Listening cam 9 Test 4

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Questions 14-18
Where can each of the following items be found?

Choose FIVE answers from the options and write the correct letter A-G.

A in box on washing machine
B in cupboard on landing
C in chest of drawers
D next to window in living room
E on shelf of back door
F on top of television
G under kitchen sink

14. Pillows
15. Washing powder
16. Key
17. Light bulbs
18. Map

Questions 19 and 20
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.

The best place to park in town – next to station
Phone number for takeaway pizzas – (19)
Railway museum closed on (20)

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 4 – Section 3

Section 3: Questions 21 and 22
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21. In her home country, Kira had
A completed a course
B done two years of a course
C found her course difficult

22. To succeed with assignments, Kira had to
A read faster
B write faster
C change her way of thinking

Questions 23-25
Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

23. Kira says that lecturers are easier to than those in her home country.
24. Paul suggests that Kira may be more than when she was studying before.
25. Kira says that students want to discuss things that worry them or that them very much.

Questions 26-30
Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

26. How did the students do their practical sessions?
27. In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital?
28. How much full-time work did Kira do during the year?
29. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?
30. In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with?

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 4 – Section 4

Section 4: Questions 31-36
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Wildlife in city gardens

31. What led the group to choose their topic?
A They were concerned about the decline of one species
B They were interested in the effects of city growth
C They wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon

32. The exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed by
A consulting some official documents
B taking large-scale photos
C discussions with town surveyors

33. The group asked garden owners to
A take part in formal interviews
B keep a record of animals they saw
C get in contact when they saw a rare species

34. The group made their observations in gardens
A which had a large number of animal species
B which they considered to be representative
C which had stable populations of rare animals

35. The group did extensive reading on
A wildlife problems in rural areas
B urban animal populations
C current gardening practices

36. The speaker focuses on three animal species because
A a lot of data has been obtained about them
B the group were most interested in them
C they best indicated general trends

Questions 37-40
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY.

Listening cam 9 Test 4

(37)               (38)
(39)               (40)

Checkout Grammarly to improve your grammar.

Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 4 Answers

1. babies 2. Eschol 3. evening 4. Gormley 5. B 6. E 7. heart 8. primary school 9. 4.30 10. ages 11. B 12. C 13. E 14. B 15. E 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. 732281

20. thursday

21. A 22. C 23. approach 24. mature 25. interest 26. groups 27. every 2 days 28. 2 weeks 29. confident 30. education system 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. frogs 38. predators 39. count

40. seeds

Also Check: Cambridge Mindset for IELTS Foundation Student’s Book

Practice: IELTS Practice Cambridge 11 Listening Test 4


Section 1, Questions 1-10

1 babies

2 Eshcol

3 evening

4 Gormley




7 heart

8 primary school

9 4.30

10 ages

Section 2, Questions 11-20

11 B

12 C

13 E

14 B

15 E

16 D

17 A

18 C

19 732281

20 Thursday/Thursdays

Section 3, Questions 21-30

21 A

22 C

23 approach

24 mature

25 interest

26 groups

27 every 2 days

28 2 weeks

29 confident

30 education system

Section 4, Questions 31-40

31 C

32 A

33 B

34 B

35 A

36 C

37 frog/frogs

38 predators

39 count

40 seed/seeds

IELTS Academic Listening

Bộ đề thi: IELTS Cam 9 Full Test 4

Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút | 4 phần thi | 40 câu hỏi | 17 bình luận

3225 người đã luyện tập đề thi này

Chú ý: để được quy đổi sang scaled score (ví dụ trên thang điểm 9.0 cho IELTS), vui lòng chọn chế độ làm FULL TEST.

The Shore Lane Health Centre

Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?

Useful for people with asthma or problems

Avoiding injuries during exercise

 Xác định từ cần điền là noun chỉ đối tượng phù hợp nhất với trung tâm  Khi bạn nghe nhắc đến "The Harvey Clinic" và "Doctor Green" là biết đáp án chuẩn bị vào  Sau đó nghe "We always recommend her for babies because she’s very good with them"

>> Cô ấy rất tốt với trẻ em/trẻ sơ sinh

>> Từ cần điền là "babies"  Nếu bạn bắt keyword và đợi tới từ "good with them" là sẽ bị trễ nhé, chú ý nghe sau khi nói tới Doctor Green liền

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in box on washing machine

next to window in living room

The best place to park in town – next to station

Phone number for takeaway pizzas – .

Railway museum closed on .

 Xác định vị trí là cái nút hình tròn đầu tiên bên trái  Khi bạn nghe miêu tả "The first one – the round one on the far left" là biết đúng vị trí mình cần >> đáp án sắp vào  Sau đó nghe "It’s the main control switch" (Đó là công tắc điều khiển chính)

>> Chọn B 

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In her home country, Kira had

done two years of a course.

found her course difficult.

To succeed with assignments, Kira had to

change her way of thinking.

