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emo boi có nghĩa là

boys who listen to pretensious 'youve probably never heard of them' bands, dress with more care and style than most girls, read in depth books, while sipping on low fat lattes before they take their vespa home. their hair, a specail point of interest is usually styled to look unkempt, jet black, wooshed over to the side. they are generally tall and thin. they appreciate the arts. they KNOW just how much cooler than the rest of us they are


i know lots and lots of emo boys.. they took over my favorite cafe.

emo boi có nghĩa là

emo boys are guys the choose to not follow the ideas of the maintstream society. emo boys dress in tight pants and shirts. they also wear eyeliner and have shaggy hair that hangs in there face. although some people have the misconception that emo boys only makeout with each other, cry and cut their wrist this is very wrong!!! emo boys are guys who are in touch with their emotions!! because society has thaught us that guys should not cry and always be strong is why alot of people shun the emo lifestyle. emo boys are very special they are the sweetest type of guy you could ever meet! they express there self through art and music and speak very lyrical.


emo boys listen to silverstein, bright eyes, hellogoodbye, the used, my chemical romance, hawthorne heights, and sugarcult.

emo boi có nghĩa là

Dresses better than most girls, uses more makeup than most girls, cries more than most girls, basically, a girl but on a much bigger scale.


emo boy: i'm sad
dude: get a fucking life and a job while ur at it, u toolbag
emo boy: *starts to cry*

emo boi có nghĩa là

Emo boys are first off- unbelivably hot.
but really they are just boys who are really in touch with their emotions. steriotypically they do not fit in because they cry, but that is just compleatly sweet and adorable.
emo boys (or girls) should not be judged without first having personally gotten to know at least three emo people, if nobody judged them without getting to know them first, they would probably be the most loved people around.


Me: so 'emo boy' how are you?
Emo Boys: im doing ok doll, how are you?
me: im good, my god your such a sweety i love you!
Emo Boy:i love you too sweet girl

also their clothes are very nice

emo boi có nghĩa là

Are the nicest dudes you will ever meet. Yes, they are tapped into their emotions. And no, they don't cry in corners and slit their wrists. And are not gay. And they actually care about other peoples emotions. These stupid little ideas that people are product of a sick society that wants every one to wear Abercrombie and be perfect. They seriously are, the coolest people you could ever meet and they probally have alot more fun than you stupid conformists do. They make life interesting by not blending in. And thank god that they don't blend in. The world could use more guys that are emotional. And I mean, it'd be great. Because emo guys don't just think about sex. They actually care about how you feel. And you know, I love them for that. Because girls deserve to have men say something sweet about them once in awhile. Instead of, "Wow, she's hot!" The emo boy would say something simular to, "Hello, my darling girls name here how are this lovely evening?"


Sonny Moore and Matt Good are gorgeous emo boys.

emo boi có nghĩa là

Basically some of the world's most amazing and most unique guys you could ever get. The word Perfect would probably explain it all. Emo boys are the most cutest/adorablest things in the entire world, they're so sweet/caring/loving and they are also vain.They are amazing, you basically cannot describe them. If you see what they look like or even get to KNOW them i'm pretty sure you wont be calling them 'gay' or 'faggot' again. You know their emo if they wear really tight black jeans, a band t-shirt, have amazing black hair, wear makeup and listen to genre's such as punk/rock/indie or anything including the word metal in it. And no you worthless human they do not all cut their wrists and go in corner's and cry. Like them or not , it dosent give you a right to make fun about them. And dont mistake them for goths because they are a complete opposite from that. They would most likely call you a Chav which you possibly already are. And if you're a wog , stay away because people like that are way more than what you are or ever will be.
Hah, i think that's enough for now but yeah xD. Thank-you to anyone who ACTUALLY read this it would mean alot.
Emo's are perfection =.
AND IT DOSENT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK, and that includes you, yeah you behind you're screen =O * pokes you with a spork *

&tannie; xo


Emo boys are perfection.

emo boi có nghĩa là

A guy, usually between the ages of 15-30, who listens to emo music and have many of the characteristics commonly affiliated with emo people. They usually have semi-long jet black hair that covers about 1/3 of their face (including one of their eyes), may or may not wear eyeliner, and wear rather tight clothing, including tight jeans and tight shirts/sweaters, usually band merchandise. Many also have studded belts, and tend to like Converse or Vans shoes.

