Which 3 things should you consider when evaluating a website?

Consider these concepts as you navigate information for your classes. This criteria can also be applied to print sources and media. 

How reliable is the information? 

Remember, almost anyone can publish on the web.  As opposed to scholarly or academic sources in print or online, many web sites are not verified.  There are no web standards to ensure accuracy. If there are no references or other sources cited it will be more difficult to establish accuracy.

What are the author’s qualifications for writing on this subject? 

Is the author's expertise well established or transparent?
How reputable is the publisher or sponsoring organization? 

It is often difficult to determine the authorship and qualifications. [Try Googling or checking Wikipedia for the name, organization]

s there bias? 
Are the goals or aims of the individual or group clearly stated or transparent? 

Remember that many people consider the web as a place to state their opinions. Bias will often exist, but it helps to be clear about it before you use the information.

Is the content up-to-date? 

Often dates are omitted or may mean the date that the information was originally written, the date it was placed on the web, or the date it was last revised.

What topics are covered and to what depth? 

Coverage may differ from print resources.

Is there a corporate entity [i.e. company, government, organization, university] that supports this site? 
Is there a link to the homepage of the organization? 
Is there contact information such as an email link and a snail mail address? 
How might this affiliation affect objectivity?

Can you idtentify what audience the material is intended for? Is it for students in elementary school?  Middle school?  High school?  Is it for adults? Other experts or professionals?
How difficult is the material?
Is the language or data used complex and specific, or simplified?

It’s here today but will it be here tomorrow? 
Can you cite it with some assurance that it will be found again?

Were there limitations or gatekeepers as to who has access to the research or information or who is able to publish the work?

Think about if there is anyone else who might contribute a different perspective to the information. Seek out those voices might be missing, left-out, or not prioritized in the work. 


Has the information been removed or extracted from an original source?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if the information is accurate or reliable if it has been taken out of it's original context.


Domain name types and checking out the URL or the DOI for the page or site can provide some help. Some of the basics are: 

  • com – commercial business [the most common TLD]
  • org – organizations [typically, nonprofit]
  • gov – government agencies.
  • edu – educational institutions.
  • net – network organizations.
  • mil – military.

How do I Evaluate Websites?

Evaluating Websites

When using the Internet, you must remember that it lacks any kind of quality control and it is not regulated in any way.

The burden of determining the value of information found on the Internet is on the user.

You should consider these criteria for evaluating Web resources [Accuracy, Authority, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage, and Relevancy].


Is the website well-researched and information properly cited?
Are facts and statistics documented?
Can the information be verified in other sources?
Is the page well-written and organized?


Can you identify the author of the website?  An author can be an individual, company, educational institution, government agency, non-profit organization, etc.
What are the qualifications or credentials of the author?  Is the author affiliated with a reputable institution?


Are there biases in the Web page?  Is this the site of a company selling products or an individual/organization with a specific agenda?
Are the goals or aims of the author clearly stated?


Is there a date when the website was last updated?
Are the links from the site up-to-date?


How does the information compare with other sources available on the topic?
What is the reading level of the material?
Are there references or links to more information?


The website may be cool, but is the content appropriate for your research needs?

What are 3 things every website should have?

5 Things Every Website Should Include.
Clear description of who you are..
Contact page..
Small chunks of information..
Easy mobile navigation..
Customer testimonials..

Which should you consider when evaluating a website?

6 Criteria for Websites. These six criteria deal with the content of Web sites rather than the graphics or site design. ... .
AUTHORITY. Authority reveals that the person, institution or agency responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do so. ... .
PURPOSE. ... .

Which are the 5 ways you can evaluate a website?

Evaluating Websites The burden of determining the value of information found on the Internet is on the user. You should consider these criteria for evaluating Web resources [Accuracy, Authority, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage, and Relevancy].

What are the three criteria for evaluating sources?

Relevance : the uniqueness of the content and its importance for your needs..
Authority : the source of the information..
Accuracy: the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the information..
Purpose : the presence of bias or prejudice..

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