st. augustines là gì - Nghĩa của từ st. augustines

st. augustines có nghĩa là

kick-ass school that pretty much beats every other school in every sport. including eustace in ice-hockey. those bitches got nothin on us, oh yea, st augustine boys also get more girls than anyone.


st. augustine prep is the best school ever.

st. augustines có nghĩa là

The best school in South Jersey. 2007 undefeated state champions in Ice Hockey and Swimming, and also 2007 state champions in Tennis. Also home to the Richland Rowdies, the most dominating, die-hard, feared fans ever to hit New Jersey high school sports.


St. Augustine Prep kicked the shit out of Bishop Useless in hockey and everyother sport this year. Especially hockey. 23-0.

st. augustines có nghĩa là

One of the most amazing cities on earth. St. Augustine is the oldest inhabited city in America, and regardless of what a lot of ignorant fools will tell you, you will have a blast and never want to leave. It is simply stunning, with beautiful beaches and so much more. It is probably the best city in Florida, and the ghost tour is amazing. All in all, it's just a stunning place to go, and there are so many things to do. You'll always want to come back, and you will never forget it.


St. Augustine is one of the most amazing places to exist.

st. augustines có nghĩa là

An overpriced school in Richland NJ. Parents send their kids there to recieve a good "education" and for the "brotherhood". More penis' have been drawn inside this school then in any other institution in America. The alleged "Dick Bandit" drew dicks on cieling tiles, tests, walls, lockers, and even drew an 18 foot mack daddy along-side one of the traielrs. May "dick Bandit" or "Boner Bandit" be forever remembered. The education at St. Augustine is mainly a joke. Freshman and Sophomore years are a little challenging, but the second half of H.S. is a joke. I havent taken any notes since November. Also, the prized "Richland Rowdies" are dying, seniors go to games and maybe two other kids. The Prep is going down the tube thats for sure. The glory days that my brother told me have forever passed. Such things as cookie time and the reverred "Gauntlet". One of the priests keeps a dog who has to be about 18 or 19 years old. You can see her brain when she waddles on by. The teachers at the Prep are excellent, but mainly fradulent. Especially the teacher of Accounting and Finance. He sucks himself offon a daily basis One of the greatest teachers at the Prep would have to be a Louis Renzulli. The Man.


jaunt stain money fresh St. Augustine Prep

st. augustines có nghĩa là

The phenomenon of people condemning vices they have indulged in themselves already, and since given up. Inspired by the _Confessions_ of Augustine (417 CE), in which Augustine describes his career path and then denouces the things he did to get to where he is. WHY IT'S BAD With SAS, the perpetrator has received the BENEFITS of a particular vice. It could consist of sleeping one's way to the top, or lying a lot, or getting divorced, or indulging a vice until it gets tiresome. At that point the perpetrator makes a big display out of quitting the vice and condemning it publicly. It's like climbing a ladder out of a ditch and then pulling the ladder up so others can't get out of the ditch; and to add insult to injury, the perpetrator ridicules the desire to use the ladder. Like other forms of hypocrisy, it's destructive because it enforces stupid social codes. If the social codes were right all along, then the perpetrator should not get off the hook for violating them, but, in effect, he gets praise for having done so (and having "kicked the habit"). If the codes were wrong, then they should be confronted . And finally, it's bad because it creates a meritocracy of bullshit.


A good example of St Augustine's Syndrome is Doctor Laura Schlessinger, the evangelical talk radio host who climbed her way to the top, divorced, and then renounced feminism. Many putative sages are famous for having had, earlier in their lives, immense amounts of sex with numerous partners, only to renounce the ways of the flesh and denounced materialistic society.

st. augustines có nghĩa là

Nation's oldest city. Historic, beautiful, tourist-y... gorgeous beaches, bayfront, historic buildings, "hauntings", ghost tours, horse and carriage, Casa Monica, Flagler College.


St Augustine is also known as St. Auggie doggie!

st. augustines có nghĩa là

1. lamest city on earth, located in Florida, the only fun thing to do is annoy tourists. 2. Semi-Famous tourist trap.


1. man there is nothing to do in St. Augustine
2. check out this shirt from St. Augustine

st. augustines có nghĩa là

filled with old people and tourists. it's probably one of the most boring places you could everr come across in florida. or anywhere else for that matter.
what confuses us is that people travel many miles to come see the historic sights and to us it is so so, very lame.


old man: i love it hear in st. augustine
teenager: *shoots herself*

st. augustines có nghĩa là

Absolutely amazing city in Florida. Oldest city in the United States. Crazy amounts of history. The fact that it's so old/haunted makes it even more appealing. Tons of awesome things to do. The city has an abundant amount of quaint, novel shops. Tons of delicious places to eat. Also, along with Savannah, GA, St.Augustine is one of the most haunted cities in the US. I'm a Floridian, and my family takes weekend trips to this city at least 2 or 3 times a year. It NEVER gets old. Overall totally awesome, and one of my favorite places in Florida.


Just saw St. Augustine on Ghost Hunters the other day.

st. augustines có nghĩa là

A school well known for black student in Blackbrook, St.Helens.


'Hey, i went too St augustines yesterday, i saw this guy called Josh green, he's so black.'