Đánh giá phim 2 broke girls

TVCC2 Xuất bản Oct 27, 2015


Phim 2 Nàng Bá Đạo - Phần 1[2 Broke Girls - Season 1]: 2 cô gái trẻ Max Black và Caroline Channing. Một cô tiểu thư và là con nhà giàu, cao, chân dài, tóc vàng, có tài kinh doanh nhưng bất đắc dĩ phải về ở chung với một “má” giang hồ, bự, lùn tẹt, tóc đen nhưng có tài làm bánh :D. Liệu cuộc sống của 2 người sẽ ra sao khi có cả ngoại hình lẫn tính cách trái ngược nhau? Tất cả sẽ được bật mí trong phim 2 Nàng Bá Đạo - Broke Girls…

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I don't understand all the hate from all the review. Okay, it's not mind-blowingly awesome, nor is it groundbreaking in anyway, but I thoroughly enjoy it. It's simple, funny, sarcastic, and relate-able. Being broke and working to achieve their dreams -- that's every millennial's story. The contrast between an optimistic former rich girl and a pessimistic middle-class girl, combined with dark, pun-y, sarcastic humor, and you got yourself a nice evening entertainment after a really long day.

Don't think too much or over-analyze the show. Just grab a beer and a slice of pizza, and enjoy the show.

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Always Makes Me Smile

There seems to be an awful lot of hate for this award nominated and sometimes winning series. It's not for prudes, that is for sure, but if you can let go of your hangups for a while, you might enjoy it quite a bit. The overall star-rating seems to be better than the reviews, so I'm speaking up here, and others who like the series should as well. We are not well represented in the review section.

There are rapid-fire one-liners that you'll miss if you're not paying attention. There is also a tendency to cross boundaries that it seems many are more comfortable on the other side of. Sometimes there are poignant scenes that will draw a tear or two, once you get to know the characters. These girls are fiercely loyal to one another, when it comes down to brass tacks.

Some of the physical comedy is great. Kat Dennings does some that is effective, but I think Beth Behrs really pulls out the stops sometimes!

Sure it's a smart, raunchy comedy, and a funny one too. It's also a tale of two pretty young ladies trying their damnedest to wrench a modest living out of a hard city for all but the elite. They hang onto hope of a better life by their dream of exploiting the character Max's skill at baking delicious cupcakes, and Caroline's Wharton business education and talents into their own business one day.

I didn't think I'd like it at all from the ads and teasers, but then watched an episode on TV, as a rerun, when there was nothing else on. I binge-watched the entire series, over time, and now keep up with the current episodes when they first air.

I really enjoy following their journey toward success, and you just might too, if you can relax and go with the roller coaster flow that is "2 Broke Girls".

Let's face it, it's not like an Oscar-winning movie, but for what it is, it is very worthy entertainment.

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I Keep Waiting for it to Get Better

After I first saw the ads for this show, I thought it would be funny. After I saw the first few episodes, I thought it would get better. After I watched the first season, I thought Season 2 would be an improvement. Zero stars for me. This show actually has gotten worse. The acting is so bad it is often excruciating. It seems that the 2 broke girls are just reading punch lines from a cue card. And apparently the writers believe that the more off-color the joke, the funnier. And would somebody please tell the actors that talking really loud does not make this miserably written show any funnier either. I guess the network agrees with me since the shows has been downgraded to the 8:30 time slot. Next stop...Saturday night.

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Surprisingly awesome

The jokes are low class, trashy, offensive... and funny. I don't want to like it. I don't want to laugh. I just like it and laugh every episode. Some things in life you can't explain. You just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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An easy to watch, enjoyable show

Recently got into 2 Broke Girls as it was on Amazon Prime, and have now watched the entire series.

It's basically about two friends, the sarcastic, streetwise and busty Max and kooky riches-to-rags Caroline, who both have aspirations to run their own cupcake business one day, and take on a variety of jobs throughout the show's run to help realise their dream. Mainly they work as waitresses at a diner in Brooklyn, run by their boss and sometimes-nemesis Han, a likeable enough and short Korean man. Also working at the diner are crude Ukranian cook Oleg, and elderly and forgetful Earl, the diner's cashier. Finally, the other main character is Sophie, a Polish neighbour of the girls who frequently visits the gorls at the diner or their apartment. The humour of the show is very crude and in your face, but it's not pretending to be something it's not.

