layan là gì - Nghĩa của từ layan

layan có nghĩa là

A beautiful girl with a beautiful soul , when she loves someone she would do anything to make the person happy She is a good friend that will stick with you with every problem She is just a good person with big dreams and she will have such an a amazing future sometimes she get’s emotional but she always sheer up every single person If u find layan just make her your friend


Wow I love layan

layan có nghĩa là

Well, damn. Where does one even begin to start with Layan. She's precious, the sweetest soul you'll ever meet. She loves so fucking hard. Don't take advantage of her. You'll never forget her. She's private, quiet too, but once you get to know her she changes everything. She makes you a better person, she makes you feel good. But often, she's struggling. She needs someone to be by her side no matter how dark it gets. Layans don't let people in easily, they often hurt on their own.
I fucked it up and lost a Layan, and once you lose her I doubt she'll ever come back. She's the kind of girl you want for yourself. She's the perfect mix of shy, innocent, cocky, funny, horny and kinky. I fucked up big time. Wife her, don't let her go. If we're thinking about the same Layan, her constant distancing and disappearing is normal, keep chasing her till you get her because believe me, you won't find or want anyone else after her. Man, just love her the way I should've. You're lucky. Fuck you.


Mark: Hey, man... I think she might be the one
Connor: A Layan?
Mark: A Layan

layan có nghĩa là

A Layan is both a very beautiful and smart girl who tends to be good at sports and dance; she is able to get a boyfriend without even trying. Layan's have a kind heart with an extremely caring personality, but once on her bad side, its hard to see her good side once again. Layan is fiesty and is overall a great gf and person.


"Did you see that girl?" "Ya her name must be Layan"

layan có nghĩa là

Layan is a middle eastern name, for a wonderful girl, that’s super funny, and amazing. This girl is a queen and honestly everyone looks up to her


Layan is the coolest girl I ever knew. Man I wish I’m layan

layan có nghĩa là

An amazing girl with an amazing sense of humor.


If you know a Layan, you're a lucky guy.

layan có nghĩa là

the best person to ever exist she is so damn gorgeous and sweet she is the bestest friend you could ever have her name is the cutest ever you should be friends with her 100%


Layan is the best period

layan có nghĩa là

A real heartbreaker. You won't get over her, she has a way of lingering in the back of your mind. You'll have moments when you hate her but you love her. She probably gave you a taste of her love then pushed you away. She's the girl you'll wish you treated better. Layan, Layan, Layan. Keeps it real, works hard, a conversationalist, intimidatingly smart. Beautiful woman with a good heart. Layan's are broken but beautiful, unknowingly takes on the role of the tortured genius. A perfectionist that's never satisfied. Looking back, all Layan's ever wanted was time and loyalty. She'll love you hard and always treat you with respect. She'll put up with your disrespect until she's hurt enough to never come back. I hope Layans heal from everything they don't talk about and I hope they stops letting their insecurities ruin good things for them.


Sam: you look like shit man
Orhan: thanks, I just lost a Layan
Sam: fuck, what you need is a pint rn
Orhan: nah, I just need my layan back

layan có nghĩa là

Layan is a really nice girl she's nice to everyone, she's so funny and she's also a great listener i love talking to layan she makes me super happy.


I love layan

layan có nghĩa là

the one that got away. a woman unlike any other. her love feels like torture. not for the faint hearted. she's smart, she's going to test you and you're going to fall short. undeniably sexy, you can't get your hands off of her. nice lips. very private, she really is a hidden gem. layans aren't typically big on social media. ironic, given that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. no trust in men whatsoever. she's her own crazy mess and its artistic. a Layan is going to push you away and give you hell, she makes loving her difficult and painful but if you're lucky to have a second with her you'll never forget her and always want her. she will break your heart only because you'll find yourself loving her deeper than you had expected. she can be deep, very intelligent, she's stupidly funny and weird. she's a weird chick but I wouldn't change anything about her. a layan is the best you'll ever have. just deal with her shit and you'll be the luckiest mf. she's not easy but you'd be an idiot to mess it up with her. consider her gone if she's gotten over you. she puts herself first no matter who she loves.


b: how can you fuck it up with a girl like that...she was a layan
o: I messed up big time
b: maybe I'll shoot my shot with her, sucks to be you o: sucks to be me knowing ill never find better, im sorry

layan có nghĩa là

a strange woman. her beauty is classic, I've never seen a woman more beautiful. ironically shy and very quiet almost like she's unaware that she's one of the most beautiful women to walk this earth. kinda psychopathic, in that she's highly intelligent and very calculated. her brain works overtime, her actions are unpredictable and often seem impulsive. doesn't really care about most people.if she cares about you, she'll make it very known. if she doesn't, god help you. she's real, says whatever she's feeling with no shame. I like that. swims in deeper waters than most people, works very hard. Layan doesn't really follow anyone or anything. does her own thing. she's different, I like that. not really into social media or socializing in general. not a party chick, the last person you'll find at a club. she's really hard on herself, always pushing for perfection. she doesn't need anyone, she won't make you feel wanted. she's not easy, not at all and that's the pain of it. she's hard to understand but if you work for it and she falls in love with you, man I didn't know love before I met her. she's soft and she's nice and her heart is good, she'll make you feel loved. good in bed, beautiful body and very passionate. she does change you. you kinda calm down after her and she makes you want to settle down.


oguz: whats the face about mert: stfu and dont talk to me
oguz: Layan?
mert: i lost her oguz: you fucking idiot

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