Now, about their personality. They usually have a bit of a feminine personality, expressing feelings quite openly, and not really caring about how "tough" they are, as most average guys do. Many are artistically talented, and like to write poetry and songs, or even draw/paint. It is often stereotyped that emo boys cut themselves, but actually, most don't. Those that do, though, do NOT do it simply for attention. They do it because of actual emotional issues they're dealing with. Otherwise they're simply emo posers.

They more often that not are very nice and respectful towards other people. However, most likely they would not be respected by many guys since upon first glance they'll think they're gay. I see this as ignorance, as in fact, most emo boys are NOT gay. Sure, some might be, but more often than not, they're either bi or just straight. Emo boys get along very well with girls for this reason, as girls not only share many of their views, but are also undeniably attracted to them.

I myself share some of the characteristics associated with emo boys. I like emo music, have a slightly soft personality, and get along well with girls. But, unlike the bad stereotypes given to emo boys, I do not cut, nor am I gay or bi. I want people to understand that emos are not all about being depressed and hating themselves. It's just an aspect of your personality that is often anti-stereotypical to an average guy's behavior.


"That emo boy over there is talking to another girl again. They both seem happy, and I'm sure the girl likes him too. I can see why."

emo boi có nghĩa là

An emo boy is a boy of many emotions ussualy we can be hyper, happy, sad, or just none emotionaly, not all of us like to show off our emotions but at least we have them. some of us tend to wear girls pants, tight or fairly tight t-shirts either black or other random colours. We have ussualy black shaggy hair that covers our face or some of us have a fauxhawk that is swept to the side. some of us wear eyeliner and nail polish and some dont what ever floats ure boat, we tend to wear either chucks or vans shoes, some of us like to wear an asortment of braclets or wrist bands.
although some do most dont slit there wrists for no reason, some have a reason but w.e.
bands alot of us like to listen to include, silverstein, the used, mcr, hawthorne heights, these are some of the more mainstream bands. some underground bands or barly mainstream ones are, greeley estates, hotcross, saetia, fall of troy, blood brothers, circle takes the square.

this is the ussual example of and emo boy, from my perspective. lol i seem like a professor or something give a lecure on this lol


emo boy1: hey man did u hear the blood brothers new album
emo boy2: ya they kik ass. what do u think of the fall of troy.

emo boi có nghĩa là

Emo was originally used to describe "emotional hardcore" music that was somewhat similar to rock and often had confessional lyrics.
The term "emo" was an abbreviation for "emotional hardcore"before being used to describe those who listened to that type of music. Meaning:
Emo boys are skinny guys who usually wear dark colors and skinny jeans. Their hair usually covers at least one of their eyes, and some wear eyeliner. They are usually introverted, creative, sensitive to people's feelings and mysterious. Some are just ass-fags. Not all emo boys are "fags" who cry all the time and cut their wrists. Some are bisexual because they're open-minded, but don't flatter yourself and think all LGBTs are just out there to rape you.
They're just people, so of course, every one of them has their own variations and shit.
Emo skaters are the hottest though.


Friend: I will mentally have sex with all the emo boys I see on the street today. Me: Amen, brotha.

emo boi có nghĩa là

an emo boi is usually nice but very anxious an afraid to talk to other people they may say uwu and owo many times to show affection. all clothes they own are black and nothing but black, the enjoy listening to MCR, pierce the vail, fall out boy, ect. so what do you say please be their friend they are very loyal!!!


that is such an emo boi