I find the show easy to watch, the story lines are not complicated and the humour is not too clever for its own good, if you want a show that's easy to get into, you can have on in the background with a few laughs guaranteed, give it a go. To be honest, the only thing I don't really like is the character of Sophie, her accent and voice annoy me and the audience cheers every time she enters the diner are slightly baffling to me. I never liked Jennifer Coolidge's characters in Friends or Seinfeld ether, maybe I'm just not a fan of hers.

Anyway, to summarise, it's a crude, in your face show that's pretty easy to watch with not too-confusing plot lines, and features the wonderful Kat Dennings, watch it for her and her ample bosom alone, you'll not regret it.

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In defense of 2 broke girls.

I started watching this show a while ago, but I never cared enough to visit its page on IMDb until today. Just out of sheer curiosity I googled, I wanted to know more about the actors and writers.

I felt that quite a bunch of people did not get the show's gist and just couldn't help but sigh and roll my eyes at the comments accusing it of being "racist" or "tacky." And I would actually like to ask these people if they know what comedy looks like. and if they've ever seen a stand-up comedian perform and if they even know what that is.

Claiming '2 broke girls' is a bad show because of its tasteless jokes is like saying John Waters is awful because his movies are gross. You just completely missed the point, didn't you?

But it seems the majority of the negativity stems from provincial misogynistic minds who do not think that women can be loud. Even if said women were fictitious characters in, again, a comedy TV show.

It's really not surprising for I have seen this happening ever since I signed up, and it still goes on, strong as ever. The level of sexism among users on this website is astounding. You can see it all over the place really, Indiana Jones -All of his movies-, above 8 stars, Lara Croft, below 6. If the main character is a woman that portrays strength in any way the reviews will be bad. It's sad but it is there.

To the non-narrow minded and modern individual, 2 Broke girls is hilarious, witty, unpredictable, funny, original and, unlike some other comedy shows, it won't bore you.

And to the bitter people whining about it being "shoved down their throat." Nobody is holding you at gunpoint, if you don't like it don't watch it, find something useful to do with your obviously copious spare time. This show is being sold all over Europe and it will won't be cancelled any time soon. Ha, ha.

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Lazy sex jokes

It's full of lazy sex jokes. There's no growth seen in characters. They feel very flat and hard to related to. It becomes very hard to watch towards the end.

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2 Broke to Save

After six seasons, this Whitney Cummings comedy show will thankfully end. The central cast led by Kat Dennings [Max Black] and Beth Behrs [Caroline Channinng] have shone throughout the series although I have never been comfortable with the "Fonz" like reception given Jennifer Coolidge [Sophia Kachinsky] when she makes her first appearance in every episode. The biggest downfall of the show has been the long list of handsome boyfriends that have done nothing but weaken a strong, tight ensemble for no apparent reason. Even the cupcake business has opened and closed without ever finding a home. This is the second successful comedy series for Cummings although as a writer, she has simply run out of ideas.

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Absolutely Awful

Watching 2 Broke Girls or having your brain eaten by zombies... as I sit here forced to watch it, I am wondering which would be worse. There is no dialog as such, just a series of lame punchlines that come every 5 to 10 seconds. All that's missing is a cheesy drumroll, but that would tirn the entire program into a drum solo. The delivery and acting is so bad that your average elementary school nativity play has more talent on offer. The canned laughter punctuates the mindless rhythm of the inane witterings as it drones on and on and on and on and on... It's simply the worst thing I have ever witnessed ever at any time in any country in my life. That anyone could like this in any way is mind boggling.

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A Must Watch Comedy Show!

