What are the important guidelines to follow in writing routine replies?

Communication is central to getting things done at work. There’s no doubt that routine email messages are the mainstay of information-sharing in the workplace, although business communication is also handled through text messages and in-person meetings. Campaign Monitor reports that most employees receive an average of 121 emails each day. Some emails follow routine spoken messages as a way to solidify what was shared. Others may serve as a virtual pat on the back or a message that insists on improved work performance.

Sharing Routine Information

The most common message sent in the workplace focuses on sharing basic information. Sharing passive information or an action request falls under this category. You may also send an instructional email that provides details about a new assignment or a policy change in the organization. The format that you use for routine informational emails can affect how your employees digest the content of the message. Consider this example of a routine message example for sharing information:


​Good Morning. Find attached to this email our new policy on employee overtime. Please review it in detail, so that you’re aware of the changes to our current policies and procedures.​


​We developed this policy to provide clarification about the approval process for overtime and the limit on additional compensation for each employee. This policy is active immediately.​


​If you have any questions about this new policy, please talk to your supervisor or contact human resources. It is our goal to have transparent communication about all of our policies and procedures.​

Sharing Bad News

Bad news comes in many forms, but most organizational leaders manage this type of message at some point. If you have to deliver a negative message to an employee or an entire workforce, consider your audience and the most effective way to share the information. If you’re providing performance feedback or terminating an employee, meet in a private office.

The Society for Human Resource Management emphasizes the importance of being direct with your message. You may feel inclined to skirt the issue, but open and transparent communication is the best course of action for a negative message. Resist the urge to pad a negative message with something positive. You may cloud the issue if you use filler to soften your approach.

Persuasive Messages Are Compelling

Even if you aren’t in sales, the art of persuasion is critical in business communication. You may convey a persuasive message in an email, letter or meeting. Routine communication examples that are persuasive include budget proposals, sales pitches, marketing plans, client acquisition and new project initiatives. Important topics that you should cover in a persuasive message include:

  • Be creative with your opening statement.
  • Build interest in the body of your argument.
  • Provide convincing facts about your proposal.
  • Include testimonials or reviews.
  • Review the benefits.
  • Provide an action-oriented closing message.

Feel-Good Messages Make a Difference

Sending a positive message to an employee or colleague is satisfying. Messages of this nature should be clear and to the point. A brief, often spontaneous message of encouragement builds morale and encourages hard work and loyalty. If you’re sending a routine email that recognizes a job well done, it should include the following:

  • A specific description of the purpose of the message
  • A rationale for why the work was important
  • A closing statement that encourages continued excellence

It’s important to focus on the recipient of this message. You also want to point out the behavior that you are commending with an empowering tone. Finally, keep the message short and authentic in tone.

  • Apply the three-step process to routine and positive messages.
    • Step 1: Planning a routine or positive message.
      • Analyze the situation, gather information, selectt he right medium for the messages
    • Step 2: Writing a routine or positive message
      • Open by stating the request or main idea.
      • Give necessary details in the body.
      • Close with a cordial request for specific action.
    • Step 3: Completing a routine or positive message
      • Revise, produce, proofread, and distribute it.
  • Outline an effective strategy for writing routine requests.
    • Stating your requests up front
      • pay attention to tone, assume you audience will comply, be specific
    • Explaining and justifying you request
      • ask the most important questions first
      • ask only relevant questions
      • deal with onlyone topic per question.
  • Explain how to ask for specific action in a courteous manner.
    • Requesting specific action in a courteous close
      • Close request messages with
        • A request for some specific action
        • information about how you can be reached
        • An expression of appreciation
  • Describe a strategy for writing routine replies and positive messages.
    • An opening, a body, and a close
      • Place your main idea in the body, use the body to explain all relevant details, and close cordially
      • Use the direct approach for positive messages
      • Prepare your audience for the detail that follows by beginning your positive message with the main idea or good news.
      • Look for ways to present negative information in a positive context.
      • Make sure audience members understand what to do next and how that action will benefit them.
  • Discuss the importance of knowing who is responsible when granting claims and requests for adjustment.
    • Acknowledge receipt of the customer's claim or complaint
    • Take [or assign] personal responsibility for setting matters straight
    • Sympathize with the customer's inconvenience or frustration
    • Explain precisely how you have resolved or plan to resolve the situation
    • Take steps to repair the relationship
    • Follow up to verify that your response was correct
    • If you grant a claim when the customer is at fault, look for diplomatic ways to discourage the errant behavior in the future
  • Describe the importance of goodwill messages, and explain how to make them effective.
    • Goodwill is the positive feeling that encourages people to maintain a business relationship.
    • Make sure comments are sincere and honest.
    • Taking note of significant events in someone's personal life helps cement a business relationship.
    • Offering Condolences
      • Keep reminiscences brief
      • Write in your own words
      • Be tactful

What is the three step strategy for sending routine replies and positive messages?

Apply the three-step process to routine and positive messages..
Step 1: Planning a routine or positive message..
Step 2: Writing a routine or positive message..
Step 3: Completing a routine or positive message..

What is the best direct writing technique to start a routine response?

When writing a routine request, open by stating your specific request. Use the body to justify your request and explain its importance. Close routine requests by asking for specific action [including a deadline, if appropriate] and expressing goodwill.

What are the six categories of routine replies and positive messages?

Most routine and positive messages fall into six categories: answers to routine requests, grants of claims and requests for adjustment, recommendations, routine informational messages, good-news announcements, and goodwill messages.

What are three guidelines for asking a series of questions in a routine request?

What are three guidelines for asking a series of questions in a routine request?.
Ask the most important questions first..
Ask only relevant questions..
Deal with only one topic per question..

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