Return of the condor heroes review

So this is basically like a Romeo and Juliet story of China as this is apparently a very famous wuxia tale there [I didn’t know this when I first watched it. If only someone had warned me I would have avoided it since I don’t like Romeo and Juliet either due to its tragic nature]. Contrast to Romeo and Juliet though, it ends on a happy note. This drama is an adaptation of one of Jin Young's famous tales [probably his most tragic one with pitch fork tragic events that I cant stand and a major plot point that is dragged on to frustrating levels].

There have been various adaptations in anime, movies and tv series but this drama has the best quality so far production wise, and follows this interestingly addictive pitch fork tragic tale closely. Personally this isnt a story/drama Id recommend to anyone [unless its someone youd like to torture >:] ] because although it an awesome martial arts story and ends on a somewhat happy note, the journey through so many tragic plots was just too depressingly unbearable for me. The show is filled exceptional actors making it even harder not to take things too personally/seriously. Perhaps if your already familiar with the story you might be able to stand it but I still wouldn’t recommend that you watch it.

Consider this a disclaimer/ warning that I only wish someone gave me saying, watch this at your own risk. This drama is comparable to the drama Chuno so if you could watch and enjoy that then you might enjoy this as my sentiments in this mirror almost exacly my sentiments in Chuno.

*Disclaimer: By the end of the first 20 episodes, I realized how the impossible the little details are. Hence, I decided to stop watching the drama itself, even if I am a big fan of Chen Xiao. This review is hence incomplete and negative.*

*article was written as the series was airing*

Synopsis: [via wikipedia] The protagonist, Yang Guo, is the orphaned son of Yang Kang, the antagonist in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The couple Guo Jing and Huang Rong put Yang Guo under their care for a short period of time before sending him to theQuanzhen Sect for better guidance in moral values and orthodox martial arts. In Quanzhen, Yang Guo is often picked on and bullied by his fellow students, and even his master, Zhao Zhijing, is biased against him. Yang Guo flees and ventures unknowingly into the nearby Tomb of the Living Dead, where the Ancient Tomb Sect is housed. He is saved by Xiaolongnü, a mysterious maiden of unknown origin, and becomes her apprentice. They live together in the tomb for many years until Yang Guo grows up. After being attacked by Li Mochou, they leave the tomb and stay on the mountain. Xiaolongnü develops romantic feelings for Yang Guo and after a while, he falls in love with her. However, their romance is forbidden by the prevailing norms of the Confucianist society of their time. Throughout the story, their love meets with several tests, such as the misunderstandings that threaten to tear them apart and the encounter with Gongsun Zhi. Finally, after their reunion and marriage, Xiaolongnü leaves Yang Guo again, owing to her belief she cannot recover from a fatal poison, and promises to meet him again 16 years later. While Yang Guo is wandering the jianghu alone, he meets several formidable martial artists and a giant condor. His adventures gradually mould him into a courageous martial artist, whose prowess matches the Greats of his age. Yang Guo serves his nation by helping the Han Chinese citizens of the Song dynasty defeat the Mongol invaders. At the end of the novel, he is reunited with Xiaolongnü and they are recognised as heroes of their time.


Chen Xiao playing Yang Guo is the reason I am watching the show. I have been a fangirl of him since his hit drama The Female Prime Minister 2013. He had been playing supporting roles in multiple dramas including the Beauties of the Emperor and The Swordsman and have been getting quiet popular for playing such divers characters each time and having the perfect look for ancient dramas. I really love his pairing with C-actress Zhao Liying. In ROCH, he is again showing how awesome he is as an actor, playing a hero who is also a player. Quiet entertaining. Plus, he has the best look for playing Yang Guo. If it was not because of how they changed his character Yang Guo from the original work by Jing Yong, I believe he really has the potential to play the best adaptation of Yang Guo. The only thing I can complain about him right now is how his dubbed voice in this drama is annoying and sounds way too much modern.

Michelle Chen playing Xiao Long Nu is to be frank the worst casting choice made in mainland drama since like forever. Seriously. She is famous for acting a very cute girl next door image from her hit movie The Apple of our Eyes. As for her appearance, she isn’t very chubby, but she is definitely not your classic Ancient beauty. Her cheeks are very dominant when she plays XLN because, although she is not supposed to, she always smile and in this drama, her costume is horrible and just make her look fat. Plus, she said on multiple interviews that she is scared of heights. This is actually obviously shown in her fighting scenes. She is supposed to be like an Angel from heaven, always flying in the air. However, from her acting, it seems unnatural and it is quiet obvious she has no background in dancing. On the bright side, her acting is not too bad and she has a gorgeous dubbed voice. AND, I do feel bad for her because she is getting a lot of hate online.. Oh well, miscasting is miscating. We can’t change it now, right? v_v

Rest of the cast is made of very famous Chinese actors and really gorgeous eye candies: except Michelle Chen, all the other girls are really pretty. The only complain in this case is that the people who are supposed to play the old generation or the elders look like they are 30 old ish characters with a beard. Not very convincing.