Max and Caroline couldn't be any more different but that's what makes this sitcom work in the first place. Max is dark, blue collar, and works as a waitress in Brooklyn diner. Caroline is the daughter of a Ponzi king, Mr. Channing, who is now in jail and she's completely broke. She gets a job working at the diner alongside Max and a few colorful characters such as Mr. Han, the owner, and Garrett Morris who should be used more in the first place. Caroline is the rich girl with an Ivy league degree who has lost everything. Max has a soft side and welcomes her reluctantly into her life and home. Their friendship is more like they're sisters than anything else. The actresses who play the parts come across as believable and the writing needs a little work but it's still worth watching. The horse, Chestnut, should be included in their credits. While it's silly at times, I really enjoy and look forward to this show on Monday nights.

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Truly, truly abysmal

Admittedly, there is very little programming on network TV that is worth watching [and I'm being kind], but this idiotic, excremental excuse for entertainment represents a new low in sitcom history. The bozos who attempt to function as the "stars" have zero talent, the writing is 3rd grade level, if that, and the direction is barely worthy of late night local access fare.

Yes, folks, this show really is that bad. How this abomination continues to be renewed is beyond what the rational mind could hope to comprehend. How any sober, educated, functioning individual could sit through this tripe is also a mystery.

If there is one positive aspect associated with this show, it's the fact that the members of the International Hello Larry Fan Club can no longer be lambasted for maintaining an interest in the worst excuse for programming to ever litter the airwaves. 2 Broke, Vapid, Painfully Unfunny Girls can now proudly lay claim to this dubious honor.

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A total waste of time

Warning: Spoilers

I gave 2 Broke Girls two tries, and I didn't laugh once.

I found the attempts at humor to be offensive and boring. None of the characters seemed likable to me, so I couldn't trick myself into caring what happened with any of them.

The character of Max comes off like a bully, and the character Caroline comes off as a doormat. It's hard to care much about a relationship like this one, and it made me root against them, not for them. It's not even a good 'frenemy' dynamic, as Caroline is dependent on Max and Max seems happy to exploit this. If this kind of abusive situation is supposed to be funny, this is news to me. I believe this show is a complete waste of time.

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on the good side of mediocre...

It's not bad... It's not good. It's exactly what it needs to be. Very okay.

Lots of sex jokes, sometimes cheesy, sometimes raunchy but most of the times enjoyable. The actresses that play the lead roles are perfectly cast. Especially Kat Dennings, who, even with material that isn't always up to par, lights up the screen with her wonderful, sensual, charismatic, yet sometimes almost painfully sarcastic and bitter sense of humor.

I don't know. I've watched a lot of episodes of season one, and somehow I just keep watching whenever I need some harmless, simple humor. I think that this show completely proves that good leads really can carry a show and capture an audience. It's just a sweet concept, literally, with the cupcakes and all, and it's a warm show, made with some love and fun. I'm not impressed by it but I like it. At the moment it's the only comedy show I watch. Much better than a lot of other crap out there. Maybe not as good a some shows, like modern family and community or 30 rock. It's not brilliant in any way, it's not new and original in any way, but you really feel for the characters, maybe not right away but after a few episodes you start appreciate them.

This sounds like such a "meh..." review, but it's really not. Beth Behrs, who I really haven't seen in anything else, portrays the part of the naive rich girl who just landed in the gutter just fine and endearing. It's a joy to see Jennifer Coolidge working again, she's just wonderful in portraying "over the top" characters, sometimes I almost feel ashamed that a movie and TV fanatic like me likes her, but hey, everybody has their guilty pleasures. At the moment 2 broke girls is mine. When I don't want to think and just want to watch something fun.

Plus, I really dig the fact that this show is not shy about the sex jokes and sometimes gets really rude. Don't we all sometimes?

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It is one of the most low brow shows in the universe and I like it

It's about two missfits. One is a spoiled rotten brat who lost all her money, and Max is a street rat that is rough and tough. The are both best friends that want to earn enough money to start a cupcake store. Most of the jokes are sex jokes and slapstick.

