Vba get value from listbox column

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Access 2003

Table columns:

Col 1 = Primary Key Record Identifier
col 2 =The NAME of of the Unique record

10001 Product Name 1
10002 Product Name 2

I have a list box that is populated from a table.
I want to select multiple values from the list box, then record ALL the columns info selected in the list box in a log.

The first time through the For Each I can get the value for Column 1.
But the second (and subsequent) times through the loop, I can't access the CURRENT ITEMs second column.

Example in the CODE box below.

Here is what the results look like
10001 Product Name 1
10002 Product Name 1 (notice the first column is okay, the second still references Product ONE)

For each Row in the ListBox, I need to be able to get the "BoundColumn" value (10002) and the TEXT in the list "Product Name 2"

Any help would be appreciated!

For Each varItem In ListBox.ItemsSelected  SelectedItemID = ListBox.ItemData(varItem)  Name = ListBox ????? This is where everything breaks down. Next varItem

Best Answer
Vba get value from listbox column
kevinhughes2 May 14, 2019 at 13:10 UTC

Assuming its a 2 column list box and the value you seek is in the second column:
Me.ListBox.Column(1, varItem)

Should do the trick.

6 Replies

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Vba get value from listbox column
Best Answer
kevinhughes2 May 14, 2019 at 13:10 UTC

Assuming its a 2 column list box and the value you seek is in the second column:
Me.ListBox.Column(1, varItem)

Should do the trick.

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Vba get value from listbox column
Vba get value from listbox column
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May 14, 2019 at 13:27 UTC

Here is some code I use for getting the multiple values selected from a list box. I put them into a table and then use that table in a query.

You can reference the other column's in a combo box with the reference Me.ComboBox.Column(2) (just change the number to be whatever column you need). I assume it is similar for a listbox but I have not tried to reference multi column listbox before.

...AfterUpdate 'Check if filter table is empty if not call multi, if empty set row source to ALL Call MultiSelect("tblFilter_CaseLabel", "frmCaseLabels", "lstFilter") Sub ListBox_MultiSelect(tblName, frmName, lstName) 'table to write selection to, name of form Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection rs.Open "tblFilter_CaseLabel", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic ' rs.Open tblName, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control Dim varItm As Variant F = "Forms!frmCaseLabels" c = "frm!" & lstName Set frm = "Forms!frmCaseLabels" Set ctl = c For Each varItm In ctl.ItemsSelected rs.AddNew rs(0) = ctl.ItemData(varItm) rs.MoveNext Next varItm rs.Close Set rs = Nothing Set cn = Nothing End Sub
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Vba get value from listbox column
markberry May 14, 2019 at 13:28 UTC

kevinhuges2 thanks! I worked on that for hours and couldn't figure it out. It wasn't for not Googling! But nobody seemed to reference how to get that second column.
Tons of articles on how to iterate over the selected items, but nothing I could find on how to get that second column (not the bound column).

Thanks Again!

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Vba get value from listbox column
markberry May 14, 2019 at 13:36 UTC
greg28818 said " Me.ComboBox.Column(2) (just change the number to be whatever column you need)."
This was the problem on ALL the other articles I found on the subject, Me.ComboBox.Column(2) only references the Second Column of the list box,
it doesn't address the Selected Item.

As kevinhuges2 pointed out, you need the Index of the Current Selected Item like this:
For Each varItem In ListBox.ItemsSelected varName = ListBox.Column(1, varItem). Next varItem

The magic sauce was in the second parameter to the Column property (1, varItem) That says "get the Column property for the currently referenced Item from the list of selected items in the For Each Loop. It's really odd to me that nobody seemed to mention this in any of the 20 or 30 posts I've read over the past few days about this.
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Vba get value from listbox column
Vba get value from listbox column
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May 14, 2019 at 13:57 UTC

I got ya now. I thought when you wanted multiple values, that you wanted multiple selected values from the list box and any other columns from the selected values. So then you could use a little bit of both. Glad you got your answer.

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Vba get value from listbox column
kevinhughes2 May 14, 2019 at 14:02 UTC

There are times when SO devolves into pedantic nonsense debates ... but heres one.



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