Opinions: Since this drama is still airing, I will try to write a review by the end, but as for now, I will only give a few notes on the drama, some reason you should watch it.

-Chen Xiao is a must watch!! -This drama is also called Romance of the Condor Heroes and there is an obvious reason: all characters, primary or secondary get a side romantic stories. Seriously, everyone. I am not complaining too much as I love love stories xD but I do feel like we are starting to get far from the Wuxia genre. -This drama was produced by infamous Chinese producer Yu Zheng. His dramas are always visually very appealing, but miss a lot of consistency and derivate a lot from the original work. This adaptation is no exception as there are a lot of plot holes due to his *basic* understanding on how gorgeous the story is. He changed Xiao Long Nu to an unappealing friendly and teenager romantic ish character and made Yang Guo into a player who makes everyone fall in love with him. I personnally accept that, but I know Cnetizens are way less indulgent about this kind of changes.



With 23 episodes broadcast, it is time for me to let go. This version sucks big time! The actors suck, the visual gets my head hurting and yelling to get away, the stories had been changed way too much. Seriously, I don’t want Yu Zheng to touch any Jing Yong work again. But he will because he just bought the right to adapt Yi Tian Tu Long Ji. Let me cry. Please.

Michelle Chen as Xiao Long Nu: She plays the most unnatural XLN since the beginning of Earth. She does not have the look. She looks chubby, smiles all the time and that haircut! Arghhhh. I know she is already getting a lot of hate for taking the role and I didn’t want to add on that at the beginning, but let’s be real, she accepted the role herself = she sought for it! Her most famous role is in Apple of My eyes where she played a teenager. That role must not demand for a lot of acting talent, because right now, she sucks at acting in ROCH. Her XLN is basically an aegyo-full teenager who always smile when she sees YG. That’s it. There is nothing to find charming in her acting.

Chen Xiao as Yang Guo: Ok. Chen Xiao is my big crush in the C-entertainment. He is really handsome and act well. He is perfect to play YG. Beepp! Wrong. In this adaptation, he has the worst costume ever. I know he lived half of his life in a tomb, but if XLN can have gorgeous white dress, why does YG has to wear beggar clothing…? As for his acting, it is not landing very far. His character has a very annoying modern accent AND he speaks way too fast his line. I can’t shade that. I hate when I can’t even follow the stories because the main lead is just saying out his line as fast as he can instead of putting some acting in between. There are scenes where he is doing well, but in general we are trapped with a Yang Guo super annoying, speaking way too fast and trying to seduce every fcking girl he meets… [kissing them, touching them, calling them wifeys so easily]. Just no. And I hate that because I know how Chen Xiao is a very talented actor as he impressed me in Legend of Lu Zhen, Swordsman and Hidden Intentions. I know he is better than this! I want to blame the producer *keuf* Yu Zheng *keuf*. But again, if he cannot even stand up to his producer to make his character better. I don’t know….

Added storylines: While at the beginning, I thought it was nice to have an explanation for the stories of the past generations, right now, it just feel horrible to have so many love stories in ROCH, which is itself a love story. As more and more love stories are told, we are getting far from the wuxia context. And none of those stories are well written…

Here is a list of love stories involving the old generation: Li Mochou and Lu Zhangyuan Yang Kang and Mu NianCi Lin Chaoying and Wang Chong Yang OuYang Feng and his Du Xuelian [his brother’s wife, the mother of Ouyang Ke] Hong Qigong and Qiu YiNong [WTF???] Huang YaoShi vs Mei ChaoFeng vs Feng Heng Zhou Botong vs Duan Zhixing vs Ying Gu DuGu Qiubai and Hexiang [WTF?????]

Other annoying things: THE COLORS! By trying to make the story all colorful, it now hurts my eyes so bad and I just cannot even focus. Bouhhh.

I wrote a lot, so let’s say this is my farewell to ROCH. I hate that because now, I will be less anticipating Chen Xiao’s dramas for a while. Plus, don’t expect me to watch Yu Zheng dramas for a while. Arghhhh

What is the best version of The Return of the Condor Heroes?

However, the best-known version of The Return of the Condor Heroes is the 1983 TVB version starring Andy Lau and Idy Chan.

Is The Return of the Condor Heroes a sequel?

The Return of the Condor Heroes, also called The Giant Eagle and Its Companion, is a wuxia novel by Jin Yong [Louis Cha]. It is the second part of the Condor Trilogy and was preceded by The Legend of the Condor Heroes and followed by The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

Who are the five greats in the Condor heroes?

In Legend of the Condor Heroes, the Five Greats consist of Ouyang Feng [Western Venom], Hong Qigong [Northern Beggar], Huang Yaoshi [Eastern Heretic], Yideng [Southern Emperor], and Wang Chongyang [Central Divine].

Who is the female lead in Legend of Condor Heroes?

Huang Rong is a fictional female protagonist in the wuxia novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong.

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