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Garbage sitcom with no redeeming value

This show explains why my generation [millennials] have such a screwed up sense of humor. 2 Broke Girls was terrible. It was depressing and off-color, so much to the point that it shouldn't have came on during the early evening hours, which I believe was 7 and 7:30pm. It's a story about two women in their mid-20s, Maxine "Max" and Caroline [played by Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs]. They're waitresses at a greasy spoon in Brooklyn. Max grew up in a poor, working class, single parent household. For the most part her mom was absent. It wasn't stated outright, but it was obvious she was on drugs. Caroline's family was wealthy, but she lost all of her money when her father was caught and arrested for a Ponzi scheme. They become friends and subsequent roommates. Their goal is to own a cupcake shop. It had the potential to be a humorous, girl power type of show, but the characters and dialogue ruined that. Was this supposed to be relatable somehow?? Because I was the target demographic when this show was on TV, and I didn't even laugh once. I remember being incredibly disgusted to tell the truth. Caroline was nice, but Max was so unbearable. She was cynical, vulgar, narcissistic, rude. Just an all around hateful person. I understand she had a crappy childhood, but she was so horrible that it was difficult to like her. Every comment she made revolved around sex. I'll never forget something she said - it referenced this guy's private parts. I won't even type it out here, but nonetheless, the second I heard that I became so turned off that I never watched this again. Having a show filled with sex jokes is just lazy writing.

The other characters, who were all of non-Anglo ancestry, were made out to be unpleasant, stupid, or an object for ridicule. The diner's longtime cashier, Earl [Garrett Morris] who was black, loved jazz, regularly smoked pot, and enjoyed gambling [he started losing his memory, but that was never addressed further in the series. I feel like that would've been a great opportunity to teach the audience something]. Van Oleg Golishevsky, a Ukrainian who worked as the cook, was always propositioning Caroline and Max for sex, but they didn't pay him any mind. Han Margaret Lee [Matthew Moy], an Asian man who owned the diner, was often bullied by Max for being short and possessing little knowledge of American culture. She also thought he was gay because of his effeminate mannerisms. Zofia "Sophie" Kackinsky [Jennifer Coolidge] was Polish and owned a cleaning company. She lived in the apartment above Caroline and Max. Every time she saw them she told them stories about her time growing up in Communist Poland, as well as her sex life [hmmm, TMI much?].

Absolute cringe. I laugh at some pretty dumb things, but I draw the line somewhere. There's nothing funny about sexual harassment, xenophobia, or insulting people for their physical characteristics. I'm happy it's finally off the air, but I think the damage to society has already been done.

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Fun female Odd Couple chemistry

Max Black [Kat Dennings] is a street-smart wisecracking cupcake-baking waitress at the dive Williamsburg Diner owned by Han Lee [Matthew Moy]. The fry cook is the inappropriate and lecherous Oleg [Jonathan Kite]. Earl [Garrett Morris] is the smart sarcastic cashier. Caroline Channing [Beth Behrs] is a rich trust fund princess business school graduate who loses it all when her father is arrested for embezzlement. She is hired as the new waitress. Then later Max finds Caroline sleeping on the subway.

This is a sexualized highly inappropriate humor that is still passable for network TV. Sure, TV has come a long way but this one still pushes the envelope. The girls have very good chemistry. Kat Dennings is always hilarious and Beth Behrs fits quite well with her. They're basically the female The Odd Couple. They do run into a few problems with groan worthy sitcom stories. Also there is a lack viable romantic male in the main cast which leads to a series of short term boyfriend characters. The constant tally of their bank account and the horse are stupid. However this show is all about the two girls and they have fun together.

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If you don't like it then you simply don't understand!!...

For all those civilized people [except in the bedroom] who ask the question "why this show still on?" in disgust, let me explain.... ......................................................

This show is clearly NOT for family and kids!! ......................................................

This show is 100% based on double meaning to SEX. Almost every sentence is brilliantly written to bring out every dirty joke ever known. Plus hotter when 2 girls do it!! ......................................................

And most importantly, this show is like a guilty pleasure. It just brings out the cheap, teenage, wild, inappropriate dark side of the audience. ......................................................

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Awful awful show

One of the worst "sitcoms" I've ever seen in my life. I've never been compelled to write a review on a television show but with something this awful, I had to. The writers must have thought to themselves "hey, let's create as many annoying characters as we can and cram them all into one show."

