Computer problem listening

Complete the paragraph

Phone Recording: Hello and thank you for calling computer technical support.

Caller: Uh, yes, I have a problem . . .

Phone Recording: Your call is important to us, and we will answer your call in the order that it was received. You are number 47 in the queue. Your approximate[1]time is 47 minutes.

Technical support: Jason, speaking. How can I help you?

Caller: Oh, I'm saved. I thought I was going to have to wait all day.

Technical support: Okay, what's the[2]?

Caller: Yeah, well, I bought one of your laptop computers about three weeks ago, but it just isn't running right.

Technical support: Okay, well, sorry to say, but your computer is no longer under[3]. [What?!] It ran out yesterday.

Caller: What? A three-week warranty? [Yeah, great isn't it.]. Ah!!!

Technical support: Okay, okay, what seems to be the problem?

Caller: Well, first of all, the thing always[4][Yeah.] and has crashed at least a zillion times . . . [Always.]

Technical support: Uh, sir . . .

Caller: . . . and I think the computer's[5]with spyware and the big banana trojan virus . . . [That's normal.] That's my biggest . . . that's normal? . . . That's my biggest concern.

Technical support: Oh, oh, uh, sir . . .

Caller: . . . and plus there was a ton of preinstalled, third-party programs that just clutter the computer, and I'm at wit's end trying to get this thing to work.

Technical support: Sir. I have to put you on hold.

Caller: What?

Technical support: It's going to take us a minute or so to diagnose the problem. [Huh?!] I'm going to[6]you to our ONE technician.

Caller: One . . . one!? But . . .

Phone Recording: Thank you for waiting. Your call is important to us. You are number 84 in the queue. You approximate waiting time is 2 hours, 17 minutes or whenever we get around to answering your call.

[End of call and continuation of computer advertisement . . .]

Caller and Narrator: Does this experience sound[7]? Then, do what I did. If your computer is holding your hostage and you can't get the service you deserve, then call Turbo Command, creators of the[8]and most reliable computers and operating system on the planet.

Listen, while the[9]is spending all of their time trying to imitate our computer's performance and features, our company is innovating the computer industry. So, why buy a computer that hiccups every time you turn it on when you can be the owner of the[10]and friendliest machine ever.

Call us today or visit our Website for more information, and let us introduce you to the ultimate computer experience.

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