So sánh thin client và fat client

Both the terms, Thin Client and Thick client often appear in the client-server architecture. So basically, what is this Thin Client and what is Thick Client ?

Thin client is a computer that has established a remote connection with a server and therefore most of the resources are stored in the remote server instead of a local hard disk. Here programs, applications, memory and sensitive information can be safely stored in the server-based computing environment and it also performs data processing, calculations, launching software applications on the server ( data processing occurs on the server ). Thus, the server does most of the work, where the computer (thin client ) which connects to the server functions as a virtual desktop ( Virtual Desktop Computing Model ). Thin client act as a simple terminal to the server and require constant communication with the server.

A thin client generally does as little processing as possible, relying on access to the server each time input data needs to be processed or validated.

The contrast of the Thin Client is Thick Client / Fat Client; a client machine which is fully equipped with good amount of memory (RAM), large storage spaces, fast processors and therefore is more powerful and fully featured on its own and can operate and execute software applications independently.

Even though Thick clients are fully functional without the connection to the server, it is only a “client” when connected with the server. Think client does not depend/consume any of the computational resources of the server to run applications, though it is connected to the server through a network connection. Connection with the server is used to render data and files that are not stored in the local hard disk of the client machine.

A fat client still requires at least periodic connection to a network or central server, but is often characterized by the ability to perform many functions without that connection.

The server may provide the thick client with programs and files that are not stored on the local machine’s hard drive

Technology advancements and swift turnover requirements have revolutionized the business environment. Millions of modern businesses heavily rely on technology to facilitate various operations, like using primarily portable devices to access all required data in real-time. This calls for more reliable, cost-effective, user-friendly, and time-efficient server systems. To achieve this, desktops and thin clients provide technical solutions for business computing.

However, choosing between thin client and thick client can be quite intricate for businesses looking for systems that run more efficiently, regardless of server. Furthermore, disparities exist since the two clients are often considered client applications running on workstations or PCs to send and receive data. So, which is the right client for your fast-growing business? Read on to find out.

What are Thin Clients?

Thin clients are computer systems that rely on a central server-based environment to connect through a network and facilitate remote access. They work by allowing clients to connect to remote servers where data and applications are managed and stored. These servers usually perform different tasks, ranging from calculations to computations, and include hardware without necessarily requiring hard drives, memory, or fans.

Generally, thin clients are considered an element of a more extensive computing infrastructure, allowing clients to interact and collaborate on one or more operations within a single server. The server-based environment remains an alternative to bulky PC workstations to host business applications, data, and memory. This enables businesses to use thin client software, in this case, operating systems, to facilitate remote working and embrace a hybrid workforce.

What are Thick Clients?

Also referred to as desktop, fat, or heavy client, thick clients are systems that connect to servers even without a network. Put simply, a thick client does not rely on server applications since it can process, store and manage data, as well as perform different tasks independently. It is an ideal option, especially in scenarios where the central server has slow network speeds, memory concerns or insufficient power to support client devices, or a need for offline operations.

Unlike thin clients, thick clients require hard drives, memory, fans, and other features, connected to the internet or not, to ensure the system's functionality. Moreover, thick client software can work without connecting to a server system, making it crucial in businesses with limited or no access to servers. This is because thick clients incorporate operating systems and software applications that operate offline while meeting the needs of businesses.

How to find which one suits your needs

Thin clients and thick clients have their benefits and drawbacks, letting you weigh these elements based on your business needs and goals before choosing your preferred client. Generally, thin clients are perfect for companies embracing virtual infrastructure to cut operating costs and streamline workflows. Moreover, organizations using thin clients will save physical office space and experience secure servers, since virtual systems are managed centrally.

On the other hand, thick client systems are widely used because of their high customizability features, giving users more control over applications, data, and programs configured in the system. Users can also use thick client systems offline, especially when working away from the office or in areas with slow or no network coverage. This allows businesses to continue working even without a connection to dedicated servers.

Although thin clients and thick clients have multiple benefits, they also include downsides. For instance, a thin client depends on a connection to a server to operate. Server failures or poor network connections would lead to client failures and impact business processes. Contrarily, thick clients require physical systems and constant maintenance, including security and software updates and hardware repair to operate optimally. This can be costly for startups and small businesses.


Regarding which client is right for you, it all depends on your business needs and goals, as thin and thick clients are influential regardless of company size. If you desire remote work, thin clients can be the perfect choice for you. But if you prefer having complete control of your IT infrastructure, thick clients come in handy!