Ielts listening student union registration form

Dear students, here are the IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 30 Answers ( Section 1: Stefan and assistant Anna talking about Student Union Registration Form, Section 2: Library assistance talking with a student about the library where she works in, Section 3: Two students Ramil and Kirsten discussing presenting a paper at an architecture conference, Section 4: Lecturer giving a lecture on current and future use of mobile phones)

Dear students, if you need to clear your doubts regarding these Answers, you can ask any query throw our email (), or you can mention your query in the comments section. or send your questions on our IELTSfever Facebook page or Tweet Us on #IELTSFever

6 0295069003 26 CHANGES / REVISIONS


11 E 31 (A) MAP
13 G 33 MUSIC
15 B 35 DATA
16 6/SIX WEEKS 36 B
17 E-MAIL 37 C
18 £ 1.50 38 C

This is the End IELTSFever Listening Practice Test 30 Answers ( Section 1: Stefan and assistant Anna talking about Student Union Registration Form, Section 2: Library assistance talking with a student about the library where she works in, Section 3: Two students Ramil and Kirsten discussing presenting a paper at an architecture conference, Section 4: Lecturer giving a lecture on current and future use of mobile phones)

Also, Read Describe a Piece of News That People Are Interested in

  • 1 postgraduate
  • 2 Engineering
  • 3 computer games
  • 4 German
  • 5 (in) Hall
  • 6 02950659003
  • 7 (in the) mornings
  • 8 (the)Round Theatre
  • 9 (The) Transport Secretary
  • 10 newspapers
  • 11 E
  • 12 A
  • 13 G
  • 14 D
  • 15 B
  • 16 6/ six weeks
  • 17 email
  • 18 1.50
  • 19 yellow form
  • 20 ordering service/ordering
  • 21 (the) website/internet
  • 22 (the) length
  • 23 current
  • 24 format
  • 25 events officer
  • 26 changes/revisions
  • 27 technical
  • 28 brochure
  • 29 30 B,E
  • 31 (a) map
  • 32 (television/TV) news
  • 33 music
  • 34 cancelled
  • 35 data( directly)
  • 36 B
  • 37 C
  • 38 C
  • 39 A
  • 40 B

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Ielts listening student union registration form
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Ielts listening student union registration form

One of the most difficult questions that students face in IELTS reading is matching heading type of questions. Students get worried about solving...

SECTION 1: Questions 1-10

  • 1 Answer: postgraduate

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report


    • the words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

    • the word/number you must write for the answer is marked.

    • words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.

    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “degree programme”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Degree programme can be undergraduate, postgraduate or short course. In this case, Stefan is a postgraduate. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “postgraduate”.

  • 2 Answer: Engineering

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • The keyword concerned in Q2 must be “department”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Anna suggests that Stefan’s actual department is engineering, to which Stefan happily agrees.. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “engineering”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that Marine Construction or Science is the correct answer. However, Science is a faculty, whereas Marine Construction is what Stefan is studying. As the question only concerns Stefan’s actual department, engineering is the correct answer.

  • 3 Answer: computer games

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    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be “leisure activities”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Stefan claims that his big interest is computer games. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “computer games”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that football is the correct answer. However, as Stefan hasn’t played football for ages, football cannot be the correct answer.

  • 4 Answer: German

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    • The keywords concerned in Q4 must be “language” and “apart from English”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Apart from English, Anna can speak Italian and French, whereas Stefan can only speak German. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “German”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that Italian, French, English is the correct answer. As the question directly excludes English from the possible answers, English is not an available choice, even though Stefan can speak English. Italian and French are the languages that Anna can speak, not Stefan. Therefore, those are incorrect answers.

  • 5 Answer: (in) Hall

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    • The keyword concerned in Q5 must be “type of accommodation”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • As Stefan claims that he currently lives in Hall, the answer for this question must be “(in) Hall/hall”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that flat is a correct answer. However, living in a flat is just Stefan’s personal wish. Furthermore, we already know that he won’t be able to live in flat until the end of the first term. Therefore, flat is an incorrect answer.

  • 6 Answer: 02950659003

    Nghe từ đây Giải thích Report

    • The keyword concerned in Q6 must be “contact number”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a series of numbers.

    • It turns out that Stefan hasn’t had his mobile number yet, thus he uses the Union’s phone number instead. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “02950659003”.

  • 7 Answer: (in the) mornings

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • The keywords concerned in Q7 must be “when” and “photocopier”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a particular time.

    • According to Anna, students can use the photocopier in the mornings. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “(in the) mornings”.

    Note: Some student may mistakenly believe that the correct answer is after 1pm. Actually, the Union uses the photocopier after 1pm. In other words, students cannot use the photocopier after 1pm. Therefore, it is an incorrect answer.

