Remote Desktop service PID

1 Reply

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Thai Pepper


Best Answer

wRx7M Jan 26, 2015 at 23:39 UTC

I figured out how to do it...

Use tasklist:


tasklist /s servername /svc

Look at all the svchost.exe processes listed and then look at the services associated with them. You can check the service names by looking at the services msc for a particular service or just google the service listed.

In my case the service was UmRdpService and shared a process with Netman [Network Connections], UxSms [Desktop Window Manager Session Manager] and wudfsvc [Windows Driver Foundation].

Once I found the process ID, I used taskkill:


taskkill /s servername /pid 1204 /f

This didn't allow me access to my server yet but it did force the stoppage of the "Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector" service.


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can't stop Remote Desktop Service

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Remote Desktop Services [Terminal Services]

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In this article

Use these steps when a Remote Desktop client can't connect to a remote desktop but doesn't provide messages or other symptoms that would help identify the cause.

How to restart RDP without rebootingwindows

May 16, 2013 10 Comments

WARNING: Test this process before you try it on an production system, to make sure you like the results and have the process down.


RDP has stopped working but your server still work just users can’t connect to modify applications

The most common fix is to reboot windows, because “Remote Desktop Services” aka TermService can’t be restarted at least thats the case on 2003 as the option is grayed out. This will also create an outage just for a remote control issue and thats not always desirable.

The fix: [remotely]

from command line

  1. tasklist /s \\servername /svc /fi “imagename eq svchost.exe” [locate PID for TermService]
  2. taskkill /s \\servername /pid xxxx [may need /f to force, UAC might give problems as well]
  3. sc \\servername start TermService

The Fix: [local, using remote admin card/other remote control software/other remote command line]

From command line

  1. tasklist /svc /fi “imagename eq svchost.exe” [locate PID for TermService]
  2. taskkill /pid xxxx [may need /f to force, UAC might give problems as well]
  3. sc \\servername start TermService

more helpful RDP troubleshooting


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