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Deep learning models have achieved great success in many fields, yet they are vulnerable to adversarial examples. This paper follows a causal perspective to look into the adversarial vulnerability and proposes Causal Intervention by Semantic Smoothing [CISS], a novel framework towards robustness against natural language attacks. Instead of merely fitting observational data, CISS learns causal effects p[y|do[x]] by smoothing in the latent semantic space to make robust predictions, which scales to deep architectures and avoids tedious construction of noise customized for specific attacks. CISS is provably robust against word substitution attacks, as well as empirically robust even when perturbations are strengthened by unknown attack algorithms. For example, on YELP, CISS surpasses the runner-up by 6.8% in terms of certified robustness against word substitutions, and achieves 80.7% empirical robustness when syntactic attacks are integrated.

Haim Kaplan · Shachar Schnapp · Uri Stemmer

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In this work we study the problem of differentially private [DP] quantiles, in which given dataset $X$ and quantiles $q_1, ..., q_m \in [0,1]$, we want to output $m$ quantile estimations which are as close as possible to the true quantiles and preserve DP. We describe a simple recursive DP algorithm, which we call Approximate Quantiles [AQ], for this task. We give a worst case upper bound on its error, and show that its error is much lower than of previous implementations on several different datasets. Furthermore, it gets this low error while running time two orders of magnitude faster that the best previous implementation.

Junran Wu · Xueyuan Chen · Ke Xu · Shangzhe Li

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Following the success of convolution on non-Euclidean space, the corresponding pooling approaches have also been validated on various tasks regarding graphs. However, because of the fixed compression ratio and stepwise pooling design, these hierarchical pooling methods still suffer from local structure damage and suboptimal problem. In this work, inspired by structural entropy, we propose a hierarchical pooling approach, SEP, to tackle the two issues. Specifically, without assigning the layer-specific compression ratio, a global optimization algorithm is designed to generate the cluster assignment matrices for pooling at once. Then, we present an illustration of the local structure damage from previous methods in reconstruction of ring and grid synthetic graphs. In addition to SEP, we further design two classification models, SEP-G and SEP-N for graph classification and node classification, respectively. The results show that SEP outperforms state-of-the-art graph pooling methods on graph classification benchmarks and obtains superior performance on node classifications.

Yuanbang Liang · Jing Wu · Yu-Kun Lai · Yipeng Qin

[ Room 310 ]

Despite the extensive studies on Generative Adversarial Networks [GANs], how to reliably sample high-quality images from their latent spaces remains an under-explored topic. In this paper, we propose a novel GAN latent sampling method by exploring and exploiting the hubness priors of GAN latent distributions. Our key insight is that the high dimensionality of the GAN latent space will inevitably lead to the emergence of hub latents that usually have much larger sampling densities than other latents in the latent space. As a result, these hub latents are better trained and thus contribute more to the synthesis of high-quality images. Unlike the a posterior "cherry-picking", our method is highly efficient as it is an a priori method that identifies high-quality latents before the synthesis of images. Furthermore, we show that the well-known but purely empirical truncation trick is a naive approximation to the central clustering effect of hub latents, which not only uncovers the rationale of the truncation trick, but also indicates the superiority and fundamentality of our method. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our code is available at: //

Aviv Navon · Aviv Shamsian · Idan Achituve · Haggai Maron · Kenji Kawaguchi · Gal Chechik · Ethan Fetaya

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

In Multi-task learning [MTL], a joint model is trained to simultaneously make predictions for several tasks. Joint training reduces computation costs and improves data efficiency; however, since the gradients of these different tasks may conflict, training a joint model for MTL often yields lower performance than its corresponding single-task counterparts. A common method for alleviating this issue is to combine per-task gradients into a joint update direction using a particular heuristic. In this paper, we propose viewing the gradients combination step as a bargaining game, where tasks negotiate to reach an agreement on a joint direction of parameter update. Under certain assumptions, the bargaining problem has a unique solution, known as the \emph{Nash Bargaining Solution}, which we propose to use as a principled approach to multi-task learning. We describe a new MTL optimization procedure, Nash-MTL, and derive theoretical guarantees for its convergence. Empirically, we show that Nash-MTL achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple MTL benchmarks in various domains.

Peng Zhao · Long-Fei Li · Zhi-Hua Zhou

[ Hall F ]

We investigate online Markov Decision Processes~[MDPs] with adversarially changing loss functions and known transitions. We choose \emph{dynamic regret} as the performance measure, defined as the performance difference between the learner and any sequence of feasible \emph{changing} policies. The measure is strictly stronger than the standard static regret that benchmarks the learner's performance with a fixed compared policy. We consider three foundational models of online MDPs, including episodic loop-free Stochastic Shortest Path [SSP], episodic SSP, and infinite-horizon MDPs. For the three models, we propose novel online ensemble algorithms and establish their dynamic regret guarantees respectively, in which the results for episodic [loop-free] SSP are provably minimax optimal in terms of time horizon and certain non-stationarity measure.

Robert Loftin · Frans Oliehoek

[ Hall F ]

Learning to cooperate with other agents is challenging when those agents also possess the ability to adapt to our own behavior. Practical and theoretical approaches to learning in cooperative settings typically assume that other agents' behaviors are stationary, or else make very specific assumptions about other agents' learning processes. The goal of this work is to understand whether we can reliably learn to cooperate with other agents without such restrictive assumptions, which are unlikely to hold in real-world applications. Our main contribution is a set of impossibility results, which show that no learning algorithm can reliably learn to cooperate with all possible adaptive partners in a repeated matrix game, even if that partner is guaranteed to cooperate with some stationary strategy. Motivated by these results, we then discuss potential alternative assumptions which capture the idea that an adaptive partner will only adapt rationally to our behavior.

Long-Kai Huang · Junzhou Huang · Yu Rong · Qiang Yang · Ying WEI

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Transferability estimation has been an essential tool in selecting a pre-trained model and the layers in it for transfer learning, to transfer, so as to maximize the performance on a target task and prevent negative transfer. Existing estimation algorithms either require intensive training on target tasks or have difficulties in evaluating the transferability between layers. To this end, we propose a simple, efficient, and effective transferability measure named TransRate. Through a single pass over examples of a target task, TransRate measures the transferability as the mutual information between features of target examples extracted by a pre-trained model and their labels. We overcome the challenge of efficient mutual information estimation by resorting to coding rate that serves as an effective alternative to entropy. From the perspective of feature representation, the resulting TransRate evaluates both completeness [whether features contain sufficient information of a target task] and compactness [whether features of each class are compact enough for good generalization] of pre-trained features. Theoretically, we have analyzed the close connection of TransRate to the performance after transfer learning. Despite its extraordinary simplicity in 10 lines of codes, TransRate performs remarkably well in extensive evaluations on 35 pre-trained models and 16 downstream tasks.

Xueru Zhang · Mahdi Khalili · Kun Jin · Parinaz Naghizadeh · Mingyan Liu

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Although machine learning [ML] algorithms are widely used to make decisions about individuals in various domains, concerns have arisen that [1] these algorithms are vulnerable to strategic manipulation and "gaming the algorithm"; and [2] ML decisions may exhibit bias against certain social groups. Existing works have largely examined these as two separate issues, e.g., by focusing on building ML algorithms robust to strategic manipulation, or on training a fair ML algorithm. In this study, we set out to understand the impact they each have on the other, and examine how to characterize fair policies in the presence of strategic behavior. The strategic interaction between a decision maker and individuals [as decision takers] is modeled as a two-stage [Stackelberg] game; when designing an algorithm, the former anticipates the latter may manipulate their features in order to receive more favorable decisions. We analytically characterize the equilibrium strategies of both, and examine how the algorithms and their resulting fairness properties are affected when the decision maker is strategic [anticipates manipulation], as well as the impact of fairness interventions on equilibrium strategies. In particular, we identify conditions under which anticipation of strategic behavior may mitigate/exacerbate unfairness, and conditions under which fairness interventions can serve …

Yaochen Xie · Zhao Xu · Shuiwang Ji

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Self-supervised learning [SSL] of graph neural networks is emerging as a promising way of leveraging unlabeled data. Currently, most methods are based on contrastive learning adapted from the image domain, which requires view generation and a sufficient number of negative samples. In contrast, existing predictive models do not require negative sampling, but lack theoretical guidance on the design of pretext training tasks. In this work, we propose the LaGraph, a theoretically grounded predictive SSL framework based on latent graph prediction. Learning objectives of LaGraph are derived as self-supervised upper bounds to objectives for predicting unobserved latent graphs. In addition to its improved performance, LaGraph provides explanations for recent successes of predictive models that include invariance-based objectives. We provide theoretical analysis comparing LaGraph to related methods in different domains. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of LaGraph in performance and the robustness to decreasing of training sample size on both graph-level and node-level tasks.

He Bai · Renjie Zheng · Junkun Chen · Mingbo Ma · Xintong Li · Liang Huang

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Recently, speech representation learning has improved many speech-related tasks such as speech recognition, speech classification, and speech-to-text translation. However, all the above tasks are in the direction of speech understanding, but for the inverse direction, speech synthesis, the potential of representation learning is yet to be realized, due to the challenging nature of generating high-quality speech. To address this problem, we propose our framework, Alignment-Aware Acoustic-Text Pretraining [A$^3$T], which reconstructs masked acoustic signals with text input and acoustic-text alignment during training. In this way, the pretrained model can generate high quality reconstructed spectrogram, which can be applied to the speech editing and unseen speaker TTS directly. Experiments show A$^3$T outperforms SOTA models on speech editing, and improves multi-speaker speech synthesis without the external speaker verification model.

