menopausal là gì - Nghĩa của từ menopausal

menopausal có nghĩa là

The natural and permanent cessation of mestruation. Occurs in women usually between the ages of 45 and 55. Results in the inability to produce children.

Ví dụ

Kid 1: Hey, what's up?
Kid 2: I just learned my mom has menopause... looks like I'm not going to be having anymore brothers or sisters!

menopausal có nghĩa là

Old women can't have no mo' babies.

Ví dụ

Kid 1: Hey, what's up?
Kid 2: I just learned my mom has menopause... looks like I'm not going to be having anymore brothers or sisters!

menopausal có nghĩa là

Old women can't have no mo' babies.

Ví dụ

Kid 1: Hey, what's up?

menopausal có nghĩa là

Kid 2: I just learned my mom has menopause... looks like I'm not going to be having anymore brothers or sisters!

Ví dụ

Kid 1: Hey, what's up?
Kid 2: I just learned my mom has menopause... looks like I'm not going to be having anymore brothers or sisters! Old women can't have no mo' babies. Shelby: I missed ma period!!
Chatarra: You got menopause!

menopausal có nghĩa là

A special time in a woman's life when they can't have babies anymore. They get hormonal, mean, rude, short-tempered, angry, and awkward. Bad time for teenagers to live with their moms.

Ví dụ

She was mean because she was going through menopause.

menopausal có nghĩa là

just one of the many excuses women have to bitch about everything they see

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menopausal có nghĩa là

Woman: "Sorry, I'm just going through menopause!"
Man: "So, is that your excuse to be a complete and total bitch for today?"
Woman: "Pretty much!" when you get old, and fat, and you dont get your monthly visitor no more

Ví dụ

i know im old and fat and where is my monthly visitor??? am i having a menopause???

menopausal có nghĩa là

when a little fish stops in the water

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your grandmas vagina probally turned to dust shortly after menopause

menopausal có nghĩa là

When Yo mama so damn BIPOLAR\

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My mom has menopause

menopausal có nghĩa là

Or is A Bitchy 99% of the time

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Menopause is the leading cause for wine mums.