 Câu hỏi nhằm xác định ở đất nước của Kira, cô ấy đã làm gì và các đáp án đều liên quan đến "course"  Khi bạn nghe hỏi "What course did you enrol in?" (Bạn đã đăng ký khóa học nào?) là biết đáp án chuẩn bị vào  Tiếp đó bạn nghe "I went straight into third year Pharmacy" (Tôi vào thẳng ngành Dược năm thứ ba)

>> 'They credited me with two years, which probably made it more difficult for me." (Họ ghi nhận tôi hai năm, điều này có lẽ khiến tôi khó khăn hơn.)

>> Loại B và C vì đây không phải việc Kira làm ở đất nước cô ấy  Sau đó nghe "as I’d already finished a course in it in my country" (vì tôi đã hoàn thành một khóa học về nó ở đất nước của tôi)

>> Chọn A 

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What led the group to choose their topic?

They were interested in the effects of city growth

They wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon

The exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed by

consulting some official documents.

taking large-scale photos.

discussions with town surveyors.

The group asked garden owners to

take part in formal interviews

keep a record of animals they saw

get in contact when they saw a rare species

The group made their observations in gardens

which had a large number of animal species

which they considered to be representative

which had stable populations of rare animals

The group did extensive reading on

wildlife problems in rural areas

current gardening practices

The speaker focuses on three animal species because

a lot of data has been obtained about them.

the group were most interested in them.

they best indicated general trends.

Reason for population increase in gardens

Suitable stretches of water

Massive increase in urban population

Safe from when in cities

Easy to them accurately

- a variety of to eat - more nesting places available

Large survey starting soon

Good morning. Today I'd like to present the findings of our Year 2 project on wildlife found in gardens throughout our city. I'll start by saying something about the background to the project, then talk a little bit about our research techniques, and then indicate some of our interim findings.

First of all, how did we choose our topic? Well, there are four of us in the group and one day while we were discussing a possible focus, two of the group mentioned that they had seen yet more sparrow-hawks-one of Britain's most interesting birds of prey - in their own city centre gardens and wondered why they were turning up in these gardens in great numbers.

We were all very engaged by the idea of why wild animals would choose to inhabit a city garden. Why is it so popular with wildlife when the countryside itself is becoming less so?

The first thing we did was to establish what proportion of the urban land is taken up by private gardens. We estimated that it was about one fifth, and this was endorsed by looking at large-scale usage maps in the town land survey office - 24% to be precise.

Our own informal discussions with neighbours and friends led us to believe that many garden owners had interesting experiences to relate regarding wild animal sightings so we decided to survey garden owners from different areas of the city. Just over 100 of them completed a survey once every two weeks for twelve months - ticking off species they had seen from a pro forma list - and adding the names of any rarer ones.

Meanwhile, we were doing our own observations in selected gardens throughout the city. We deliberately chose smaller ones because they were by far the most typical in the city. The whole point of the project was to look at the norm not the exception. Alongside this primary research on urban gardens, we were studying a lot of books about the decline of wild animals in the countryside and thinking of possible causes for this.

So what did we find? Well, so much that I just won't have time to tell you about here.If you're interested in reading our more comprehensive findings, we've produced detailed graphic representations on the college web-site and of course any of the group would be happy to talk to you about them. Just email us.

What we've decided to present today is information about just three species - because we felt these gave a good indication of the processes at work in rural and urban settings as a whole.

The first species to generate a lot of interesting information was frogs. And there was a clear pattern here - they proliferate where there is suitable water. Garden ponds are on the increase, rural ponds are disappearing, leading to massive migration to the towns.

Hedgehogs are also finding it easier to live in urban areas - this time because their predators are not finding it quite so attractive to leave their rural environment, so hedgehogs have a better survival rate in cities. We had lots of sightings, so all in all we had no difficulties with our efforts to count their numbers precisely.

Our final species is the finest of bird singers, the song thrush.On the decline in the countryside, they are experiencing a resurgence in urban gardens because these days gardeners are buying lots of different plants which means there's an extensive range of seeds around, which is what they feed on.

Another factor is the provision of nesting places - which is actually better in gardens than the countryside. Hard to believe it, but it's true. Incidentally, we discovered that a massive new survey on song thrushes is about to be launched, so you should keep an eye open for that.

Now, I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have...

 Câu hỏi nhằm xác định lý do nhóm chọn lựa topic của họ  Khi bạn nghe "How did we choose the topic?" là biết đáp án sắp vào

 Sau đó nghe "two of the group mentioned that they had seen yet more sparrow-hawks in their own city centre gardens and wondered why they were turning up in these gardens in great numbers"

>> Thấy more sparrow-hawks ở city centre gardens và thắc mắc vì sao có nhiều ở đó

Tiếp theo nghe được phản ứng của nhóm " We were all very engaged by the idea of why wild animals would choose to inhabit a city garden"

>> Hứng thú vì sao wild animals chọn ở city garden; "Why is it so popular with wildlife when the countryside itself is becoming less so?"

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