Chenlin Meng · Linqi Zhou · Kristy Choi · Tri Dao · Stefano Ermon

[ Room 310 ]

Normalizing flows model complex probability distributions using maps obtained by composing invertible layers. Special linear layers such as masked and 1×1 convolutions play a key role in existing architectures because they increase expressive power while having tractable Jacobians and inverses. We propose a new family of invertible linear layers based on butterfly layers, which are known to theoretically capture complex linear structures including permutations and periodicity, yet can be inverted efficiently. This representational power is a key advantage of our approach, as such structures are common in many real-world datasets. Based on our invertible butterfly layers, we construct a new class of normalizing flow mod- els called ButterflyFlow. Empirically, we demonstrate that ButterflyFlows not only achieve strong density estimation results on natural images such as MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet-32×32, but also obtain significantly better log-likelihoods on structured datasets such as galaxy images and MIMIC-III patient cohorts—all while being more efficient in terms of memory and computation than relevant baselines.

Fei Huang · Tianhua Tao · Hao Zhou · Lei Li · Minlie Huang

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Non-autoregressive Transformer [NAT] is a family of text generation models, which aims to reduce the decoding latency by predicting the whole sentences in parallel. However, such latency reduction sacrifices the ability to capture left-to-right dependencies, thereby making NAT learning very challenging. In this paper, we present theoretical and empirical analyses to reveal the challenges of NAT learning and propose a unified perspective to understand existing successes. First, we show that simply training NAT by maximizing the likelihood can lead to an approximation of marginal distributions but drops all dependencies between tokens, where the dropped information can be measured by the dataset's conditional total correlation. Second, we formalize many previous objectives in a unified framework and show that their success can be concluded as maximizing the likelihood on a proxy distribution, leading to a reduced information loss. Empirical studies show that our perspective can explain the phenomena in NAT learning and guide the design of new training methods.

Tomasz Korbak · Hady Elsahar · Germán Kruszewski · Marc Dymetman

[ Room 310 ]

Machine learning is shifting towards general-purpose pretrained generative models, trained in a self-supervised manner on large amounts of data, which can then be applied to solve a large number of tasks.However, due to their generic training methodology, these models often fail to meet some of the downstream requirements [e.g., hallucinations in abstractive summarization or style violations in code generation]. This raises the important question of how to adapt pre-trained generative models to meet all requirements without destroying their general capabilities ["catastrophic forgetting"]. Recent work has proposed to solve this problem by representing task-specific requirements through energy-based models [EBMs] and approximating these EBMs using distributional policy gradients [DPG]. Despite its effectiveness, this approach is however limited to unconditional distributions. In this paper, we extend DPG to conditional tasks by proposing Conditional DPG [CDPG]. We evaluate CDPG on four different control objectives across three tasks [translation, summarization and code generation] and two pretrained models [T5 and GPT-Neo]. Our results show that fine-tuning using CDPG robustly moves these pretrained models closer towards meeting control objectives and - in contrast with baseline approaches - does not result in catastrophic forgetting.

Zifan Wang · Matt Fredrikson · Anupam Datta

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Recent work has found that adversarially-robust deep networks used for image classification are more interpretable: their feature attributions tend to be sharper, and are more concentrated on the objects associated with the image’s ground- truth class. We show that smooth decision boundaries play an important role in this enhanced interpretability, as the model’s input gradients around data points will more closely align with boundaries’ normal vectors when they are smooth. Thus, because robust models have smoother boundaries, the results of gradient- based attribution methods, like Integrated Gradients and DeepLift, will capture more accurate information about nearby decision boundaries. This understanding of robust interpretability leads to our second contribution: boundary attributions, which aggregate information about the normal vectors of local decision bound- aries to explain a classification outcome. We show that by leveraging the key fac- tors underpinning robust interpretability, boundary attributions produce sharper, more concentrated visual explanations—even on non-robust models.

Tung Nguyen · Aditya Grover

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Neural Processes [NPs] are a popular class of approaches for meta-learning. Similar to Gaussian Processes [GPs], NPs define distributions over functions and can estimate uncertainty in their predictions. However, unlike GPs, NPs and their variants suffer from underfitting and often have intractable likelihoods, which limit their applications in sequential decision making. We propose Transformer Neural Processes [TNPs], a new member of the NP family that casts uncertainty-aware meta learning as a sequence modeling problem. We learn TNPs via an autoregressive likelihood-based objective and instantiate it with a novel transformer-based architecture that respects the inductive biases inherent to the problem structure, such as invariance to the observed data points and equivariance to the unobserved points. We further design knobs within the TNP architecture to tradeoff the increase in expressivity of the decoding distribution with extra computation. Empirically, we show that TNPs achieve state-of-the-art performance on various benchmark problems, outperforming all previous NP variants on meta regression, image completion, contextual multi-armed bandits, and Bayesian optimization.

Harley Wiltzer · David Meger · Marc Bellemare

[ Hall F ]

Continuous-time reinforcement learning offers an appealing formalism for describing control problems in which the passage of time is not naturally divided into discrete increments.Here we consider the problem of predicting the distribution of returns obtained by an agent interacting in a continuous-time, stochastic environment. Accurate return predictions have proven useful for determining optimal policies for risk-sensitive control, learning state representations, multiagent coordination, and more.We begin by establishing the distributional analogue of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman [HJB] equation for Ito diffusions and the broader class of Feller-Dynkin processes.We then specialize this equation to the setting in which the return distribution is approximated by N uniformly-weighted particles, a common design choice in distributional algorithms.Our derivation highlights additional terms due to statistical diffusivity which arise from the proper handling of distributions in the continuous-time setting. Based on this, we propose a tractable algorithm for approximately solving the distributional HJB based on a JKO scheme, which can be implemented in an online, control algorithm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of such an algorithm in a synthetic control problem.

Shiyong Lan · Yitong Ma · Weikang Huang · Wenwu Wang · Hongyu Yang · pyang li

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

As a typical problem in time series analysis, traffic flow prediction is one of the most important application fields of machine learning. However, achieving highly accurate traffic flow prediction is a challenging task, due to the presence of complex dynamic spatial-temporal dependencies within a road network. This paper proposes a novel Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Neural Network [DSTAGNN] to model the complex spatial-temporal interaction in road network. First, considering the fact that historical data carries intrinsic dynamic information about the spatial structure of road networks, we propose a new dynamic spatial-temporal aware graph based on a data-driven strategy to replace the pre-defined static graph usually used in traditional graph convolution. Second, we design a novel graph neural network architecture, which can not only represent dynamic spatial relevance among nodes with an improved multi-head attention mechanism, but also acquire the wide range of dynamic temporal dependency from multi-receptive field features via multi-scale gated convolution. Extensive experiments on real-world data sets demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

Tianlong Chen · Xuxi Chen · Xiaolong Ma · Yanzhi Wang · Zhangyang “Atlas” Wang

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

The lottery ticket hypothesis [LTH] has shown that dense models contain highly sparse subnetworks [i.e., winning tickets] that can be trained in isolation to match full accuracy. Despite many exciting efforts being made, there is one "commonsense" rarely challenged: a winning ticket is found by iterative magnitude pruning [IMP] and hence the resultant pruned subnetworks have only unstructured sparsity. That gap limits the appeal of winning tickets in practice, since the highly irregular sparse patterns are challenging to accelerate on hardware. Meanwhile, directly substituting structured pruning for unstructured pruning in IMP damages performance more severely and is usually unable to locate winning tickets. In this paper, we demonstrate the first positive result that a structurally sparse winning ticket can be effectively found in general. The core idea is to append "post-processing techniques" after each round of [unstructured] IMP, to enforce the formation of structural sparsity. Specifically, we first "re-fill" pruned elements back in some channels deemed to be important, and then "re-group" non-zero elements to create flexible group-wise structural patterns. Both our identified channel- and group-wise structural subnetworks win the lottery, with substantial inference speedups readily supported by existing hardware. Extensive experiments, conducted on diverse datasets across multiple network backbones, …

Peiyu Yu · Sirui Xie · Xiaojian Ma · Baoxiong Jia · Bo Pang · Ruiqi Gao · Yixin Zhu · Song-Chun Zhu · Ying Nian Wu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Latent space Energy-Based Models [EBMs], also known as energy-based priors, have drawn growing interests in generative modeling. Fueled by its flexibility in the formulation and strong modeling power of the latent space, recent works built upon it have made interesting attempts aiming at the interpretability of text modeling. However, latent space EBMs also inherit some flaws from EBMs in data space; the degenerate MCMC sampling quality in practice can lead to poor generation quality and instability in training, especially on data with complex latent structures. Inspired by the recent efforts that leverage diffusion recovery likelihood learning as a cure for the sampling issue, we introduce a novel symbiosis between the diffusion models and latent space EBMs in a variational learning framework, coined as the latent diffusion energy-based model. We develop a geometric clustering-based regularization jointly with the information bottleneck to further improve the quality of the learned latent space. Experiments on several challenging tasks demonstrate the superior performance of our model on interpretable text modeling over strong counterparts.

