Manage public list views permission salesforce

HELLO Salesforce Thinkers, In our previous blog we learned about “Inline Editing in Salesforce -Mass Edit Records” in this blog we are going to learn about “List views in Salesforce”.

What are List views?

In Salesforce we can create list views to filter out records based on any field that we have access to. List views are used to quickly segment lists of records, they allow us to action multiple records at the same time.

we can create custom list views to do our jobs more effectively. List views are ways of displaying small size of data that are instantly accessible for different Objects. List views are created by defining what data we want to see in the columns and also what fields they should be filtered by.

How to create a custom list view in Salesforce Classic?

To create a custom list view follow the below steps:-

For example in this case we will create a list view for Contacts.

1] Click on Contacts tab.

2] Click on “Create new View” as shown below.

3] It will redirect us to “Create New View Page”.

Here we have four steps.

  • Enter View Name
  • Specify Filter Criteria
  • Select Fields to Display
  • Restrict Visibility

Enter the name, View Unique name[ auto populate based on View Name], Specify Filter Criteria, for example in this case let’s select Filter By Owner:All Contacts” and we can select Filter By Additional Fields to filter out record as per our requirement.

Let’s take filter as “Department” equals “Technology”.

now we will select “field to display”, that will appear in our list view column. With the help of Add or Remove arrow we can move fields from “Available fields” to “Selected fields”.


you can choose up to 15 fields to display as columns.

Restrict visibility :-

  • Visible only to me.
  • Visible to all users [Includes partner and customer portal users].
  • Visible to certain groups of users.

Click On Save.


To create custom list views the following permissions are needed:

  • Read access on the type of record included in the list.
  • User must have the “Create and Configure List Views” permission.
  • To create, edit, or delete public list views user must have “Manage Public List Viewspermission.

Look the list view that we have created.

Thank you for reading this blog, hope it is helpful.

If you want to hide list views until they're ready to be shared, there's already an option for this - it's called Only I can see this list view

Likewise, if you select share list view with groups of users the info bubble shows how to do it to stay private

if you don't select any groups, this list view is private

Once you share it with any group [even empty] - that list view is public so the permission Manage Public List Views allows users to see it.

Create, edit, and delete public list views.

You can query against Profile & PermissionSet to see where this permission is enabled. It's under PermissionsEditPublicFilters

SELECT Id,Name,PermissionsEditPublicFilters FROM Profile WHERE PermissionsEditPublicFilters = true

SELECT Id,Name,PermissionsEditPublicFilters FROM PermissionSet WHERE PermissionsEditPublicFilters = true

A frequent challenge when using portals is list view visibility. Many companies new to Salesforce do not lock down the “Manage Public List Views” profile permissions. This enables business users to create a list view for themselves, such as “Mary’s Cases,” and then unknowingly make it visible to everyone, both internally and externally. Be sure to limit who gets the “Manage Public List Views” profile permissions. Also be sure to train your team always to set views to internal employees only.

However, rogue users aren’t always the issue when it comes to “dirty” list views in portals. Sometimes, a feature native to Salesforce that’s designed to help administrators can be the cause of these woes.

Did you know that when you create a new queue or assign an existing queue to a new object, Salesforce automatically creates a list view for that queue that is publicly visible to all users—both internal and portal users? If you have a live portal and create a new queue, it is essential to remember to immediately update the visibility on the auto-created queue list view so that your portal users don’t have their experience cluttered by internal views. Imagine you’re a Salesforce Customer Portal user. You go to the Cases tab and see a support view called “Gold Partner Support.” At first you might be confused and ignore the view. However, if you try to actually go to that list view, you’ll get the following error: “Insufficient privileges. You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.” [This assumes you’ve done your security model correctly and set Cases to private.]

Unfortunately, there is no way to restrict list views to queue members only. So how do you get around this? A good solution is to combine queues [to manage ownership] and public groups [to manage visibility]. For example, let’s say you have a customer service team that’s dedicated to supporting your gold partners. Here’s what you might do:

  1. Create a public group called “Gold Partner Support” and add users who are going to be part of that customer service team.
  2. Create a queue called “Gold Partner Support” and assign it to the Cases queue. Rather than adding each individual user again as a queue member, simply add the”Gold Partner Support” public group to the queue. This means you only have to manage the users on the public group, and the system dynamically updates the members of the queue. This process ensures that the two are always in sync.
  3. Go to the list view that Salesforce automatically creates for you and update the visibility so it can be seen only by members of the “Gold Partner Support” public group.

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