  • 8 Answer: (the)Round Theatre

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be “where” and “held events”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • According to Anna, events are usually held in Round Theatre, as the sound system is better. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “Round Theatre”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that the Union building or the Conference Centre is the correct answer. Actually, the fact that events are held in the Union building is just Stefan’s assumption, which is later corrected by Anna. The Conference Centre is simply a place opposite to the Round Theatre. We never actually know its uses. Therefore, those are incorrect answers.

  • 9 Answer: (The) Transport Secretary

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • The keywords concerned in Q9 must be “Union officer” and “responsible for van hire”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • If Stefan wants to hire a van, he has to do that through the transport secretary, who is on the second floor. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “Transport Secretary”.

  • 10 Answer: newspapers

    Nghe từ đây Locate Giải thích Report

    • The keywords concerned in Q10 must be “will”, “Union members” and “able to get a discount on”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • According to Anna, Union members will be able to get a discount on newspapers from the next term. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “newspapers”.

    Note: Some students may mistakenly believe that books, clothes and music must be the correct answer. However, the word “will” in the question indicates that we only take into account those which we will get a discount on in the future, not the current things that we already enjoy. Therefore, it is an incorrect answer.

Change Audio Sources

SECTION 1You will hear a new student, Stefan, talking to an assistant, Anna, at the Student Union about his membership.Anna: Hi. can I help you?Stefan: Urn yeah, I hope so. Erm this is the first time I’ve been down to the union – I’m a new international student – and I just wondered what to do.Anna: Oh right. Well, normally we ask international students to fill out this form and we put your details on the wall by reception . Then other students can contact you – it’s a way for everybody to get to know each other. It can be a bit lonely otherwise .Stefan: Oh I see.Anna: What’s your name? I’m Anna, by the way.Stefan: It’s Stefan Unger.Anna: OK well just write that there – next to name – and then fill in the rest.Stefan: Right. Um what docs it mean degree program ?

Anna: Oh. just if you are an undergraduate or a post graduate or maybe you’re just here for a short course?course Stefan: I’m a postgraduate. Do I need to say what in?

Anna: Not really – it’s too much detail. But you should put your department so people who have the same interests or problems – as you can get in touch .Stefan: So I’m studying Marine Construction so, for Department, do I put down the Science faculty then?

Anna: Just your actual Department, That must be engineering now , no?

Stefan: Oh I see, yes.Anna: Then if you list what you like doing in your free time – not that we ever get any when we’re studying – and maybe you can meet up w ith someone socially or to join a club or something.Stefan: Well. I like lots of things – shall I just list them?Anna: My advice is to just put one or two like football and films or whatever . Otherw ise you’ll get so many invitations you won’t get any time to work!

Stefan: OK – I think I’ll just list computer games as that’s my big interest huh . I haven’t played football for ages. I may start to play once I get settled . Now. let’s see – next thing is languages.

Anna: Yes – we find many of the international students get a bit tired of speaking English all the time – sometimes they like to speak to someone in their own language . It’s up to you.Stefan: That is a good idea. 1 presume I don’t need to put English down?Anna: Oh no – (laughs) – I pul – um – Italian and French.

Stefan: Hm – I can only speak German – my mother .

Anna: OK. well that’s fine. Just pul that.Stefan: What docs accommodation mean? Is that my address?

Anna: We’re trying to find similarities between people and some people live in Hall, some are in flats, some are in bed-sits – so it helps if you say.

Stefan: I’m in Hall, though I’d like to be in a flat. Bui that won’t happened till the end of the first term.Anna: Put where you are nowr. You can alw ays change it later. Then finally just put your phone number .Stefan: I haven’t really got one 1 haven’t sorted out a mobile yet.Anna: Well, it’s going to be difficult for people to contact you then, isn’t it? Why don’t you put the Union one and we’ll lake messages tor you.Stefan: OK.Anna: It’s 02950659003 – Have you got that?Stefan: Yes,Anna: OK, thenStefan: Oh I had a couple more questions about the services you’ve got here. Urn – it says there’s a photocopier here …

Anna: Yes. You need to get a card from the shop – and then it’s available to all students in the mornings.

The Union uses it after 1 .Stefan : OK. I see also the Union organises loads of events. Are they always held here in the Union building? It looks big enough!

Anna: If you’re interested in something, you should check the poster or our website. In fact, we normally use the Round Theatre opposite, the conference Centre for most events because the sound system is better.

Stefan: Right. I’ll do that. Also I wanted to hire a van. Can I do that through you?Anna: Erin – no. You need to present a case really – they’re not just available for hire to anyone.

The President said wc have to limit who is allowed to hire them. The person you need to sec is the transport secretary . She’s on the second floor.

Stefan: OK. thanks. The other thing is, are all the discounts we get with our Union card listed on the back of the card? I thought there might be more.

Anna: No. that’s it I’m afraid – mainly books, clothes and music. Though we are currently negotiating io get one on newspapers, so that should be valid from next term.

Stefan: OK. thanks a lot … (fade) …