Alexander Nichol · Prafulla Dhariwal · Aditya Ramesh · Pranav Shyam · Pamela Mishkin · Bob McGrew · Ilya Sutskever · Mark Chen

[ Room 310 ]

Diffusion models have recently been shown to generate high-quality synthetic images, especially when paired with a guidance technique to trade off diversity for fidelity. We explore diffusion models for the problem of text-conditional image synthesis and compare two different guidance strategies: CLIP guidance and classifier-free guidance. We find that the latter is preferred by human evaluators for both photorealism and caption similarity, and often produces photorealistic samples. Samples from a 3.5~billion parameter text-conditional diffusion model using classifier-free guidance are favored by human evaluators to those from DALL-E, even when the latter uses expensive CLIP reranking. Additionally, we find that our models can be fine-tuned to perform image inpainting, enabling powerful text-driven image editing. We train a smaller model on a filtered dataset and release the code and weights at //

Sooyong Jang · Sangdon Park · Insup Lee · Osbert Bastani

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

A standard assumption in supervised learning is that the training data and test data are from the same distribution. However, this assumption often fails to hold in practice, which can cause the learned model to perform poorly. We consider the problem of detecting covariate shift, where the covariate distribution shifts but the conditional distribution of labels given covariates remains the same. This problem can naturally be solved using a two-sample test—i.e., test whether the current test distribution of covariates equals the training distribution of covariates. Our algorithm builds on classifier tests, which train a discriminator to distinguish train and test covariates, and then use the accuracy of this discriminator as a test statistic. A key challenge is that classifier tests assume given a fixed set of test covariates. In practice, test covariates often arrive sequentially over time—e.g., a self-driving car observes a stream of images while driving. Furthermore, covariate shift can occur multiple times—i.e., shift and then shift back later or gradually shift over time. To address these challenges, our algorithm trains the discriminator online. Additionally, it evaluates test accuracy using each new covariate before taking a gradient step; this strategy avoids constructing a held-out test set, which can improve …

Haoqing Xu · Meng Wang · Beilun Wang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

In many real-world applications, mutual transfer learning is the paradigm that each data domain can potentially be a source or target domain. This is quite different from transfer learning tasks where the source and target are known a priori. However, previous studies about mutual transfer learning either suffer from high computational complexity or oversimplified hypothesis. To overcome these challenges, in this paper, we propose the \underline{Diff}erence \underline{S}tandardization method [{\bf DiffS}] for mutual transfer learning. Specifically, we put forward a novel distance metric between domains, the standardized domain difference, to obtain fast structure recovery and accurate parameter estimation simultaneously. We validate the method’s performance using both synthetic and real-world data. Compared to previous methods, DiffS demonstrates a speed-up of approximately 3000 times that of similar methods and achieves the same accurate learnability structure estimation.

Yonathan Efroni · Chi Jin · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Sobhan Miryoosefi

[ Hall F ]

Real-world sequential decision making problems commonly involve partial observability, which requires the agent to maintain a memory of history in order to infer the latent states, plan and make good decisions. Coping with partial observability in general is extremely challenging, as a number of worst-case statistical and computational barriers are known in learning Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes [POMDPs]. Motivated by the problem structure in several physical applications, as well as a commonly used technique known as "frame stacking", this paper proposes to study a new subclass of POMDPs, whose latent states can be decoded by the most recent history of a short length m. We establish a set of upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity for learning near-optimal policies for this class of problems in both tabular and rich-observation settings [where the number of observations is enormous]. In particular, in the rich-observation setting, we develop new algorithms using a novel "moment matching" approach with a sample complexity that scales exponentially with the short length m rather than the problem horizon, and is independent of the number of observations. Our results show that a short-term memory suffices for reinforcement learning in these environments.

Changwoo Lee · Huiyan Sang

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Random partition models are widely used in Bayesian methods for various clustering tasks, such as mixture models, topic models, and community detection problems. While the number of clusters induced by random partition models has been studied extensively, another important model property regarding the balancedness of partition has been largely neglected. We formulate a framework to define and theoretically study the balancedness of exchangeable random partition models, by analyzing how a model assigns probabilities to partitions with different levels of balancedness. We demonstrate that the "rich-get-richer" characteristic of many existing popular random partition models is an inevitable consequence of two common assumptions: product-form exchangeability and projectivity. We propose a principled way to compare the balancedness of random partition models, which gives a better understanding of what model works better and what doesn't for different applications. We also introduce the "rich-get-poorer" random partition models and illustrate their application to entity resolution tasks.

Lucas N. Alegre · Ana Lucia Cetertich Bazzan · Bruno C. da Silva

[ Hall F ]

In many real-world applications, reinforcement learning [RL] agents might have to solve multiple tasks, each one typically modeled via a reward function. If reward functions are expressed linearly, and the agent has previously learned a set of policies for different tasks, successor features [SFs] can be exploited to combine such policies and identify reasonable solutions for new problems. However, the identified solutions are not guaranteed to be optimal. We introduce a novel algorithm that addresses this limitation. It allows RL agents to combine existing policies and directly identify optimal policies for arbitrary new problems, without requiring any further interactions with the environment. We first show [under mild assumptions] that the transfer learning problem tackled by SFs is equivalent to the problem of learning to optimize multiple objectives in RL. We then introduce an SF-based extension of the Optimistic Linear Support algorithm to learn a set of policies whose SFs form a convex coverage set. We prove that policies in this set can be combined via generalized policy improvement to construct optimal behaviors for any new linearly-expressible tasks, without requiring any additional training samples. We empirically show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art competing algorithms both in discrete and continuous domains under …

Vidyashankar Sivakumar · Shiliang Zuo · Arindam Banerjee

[ Room 309 ]

Many bandit problems are characterized by the learner making decisions under constraints. The learner in Linear Contextual Bandits with Knapsacks [LinCBwK] receives a resource consumption vector in addition to a scalar reward in each time step which are both linear functions of the context corresponding to the chosen arm. For a fixed time horizon $T$, the goal of the learner is to maximize rewards while ensuring resource consumptions do not exceed a pre-specified budget. We present algorithms and characterize regret for LinCBwK in the smoothed setting where base context vectors are assumed to be perturbed by Gaussian noise. We consider both the stochastic and adversarial settings for the base contexts, and our analysis of stochastic LinCBwK can be viewed as a warm-up to the more challenging adversarial LinCBwK. For the stochastic setting, we obtain $O[\sqrt{T}]$ additive regret bounds compared to the best context dependent fixed policy. The analysis combines ideas for greedy parameter estimation in \cite{kmrw18, siwb20} and the primal-dual paradigm first explored in \cite{agde17, agde14}. Our main contribution is an algorithm with $O[\log T]$ competitive ratio relative to the best context dependent fixed policy for the adversarial setting. The algorithm for the adversarial setting employs ideas from the primal-dual …

Jennifer Gillenwater · Matthew Joseph · andres munoz · Monica Ribero Diaz

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

We present a differentially private algorithm for releasing the sequence of $k$ elements with the highest counts from a data domain of $d$ elements. The algorithm is a "joint" instance of the exponential mechanism, and its output space consists of all $O[d^k]$ length-$k$ sequences. Our main contribution is a method to sample this exponential mechanism in time $O[dk\log[k] + d\log[d]]$ and space $O[dk]$. Experiments show that this approach outperforms existing pure differential privacy methods and improves upon even approximate differential privacy methods for moderate $k$.

Jeremiah Birrell · Markos Katsoulakis · Luc Rey-Bellet · Wei Zhu

[ Room 310 ]

Generative adversarial networks [GANs], a class of distribution-learning methods based on a two-player game between a generator and a discriminator, can generally be formulated as a minmax problem based on the variational representation of a divergence between the unknown and the generated distributions. We introduce structure-preserving GANs as a data-efficient framework for learning distributions with additional structure such as group symmetry, by developing new variational representations for divergences. Our theory shows that we can reduce the discriminator space to its projection on the invariant discriminator space, using the conditional expectation with respect to the sigma-algebra associated to the underlying structure. In addition, we prove that the discriminator space reduction must be accompanied by a careful design of structured generators, as flawed designs may easily lead to a catastrophic “mode collapse” of the learned distribution. We contextualize our framework by building symmetry-preserving GANs for distributions with intrinsic group symmetry, and demonstrate that both players, namely the equivariant generator and invariant discriminator, play important but distinct roles in the learning process. Empirical experiments and ablation studies across a broad range of data sets, including real-world medical imaging, validate our theory, and show our proposed methods achieve significantly improved sample fidelity and diversity---almost …

Ling Yang · Shenda Hong

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Unsupervised/self-supervised graph representation learning is critical for downstream node- and graph-level classification tasks. Global structure of graphs helps discriminating representations and existing methods mainly utilize the global structure by imposing additional supervisions. However, their global semantics are usually invariant for all nodes/graphs and they fail to explicitly embed the global semantics to enrich the representations. In this paper, we propose Omni-Granular Ego-Semantic Propagation for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning [OEPG]. Specifically, we introduce instance-adaptive global-aware ego-semantic descriptors, leveraging the first- and second-order feature differences between each node/graph and hierarchical global clusters of the entire graph dataset. The descriptors can be explicitly integrated into local graph convolution as new neighbor nodes. Besides, we design an omni-granular normalization on the whole scales and hierarchies of the ego-semantic to assign attentional weight to each descriptor from an omni-granular perspective. Specialized pretext tasks and cross-iteration momentum update are further developed for local-global mutual adaptation. In downstream tasks, OEPG consistently achieves the best performance with a 2%~6% accuracy gain on multiple datasets cross scales and domains. Notably, OEPG also generalizes to quantity- and topology-imbalance scenarios.

