Why read dystopian fiction

HELLO APRIL! Andhello to you too guys! How are you? How was your month? March was pretty cold here, it actually snowed on the first day of spring, can you believe it?! Well, I guess the sun can come out now and never ever leave, who is with me?

I enjoyed a pretty awesome weekend with my sister. If you follow her on Twitter or Instagram, you know all about it. For those who dont, we went to Paris where we enjoyed fine pastries, pretty architectures [even if we couldnt see everything with that stupid fog] and met some incredible authors at Livre Paris book fair. If you havent read it yet, check out Maries article right HERE, shes telling you all about it.

Meanwhile, Im back today with a brand new post. Apart from contemporaries, I really enjoy reading dystopian fictions and I wanted to share with you why I love this genre so much and why you should give it a try [if you havent yet]. If youre a hard-core dystopian fan, lets see if we like this genre for the same reasons, plus there are some pretty awesome recommandations at the end of this article, you dont want to miss it!


A dystopia, or simply anti-utopia, is a repressive society. Dystopian worlds described in books [or movies for that matter] are often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments or environmental disasters. It is often used to draw attention to real-world issues regarding ethics, politics, technology,

5 REASONS WHY I LIKE DYSTOPIAN FICTION SO MUCH [and think everyone should read it!]

1 Strong and driven characters

In that kind of hostile environment, we often get to see great potential reavealed and I like to read about characters evolution. I enjoy to see them grow and gain confidence. They give us hope that we have a say in the world we live in and I think we really need that today.

2 Action-packed!

I have never EVER been bored reading dystopian fiction. There is always something happening. Even during the parts where the author is describing a place, I feel like the world created is living inside my head.

3 Dystopian books make us think

Its often inspired by our very own world issues. Of course, its exaggerated but what if that really happen to us one day?! Is our society on the downfall? Reading about it make us want to avoid such terrible things of happening. It makes me realize that maybe I can make a difference.

4 A vivid and well-described setting

What I really enjoy about that genre is the impressive world-building. Its like we get a peak at the future and were totally immersed in that new imaginative world. It feels like Im right there, next to my favorite character.

5 A writing full of suspense

Im always on the edge of my seat. The writing makes me want to know what happens next and I dont know but reading that genre Im often feeling kind of obsessed like I cant stop until I know my characters are going to be okay.


  • The Hunger Games :a classic!
  • The 5th Wave :give the chills
  • Awaken :SO underrated
  • Uglies :my all-time favorite
  • Legend :a thrilling read

Do YOU read dystopian novels? What do you like about this genre? If you could only give one recommandation, what book would it be?

Youve never read that genre? Did I convince you to give it a try? Whats THE genre you absolutely couldnt give up?

Lets chat in comments ?

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