Which form of training prepares employees to perform their jobs effectively learn about the organization and establish work relationships?

  1. Career development
  2. What Are the Different Types of Workplace Training?

By Indeed Editorial Team

Updated May 6, 2022 | Published October 7, 2019

Updated May 6, 2022

Published October 7, 2019

Throughout your time at a company, you will likely encounter occasions when you need to learn or adapt to succeed in your role. Workplace training enables you to gain the skills you need to perform your duties while contributing to your organization. Depending on an employer’s needs and goals, training can come in a variety of forms, ranging from orientation to safety training.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of employee training. 

What is workplace training?

Workplace training is the process of developing knowledge, skills and efficiency in your job. Employers conduct different types of training depending on their requirements, the urgency of their needs and the availability of resources. 

As a new employee, you will likely participate in orientation programs to familiarize yourself with the work environment and company culture. If you’re a senior employee, you may be required to take up new responsibilities or stay up to date with the latest changes in the industry. 

Why is workplace training important?

When employees and organizations expand their knowledge and skills through workplace training, they can perform more effectively in their jobs. Proper training can improve a variety of factors including sales, teamwork and workplace safety.

Undergoing training could also make you more likely to get a promotion. By improving yourself through training, you might also experience a sense of accomplishment, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and motivation.

Workplace training is an effective way for organizations to boost productivity and maintain quality standards. Well-trained employees can be more skilled in their jobs and less likely to make mistakes, resulting in greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Employers can also use workplace training to target individual employees, teams or departments and fill voids that result from the departure of team members or the creation of new roles. Organizations can also provide different types of staff training to minimize shortages in various fields. 

What are the different types of training and development for employees?

Some businesses may have several training programs, depending on their size and activities. The following is a list of the most common types of learning and development programs:

1. Orientation

Almost every company has an orientation program, which can be formal or informal. This is usually a one-time process for new employees and is usually conducted in your first week on the job. Typically conducted by the human resources department, an orientation program seeks to educate you on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Corporate culture

  • Company mission, vision, and values

  • Organizational structure

  • Leadership team

  • Corporate policies

  • Administrative procedures, such as computer logins and email setups

  • New-hire paperwork

  • Benefit plans

Related: Guide to Company Culture

2. Onboarding

Orientation is usually part of a larger process called onboarding, a series of department-related training sessions that occur over an extended time. This process is specifically designed to quickly enable you to perform your role well. It typically starts immediately after you are hired and continues until you can work independently. 

The leaders of a department prepare the onboarding program to focus on achieving the department’s goals and connecting them with the company’s objectives. Onboarding usually addresses these items:

  • Your needs as a new employee

  • Access to information and skills

  • Technical aspects of the job

  • Improvement of work performance

  • Employee engagement

  • Departmental goals

Read more: How to Succeed in Your New Job: The First Week, Month and 90 Days

3. Technical skills development

Technical skills training is a basic component of employee education because it is a primary way for you to develop the skills you need in your role. Employees who are already competent in their jobs can undergo further training to gain new skills and stay current with the latest technologies and processes.

Some examples of technical skills that you can learn through this form of training include:

  • Content writing

  • Social media management

  • Data analysis

  • Coding

  • Programming

Read more: How to Develop Your Skill Set to Advance Your Career

4. Soft skills development

Your employer will want you to behave professionally and function well as part of a team. Soft skills refer to personality traits that enable you to communicate and work cooperatively with co-workers and customers. These skills are useful for both new and old employees, and they play a vital role in building a respectful, collaborative and efficient culture within a company.

Examples of topics covered in soft skills training programs include:

  • Communication 

  • Problem-solving 

  • Teamwork 

  • Presentation 

  • Leadership 

  • Time management

  • Conflict resolution 

  • Work ethics

Read more: Character Traits: Definition and Examples

5. Products and services training

Products and services training may be a part of your onboarding program or a way for you to get reacquainted with your company’s offerings. Your employer may also use this training when they introduce new campaigns. This type of training provides information on different aspects of a product or service, such as:

  • Options available

  • Instructions for use

  • Benefits

  • Features

  • Care and maintenance

  • Price

  • Warranty

6. Quality training

Quality training commonly occurs in production-focused companies. This method trains you to ensure that all products meet certain quality standards, which may be imposed by the company, industry or third parties. In some cases, employees who complete a quality training program will receive certification.

Quality training covers topics such as: 

  • Compliance with quality standards

  • Quality control processes

  • Product observation techniques

  • Prevention and elimination of poor-quality products

  • Evaluation and improvement of a production system

7. Safety training

Safety training protects you from work-related injuries, and it is especially important for companies that use toxic chemicals or other hazardous materials. This type of training also includes fire drills, evacuation plans and workplace violence procedures.

Examples of topics discussed in a safety training program include:

  • Protective gear

  • Safety best practices

  • First aid

  • Foodservice safety

  • Construction safety

  • Asbestos

8. Team training

The purpose of team training is to enable the members of a team to build stronger relationships with one another and work together cohesively. It empowers you to improve your decision-making, problem-solving and team-development processes to achieve better results for your organization. 

Team training typically occurs following the restructuring of a company, merger or acquisition. In these situations, many employees will be working together for the first time, making team training an essential process.

Some of the topics that employers discuss in team training include: 

  • Improving communication

  • Creating a positive work environment

  • Improving team collaboration

  • Increasing team productivity

  • Establishing good relationships with teammates

  • Identifying and leveraging the strengths of team members

  • Keeping teammates motivated

Regardless of the type of workplace training you undergo, it is important to view the program as an opportunity for growth within the company. Do your best to take diligent notes, ask questions and contribute as needed. With an open mind and eagerness to learn, you may develop new key skills during your workplace training program.

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4 Categories of Training Methods – Explained!.
On-the-job oriented training methods:.
Simulation Methods:.
Knowledge-Based Method:.
Experiential Methods:.

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- A simulation is a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job.

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readiness for training. a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training.

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