Zhenyi Wang · Li Shen · Le Fang · Qiuling Suo · Tiehang Duan · Mingchen Gao

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Task-free continual learning [CL] aims to learn a non-stationary data stream without explicit task definitions and not forget previous knowledge. The widely adopted memory replay approach could gradually become less effective for long data streams, as the model may memorize the stored examples and overfit the memory buffer. Second, existing methods overlook the high uncertainty in the memory data distribution since there is a big gap between the memory data distribution and the distribution of all the previous data examples. To address these problems, for the first time, we propose a principled memory evolution framework to dynamically evolve the memory data distribution by making the memory buffer gradually harder to be memorized with distributionally robust optimization [DRO]. We then derive a family of methods to evolve the memory buffer data in the continuous probability measure space with Wasserstein gradient flow [WGF]. The proposed DRO is w.r.t the worst-case evolved memory data distribution, thus guarantees the model performance and learns significantly more robust features than existing memory-replay-based methods. Extensive experiments on existing benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods for alleviating forgetting. As a by-product of the proposed framework, our method is more robust to adversarial examples than existing task-free …

Haoran You · Baopu Li · Shi Huihong · Yonggan Fu · Yingyan Lin

[ Hall G ]

Neural networks [NNs] with intensive multiplications [e.g., convolutions and transformers] are powerful yet power hungry, impeding their more extensive deployment into resource-constrained edge devices. As such, multiplication-free networks, which follow a common practice in energy-efficient hardware implementation to parameterize NNs with more efficient operators [e.g., bitwise shifts and additions], have gained growing attention. However, multiplication-free networks in general under-perform their vanilla counterparts in terms of the achieved accuracy. To this end, this work advocates hybrid NNs that consist of both powerful yet costly multiplications and efficient yet less powerful operators for marrying the best of both worlds, and proposes ShiftAddNAS, which can automatically search for more accurate and more efficient NNs. Our ShiftAddNAS highlights two enablers. Specifically, it integrates [1] the first hybrid search space that incorporates both multiplication-based and multiplication-free operators for facilitating the development of both accurate and efficient hybrid NNs; and [2] a novel weight sharing strategy that enables effective weight sharing among different operators that follow heterogeneous distributions [e.g., Gaussian for convolutions vs. Laplacian for add operators] and simultaneously leads to a largely reduced supernet size and much better searched networks. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on various models, datasets, and tasks consistently validate the effectiveness …

Aaron Mishkin · Arda Sahiner · Mert Pilanci

[ Room 307 ]

We develop fast algorithms and robust software for convex optimization of two-layer neural networks with ReLU activation functions. Our work leverages a convex re-formulation of the standard weight-decay penalized training problem as a set of group-l1-regularized data-local models, where locality is enforced by polyhedral cone constraints. In the special case of zero-regularization, we show that this problem is exactly equivalent to unconstrained optimization of a convex "gated ReLU" network. For problems with non-zero regularization, we show that convex gated ReLU models obtain data-dependent approximation bounds for the ReLU training problem. To optimize the convex re-formulations, we develop an accelerated proximal gradient method and a practical augmented Lagrangian solver. We show that these approaches are faster than standard training heuristics for the non-convex problem, such as SGD, and outperform commercial interior-point solvers. Experimentally, we verify our theoretical results, explore the group-l1 regularization path, and scale convex optimization for neural networks to image classification on MNIST and CIFAR-10.

Aaron Chan · Maziar Sanjabi · Lambert Mathias · Liang Tan · Shaoliang Nie · Xiaochang Peng · Xiang Ren · Hamed Firooz

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

An extractive rationale explains a language model's [LM's] prediction on a given task instance by highlighting the text inputs that most influenced the prediction. Ideally, rationale extraction should be faithful [reflective of LM's actual behavior] and plausible [convincing to humans], without compromising the LM's [i.e., task model's] task performance. Although attribution algorithms and select-predict pipelines are commonly used in rationale extraction, they both rely on certain heuristics that hinder them from satisfying all three desiderata. In light of this, we propose UNIREX, a flexible learning framework which generalizes rationale extractor optimization as follows: [1] specify architecture for a learned rationale extractor; [2] select explainability objectives [\ie faithfulness and plausibility criteria]; and [3] jointly train the task model and rationale extractor on the task using selected objectives. UNIREX enables replacing prior works' heuristic design choices with a generic learned rationale extractor in [1] and optimizing it for all three desiderata in [2]-[3]. To facilitate comparison between methods w.r.t. multiple desiderata, we introduce the Normalized Relative Gain [NRG] metric. On five English text classification datasets, our best UNIREX configuration outperforms baselines by an average of 32.9% NRG.Plus, UNIREX rationale extractors' faithfulness can even generalize to unseen datasets and tasks.

Jakub Grudzien Kuba · Christian Schroeder de Witt · Jakob Foerster

[ Hall F ]

Modern deep reinforcement learning [RL] algorithms are motivated by either the general policy improvement [GPI] or trust-region learning [TRL] frameworks. However, algorithms that strictly respect these theoretical frameworks have proven unscalable. Surprisingly, the only known scalable algorithms violate the GPI/TRL assumptions, e.g. due to required regularisation or other heuristics. The current explanation of their empirical success is essentially “by analogy”: they are deemed approximate adaptations of theoretically sound methods. Unfortunately, studies have shown that in practice these algorithms differ greatly from their conceptual ancestors. In contrast, in this paper, we introduce a novel theoretical framework, named Mirror Learning, which provides theoretical guarantees to a large class of algorithms, including TRPO and PPO. While the latter two exploit the flexibility of our framework, GPI and TRL fit in merely as pathologically restrictive corner cases thereof. This suggests that the empirical performance of state-of-the-art methods is a direct consequence of their theoretical properties, rather than of aforementioned approximate analogies. Mirror learning sets us free to boldly explore novel, theoretically sound RL algorithms, a thus far uncharted wonderland.

Samyam Rajbhandari · Conglong Li · Zhewei Yao · Minjia Zhang · Reza Yazdani Aminabadi · Ammar Ahmad Awan · Jeff Rasley · Yuxiong He

[ Room 310 ]

As the training of giant dense models hits the boundary on the availability and capability of the hardware resources today, Mixture-of-Experts [MoE] models have become one of the most promising model architectures due to their significant training cost reduction compared to quality-equivalent dense models. Their training cost saving is demonstrated from encoder-decoder models [prior works] to a 5x saving for auto-aggressive language models [this work]. However, due to the much larger model size and unique architecture, how to provide fast MoE model inference remains challenging and unsolved, limiting their practical usage. To tackle this, we present DeepSpeed-MoE, an end-to-end MoE training and inference solution, including novel MoE architecture designs and model compression techniques that reduce MoE model size by up to 3.7x, and a highly optimized inference system that provides 7.3x better latency and cost compared to existing MoE inference solutions. DeepSpeed-MoE offers an unprecedented scale and efficiency to serve massive MoE models with up to 4.5x faster and 9x cheaper inference compared to quality-equivalent dense models. We hope our innovations and systems help open a promising path to new directions in the large model landscape, a shift from dense to sparse MoE models, where training and deploying higher-quality models …

Tianxiang Sun · Yunfan Shao · Hong Qian · Xuanjing Huang · Xipeng Qiu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Extremely large pre-trained language models [PTMs] such as GPT-3 are usually released as a service. It allows users to design task-specific prompts to query the PTMs through some black-box APIs. In such a scenario, which we call Language-Model-as-a-Service [LMaaS], the gradients of PTMs are usually unavailable. Can we optimize the task prompts by only accessing the model inference APIs? This paper proposes the black-box tuning framework to optimize the continuous prompt prepended to the input text via derivative-free optimization. Instead of optimizing in the original high-dimensional prompt space, which is intractable for traditional derivative-free optimization, we perform optimization in a randomly generated subspace due to the low intrinsic dimensionality of large PTMs. The experimental results show that the black-box tuning with RoBERTa on a few labeled samples not only significantly outperforms manual prompt and GPT-3's in-context learning, but also surpasses the gradient-based counterparts, i.e., prompt tuning and full model tuning.

Václav Voráček · Matthias Hein

[ Hall G ]

Nearest prototype classifiers [NPCs] assign to each input point the label of the nearest prototype with respect to a chosen distance metric. A direct advantage of NPCs is that the decisions are interpretable. Previous work could provide lower bounds on the minimal adversarial perturbation in the $\ell_p$-threat model when using the same $\ell_p$-distance for the NPCs. In this paper we provide a complete discussion on the complexity when using $\ell_p$-distances for decision and $\ell_q$-threat models for certification for $p,q \in \{1,2,\infty\}$. In particular we provide scalable algorithms for the \emph{exact} computation of the minimal adversarial perturbation when using $\ell_2$-distance and improved lower bounds in other cases. Using efficient improved lower bounds we train our \textbf{P}rovably adversarially robust \textbf{NPC} [PNPC], for MNIST which have better $\ell_2$-robustness guarantees than neural networks. Additionally, we show up to our knowledge the first certification results w.r.t. to the LPIPS perceptual metric which has been argued to be a more realistic threat model for image classification than $\ell_p$-balls. Our PNPC has on CIFAR10 higher certified robust accuracy than the empirical robust accuracy reported in \cite{laidlaw2021perceptual}. The code is available in our~\href{//}{repository}.

Shipu Zhao · Zachary Frangella · Madeleine Udell

[ Room 307 ]

This paper develops a scalable new algorithm, called NysADMM, to minimize a smooth convex loss function with a convex regularizer. NysADMM accelerates the inexact Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers [ADMM] by constructing a preconditioner for the ADMM subproblem from a randomized low-rank Nystrӧm approximation. NysADMM comes with strong theoretical guarantees: it solves the ADMM subproblem in a constant number of iterations when the rank of the Nystrӧm approximation is the effective dimension of the subproblem regularized Gram matrix. In practice, ranks much smaller than the effective dimension can succeed, so NysADMM uses an adaptive strategy to choose the rank that enjoys analogous guarantees. Numerical experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that NysADMM can solve important applications, such as the lasso, logistic regression, and support vector machines, in half the time [or less] required by standard solvers. The breadth of problems on which NysADMM beats standard solvers is a surprise: it suggests that ADMM is a dominant paradigm for numerical optimization across a wide range of statistical learning problems that are usually solved with bespoke methods.