Where to even start with the characters? Not one of them can act and have the most painfully awful delivery for every punchline. Everything seems forced, and the lines are recited in loud obnoxious voices that I guess is supposed to make the jokes more funny [it doesn't.]

The characters that are supposed to be immigrants all have terribly unconvincing accents.

Most of the dialogue in the script is just one rapid fire unfunny predictable punchline after another. 90% of the jokes are overly sexual in a way only middle school boys would find funny. And if they're not sexual, it's some joke based on racial stereotypes or a very obvious pop-culture reference.

Kat Dennings character "Max" only speaks in lame comebacks, delivered in her obnoxiously loud nasal voice. Her "I'm so edgy and too cool for school and had a terrible upbringing" act gets old really fast, especially when she mentions it every five seconds. Does this chick ever talk about anything but herself? Not only that but her and her co-star are downright rude and mean-spirited to every customer that comes in the diner. Someone can't order a water without Max or Caroline making some unnecessary rude comment and glaring at them until they leave. Is that supposed to make these characters likable?

And then there's Jennifer Coolidge who gets a cheer from the "audience" every time she enters a scene. And why? Because she's the only semi-famous actress they could convince to be on this awful show? I still have trouble understanding that one.

How this show has been on the air for FOUR YEARS is beyond me.

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Contains more broke girls than laughs

Oh dear. I've tried with this show, I really have. For some reason, I keep going back to it and giving it one more shot, but every time I end up disappointed. Surely, at some point, we're going to get a proper laugh out of this, right? I'd settle for a snigger. Or even a brief "Hah!" moment. But nothing.

The premise seems sound enough: Streetwise but poor kid working two jobs meets silver spooner who's had all her wealth stripped thanks to her daddy getting caught for embezzlement. Cue the interest as these two girls, poles apart, develop their friendship through a variety of classic sitcom-style outlandish situations, with some laughs along the way. How hard can it be to make a mess of that?

Apparently, not very hard at all. And I'm sure Max would come back with some largely unfunny joke based on the inevitable double-entendre.

Thing is, as much as I'd like to enjoy the show, it just misses every single time. Max, who is supposed to be streetwise, is merely rude. Then there's Caroline, who looks desperately like someone who wants an inroad to the show, but is perpetually denied. Between them, they rattle through their dialogue at the speed of sound, with a delivery as wooden as Sherwood Forest and a vocal pitch which my dog finds deeply disturbing.

And to add even more to the quagmire, we have some lovely racial stereotypes: a token Black guy, a Ukranian man [played by an American], an Asian man [played by an American, but at least is of Asian origin] and a Polish woman [played by an American]. Most of the "jokes" seem to revolve around either poking fun at these characters, or the characters themselves indulging in a bit of poking fun at themselves. And when they're done doing that, it's on to the innuendo and blatant sex references. Wow, it's like being back in the Seventies!

But wait, there's more: Because the script is so weak and obviously being read from a teleprompter [and thus removing any need to act], it's not funny. So to crank up the fun factor, everybody shouts. And just to make sure we never miss a "gag", there's masses of canned laughter piped indelicately over the top.

There's room for a recurring plot here, with the cupcake business. But all they ever do is talk about it. Why don't we see where they're going with it, aside from the cash display before the end credits? And where's the character development? Oh, wait, that's not going to happen with such one dimensional characters.

Oh, and one last thing: Jennifer Coolidge. Aside from the hugely annoying "whoop" she gets when she appears - no, wait, I'm not parking that one. Why? Why does she get that? Because she was Stifler's Mom? Or am I missing something? She's not Fonzie, she's a bit part. Pack it in! Anyway, aside from that, can someone please explain where her Polish accent is from? I've heard plenty of Poles talking [we have a fair number live in my area] and none of them sound like she does.

And a final last thing - promise! - how has this show got a rating of 7? Almost every review rates it lower than I have!

I can't understand how a show as engaging, warm and genuinely funny as "My Name Is Earl" can get canned so easily, while dross like this is allowed to carry on unabated. I miss that show, because I want to know what happens next. But this one? Well, we don't worry about that, because nothing is happening at all.

