8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

Presentation U.S. History Primary Source Timeline

  • 8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

    Overview When the London Company sent out its first expedition to begin colonizing Virginia on December 20, 1606, it was by no means the first European attempt to exploit North America.

    • 8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

    • 8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

      Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624 Almost from the start, investors in the Virginia Company in England were unhappy with the accomplishments of their Jamestown colonists. They therefore sought a new charter, which the king granted in May 1609.

      • 8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

        Virginia's Early Relations with Native Americans Those living in the area where Jamestown was settled must have had mixed feelings about the arrival of the English in 1607. One of their first reactions was hostility based on their previous experience with Spanish explorers along their coastline.

        • 8. comparing in what ways did the colonies at jamestown and massachusetts bay differ?

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        Colonial North America

        The second, larger Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay was conceived as a "city upon a hill." But it also struggled with internal turmoil—like the Salem Witch Trials—and external conflict, like King Philip's (Metacom's) War. 

        Colonial North America

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