1-20 là gì - Nghĩa của từ 1-20

1-20 có nghĩa là

The most romantic day of the year. May 20 turns into 520 and 1:14pm in 24 hour clock becomes 1314, hence, 520 13:14. 520 1314 is the abriviation of "I Love You, till the day I die, till the end of the world".

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Kenneth left work early on May 20 1:14 pm to spend the day with his spouse, Emily.

1-20 có nghĩa là

George W Bush's last day in office. Also a day where either Barack Obama or John McCain will start to clean up the mess known as the United States of America.

Ví dụ

Kenneth left work early on May 20 1:14 pm to spend the day with his spouse, Emily.

1-20 có nghĩa là

George W Bush's last day in office. Also a day where either Barack Obama or John McCain will start to clean up the mess known as the United States of America.

Ví dụ

Kenneth left work early on May 20 1:14 pm to spend the day with his spouse, Emily.

1-20 có nghĩa là

George W Bush's last day in office. Also a day where either Barack Obama or John McCain will start to clean up the mess known as the United States of America. I can't wait until 1/20/09 Hopefully, the day it all changed.

Ví dụ

Kenneth left work early on May 20 1:14 pm to spend the day with his spouse, Emily. George W Bush's last day in office. Also a day where either Barack Obama or John McCain will start to clean up the mess known as the United States of America. I can't wait until 1/20/09

1-20 có nghĩa là

Hopefully, the day it all changed.

Ví dụ

The nation was going in a downward spiral before 1/20/09. -To have your beaver, muff, pubes, bear removed, waxed or shaved. In reference to George Bush's last day in office.

1-20 có nghĩa là

-1-20, the day we got rid of the fucking Bush.

Ví dụ

-Hello, can I have a 1-20 please? A happy trail is fine, actually.

-Eww he totally needs a 1-20, look at all that shit coming out on the sides of his underwear... ewww Ngày phán xét. The day Barack Obama is inaugurated into the office of Presidency. He, being the anti-christ terrorist that he is will cause the world to end most likely through nuclear holocaust. James: So 1/20/09 is coming up. Are you planning anything special for your last two months to live?

Lindsay: [sobbing hysterically] What is the world coming to? A black president? Tại sao?

1-20 có nghĩa là

An awkward age where one is not legally suppose to drink, but one can buy cigs and super lotto tickets. This age is further iritating since it limits one's abilities to legally gamble. However, fake ID's that are well made can sometimes give entertainment relief.

Ví dụ

Guy 1: Hey man let's take a road trip and party it up in Vegas.

Guy 2: I'm only 20 1/2 years old. Gotta a fake ID?

Guy 1: Got it covered bro.

1-20 có nghĩa là

When the time is 1:20 you know it’s about to get lit

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Guy 2: cool.

1-20 có nghĩa là

The generation that elected Obama, and then entered a state of nihilistic exhaustion when the changes they expected did not come to fruition. The term was originally created by Gerardo Del Castillo Ramirez, the director of the film, "1/20," which deals with the subject from a perspective of teen angst. www.onetwentymovie.com The 1/20 generation has run away from its teachers. Just because you are 1/20 does not mean that you should give up hope. 1/20 youth still has the power When the time is 1:20 you know it’s about to get lit 1:20 hahaha 0-if you think the person is so UGLY that you just can't give them a 1. 1-Monster, can't bare to look at them. 2-Hideous, 18 more points to go but will never reach it. 3-Ugly, Monstrous, someone you would never ever go out with. 4-UGLY 5-Nothing good about their face but not completly hideous. 6-You just find them unattractive. 7-Ugly but suprisingly face doesn't hurt your eyes. 8-You wouldn't look twice. 9-Almost average just need to fix. 10-Completly average, not a SEXY BEAST but not a MONSTER. 11-Slightly unattractive but not a lot. Someone you wouldn't call ugly but not call HOT. 12-Cute but doesn't make you sexually driven. 13-Cute 14-Just cute, leave it like that. 15-Gorgeous but not someone that drives you sexually, just gorgeous referring to the face. 5 more points to go to make you horny. 16-Pretty, decent to look at, doesn't hurt your eyes, do-able.

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17-Pretty hot 18-Good looking, some complaints, but not a lot.

1-20 có nghĩa là

Half as hot as a 41

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