What are the basic steps for deploying a virtual machine in Azure?

You can create an Azure Virtual Machine [Azure VM] deployment for an active Azure environment.

When you create an Azure VM deployment, you define the engine type, version, and configuration to deploy to the Azure virtual network [VNet] specified in the environment. You also specify the number of engine instances to deploy. Each engine instance runs on a dedicated VM instance.

When you start an Azure VM deployment, Control Hub connects to the Azure VNet specified in the environment and then uses an Azure Resource Manager template to create an Azure Deployment. Azure Resource Manager provisions the group of VM instances in the VNet and then deploys and launches one StreamSets engine instance on each VM instance.

Azure Resource Manager manages the provisioning and monitoring of the VM instances. Control Hub simply receives the status of the deployed StreamSets engine instances and sends any updates to Resource Manager.

When you stop an Azure VM deployment, Resource Manager deletes the existing VM instances.

Important: You are responsible for all costs from Microsoft Azure incurred by the resources provisioned by Control Hub. StreamSets strongly advises against directly modifying the provisioned resources in Azure. Doing so may cause unexpected errors.

For more information about Azure Resource Manager, see the Azure Resource Manager documentation.

Before you create an Azure VM deployment, you must complete several prerequisites.

Note: Due to your account agreement, creating deployments for Azure environments might be disabled for your organization. For more information, contact your StreamSets account team.

Creating an Azure VM Deployment

Create an Azure Virtual Machine [Azure VM] deployment to define the group of engine instances to deploy to an Azure environment.

Important: Before creating a deployment, you must complete the required prerequisites.

To create a new Azure VM deployment, click in the Navigation panel, and then click the Create Deployment icon:


Define the Deployment

Define the deployment essentials, including the deployment name and type, the environment that the deployment belongs to, and the engine type and version to deploy.

Once saved, you cannot change the deployment type, the engine version, or the environment.

  1. Configure the following properties:

    Define Deployment PropertyDescription
    Deployment Name Name of the deployment.

    Use a brief name that informs your team of the deployment use case.

    Deployment Type Select one of the following types:
    • Self-managed
    • Amazon EC2
    • Google Compute Engine [GCE]
    • Azure Virtual Machine [Azure VM]
    Environment Active environment where engine instances will be deployed.

    The selected deployment type determines the list of environments that display. For example, if creating an Azure VM deployment, then you can select an active Azure environment.

    Engine Type Type of engine to deploy:
    • Data Collector
    • Transformer
    Engine Version Engine version to deploy.
    Deployment Tags Optional tags that identify similar deployments within Control Hub. Use deployment tags to easily search and filter deployments.

    Enter nested tags using the following format:


  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Cancel - Cancels creating the deployment and exits the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Configure the Engine

Define the configuration of the engine to deploy. You can use the defaults to get started.

  1. Configure the following properties:

    Engine PropertyDescription
    Stage Libraries

    Stage libraries to install on the engine.

    The available stage libraries depend on the selected engine type and version.

    Advanced Configuration

    Access to advanced configuration properties to further customize the engine. As you get started with StreamSets, the default values should work in most cases.

    The available properties depend on the selected engine type.

    External Resource Source Source of the external files and libraries, such as JDBC drivers, required by the engine:
    • None - External resources are not defined in the deployment.

      Select when using a single engine instance to get started with StreamSets, or when your pipelines do not require external resources.

    • Archive File - External resources are included in an archive file defined in the deployment.

      Select when the deployment launches multiple engine instances and when your pipelines require external resources.

    External Resource Location

    Location of the archive file that contains the external resources used by the engine. The archive file must be in TGZ or ZIP format.

    Store the file in an Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 container and share the URL publicly. Then enter the location to the container using an HTTP URI.

    For example: //.blob.core.windows.net///externalResources.tgz

    Tip: Click the download icon to download a sample externalResources.tgz file to view the required directory structure.

    Available when using an archive file as the source for external resources.

    Engine Labels Labels to assign to all engine instances launched for this deployment. Labels determine the group of engine instances that run a job.

    Default is the name of the deployment.

  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Back - Returns to the previous step in the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Configure Azure VM Zones

Select the zones to provision the VM instances in. If the Azure region selected for the parent environment does not support zones, the deployment wizard skips this step.

  1. Select the zones to provision the VM instances in.
  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Back - Returns to the previous step in the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Configure the Azure VM Autoscaling Group

Configure details about the Azure VM instances that will be provisioned.

  1. Configure the following properties:

    Azure VM Autoscaling Group PropertyDescription
    Engine Instances Number of engine instances to deploy.

    For each engine instance, Azure Resource Manager provisions a VM instance in the VNet, and then deploys and launches one engine instance on each VM instance.

    Important: If your pipelines require external resources, you must set up an external resource archive that all engine instances can access before increasing the number of engine instances.

    VM Size Size to use for the provisioned VM instances.

    For more information about VM sizes, see the Azure Virtual Machines documentation.

    Managed Identity Managed identity to associate with the provisioned VM instances. Select the managed identity created as an environment prerequisite by your Azure administrator.

    If a default managed identity is defined for the Azure environment, you can accept the default or override it with a different managed identity.

    Resource Group Resource group that the provisioned VM instances are assigned to. Select the resource group created as an environment prerequisite by your Azure administrator.

    If a default resource group is defined for the Azure environment, you can accept the default or override it with a different resource group.

    Azure Tags Tags to apply to all Azure resources provisioned for this deployment.

    Enter the tags as key-value pairs. For tag naming requirements, see the Azure Resource Manager documentation.

    You can define the tags using simple or bulk edit mode. In simple edit mode, click Add Another to define additional tags. In bulk edit mode, configure tags in JSON format.