Chau Tran · Guo Yu

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Despite the vast literature on sparse Gaussian graphical models, current methods either are asymptotically tuning-free [which still require fine-tuning in practice] or hinge on computationally expensive methods [e.g., cross-validation] to determine the proper level of regularization. We propose a completely tuning-free approach for estimating sparse Gaussian graphical models. Our method uses model-agnostic regularization parameters to estimate each column of the target precision matrix and enjoys several desirable properties. Computationally, our estimator can be computed efficiently by linear programming. Theoretically, the proposed estimator achieves minimax optimal convergence rates under various norms. We further propose a second-stage enhancement with non-convex penalties which possesses the strong oracle property. Through comprehensive numerical studies, our methods demonstrate favorable statistical performance. Remarkably, our methods exhibit strong robustness to the violation of the Gaussian assumption and significantly outperform competing methods in the heavy-tailed settings.

Michinari Momma · Chaosheng Dong · Jia Liu

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Multi-objective optimization [MOO] and multi-task learning [MTL] have gained much popularity with prevalent use cases such as production model development of regression / classification / ranking models with MOO, and training deep learning models with MTL. Despite the long history of research in MOO, its application to machine learning requires development of solution strategy, and algorithms have recently been developed to solve specific problems such as discovery of any Pareto optimal [PO] solution, and that with a particular form of preference. In this paper, we develop a novel and generic framework to discover a PO solution with multiple forms of preferences. It allows us to formulate a generic MOO / MTL problem to express a preference, which is solved to achieve both alignment with the preference and PO, at the same time. Specifically, we apply the framework to solve the weighted Chebyshev problem and an extension of that. The former is known as a method to discover the Pareto front, the latter helps to find a model that outperforms an existing model with only one run. Experimental results demonstrate not only the method achieves competitive performance with existing methods, but also it allows us to achieve the performance from different …

Refael Kohen · Or Sheffet

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

The \emph{hybrid-model} [Avent et al 2017] in Differential Privacy is a an augmentation of the local-model where in addition to $N$ local-agents we are assisted by one special agent who is in fact a curator holding the sensitive details of $n$ additional individuals. Here we study the problem of machine learning in the hybrid-model where the $n$ individuals in the curator's dataset are drawn from a \emph{different} distribution than the one of the general population [the local-agents]. We give a general scheme Subsample-Test-Reweigh for this \emph{transfer learning} problem, which reduces any curator-model learner to a learner in the hybrid-model using iterative subsampling and reweighing of the $n$ examples held by the curator based on a smooth variation [introduced by Bun et al 2020] of the Multiplicative-Weights algorithm. Our scheme has a sample complexity which relies on the $\chi^2$-divergence between the two distributions. We give worst-case analysis bounds on the sample complexity required for our private reduction. Aiming to reduce said sample complexity, we give two specific instances our sample complexity can be drastically reduced [one instance is analyzed mathematically, while the other - empirically] and pose several directions for follow-up work.

Fang Kong · Yichi Zhou · Shuai Li

[ Room 309 ]

The problem of online learning with graph feedback has been extensively studied in the literature due to its generality and potential to model various learning tasks. Existing works mainly study the adversarial and stochastic feedback separately. If the prior knowledge of the feedback mechanism is unavailable or wrong, such specially designed algorithms could suffer great loss. To avoid this problem, \citet{erez2021towards} try to optimize for both environments. However, they assume the feedback graphs are undirected and each vertex has a self-loop, which compromises the generality of the framework and may not be satisfied in applications. With a general feedback graph, the observation of an arm may not be available when this arm is pulled, which makes the exploration more expensive and the algorithms more challenging to perform optimally in both environments. In this work, we overcome this difficulty by a new trade-off mechanism with a carefully-designed proportion for exploration and exploitation. We prove the proposed algorithm simultaneously achieves $\mathrm{poly} \log T$ regret in the stochastic setting and minimax-optimal regret of $\tilde{O}[T^{2/3}]$ in the adversarial setting where $T$ is the horizon and $\tilde{O}$ hides parameters independent of $T$ as well as logarithmic terms. To our knowledge, this is the first best-of-both-worlds …

Jin Xu · Xu Tan · Kaitao Song · Renqian Luo · Yichong Leng · Tao Qin · Tie-Yan Liu · Jian Li

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Weight sharing is a popular approach to reduce the training cost of neural architecture search [NAS] by reusing the weights of shared operators from previously trained child models. However, the rank correlation between the estimated accuracy and ground truth accuracy of those child models is low due to the interference among different child models caused by weight sharing. In this paper, we investigate the interference issue by sampling different child models and calculating the gradient similarity of shared operators, and observe that: 1] the interference on a shared operator between two child models is positively correlated with the number of different operators between them; 2] the interference is smaller when the inputs and outputs of the shared operator are more similar. Inspired by these two observations, we propose two approaches to mitigate the interference: 1] rather than randomly sampling child models for optimization, we propose a gradual modification scheme by modifying one operator between adjacent optimization steps to minimize the interference on the shared operators; 2] forcing the inputs and outputs of the operator across all child models to be similar to reduce the interference. Experiments on a BERT search space verify that mitigating interference via each of our proposed …

Darshan Thaker · Paris Giampouras · Rene Vidal

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Deep neural network-based classifiers have been shown to be vulnerable to imperceptible perturbations to their input, such as $\ell_p$-bounded norm adversarial attacks. This has motivated the development of many defense methods, which are then broken by new attacks, and so on. This paper focuses on a different but related problem of reverse engineering adversarial attacks. Specifically, given an attacked signal, we study conditions under which one can determine the type of attack [$\ell_1$, $\ell_2$ or $\ell_\infty$] and recover the clean signal. We pose this problem as a block-sparse recovery problem, where both the signal and the attack are assumed to lie in a union of subspaces that includes one subspace per class and one subspace per attack type. We derive geometric conditions on the subspaces under which any attacked signal can be decomposed as the sum of a clean signal plus an attack. In addition, by determining the subspaces that contain the signal and the attack, we can also classify the signal and determine the attack type. Experiments on digit and face classification demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Fan Bao · Chongxuan Li · Jiacheng Sun · Jun Zhu · Bo Zhang

[ Room 310 ]

Diffusion probabilistic models [DPMs] are a class of powerful deep generative models [DGMs]. Despite their success, the iterative generation process over the full timesteps is much less efficient than other DGMs such as GANs. Thus, the generation performance on a subset of timesteps is crucial, which is greatly influenced by the covariance design in DPMs. In this work, we consider diagonal and full covariances to improve the expressive power of DPMs. We derive the optimal result for such covariances, and then correct it when the mean of DPMs is imperfect. Both the optimal and the corrected ones can be decomposed into terms of conditional expectations over functions of noise. Building upon it, we propose to estimate the optimal covariance and its correction given imperfect mean by learning these conditional expectations. Our method can be applied to DPMs with both discrete and continuous timesteps. We consider the diagonal covariance in our implementation for computational efficiency. For an efficient practical implementation, we adopt a parameter sharing scheme and a two-stage training process. Empirically, our method outperforms a wide variety of covariance design on likelihood results, and improves the sample quality especially on a small number of timesteps.

Pierre Humbert · Batiste Le Bars · Ludovic Minvielle

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In this paper, we introduce a robust non-parametric density estimator combining the popular Kernel Density Estimation method and the Median-of-Means principle [MoM-KDE]. This estimator is shown to achieve robustness for a large class of anomalous data, potentially adversarial. In particular, while previous works only prove consistency results under very specific contamination models, this work provides finite-sample high-probability error-bounds without any prior knowledge on the outliers. To highlight the robustness of our method, we introduce an influence function adapted to the considered OUI framework. Finally, we show that MoM-KDE achieves competitive results when compared with other robust kernel estimators, while having significantly lower computational complexity.

Xiao Zhou · Yong LIN · Weizhong Zhang · Tong Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Invariant Risk Minimization [IRM] is an emerging invariant feature extracting technique to help generalization with distributional shift. However, we find that there exists a basic and intractable contradiction between the model trainability and generalization ability in IRM. On one hand, recent studies on deep learning theory indicate the importance of large-sized or even overparameterized neural networks to make the model easy to train. On the other hand, unlike empirical risk minimization that can be benefited from overparameterization, our empirical and theoretical analyses show that the generalization ability of IRM is much easier to be demolished by overfitting caused by overparameterization. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective paradigm named Sparse Invariant Risk Minimization [SparseIRM] to address this contradiction. Our key idea is to employ a global sparsity constraint as a defense to prevent spurious features from leaking in during the whole IRM process. Compared with sparisfy-after-training prototype by prior work which can discard invariant features, the global sparsity constraint limits the budget for feature selection and enforces SparseIRM to select the invariant features. We illustrate the benefit of SparseIRM through a theoretical analysis on a simple linear case. Empirically we demonstrate the power of SparseIRM through various datasets …

Siwei Wang · Jun Zhu

[ Room 309 ]

Existing methods of combinatorial pure exploration mainly focus on the UCB approach. To make the algorithm efficient, they usually use the sum of upper confidence bounds within arm set $S$ to represent the upper confidence bound of $S$, which can be much larger than the tight upper confidence bound of $S$ and leads to a much higher complexity than necessary, since the empirical means of different arms in $S$ are independent. To deal with this challenge, we explore the idea of Thompson Sampling [TS] that uses independent random samples instead of the upper confidence bounds, and design the first TS-based algorithm TS-Explore for [combinatorial] pure exploration. In TS-Explore, the sum of independent random samples within arm set $S$ will not exceed the tight upper confidence bound of $S$ with high probability. Hence it solves the above challenge, and achieves a lower complexity upper bound than existing efficient UCB-based algorithms in general combinatorial pure exploration. As for pure exploration of classic multi-armed bandit, we show that TS-Explore achieves an asymptotically optimal complexity upper bound.

Maurice Weber · Linyi Li · Boxin Wang · Zhikuan Zhao · Bo Li · Ce Zhang

[ Hall G ]

Certifying the robustness of model performance under bounded data distribution drifts has recently attracted intensive interest under the umbrella of distributional robustness. However, existing techniques either make strong assumptions on the model class and loss functions that can be certified, such as smoothness expressed via Lipschitz continuity of gradients, or require to solve complex optimization problems. As a result, the wider application of these techniques is currently limited by its scalability and flexibility --- these techniques often do not scale to large-scale datasets with modern deep neural networks or cannot handle loss functions which may be non-smooth such as the 0-1 loss. In this paper, we focus on the problem of certifying distributional robustness for blackbox models and bounded loss functions, and propose a novel certification framework based on the Hellinger distance. Our certification technique scales to ImageNet-scale datasets, complex models, and a diverse set of loss functions. We then focus on one specific application enabled by such scalability and flexibility, i.e., certifying out-of-domain generalization for large neural networks and loss functions such as accuracy and AUC. We experimentally validate our certification method on a number of datasets, ranging from ImageNet, where we provide the first non-vacuous certified out-of-domain generalization, …

Lukas Köhs · Bastian Alt · Heinz Koeppl

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Switching dynamical systems are an expressive model class for the analysis of time-series data. As in many fields within the natural and engineering sciences, the systems under study typically evolve continuously in time, it is natural to consider continuous-time model formulations consisting of switching stochastic differential equations governed by an underlying Markov jump process. Inference in these types of models is however notoriously difficult, and tractable computational schemes are rare. In this work, we propose a novel inference algorithm utilizing a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. The presented Gibbs sampler allows to efficiently obtain samples from the exact continuous-time posterior processes. Our framework naturally enables Bayesian parameter estimation, and we also include an estimate for the diffusion covariance, which is oftentimes assumed fixed in stochastic differential equations models. We evaluate our framework under the modeling assumption and compare it against an existing variational inference approach.

Anis Elgabli · Chaouki Ben Issaid · Amrit Singh Bedi · Ketan Rajawat · Mehdi Bennis · Vaneet Aggarwal

[ Room 307 ]

Newton-type methods are popular in federated learning due to their fast convergence. Still, they suffer from two main issues, namely: low communication efficiency and low privacy due to the requirement of sending Hessian information from clients to parameter server [PS]. In this work, we introduced a novel framework called FedNew in which there is no need to transmit Hessian information from clients to PS, hence resolving the bottleneck to improve communication efficiency. In addition, FedNew hides the gradient information and results in a privacy-preserving approach compared to the existing state-of-the-art. The core novel idea in FedNew is to introduce a two level framework, and alternate between updating the inverse Hessian-gradient product using only one alternating direction method of multipliers [ADMM] step and then performing the global model update using Newton’s method. Though only one ADMM pass is used to approximate the inverse Hessian-gradient product at each iteration, we develop a novel theoretical approach to show the converging behavior of FedNew for convex problems. Additionally, a significant reduction in communication overhead is achieved by utilizing stochastic quantization. Numerical results using real datasets show the superiority of FedNew compared to existing methods in terms of communication costs.

Rajeev Verma · Eric Nalisnick

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

The learning to defer [L2D] framework has the potential to make AI systems safer. For a given input, the system can defer the decision to a human if the human is more likely than the model to take the correct action. We study the calibration of L2D systems, investigating if the probabilities they output are sound. We find that Mozannar & Sontag’s [2020] multiclass framework is not calibrated with respect to expert correctness. Moreover, it is not even guaranteed to produce valid probabilities due to its parameterization being degenerate for this purpose. We propose an L2D system based on one-vs-all classifiers that is able to produce calibrated probabilities of expert correctness. Furthermore, our loss function is also a consistent surrogate for multiclass L2D, like Mozannar & Sontag’s [2020]. Our experiments verify that not only is our system calibrated, but this benefit comes at no cost to accuracy. Our model's accuracy is always comparable [and often superior] to Mozannar & Sontag’s [2020] model's in tasks ranging from hate speech detection to galaxy classification to diagnosis of skin lesions.

Shinji Ito

[ Room 309 ]

In this paper, we consider online decision problems with submodular loss functions. For such problems, existing studies have only dealt with worst-case analysis. This study goes beyond worst-case analysis to show instance-dependent regret bounds. More precisely, for each of the full-information and bandit-feedback settings, we propose an algorithm that achieves a gap-dependent O[log T]-regret bound in the stochastic environment and is comparable to the best existing algorithm in the adversarial environment. The proposed algorithms also work well in the stochastic environment with adversarial corruptions, which is an intermediate setting between the stochastic and adversarial environments.

Peter Súkeník · Aleksei Kuvshinov · Stephan Günnemann

[ Hall G ]

Randomized smoothing is currently considered the state-of-the-art method to obtain certifiably robust classifiers. Despite its remarkable performance, the method is associated with various serious problems such as ``certified accuracy waterfalls'', certification vs.\ accuracy trade-off, or even fairness issues. Input-dependent smoothing approaches have been proposed with intention of overcoming these flaws. However, we demonstrate that these methods lack formal guarantees and so the resulting certificates are not justified. We show that in general, the input-dependent smoothing suffers from the curse of dimensionality, forcing the variance function to have low semi-elasticity. On the other hand, we provide a theoretical and practical framework that enables the usage of input-dependent smoothing even in the presence of the curse of dimensionality, under strict restrictions. We present one concrete design of the smoothing variance function and test it on CIFAR10 and MNIST. Our design mitigates some of the problems of classical smoothing and is formally underlined, yet further improvement of the design is still necessary.

Arda Sahiner · Tolga Ergen · Batu M Ozturkler · John Pauly · Morteza Mardani · Mert Pilanci

[ Room 307 ]

Vision transformers using self-attention or its proposed alternatives have demonstrated promising results in many image related tasks. However, the underpinning inductive bias of attention is not well understood. To address this issue, this paper analyzes attention through the lens of convex duality. For the non-linear dot-product self-attention, and alternative mechanisms such as MLP-mixer and Fourier Neural Operator [FNO], we derive equivalent finite-dimensional convex problems that are interpretable and solvable to global optimality. The convex programs lead to block nuclear-norm regularization that promotes low rank in the latent feature and token dimensions. In particular, we show how self-attention networks implicitly clusters the tokens, based on their latent similarity. We conduct experiments for transferring a pre-trained transformer backbone for CIFAR-100 classification by fine-tuning a variety of convex attention heads. The results indicate the merits of the bias induced by attention compared with the existing MLP or linear heads.

Kazuma Tsuji · Ken'ichiro Tanaka · Sebastian Pokutta

[ Room 307 ]

The Pairwise Conditional Gradients [PCG] algorithm is a powerful extension of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm leading to particularly sparse solutions, which makes PCG very appealing for problems such as sparse signal recovery, sparse regression, and kernel herding. Unfortunately, PCG exhibits so-called swap steps that might not provide sufficient primal progress. The number of these bad steps is bounded by a function in the dimension and as such known guarantees do not generalize to the infinite-dimensional case, which would be needed for kernel herding. We propose a new variant of PCG, the so-called Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradients [BPCG]. This new algorithm does not exhibit any swap steps, is very easy to implement, and does not require any internal gradient alignment procedures. The convergence rate of BPCG is basically that of PCG if no drop steps would occur and as such is no worse than PCG but improves and provides new rates in many cases. Moreover, we observe in the numerical experiments that BPCG’s solutions are much sparser than those of PCG. We apply BPCG to the kernel herding setting, where we derive nice quadrature rules and provide numerical results demonstrating the performance of our method.

Jung-hun Kim · Milan Vojnovic · Se-Young Yun

[ Room 309 ]

We consider the infinitely many-armed bandit problem with rotting rewards, where the mean reward of an arm decreases at each pull of the arm according to an arbitrary trend with maximum rotting rate $\varrho=o[1]$. We show that this learning problem has an $\Omega[\max\{\varrho^{1/3}T, \sqrt{T}\}]$ worst-case regret lower bound where $T$ is the time horizon. We show that a matching upper bound $\tilde{O}[\max\{\varrho^{1/3}T, \sqrt{T}\}]$, up to a poly-logarithmic factor, can be achieved by an algorithm that uses a UCB index for each arm and a threshold value to decide whether to continue pulling an arm or remove the arm from further consideration, when the algorithm knows the value of the maximum rotting rate $\varrho$. We also show that an $\tilde{O}[\max\{\varrho^{1/3}T, T^{3/4}\}]$ regret upper bound can be achieved by an algorithm that does not know the value of $\varrho$, by using an adaptive UCB index along with an adaptive threshold value.

Hunter Lang · Monica Agrawal · Yoon Kim · David Sontag

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

We demonstrate that co-training [Blum & Mitchell, 1998] can improve the performance of prompt-based learning by using unlabeled data. While prompting has emerged as a promising paradigm for few-shot and zero-shot learning, it is often brittle and requires much larger models compared to the standard supervised setup. We find that co-training makes it possible to improve the original prompt model and at the same time learn a smaller, downstream task-specific model. In the case where we only have partial access to a prompt model [e.g., output probabilities from GPT-3 [Brown et al., 2020]] we learn a calibration model over the prompt outputs. When we have full access to the prompt model's gradients but full finetuning remains prohibitively expensive [e.g., T0 [Sanh et al., 2021]], we learn a set of soft prompt continuous vectors to iteratively update the prompt model. We find that models trained in this manner can significantly improve performance on challenging datasets where there is currently a large gap between prompt-based learning and fully-supervised models.

Liyu Chen · Rahul Jain · Haipeng Luo

[ Hall F ]

We study regret minimization for infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes [MDPs] under cost constraints.We start by designing a policy optimization algorithm with carefully designed action-value estimator and bonus term,and show that for ergodic MDPs, our algorithm ensures $O[\sqrt{T}]$ regret and constant constraint violation, where $T$ is the total number of time steps.This strictly improves over the algorithm of [Singh et al., 2020], whose regret and constraint violation are both $O[T^{2/3}]$.Next, we consider the most general class of weakly communicating MDPs. Through a finite-horizon approximation, we develop another algorithm with $O[T^{2/3}]$ regret and constraint violation, which can be further improved to $O[\sqrt{T}]$ via a simple modification,albeit making the algorithm computationally inefficient.As far as we know, these are the first set of provable algorithms for weakly communicating MDPs with cost constraints.

Archit Sharma · Rehaan Ahmad · Chelsea Finn

[ Hall F ]

While reinforcement learning [RL] provides a framework for learning through trial and error, translating RL algorithms into the real world has remained challenging. A major hurdle to real-world application arises from the development of algorithms in an episodic setting where the environment is reset after every trial, in contrast with the continual and non-episodic nature of the real-world encountered by embodied agents such as humans and robots. Enabling agents to learn behaviors autonomously in such non-episodic environments requires that the agent to be able to conduct its own trials. Prior works have considered an alternating approach where a forward policy learns to solve the task and the backward policy learns to reset the environment, but what initial state distribution should the backward policy reset the agent to? Assuming access to a few demonstrations, we propose a new method, MEDAL, that trains the backward policy to match the state distribution in the provided demonstrations. This keeps the agent close to the task-relevant states, allowing for a mix of easy and difficult starting states for the forward policy. Our experiments show that MEDAL matches or outperforms prior methods on three sparse-reward continuous control tasks from the EARL benchmark, with 40% gains on …

Fei Huang · Hao Zhou · Yang Liu · Hang Li · Minlie Huang

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Non-autoregressive Transformers [NATs] significantly reduce the decoding latency by generating all tokens in parallel. However, such independent predictions prevent NATs from capturing the dependencies between the tokens for generating multiple possible translations. In this paper, we propose Directed Acyclic Transfomer [DA-Transformer], which represents the hidden states in a Directed Acyclic Graph [DAG], where each path of the DAG corresponds to a specific translation. The whole DAG simultaneously captures multiple translations and facilitates fast predictions in a non-autoregressive fashion. Experiments on the raw training data of WMT benchmark show that DA-Transformer substantially outperforms previous NATs by about 3 BLEU on average, which is the first NAT model that achieves competitive results with autoregressive Transformers without relying on knowledge distillation.

Lukas Struppek · Dominik Hintersdorf · Antonio De Almeida Correia · Antonia Adler · Kristian Kersting

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Model inversion attacks [MIAs] aim to create synthetic images that reflect the class-wise characteristics from a target classifier's private training data by exploiting the model's learned knowledge. Previous research has developed generative MIAs that use generative adversarial networks [GANs] as image priors tailored to a specific target model. This makes the attacks time- and resource-consuming, inflexible, and susceptible to distributional shifts between datasets. To overcome these drawbacks, we present Plug & Play Attacks, which relax the dependency between the target model and image prior, and enable the use of a single GAN to attack a wide range of targets, requiring only minor adjustments to the attack. Moreover, we show that powerful MIAs are possible even with publicly available pre-trained GANs and under strong distributional shifts, for which previous approaches fail to produce meaningful results. Our extensive evaluation confirms the improved robustness and flexibility of Plug & Play Attacks and their ability to create high-quality images revealing sensitive class characteristics.

Zhichun Huang · Rudrasis Chakraborty · Vikas Singh

[ Room 310 ]

Generative models which use explicit density modeling [e.g., variational autoencoders, flow-based generative models] involve finding a mapping from a known distribution, e.g. Gaussian, to the unknown input distribution. This often requires searching over a class of non-linear functions [e.g., representable by a deep neural network]. While effective in practice, the associated runtime/memory costs can increase rapidly, usually as a function of the performance desired in an application. We propose a substantially cheaper [and simpler] forward operator estimation strategy based on adapting known results on kernel transfer operators. We show that our formulation enables highly efficient distribution approximation and sampling, and offers surprisingly good empirical performance that compares favorably with powerful baselines, but with significant runtime savings. We show that the algorithm also performs well in small sample size settings [in brain imaging].

Harsh Rangwani · Sumukh K Aithal · Mayank Mishra · Arihant Jain · Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Domain adversarial training has been ubiquitous for achieving invariant representations and is used widely for various domain adaptation tasks. In recent times, methods converging to smooth optima have shown improved generalization for supervised learning tasks like classification. In this work, we analyze the effect of smoothness enhancing formulations on domain adversarial training, the objective of which is a combination of task loss [eg. classification, regression etc.] and adversarial terms. We find that converging to a smooth minima with respect to [w.r.t.] task loss stabilizes the adversarial training leading to better performance on target domain. In contrast to task loss, our analysis shows that converging to smooth minima w.r.t. adversarial loss leads to sub-optimal generalization on the target domain. Based on the analysis, we introduce the Smooth Domain Adversarial Training [SDAT] procedure, which effectively enhances the performance of existing domain adversarial methods for both classification and object detection tasks. Our analysis also provides insight into the extensive usage of SGD over Adam in the community for domain adversarial training.

Zhuang Wang · Zhaozhuo Xu · Xinyu Wu · Anshumali Shrivastava · T. S. Eugene Ng

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Data-parallel distributed training [DDT] has become the de-facto standard for accelerating the training of most deep learning tasks on massively parallel hardware. In the DDT paradigm, the communication overhead of gradient synchronization is the major efficiency bottleneck. A widely adopted approach to tackle this issue is gradient sparsification [GS]. However, the current GS methods introduce significant new overhead in compressing the gradients, outweighing the communication overhead and becoming the new efficiency bottleneck. In this paper, we propose DRAGONN, a randomized hashing algorithm for GS in DDT. DRAGONN can significantly reduce the compression time by up to 70% compared to state-of-the-art GS approaches, and achieve up to 3.52x speedup in total training throughput.

Xu Chu · Yujie Jin · Wenwu Zhu · Yasha Wang · Xin Wang · Shanghang Zhang · Hong Mei

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

The inaccessibility of the target domain data causes domain generalization [DG] methods prone to forget target discriminative features, and challenges the pervasive theme in existing literature in pursuing a single classifier with an ideal joint risk. In contrast, this paper investigates model misspecification and attempts to bridge DG with classifier ensemble theoretically and methodologically. By introducing a pruned Jensen-Shannon [PJS] loss, we show that the target square-root risk w.r.t. the PJS loss of the $\rho$-ensemble [the averaged classifier weighted by a quasi-posterior $\rho$] is bounded by the averaged source square-root risk of the Gibbs classifiers. We derive a tighter bound by enforcing a positive principled diversity measure of the classifiers. We give a PAC-Bayes upper bound on the target square-root risk of the $\rho$-ensemble. Methodologically, we propose a diversified neural averaging [DNA] method for DG, which optimizes the proposed PAC-Bayes bound approximately. The DNA method samples Gibbs classifiers transversely and longitudinally by simultaneously considering the dropout variational family and optimization trajectory. The $\rho$-ensemble is approximated by averaging the longitudinal weights in a single run with dropout shut down, ensuring a fast ensemble with low computational overhead. Empirically, the proposed DNA method achieves the state-of-the-art classification performance on standard DG benchmark …

Jogendra Nath Kundu · Akshay Kulkarni · Suvaansh Bhambri · Deepesh Mehta · Shreyas Kulkarni · Varun Jampani · Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Conventional domain adaptation [DA] techniques aim to improve domain transferability by learning domain-invariant representations; while concurrently preserving the task-discriminability knowledge gathered from the labeled source data. However, the requirement of simultaneous access to labeled source and unlabeled target renders them unsuitable for the challenging source-free DA setting. The trivial solution of realizing an effective original to generic domain mapping improves transferability but degrades task discriminability. Upon analyzing the hurdles from both theoretical and empirical standpoints, we derive novel insights to show that a mixup between original and corresponding translated generic samples enhances the discriminability-transferability trade-off while duly respecting the privacy-oriented source-free setting. A simple but effective realization of the proposed insights on top of the existing source-free DA approaches yields state-of-the-art performance with faster convergence. Beyond single-source, we also outperform multi-source prior-arts across both classification and semantic segmentation benchmarks.

Francesco Croce · Sven Gowal · Thomas Brunner · Evan Shelhamer · Matthias Hein · Taylan Cemgil

[ Hall G ]

Adaptive defenses, which optimize at test time, promise to improve adversarial robustness. We categorize such adaptive test-time defenses, explain their potential benefits and drawbacks, and evaluate a representative variety of the latest adaptive defenses for image classification. Unfortunately, none significantly improve upon static defenses when subjected to our careful case study evaluation. Some even weaken the underlying static model while simultaneously increasing inference computation. While these results are disappointing, we still believe that adaptive test-time defenses are a promising avenue of research and, as such, we provide recommendations for their thorough evaluation. We extend the checklist of Carlini et al. [2019] by providing concrete steps specific to adaptive defenses.

