Chrome remote desktop Escape key

This answer from sunil shakya says:

On the right side of Chrome Remote Desktop, the small blue arrow has Keyboard controls and its submenu has the option to enable the clipboard.

Where can I access the Keyboard Controls menu on Google Remote Desktop [Windows 7 guest, Windows 10 host]?

  • Article
  • 09/10/2021
  • 2 minutes to read

The following is a list of the Remote Desktop Services shortcut keys.

A note regarding missing keys: Many compact keyboards do not contain some keys. For example, many laptops do not have a dedicated BREAK key. However, they usually have keyboard shortcuts that replace dedicated keys. These key replacements are specified by the manufacturer of the keyboard, so you may need to look up key replacements in the documentation provided by your keyboard or laptop manufacturer.

There are two different sets of shortcut key combinations you can use on a remote desktop connection: the default Windows shortcut keys, or the shortcut keys originally designed for the remote desktop. You can set which shortcut keys you use on the local and remote machine through the Remote Desktop Connection client [ie, the dialog that appears when you click on the Remote Desktop Connection icon]. From there, click Show Options [if you cannot see the options], and then click the Local Resources tab. In the Apply Windows key combinations drop-down, you have three options:

Option Description
On this computer The default key combinations will work on your local machine only. You must use the alternate combinations on the remote desktop.
On the remote computer The default key combinations will work only on the remote desktop. You must use the alternate combinations on the local machine. Note that once you close down the Remote Desktop Connection, your local machine will once again use the default windows shortcuts.
Only when using the full screen The default key combinations will work on whichever machine has the full desktop; functionally, this means that the default key combinations work for the local machine, unless you have the Remote Desktop Connection window in full-screen mode.

For more user information about Remote Desktop connection, See How to use Remote Desktop.

Shortcut key Description
Activates the connection bar.
CTRL+ALT+BREAK or one of these shortcuts:
Switches the client between full-screen mode and window mode. If these shortcuts don't work, or the keys aren't available, you can try the following alternative:
  • Press CTRL+ALT+HOME, TAB, TAB, TAB, TAB, TAB, ENTER. This activates the connection bar, and then presses the Restore down button.
Brings up the Windows Security dialog box for the Remote Desktop Session Host [RD Session Host] [provides the same functionality as pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL on the local computer].

The following table describes the standard Windows shortcut keys and their equivalent Remote Desktop shortcuts that are different. [For example, Ctrl+Z is generally the 'Undo' shortcut on both standard Windows and Remote Desktop.]

Windows shortcut Remote Desktop shortcut Description
Switches between programs from left to right.
Switches between programs from right to left.
Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
Windows key or CTRL+ESC ALT+HOME
Displays the Start menu.
Displays the system menu.
Places a snapshot of the active window, within the client, on the clipboard.
Places a snapshot of the entire client windows area on the clipboard .

Remote Desktop Services

I use my CB to remote to Win10 machine. Need useful list of keyboard shortcut especially to switch between language input. I am using a mouse to toggle it inside CRD. It would be nice if Ctrl+Space or any shortcut will do the trick. TIA


I'm running Chrome RDP on an HP Chromebook 11 running Chrome OS 36.0.1985.138.

When running an rdp session fullscreen, pushing ESC causes the "To maximise or toggle fullscreen, please disconnect your current session first" popup to appear and the escape key isn't sent to the remote session.

If i keep pressing the escape rapidly one of them [usually after 3 or 4 rapid presses] will get sent through, but that's neither practical nor accurate enough [can't be sure how many keypresses will go through].

When running in a windows, the escape key passes through as normal, but due to resolutions requirements on the remote apps I'm running, I really need full screen to ensure the I'm more or less at 768px high.

Is there any way to disable to popup warning when pressing the enter key and to ensure the keypress get properly passed to the remote session [and obviously don't switch out of fullscreen mode either]?

Chrome Remote Desktop has several hotkeys to help you quickly move around. If you’re anything like myself, you have a multi-screen setup for your main computer and use Chrome Remote Desktop to remotely access it. The one frustrating thing I found with this setup is that it takes multiple clicks to switch between your screens. Luckily, if you like working in Chrome Remote Desktop they have provided some keyboard shortcuts. Once enabled, it makes things much smoother when switching between the active screens [or monitors].

  1. Open the Session options by clicking on the arrow at the right or left of your screen.
  2. Click on Configure keyboard shortcuts
  3. Choose Enable
  4. Pick a Modifier key that you don’t normally use for typing, I choose the ` key as it’s close to the numbers on my keyboard and I never use it.
  5. Once this is setup, all you need to do to switch between monitor screens is to hold the Modifier key and hit 1 or 2. If you hold the Modifier key for an extra second or so, it will remind you of the other hotkeys you can choose. You can switch between monitor screens by hitting the Modifier key and the left or right.

Hope this helps you set things up for a smoother Remote Desktop session.

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