breakdowns là gì - Nghĩa của từ breakdowns

breakdowns có nghĩa là

Considered the most brutal section of a metal/metalcore/hardcore song. The breakdown is characterized by a beat much slower than the main verses and chorus of a song, the primary ingredients being a steady beat from the drums (with lots of cymbal and sometimes double-bass) and a chugging rhythm from the guitar.

Originally developed by Atilla the Hun, the breakdown had it's place in warfare for many years. That was, until people began to notice that the Earth's human and animal population had begun to decrease exponentially from direct exposure to breakdowns. Other health complications also arose from indirect exposure such as 4th degree burns, the introduction of the Ebola virus, and terminal bleeding of the ears. For many centuries, the breakdown was outlawed in civilized nations, at least until war broke out in Europe in the late 1930's.

It was used primarily by the axis powers during WWII to rip the faces off of the allies during an approach. When Hitler got word that Nazi forces were using "the breakdown" against the enemy, he called it off saying "No way man, that's too fucking brutal."

It's also a proven historical fact that the atomic bomb explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan were staged by the U.S. government. Instead, the government had agreed to blast two very metal breakdowns over the Japanese cities. Knowing that the American public would not condone their actions, there was a big cover up involving the use of atomic weapons.

The breakdown we know today has been manipulated to the point that, under strict government regulations, it can be used in sanctioned locations. With the rise of heavy metal, evolving into what we call "metalcore" music, rock artists have learned the proper ways to display this once deadly technique to the public in a fashion that will kill as few people as possible.


Steven: "We learned about the Big Bang today in science."
Nancy: "The Big Bang? Pish posh. The universe was formed by a fucking xXbrutalcoreXx breakdown.

Stan: I'm sick of all these damn Chuck Norris jokes.
Pablo: Haha! Yeah?! Chuck Norris is so strong, even a breakdown can't kill him! Haha! Haha! Ha--
*Stan plays breakdown*
*Pablo's head explodes*

breakdowns có nghĩa là

A style of guitar riff used in Hardcore (punk) music that consists of a single note being chugged slowly for maximum heaviness and brutality. Different rhythms and numbers of strums are used in a repeated fashion for usually 2 to 4 bars in length. Written equilivent: JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD, JUDJUDJUDJUD, JUD-JUD, JUD-JUD ...and so forth.

Great for hardcore dancing.


That's a fucking brutal breakdown!

breakdowns có nghĩa là

if music were sex, the breakdown would be the orgasm.


breakdown clias;dsd why do i have to write a fucking example

breakdowns có nghĩa là

The reason my neck is in a brace right now.


Dude were you at August burns red's concert last night? Yeah man, on the 3rd breakdown of back burner, i was run over in a mosh pit. but it was fucking worth it cause breakdowns are fucking sick.

breakdowns có nghĩa là

Sections of hardcore / metalcore / deathcore songs which are rhythmically appropriate for most forms of hardcore dancing (mosh), but not appropriate for two-stepping. In order to be rhythmically appropriate, the music must conform to the following requirements: 1. Tempo: Breakdowns are characterized by tempos in the 65 bpm - 70 bpm range, but also spanning from 50 bpm (double breakdown), to 90 bpm (fast breakdown / stomp breakdown). 2. Content: Breakdowns are further characterized by strong emphasis on rhythm, snares on the 2nd & 4th quarter notes, cymbals on either eighth notes or quarter notes, and kick drum patterns which accent the often staccato guitar playing. Many modifications to this formula can be made (displaced snares, melody), but these modifications tend to detract from the maximum impact of the breakdown. Because these two requirements must be satisfied, entire songs can be breakdowns, and do not need to contain any fast parts. As well, many slow sections of songs of these genres are not breakdowns, because they do not meet the content requirements.


Pantera is generally recognized as the originator of the breakdown, as featured at approximately 3:52 of "Domination" off Cowboys from Hell. Today, this part of Domination would be recognized as an "old school" breakdown, and only the old timers would hardcore dance to it.

breakdowns có nghĩa là

A form of rhythmic, percussion-heavy musical passage used commonly in the Hardcore, Metalcore, Deathcore and Grindcore genres. They mostly consist of rhythmic guitar riffs in time with bass drum beats, often with the crash cymbal playing eighth strokes.

Primarily a live device, due to the heaviness achieved, they are often used to whip the crowd into a frenzy, and often incite frantic moshing/hardcore dancing.

Also a term for going batshit insane.


2:55 in Elysia's "Filthy" is probably the best example of a breakdown, that :47 passage is pretty much their reason for existing. Other awesome breakdowns include Carnifex's "Collaborating Like Killers" (1:25 for pretty much the rest of the four minute song) and Killwhitneydead's "Put A Sock In It" (1:40).

Also notable is Suicide Silence's No Pity For A Coward, which has two consecutive, yet obviously individual breakdowns.

breakdowns có nghĩa là

Extremely sexy style of guitar riff used in modern Hardcore music, usually very slow, very brutal, and very orgasmic. like my friend NGspot says, "There's beauty in the Breakdown"

Some bands with some sexy breakdowns?
Remembering Never, Symphony in Peril, Norma Jean, and One Must Fall.

There are many more, but i'm sure you can figure that out.


Commonly said whilst listening to said hardcore bands:

NGspot: Holy fuck, Call triple A!

Me: Why?

NGspot: There's about to be a BREAKDOWN! *turns up the volume*

*group orgasm*

breakdowns có nghĩa là




breakdowns có nghĩa là

Taken from the fourth opening (or third, if you dont wanna consider the edm version of the first opening, an opening) of the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable anime, it is a term used to specifically describe a JoJo fan's mental or emotional breakdown.


Holmes: "Yo, you heard what happened to that JoJo fan from our class yesterday?"
Jake: "Yeah, looks like his crush rejected him. After that he had a severe BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN."

breakdowns có nghĩa là

Breakdown breakdown is a sentence of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 4 opening "great days", right when this song starts the singers yells BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN, causing it to become a meme of it's own by using it out of context by saying you're having a blank BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN , this meme is commonly used by JoJo fans


-random guy: "Hey dude how are you"
-you: I'm having a mental BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN