Đánh giá letv le max pro năm 2024

Each benchmark score shown on this page is the median of all the results submitted by users for this device. For popular models, the median scores are calculated from thousands of benchmark results.

Some people test their device under less than ideal conditions. For example, the device may be too hot or have other apps running in the background. These results tend to lower the average score, but we include them in the calculation because it provides a better indication of real-world performance. You may get a higher score when testing your own device under optimal conditions.

The battery life shown for a device is the median of all benchmark results for that model. Battery life is very sensitive to changes in screen brightness. While we recommending calibrating the screen brightness to 200 cd/m2 [nits] when testing battery life, this setting cannot be enforced by the benchmark app. As a result, the range of battery life scores submitted by the public is much wider than that seen when testing under controlled conditions.

The popularity rating is based on the total number of benchmark results submitted across all tests in the last 30 days. This page is updated daily.

Qualcomm's speedy 820 processor makes its first handset appearance with a company you've never heard of.

Lynn La covers mobile reviews and news. She previously wrote for The Sacramento Bee, Macworld and The Global Post.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 chipset, a processor that's expected to appear in many of this year's flagship smartphones, made its debut inside a smartphone this year at CES.

But instead of debuting inside a high-end Motorola, LG or even a OnePlus handset, it instead made its kickoff inside the Le Max Pro by Letv -- a relatively unknown mobile company outside of its headquarters in China.

Originally an online video streaming company, Letv began its mobile phone ambitions only recently -- with the Le 1 Pro Superphone and the Le 1S. With the anticipated Snapdragon 820 chipset, however, the Le Max Pro's debut comes with Qualcomm's big name familiarity.

Snapdragon 820 chip appears at CES 2016 with the help of Letv [pictures]

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Qualcomm claims that the Snapdragon 820 is 40 percent more power efficient and has a 40 percent increase in performance compared to its predecessor, the 810. The 820 is also supposed to consume 60 percent less power than 801 chipset [an even older iteration in Qualcomm's mobile line of chipsets].

As for the Le Max Pro itself, the device features a fingerprint scanner on the rear and runs Google's latest mobile operating system, 6.0 Marshmallow. It also has USB Type-C, a new connection standard that promises to be faster and more efficient than the usual Micro-USB.

Its other specs include:

  • 6.33-inch display with 2,560x1,440-pixel resolution [464ppi density]
  • 21-megapixel rear camera
  • Snapdragon 820 processor
  • 32, 64 or 128GB of internal storage
  • 3,400mAh battery with Quick Charge 2.0 Technology
  • Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Though the hardware does look impressive, purchasing a Letv handset from a reliable or well-known retailer outside of China is another story. Though the company is prepping for an official US presence [it recently set up an office in Hollywood], its official online storefront doesn't currently sell smartphones. In addition, Letv has not released any pricing or availability information for the device as of yet.

Nói tóm tắt về Snapdragon 820 thì đó là hệ thống SoC mới nhất của Qualcomm và được kỳ vọng nhiều sau loạt Snapdragon 810 không mấy ấn tượng. Snapdragon 820 có nhiều thay đổi trong đó đáng chú ý nhất là chi tiết mới về nhân tùy biến Kyro do chính tay Qualcomm thiết kế dựa trên kiến trúc ARMv8. Snapdragon 820 có 4 nhân chia làm hai cụm, một cụm chạy ở xung tối đa 2,2GHz nhằm giải quyết những tác vụ nặng, cụm còn lại chỉ chạy ở mức cao nhất là 1,6GHz hoặc 1,7GHz để xử lý những việc nhẹ và để tiết kiệm pin hơn. Mỗi cụm như thế sẽ sở hữu 1 bộ nhớ cache L2 riêng, còn bộ nhớ cache L3 thì chia sẻ chung cho cả SoC. Qualcomm nói cấu hình cache của mỗi cụm sẽ khác nhưng không tiết lộ khác điểm nào. Trang AnandTech thì nhận định rằng có thể Qualcomm không dùng kĩ thuật big.LITTLE để giúp 4 nhân chạy cùng nhau mà nhiều khả năng hãng tự thiết kế hoặc tùy biến công nghệ riêng cho mình.

Điểm Antutu bản 6.0.1 đạt gần 130 ngàn, rất là ấn tượng. Snapdragon chỉ có 4 nhân.
Thông tin phần cứng từ Antutu
So với một số điện thoại cao cấp gần đây
Ấn tượng đầu tiên khi bạn cầm trên tay Le Max Pro có lẽ là màn hình rất to nhưng máy lại gọn gàng

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