belfast là gì - Nghĩa của từ belfast

belfast có nghĩa là

Capital City Of Northern Ireland

Integral Part Of The United Kingdom

Is Where The Titanic Was Built

It Actually Has One Of The Lowest Crime Rates In U.K. According To Government Statistics.

Good Things
Ulster Fries.
Limited street crime.
Norn Iron accents.
Drinking culture.
The take-no-prisoners, take no crap, black sense of humour

Bowelling, a unique mixture of personal abuse, sarcasm and surrealism which only Scousers will understand. Or tolerate. Just don't take it personally.
Strangers joining in in your conversations.
Mild anglophobia. All-pervading ugliness that drives tourists away and allows the bars to remain habitable for locals. No Oirish Bars here

Bad Things
Almost everyone supports Liverpool or Man united. Boo.
That all-pervading ugliness. What the Luftwaffe and terrorism couldn't manage, the Planning Service have.
The Kaliningrad-like destruction of a once-proud city.
Bloody stupid sectarianism, which is probably as bad as you've heard it is

One Of The Worst Regions In The U.K For Racism & Zero Tolerances On Non Indiginious Folk


Welcome To Belfast

We Don't Want No
Asylum Seekers,
Ethnic Minorities or
Illegal Immigrants.

We Have Enough Of Our Own Problems Here

belfast có nghĩa là

The most fantastic place in the world, with the friendly-est people! it's not as bad as people make out1 :]]


Oh I wish I was in belfast !

belfast có nghĩa là

Fast becoming the emo capital of Europe.


Where can i find lots of he/she__xcore kids getting really drunk and taking poppers?
At the new spot in belfast, northern ireland of course!

belfast có nghĩa là


No crime in Belfast, aaaahahahahaha.

No seriously are you on about the Belfast in Northern Ireland?? Where the IRA, UVF and LVF are the biggest gangsters in Ireland and the UK, if not Europe? On top of this, there are constant attacks on people and property.

Anyway it’s a city in county Antrim, in the north of Ireland. A fairly nice modern city really but unfortunately it is plagued by paramilitary activity and violent clashes in the working class areas between Nationalists [Irish] and Unionists [British].

Despite "it being about religion", it’s really about British and Irish differences and most of the offenders only see the inside of a church a couple of times a year.

Anyway feel free to visit it; it’s no where near as bad as it used to be, what with the decommissioning of arms happening.

It’s pretty prosperous and wealthy with some nice work being done in the city centre and DOES have lots of cultured and decent people!! ;]


Belfast a nice modern city with the occasional disturbance, nowadays!

belfast có nghĩa là

Capital of " norn iron " very sectarian but it rocks. The walls of the police buildings are 20 feet high with spikes around the top and they drive around in big tanks, the peelers that is. The walls are covered in murals and the people talk their own verson of english. Very poor politiians. Is split into north, south, east and west belfast.Oh yeh and it is the natural habitat for spides and millies.


I'm from norn iron come 'ere i'll beat ur bollocks in.

belfast có nghĩa là

Belfast , city full of wonders!! beautiful archtecture such as the Antrim Road police station! Beautiful wall paintings depicting masked men with AK-47s Low crime rate , home of George Best the Titanic and the Ulster Fry. Well nuff of that bullshit... Its basically a crap city with decent shops wall paintings and massive fucking police stations. The police cars r well cool tho , armoured land rovers , they fuckin kick ass! [Apart from the fact they now look like ice cream vans and are full of police officers of corse!] Can be good craic here although ethnic minorities are treated as outcasts. Full of spides and millys , easily spotted by big earings fake burberry and crappy tracksuits. Home of many football clubs and Ulster Rugby. Linfield and Glentoran [the two main football teams] are VERY loyalist , Ulster Rugby is mixed and trys yo promote cross community activities


mON WILL big mawn!!! ill get ur nees dun ne mroe of ur shite!

belfast có nghĩa là

the second city of ireland behind dublin and capital of ulster [an irish provence consisting of 9 countys]. located in antrim [one of the none countys].


belfast is irelands second city

belfast có nghĩa là

capital of northern ireland, full of people who wanna kill each other because theyre different religions, but it rocks, come and see the murals


up the shnakill down the falls, loadsa murals on the walls, A B C D E F G b****** to the RUC

belfast có nghĩa là

the most wonderful place on earth, where segregation is still the norm. best town in ireland. there are no pretences here no joking like americans and canada we really do hate each other and its fuckin great i love it. we dont mix in sport or school or socially. we dont marry them'ens and have none as friends. belfast is not some hip happenin place it is a shit hole. anybody who wants peace in belfast and for us to mix is a drug demented hippy. but dont come here and see for yourself we really dont want you here. bad points immigration is sky high so is personal crime and drug use


belfast says fuck ye all

belfast có nghĩa là

it is a as bad as everyone says, probably worse actually but we love it it KICKS ASS!!!!!!!
we live near 1 of the aformentioned police stations!! yey!! FALLS ROAD ROX



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