Informed choice là gì

Informed choice là gì

Bắt đầu tự lập và phải quản lý hoàn toàn mọi chi tiêu của mình là một áp lực lớn đối với sinh viên khi phải sống xa nhà. Sức ép tâm lý về vấn đề này đôi khi có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc học tập cũng như tinh thần của bạn.

Cùng đọc bài dưới đây để có thêm những lời khuyên hữu ích từ cô Danielle (ISANA International Education Association) cũng như tăng thêm vốn từ tiếng Anh bạn nhé!

I think what happens is, international student, for a lot of them, its the first time, when they come over here, of being away from their family. And families obviously give them money to look after themselves and theyve never actually had to do that before. So sometimes it can be quite tempting when youve got a lot of money in your pocket, perhaps spend it on things that perhaps you maybe shouldnt be spending it on ... And I think parents as well want to make sure that theyre giving their kids enough money to survive when theyre here. So I think it comes down to managing the budget and managing the money that they have and making informed decisions about how they spend it.
I think the financial information advice is something that starts with the students offshore, in terms of getting them to start to think about how much money theyre going to need to live before they get here ... talk through that with their parents and so forth ... and then its about, probably various institutions do this in different ways, but its then probably following up with workshops and so forth, when they arrive, about how to manage their funds.
What they would learn in the program is about how to manage a budget, how to live within the money that they have, how to think about the choices that they make and make wise decisions about their spending ... for example one might be on mobile phone contracts, just to be careful not to over-commit on contracts and so forth and buying things that they might not actually be able to afford.
If students in universities have problems, and theyre likely to .. there will be financial advisers within their institutions who will be able to give them some help. So they would sit down with them, go through their budget, look at what theyre spending and give them some advice about how they could manage that a little bit better. So there are people who have specialist knowledge in that area, who do assist the students.



So sometimes it can be quite tempting when youve got a lot of money in your pocket, perhaps spend it on things that perhaps you maybe shouldnt be spending it on

Tính từ 'tempting' có nghĩa là dễ bị cám dỗ.

Động từ của nó là to tempt với nghĩa quyến rũ, cám dỗ, xúi dục.


... for example one might be on mobile phones contracts, just to be careful not to over-commit on contracts and so forth and buying things that they might not actually be able to afford.

To over-commit is to commit oneself to something that is more than ones ability to fulfil.

To commit is to consign to a promise or agreement, or to give in trust.

come down to

it comes down to managing the budget and managing the money that they have and making informed decisions about how they spend it.

Come down to something' có nghĩa là đưa đến điểm quan trọng, cốt yếu của vấn đề.

In the end, it all comes down to who wants the job the most.

What it comes down to is, there is a lot of competition and the best candidate wins.

informed decisions

it comes down to managing the budget and managing the money that they have and making informed decisions about how they spend it.

Informed decisions là quyết định được đưa ra khi đã có sự cân nhắc đến tất cả các thông tin và yêu cầu tất yếu.

in terms of

I think the financial information advice is something that starts with the students offshore,in terms of getting them to start to think about how much money theyre going to need to live before they get here

Cụm từ in terms of có nghĩa là dưới dạng, về mặt nào đó.

talk through

talk throughthatwith their parents and so forth

Cụm từ to talk things through có nghĩa là thảo luận chi tiết một vấn đề nào đó.

go through

So they would sit down with them, go through their budget, look at what theyre spending and give them some advice about how they could manage that a little bit better.

Cụm từ to go through có nghĩa là xem xét một cách chi tiết, cụ thể.

Nó cũng có nghĩa là

Trải qua: She has gone through a lot since the fatal accident that killed her husband.

Đi ngang qua : The Yarra river goes through the Melbourne CBD.

Được chấp thuận : The bill went through the parliament last night after a long a debate.

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