A fever nghĩa là gì

Feed a cold, starve a fever -> Lời khuyên cổ cho rằng người bị cảm nên ăn, người bị sốt nên nhịn ăn.

Ví dụ

My Mom used to say, Feed a cold, starve a fever. That was common advice eight or so decades ago. Mom didnt make that up. In 1574, John Withals wrote in a dictionary, Fasting is a great remedy (phương thuốc) for fever. That adage most probably originated during the Middle Ages.

If youve ever been struck down by a nasty (ghê gớm) cold (and who hasnt?) feed a cold, starve a fever may sound familiar. An ancient proverb, well-meaning aunties have been dishing out homespun health wisdom such as this since time immemorial.

Feed a cold, starve a fever is an age-old adage, though its origin (nguồn gốc) and its practicality is unclear. The saying may have stemmed (có nguồn gốc) from antiquated thoughts on body temperature: If someone had a cold, the belief went, his or her body became literally colder, according to .

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