    Important: These tags are applied to Azure resources, not to Control Hub deployments.

    Init Script

    Initialization script to run on each provisioned instance.

    Use the script to set up provisioned instances with additional software as required by your organization. The script must be a valid shell script with a maximum size of 8 KB.

    Enter the script directly in the property or upload a shell script file that uses an .sh extension. After uploading, you can edit the contents of the script.

    Important: You must include a specific init script when the Azure VNet uses custom DNS servers.

  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Back - Returns to the previous step in the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Configure Azure VM SSH Access

Configure the SSH key to assigned to all provisioned VM instances.

  1. Configure the following properties:

    Azure VM SSH Access PropertyDescription
    SSH Key Source Source for the SSH keys:
    • Public SSH Key - Assigns the full contents of a public SSH key to the provisioned VM instances.
    • Existing SSH Key Pair Name - Assigns an existing SSH key pair in your Azure account to the provisioned VM instances.
    Public SSH Key Full contents of the public SSH key to assign to the provisioned VM instances.

    Enter the contents of the key created as a deployment prerequisite.

    Key Pair Name Name of the existing Azure key pair to assign to the provisioned VM instances.

    Select the key pair created as a deployment prerequisite by your Azure administrator.

    Attach Public IP Attaches a public IP address to the provisioned VM instances.

    Select when you need to use SSH from a machine outside of the Azure VNet to access the VM instances.

  2. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Back - Returns to the previous step in the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Share the Deployment

By default, the deployment can only be seen by you. Share the deployment with other users and groups to grant them access to it.

  1. In the Select Users and Groups field, type a user email address or a group name.
  2. Select users or groups from the list, and then click Add.

    The added users and groups display in the User / Group table.

  3. Modify permissions as needed. By default, each added user or group is granted the following permissions:

    • Read - View the details of the deployment and of all engines managed by the deployment. Restart or shut down individual engines managed by the deployment in the Engines view.
    • Write - Edit, start, stop, and delete the deployment. Delete engines managed by the deployment. Also requires read access on the parent environment.
    • Execute - Start jobs on engines managed by the deployment. Starting jobs also requires execute access on the job and read access on the pipeline.

    For more information, see Deployment Permissions.

  4. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Back - Returns to the previous step in the wizard.
    • Save & Next - Saves the deployment and continues.
    • Save & Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the incomplete deployment in the Deployments view.

Review and Launch the Deployment

You've successfully finished creating the deployment.

  1. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Exit - Saves the deployment and exits the wizard, displaying the Deactivated deployment in the Deployments view. You can start the deployment at a later time.
    • Launch Deployment - Starts the deployment, provisions VM instances in your Azure account, and launches a StreamSets engine on each instance.

      Note: It can take a few minutes to provision the VM instances and then launch the StreamSets engine instances.

  2. If the deployment launches a Transformer engine that works with a Spark cluster, you must grant the Spark cluster access to Transformer.

Tracking URL

When you view the details of an active Azure VM deployment, you can access a tracking URL to the Azure portal. Use the URL to view additional information about the Azure resources automatically provisioned for the deployment.

To access the tracking URL, click an Azure VM deployment name in the Deployments view and then locate the Tracking URL property in the deployment details.

Click the URL to open the Azure portal. The portal displays the overview page of the virtual machine scale set created for your StreamSets deployment. The overview page includes links to the VM instances and the resource group provisioned for the deployment, as follows:

Use the Azure portal to explore details about each resource and locate errors that might have occurred.

Important: Viewing details about provisioned resources in the portal can help you troubleshoot deployment configuration issues. However, StreamSets strongly advises against directly modifying the provisioned resources using the portal. Doing so may cause unexpected errors.

The following topics provide brief tips on finding the most useful information about the provisioned resources. For more details about monitoring an Azure virtual machine scale set, see the Microsoft Azure documentation.


In the overview page of the virtual machine scale set, click . The Azure portal lists all VM instances provisioned for the deployment.

Click an instance name to view specific details about the VM instance, including the public and private IP addresses. For example, the following image displays a sample VM instance details page:

Resource Group

In the overview page of the virtual machine scale set, click the name of the resource group. The Azure portal displays the overview page for the resource group.

To view all deployments created for the resource group, click . The Azure portal lists each deployment with a Succeeded or Failed status, as follows:

Click the name of the first deployment in the list to view the deployment overview page. Expand the deployment details to access the public IP addresses, as follows:

What is the first step in the basic steps for deploying a virtual machine in Azure?

Quick Create Step 1 − Login to Azure Management Portal. Step 2 − Locate and click on 'Virtual Machines' in the left panel and then click on 'Create a Virtual Machine'. Step 3 − Alternatively, click 'New' at the bottom left corner and then click 'Compute' → 'Virtual Machine' →'Quick Create'. Step 4 − Enter DNS name.

What is the fourth step in the basic steps for deploying a virtual machine in Azure provision the VM?

Steps to create Azure Virtual Machine.
Step 1: Starting the Process of Setting up Azure Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 2: Selecting A Server Image for the Azure Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 3: Creating the Azure Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 4: Final Deployment..

How do you deploy a virtual machine?

Log in to the Self-service user interface as an End User..
In the menu bar, click SELF-SERVICE CATALOG..
Click Deploy cloud services > Deploy single virtual server. The Deploy single virtual server page opens..
Select the region where the virtual server must be deployed to..
Click Next..

What are the steps to create a virtual machine?

Step 1: Prepare your computer for Virtualization. ... .
Step 2: Install Hypervisor [Virtualization Tool] ... .
Step 3: Import a Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 4: Start the Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 5: Using the Virtual Machine. ... .
Step 6: Shut down the Virtual Machine..

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