Vichy thermal spa water đánh giá

There comes a time in life where—for some of us, at least—it’s time to switch up our appearance. We dye our locks a bold shade, chop off our hip-length hair to a short bob, experiment with makeup trends, or sport a brand spanking new wardrobe. On the inside, we’re still the same Julie, Jen, and Jane. But on the outside, we’re totally different, perhaps even unrecognizable. Every so often, our skin care products go through a similar experience with a packaging upgrade. Case in point? Vichy’s Mineralizing Thermal Water, which just got a little mineral makeover of its own! We share what we think of the new packaging—and a review of the Vichy thermal water inside—below!

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but let’s face it, we all do—even with our beauty buys. Fancy-looking skin care products are not always equivalent to the best formulations out there, yet we still expect a certain shelfie-approved look and aesthetic to the packaging. Why? We’ll leave that to the psychologists. What we do know is that for cult-classic Vichy Mineralizing Thermal Water, the transformation is certainly for the better. On the inside, you’ll find the same great formula. But on the outside, it’s new-and-improved in the best way.

Let’s discuss this new look for a moment, shall we? An image of a volcanic mountain range is plastered onto the bottle, symbolizing the long, slow journey of this mineral-rich formula through magmatic volcanic rock, where it gathers its 15 rare minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, silicone and copper. Nothing against the old packaging, but we’re loving the clean, sleek, and perfectly ombre'd blue look of the new one. It’s just damn good.

Vichy’s Mineralizing Thermal Water Review

While we're clearly in love with the new packaging, does the tried-and-true formula inside measure up? Vichy sent the team a complimentary sample of its newly-packaged Mineralizing Thermal Water to review so naturally we took it for a test run and—spoiler alert—it did not disappoint! As for the formula itself, it’s second to none. Suitable for all skin types, the water can help fortify, refresh, and protect skin against environmental aggressors and signs of skin aging. Expect your skin barrier function to be reinforced with continued use, and your overall skin appearance noticeably improved. We carry it with us everywhere—from the grocery store to the office—to give our skin a hydrating, antioxidant-packed pick-me-up at all hours of the day. The best part is that you can spritz to your heart’s content! It’s even beneficial to use as a final step in a makeup routine to give a matte look a bit of a dewier edge without over-doing it.

Suffice to say, packaging is important. It shouldn’t be the be-all, end-all for your product picks, but when a brand puts a little extra time and effort into their designs, we’re going to give them props. Now tell us, who ever said change is never a good thing?

Are you loving the new look of Vichy’s Mineralizing Thermal Water as much as we are? Share your photos of the new packaging with us on social media and be sure to tag @skincare!

Xịt Khoáng Mineralizing Thermal Water Vichy 50Ml

Xịt Khoáng Dưỡng Da VICHY Eau Thermale Spa Water là xịt khoáng đến từ thương hiệu mỹ phẩm Vichy, với 15 khoáng chất quý hiếm bao gồm sắt, Potassium, canxi , manganese, silicon,.. được công nhận bởi tác dụng giúp hỗ trợ làm dịu, củng cố và làm đẹp da hiệu quả, hỗ trợ làm chậm quá trình oxy hóa, ngăn ngừa da lão hóa và hỗ trợ kích hoạt quá trình Giúp Tái Tạo Da

Sản phẩm phù hợp cho mọi loại da

Giải pháp tình trạng da: Da mệt mỏi, thiếu sức sống, cảm giác da khô, thiếu nước

Thành phần tinh khiết & tự nhiên

Không điều chế lại sau khi khai thác

Không mùi hương

Không chất bảo quản

Không chất phụ gia


Giúp làm dịu da, hỗ trợ kháng viêm và hạn chế kích ứng

Bảo vệ da trước tác hại ô nhiễm môi trường, ổn định lại tình trạng cân bằng của da

Củng cố tăng cường khả năng phòng vệ của da, hỗ trợ tái tạo da

Tăng cường sức đề kháng, thúc đẩy sự trao đổi giữa các tế bào, tăng khả năng tái sinh cho làn da


- Xịt khắp mặt

- Vỗ nhẹ

- Thấm khô

- Có thể sử dụng nhiều lần trong ngày

Thành phần:

Được làm giàu tự nhiên với 15 khoáng chất quý hiếm bao gồm sắt, potassium, canxi, manganese, silicon,...

Bảo quản:

Nơi khô ráo, thoáng mát. Tránh ánh nắng trực tiếp


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