

7. There is no _____________________ reason why Japan will not be able to make progress in robotics. (technology)

8. The key to YouTube’s success is the _____________________ for anyone from anywhere in the world to broadcast themselves for free. (able)