EDIT: Having read a few more reviews, it seemed I'd been trying with the wrong end of the show. So I found an online source with the first season and started watching. And they were right, it's much better! I enjoyed the character progression in the first few episodes and now feel like I've got a better understanding of the characters, especially the two girls. Watching Max's initially wobbly relationship with Caroline and the way she bonds with Chestnut shows off a softer, more emotional side, that you just don't see in the later seasons.

The writing is a bit tighter and there's a few laughs to be had. Not many, but a few. And yes, there's still way too many sex jokes. But there is something there that's at least worth 20 minutes of your time and for that I have increased the score to 3 stars. Just don't get too invested beyond the first season.

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At first I didn't think this show would be good. I saw advisements about the show, I heard about it on the radio and I even read summarys about this show. None of them convinced me to watch it. One day, there was nothing on the television except for the pilot of 2 broke girls, so I decided to give it a shot. After watching the pilot, I was hooked! It is such a funny show! The jokes are funny, and easy to understand, so that you aren't watching wondering why the audio audience is laughing. Also, I love how the show is realistic. The show is about two girls, one lives in Brooklyn and has two jobs to survive, one as a waitress as a dinner and another is a nanny for a wealthy family. The other girl is a spoiled rich girl who lost all her money due to her fathers schemes. I love how the show is about how upper class meets lower class, it makes the show comedic and is a new perspective of society

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Only ever half good

'Two Broke Girls' is like many other sitcoms on TV today. It has a good premise, it's well written and has a good cast. It also has an obsession with sex, and feels the need to have jokes about it every second line.

It's a shame really because this sitcom is quite funny in places. The interaction between the two leads is sharp, and their chemistry shines through. We also have the fab addition of Jennifer Coolidge, remembered fondly by me for being Joey's agent in the 'Friends' spin-off, who earns her fair share of laughs.

It would be cruel to single this show out in particular as being sex obsessed, it does however follow a worrying trend.

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Urgh, turn off the TV and RUN!!

Warning: Spoilers

Gosh, what a horrible show. I only watched about 5 minutes of it before I got mad and shut it off. However, 5 minutes was enough to give me an idea of how horrible this show is.

2 Broke Girls is NOT funny! The jokes are very raunchy, and that gets tiring fast. The laugh track is horrendous, and is thrown in your face every time someone says something.

The characters were unlikeable and annoying. In the few minutes I watched this, the brown haired girl got mad at a customer who hesitated for 5 seconds while ordering a meal, and then proceeds to start clicking her fingers in his face, and then trying to sass him for it. Calm the heck down! Not funny at all.

1/10 stars. Don't even bother.

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Broke hits the block!

As an avid series fan, it's always an exciting thing to watch pilot and judge based on it. I've been looking forward to '2 broke girls, mostly because of Kat Dennings [so underrated!]. The pilot was good, not great as some other new sitcom [like Happy Ending] but it is much better than other fall comedy show [like Up all night or Deschanel's New girl?]. Kat Dennings did great and as surprise as I was her co-star did too. Though the pilot is kinda claustrophobic, going back and forth from the diner they work at to their apartment. I will be looking forward to this, and hopefully there will be more chemistry between the two girls and more hilarious story lines to come.

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How was this aired?? Hated it!

I don't go out of my way to write reviews, but had to on this one. What a complete piece of crap this show was. It was never funny! It was gross, mean, boring, lazy, and cheap. I hated this show so much. Seemed like it was written by 12 year old perverts.

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Still haven't laughed once

I honestly have only seen a handful of episodes so if this is a show that is mainly plot driven, I may have missed it [i sincerely doubt it]. Here are a few observations about what the writers/producers of the show think: raunchy = automatically funny, saying raunchy jokes louder make them automatically funny, delivering cue-card punchlines in an 80's fashion is still funny. I hear the "punchlines" and the laugh track and constantly find myself saying "was that supposed to be the punchline?". I like every brand of humor and am extremely easy to please in the humor department, and this show is completely unfunny. I really like Kat Dennings too and was hopeful for this show, but there are only 4 reasons this show is somehow still around: each girl has two of them. If you see any 9 or 10 star ratings anywhere, completely ignore them... they were written by marketers.

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