reincarnation là gì - Nghĩa của từ reincarnation

reincarnation có nghĩa là

The act of the soul taking the form of a new lifeform, after the previous body has died.


"I believe in God, karma, and reincarnation."

reincarnation có nghĩa là

The theory that something of a person survives their physical death and is born again in a new body on this earth, often as part of a continual process.


EXAMPLE 1: Some people think the Son of David believed in reincarnation, while others consider the phrase "born again" to mean accepting a new, dogmatic lifestyle in the hopes (or with the promise) of changing their ways eternally for the better.

EXAMPLE 2: The Cathars were a group of heretical Christians that believed in reincarnation, but the Catholic Church convinced everyone the Cathars were wrong.

EXAMPLE 3: Buddhists believe in reincarnation of humans and animals, and that animals should be respected because they might have been or will become humans.

reincarnation có nghĩa là

The rebirth of the soul in the body of another living being. {ree-in-Lahr-nay-shun}



reincarnation có nghĩa là

Meaning rebirth.


German -I believe in reincarnation. I think i was an american in one of my past lives in the 19th century. I have had several flashbacks. Englishman - So you were american before it was fashionable. Eh?

reincarnation có nghĩa là

Basically the religious embodiment of the meme, "aw shit, here we go again"


Now...I rest......wait why the hell am I a bird now!? Fuck reincarnation!

reincarnation có nghĩa là

Having a second one-night stand with the same person. It could also be the second time you have sex with the same person.


Our friend hooked up again with this chick he met at some party ages ago, legit case of reincarnation!

reincarnation có nghĩa là

Would be very cool if there was a way for it to actually work.


I'd take reincarnation over eternal boredom/torture any day of the week.

reincarnation có nghĩa là

Reincarnation is the process wherein the spirit of a being living in the 3rd Dimension will upon the death of said being return to the Spirit of Origin sometimes called First Life and bring with it any wisdom or knowledge of relationships between living beings that it has learned during its material life. This same spirit then gets dissolved into the Spirit of Origin where it will never again exist as the ego or other ruling consciousness of a being living in the 3rd Dimension. However, the dissolved spirit will be spread throughout the universe which is the body of the Spirit of Origin in that part of life that that can be comprehended by intelligent species wherever in the universe they might arise. This process is also known as Spiritual Evolution.


It is wrong to think that any spirit is reincarnated to the 3rd Dimension intact as it once was, unless there are powerful forces being exerted on it to remain as the same being, such as the forces used by the Dalai Lama of the occupied nation of Tibet to be reborn over and over until he has done everything that he can do to help guide his people, at which time he or perhaps someday she will train a he can to prepare his successor who will take over the role of the new Dalai Lama while the old one is submerged into the Spirit of Origin, and that Spirit will evolve spiritually by learning the wisdom brought to him by the tired spirit of the abdicating Dalai Lama. Of course, through reincarnation, every spirit returning to First Life brings something that it has learned about life, and interacting with other beings, but generally that wisdom is not so great and not so well understood that it may be chosen to return to the 3rd Dimension to teach others what it has learned. This is what I have learned in this present incarnation, but it still does not allow me to see beyond the time that the Spirit of Origin gains enough wisdom to move on to its own Spirit of Origin, for surely it must have one in the Fourth Dimension, whatever that may be.

reincarnation có nghĩa là

Christian James


Thiiiii CJ just threw up and took his nap and now he’s ready to party again Reincarnation

reincarnation có nghĩa là

This definition has already been accepted, but I would like to correct some grammar and punctuation mistakes, as follows: Reincarnation is the process wherein the spirit of a being living in the 3rd Dimension will upon the death of said being return to the Spirit of Origin sometimes called First Life and bring with it any wisdom of life or knowledge of relationships between living beings that it has learned during its material life. This same spirit then gets dissolved back into the Spirit of Origin where it will never again exist as the ego or other ruling consciousness of a being living in the 3rd Dimension. However, the dissolved spirit will be spread throughout the universe which is the body of the Spirit of Origin in that part of life that can be comprehended by intelligent species wherever in the universe life might arise. This process is also known as Spiritual Evolution.


It is wrong to think that any spirit is reincarnated to the 3rd Dimension intact as it once was, unless there are powerful forces being exerted on it to remain as the same being, such as the forces used by the Dalai Lama of the occupied nation of Tibet to be reborn over and over until he has done everything that he can do to help guide his people, at which time he or perhaps someday she will train a spirit so it can prepare as his successor, who will take over the role of the new Dalai Lama while the abdicating Dalai Lama is submerged into the Spirit of Origin, and that Spirit will evolve spiritually by learning the wisdom brought to it by the tired spirit of the Religious Leader of Tibet. Of course, through reincarnation, every spirit returning to First Life brings something that it has learned about life, and interacting with other beings, but generally that wisdom is not so great and not so well understood that it may be chosen to return to the 3rd Dimension to teach others what it has learned.