Anh văn lớp 8 unit 2 language focus

Work with a partner. Say what the people are going to do. Follow the example sentence. [Em hãy làm việc với bạn bên cạnh, nói xem những người này sẽ làm gì theo ví dụ sau]

  1. Quang and Nam bought new fishing rods yesterday.
  1. Trang's mother gave her a new novel this morning and she has no homework today.
  1. Van has a lot of homework in Math and she is going to have Math at school tomorrow.
  1. Mr. Hoang likes action movies very much and there's an interesting action movie on TV tonight.
  1. Hien's friend invited her to his birthday party.

Guide to answer

  1. They're going fishing.
  1. She's going to read it [the new novel].
  1. She's going to do her homework.
  1. He's going to see/ watch it [the action film on TV] tonight.
  1. She's going to give him a nice birthday present.

2.2. Language Focus Unit 2 Exercise 2

  1. Copy the questionnaire in your exercise book. Add three more activities to the list. Then complete the "you" column with checks [√] and crosses [X]. [Chép bản câu hỏi sau vào vở bài tập của em. Hãy thêm vào danh sách 3 hoạt động nữa rồi đánh dấu [√] hoặc dấu [X] vào cột hỏi về em.]
  1. Now ask your partner what he or she is going to do. Complete the "your partner" column of the questionnaire. [Bây giờ hãy hỏi bạn em xem cậu ấy hoặc cô ấy sẽ làm gì rồi đánh dấu [√] hoặc [X] vào cột trả lời câu hỏi về bạn em.]

Guide to answer

What are you going to do on the weekend? Are you going to...? YOU YOUR PARTNER see a movie? √ X play sports? X √ meet your friends? √ X help your parents? √ √ do your homework? X X watch TV? √ √ read book? √ X go swimming? X √ go on a picnic? X X

2.3. Language Focus Unit 2 Exercise 3

Complete the speech bubbles. Use each adverb in the box once. [Dùng trạng từ cho trong khung để hoàn thành các hình thoại sau. Mỗi trạng từ chỉ dùng một lần.]

Nội dung Text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8: Unit 2 Making arrangements Lesson 6 : Language focus

  1. Unit 2 Making arrangements Lesson 6 : Language focus A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about intentions with be going to and know how to use Adverbs of place . B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , posters , chalks .... C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Telephone transmitting Play game II / New lesson : 1.Talk about intentions with going to : Introduce the form and use of going to - Form : S + be going to + infinitive Listen and copy - Use : express an intention down Ex 1 : - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 . They have to work with a partner and say what
  2. the people are going to do Work in pairs - Example : T : Nga has a movie ticket . What is she going to do ? S : She is going to see a movie . Read the example - Call on some pairs to read their sentences aloud . - Correct and give feedback : a. They are going fishing b. She is going to read the new model c. She is going to do her homework . Read their complete d. He is going to watch an action movie on sentences TV tonight . e. She is going to give him a birthday present . Ex 2 : Complete the list [ Questionnaire ] a] Ask Ss to work in pairs
  3. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front Work in pairs of class . Stick in column - Listen and give feedback . “You “ and Your b] Get Ss to work in pairs partner - Have some pairs demonstrate in front of - Demonstrate in class . front of class . - Give feedback . 2. Adverbs of place * Jumbled words - Let Ss work individually , one student one word 1. tdeousi = outside Work individually , 2. siiden = inside one student one 3. hetre = there word 4. erhe = here 5. stupairs = upstairs 6. wonstaird = downstairs
  4. - Ask Ss to go to the board and write the Go to the board to meanings words . write the meanings - Call on some Ss to read all the adverbs and read them aloud aloud . . Ex 3 : Complete the speech bubbles . Use each adverb in the box once . - Set the scene : “ Ba is playing hide and Listen to the scene . seek with his cousin , Mr Tuan “ - Let Ss work in pairs , then compare with Work in pairs another pair [ at their table ] - Call on some Ss to read out the speech Read out the speech bubbles bubbles - Give feedback a. Where is Tuan ? I think he is upstairs b. No , he is not here . c. He is not downstairs and he is not upstairs .
  5. d. Perhaps , he is outside . e. No , he is not there . Read the complete f. I am not outside . I am inside , Ba. sentences aloud . - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences Copy down . III / Homework : 1.Copy the complete exercises in their notebooks . 2. Write six sentences about your house , using adverbs of place . 3. Prepare the next lesson . * Feedback :

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