Liang Hou · Qi Cao · Huawei Shen · Siyuan Pan · Xiaoshuang Li · Xueqi Cheng

[ Room 310 ]

Conditional generative models aim to learn the underlying joint distribution of data and labels to achieve conditional data generation. Among them, the auxiliary classifier generative adversarial network [AC-GAN] has been widely used, but suffers from the problem of low intra-class diversity of the generated samples. The fundamental reason pointed out in this paper is that the classifier of AC-GAN is generator-agnostic, which therefore cannot provide informative guidance for the generator to approach the joint distribution, resulting in a minimization of the conditional entropy that decreases the intra-class diversity. Motivated by this understanding, we propose a novel conditional GAN with an auxiliary discriminative classifier [ADC-GAN] to resolve the above problem. Specifically, the proposed auxiliary discriminative classifier becomes generator-aware by recognizing the class-labels of the real data and the generated data discriminatively. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the generator can faithfully learn the joint distribution even without the original discriminator, making the proposed ADC-GAN robust to the value of the coefficient hyperparameter and the selection of the GAN loss, and stable during training. Extensive experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of ADC-GAN in conditional generative modeling compared to state-of-the-art classifier-based and projection-based conditional GANs.

Adam Liska · Tomas Kocisky · Elena Gribovskaya · Tayfun Terzi · Eren Sezener · Devang Agrawal · Cyprien de Masson d'Autume · Tim Scholtes · Manzil Zaheer · Susannah Young · Ellen Gilsenan-McMahon · Sophia Austin · Phil Blunsom · Angeliki Lazaridou

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Knowledge and language understanding of models evaluated through question answering [QA] has been usually studied on static snapshots of knowledge, like Wikipedia. However, our world is dynamic, evolves over time, and our models' knowledge becomes outdated. To study how semi-parametric QA models and their underlying parametric language models [LMs] adapt to evolving knowledge, we construct a new large-scale dataset, StreamingQA, with human written and generated questions asked on a given date, to be answered from 14 years of time-stamped news articles. We evaluate our models quarterly as they read new articles not seen in pre-training. We show that parametric models can be updated without full retraining, while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. For semi-parametric models, adding new articles into the search space allows for rapid adaptation, however, models with an outdated underlying LM under-perform those with a retrained LM. For questions about higher-frequency named entities, parametric updates are particularly beneficial. In our dynamic world, the StreamingQA dataset enables a more realistic evaluation of QA models, and our experiments highlight several promising directions for future research.

Pan Xu · Hongkai Zheng · Eric Mazumdar · Kamyar Azizzadenesheli · Animashree Anandkumar

[ Hall F ]

We study the efficiency of Thompson sampling for contextual bandits. Existing Thompson sampling-based algorithms need to construct a Laplace approximation [i.e., a Gaussian distribution] of the posterior distribution, which is inefficient to sample in high dimensional applications for general covariance matrices. Moreover, the Gaussian approximation may not be a good surrogate for the posterior distribution for general reward generating functions. We propose an efficient posterior sampling algorithm, viz., Langevin Monte Carlo Thompson Sampling [LMC-TS], that uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo [MCMC] methods to directly sample from the posterior distribution in contextual bandits. Our method is computationally efficient since it only needs to perform noisy gradient descent updates without constructing the Laplace approximation of the posterior distribution. We prove that the proposed algorithm achieves the same sublinear regret bound as the best Thompson sampling algorithms for a special case of contextual bandits, viz., linear contextual bandits. We conduct experiments on both synthetic data and real-world datasets on different contextual bandit models, which demonstrates that directly sampling from the posterior is both computationally efficient and competitive in performance.

Eliad Tsfadia · Edith Cohen · Haim Kaplan · Yishay Mansour · Uri Stemmer

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Differentially private algorithms for common metric aggregation tasks, such as clustering or averaging, often have limited practicality due to their complexity or to the large number of data points that is required for accurate results.We propose a simple and practical tool $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ that takes a set of points ${\cal D}$ from an unrestricted [pseudo] metric space as input. When ${\cal D}$ has effective diameter $r$, $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ returns a ``stable'' subset ${\cal C} \subseteq {\cal D}$ that includes all points, except possibly few outliers, and is {\em guaranteed} to have diameter $r$. $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ can be used to preprocess the input before privately aggregating it, potentially simplifying the aggregation or boosting its accuracy. Surprisingly, $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ is light-weight with no dependence on the dimension. We empirically demonstrate its advantages in boosting the accuracy of mean estimation and clustering tasks such as $k$-means and $k$-GMM, outperforming tailored methods.

Brandon G Jacques · Zoran Tiganj · Aakash Sarkar · Marc Howard · Per Sederberg

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Human learners can readily understand speech, or a melody, when it is presented slower or faster than usual. This paper presents a deep CNN [SITHCon] that uses a logarithmically compressed temporal representation at each level. Because rescaling the time of the input results in a translation of $\log$ time, and because the output of the convolution is invariant to translations, this network can generalize to out-of-sample data that are temporal rescalings of a learned pattern. We compare the performance of SITHCon to a Temporal Convolution Network [TCN] on classification and regression problems with both univariate and multivariate time series. We find that SITHCon, unlike TCN, generalizes robustly over rescalings of about an order of magnitude. Moreover, we show that the network can generalize over exponentially large scales without retraining the weights simply by extending the range of the logarithmically-compressed temporal memory.

Waleed Mustafa · Yunwen Lei · Marius Kloft

[ Hall G ]

Many recent studies have highlighted the susceptibility of virtually all machine-learning models to adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks are imperceptible changes to an input example of a given prediction model. Such changes are carefully designed to alter the otherwise correct prediction of the model. In this paper, we study the generalization properties of adversarial learning. In particular, we derive high-probability generalization bounds on the adversarial risk in terms of the empirical adversarial risk, the complexity of the function class and the adversarial noise set. Our bounds are generally applicable to many models, losses, and adversaries. We showcase its applicability by deriving adversarial generalization bounds for the multi-class classification setting and various prediction models [including linear models and Deep Neural Networks]. We also derive optimistic adversarial generalization bounds for the case of smooth losses. These are the first fast-rate bounds valid for adversarial deep learning to the best of our knowledge.

Ivan Dario Jimenez Rodriguez · Aaron Ames · Yisong Yue

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We propose a method for training ordinary differential equations by using a control-theoretic Lyapunov condition for stability. Our approach, called LyaNet, is based on a novel Lyapunov loss formulation that encourages the inference dynamics to converge quickly to the correct prediction. Theoretically, we show that minimizing Lyapunov loss guarantees exponential convergence to the correct solution and enables a novel robustness guarantee. We also provide practical algorithms, including one that avoids the cost of backpropagating through a solver or using the adjoint method. Relative to standard Neural ODE training, we empirically find that LyaNet can offer improved prediction performance, faster convergence of inference dynamics, and improved adversarial robustness. Our code is available at //

Xiao Zhou · Yong LIN · Renjie Pi · Weizhong Zhang · Renzhe Xu · Peng Cui · Tong Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Distributionally robust optimization [DRO] and invariant risk minimization [IRM] are two popular methods proposed to improve out-of-distribution [OOD] generalization performance of machine learning models. While effective for small models, it has been observed that these methods can be vulnerable to overfitting with large overparameterized models. This work proposes a principled method, Model Agnostic samPLe rEweighting [MAPLE], to effectively address OOD problem, especially in overparameterized scenarios. Our key idea is to find an effective reweighting of the training samples so that the standard empirical risk minimization training of a large model on the weighted training data leads to superior OOD generalization performance. The overfitting issue is addressed by considering a bilevel formulation to search for the sample reweighting, in which the generalization complexity depends on the search space of sample weights instead of the model size. We present theoretical analysis in linear case to prove the insensitivity of MAPLE to model size, and empirically verify its superiority in surpassing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.

Weiming Liu · Huacong Jiang · Bin Li · Houqiang Li

[ Room 309 ]

Follow-the-Regularized-Leader [FTRL] and Online Mirror Descent [OMD] are regret minimization algorithms for Online Convex Optimization [OCO], they are mathematically elegant but less practical in solving Extensive-Form Games [EFGs]. Counterfactual Regret Minimization [CFR] is a technique for approximating Nash equilibria in EFGs. CFR and its variants have a fast convergence rate in practice, but their theoretical results are not satisfactory. In recent years, researchers have been trying to link CFRs with OCO algorithms, which may provide new theoretical results and inspire new algorithms. However, existing analysis is restricted to local decision points. In this paper, we show that CFRs with Regret Matching and Regret Matching+ are equivalent to special cases of FTRL and OMD, respectively. According to these equivalences, a new FTRL and a new OMD algorithm, which can be considered as extensions of vanilla CFR and CFR+, are derived. The experimental results show that the two variants converge faster than conventional FTRL and OMD, even faster than vanilla CFR and CFR+ in some EFGs.

Sangwon Kim · Jaeyeal Nam · Byoung Chul Ko

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Vision transformers [ViTs], which have demonstrated a state-of-the-art performance in image classification, can also visualize global interpretations through attention-based contributions. However, the complexity of the model makes it difficult to interpret the decision-making process, and the ambiguity of the attention maps can cause incorrect correlations between image patches. In this study, we propose a new ViT neural tree decoder [ViT-NeT]. A ViT acts as a backbone, and to solve its limitations, the output contextual image patches are applied to the proposed NeT. The NeT aims to accurately classify fine-grained objects with similar inter-class correlations and different intra-class correlations. In addition, it describes the decision-making process through a tree structure and prototype and enables a visual interpretation of the results. The proposed ViT-NeT is designed to not only improve the classification performance but also provide a human-friendly interpretation, which is effective in resolving the trade-off between performance and interpretability. We compared the performance of ViT-NeT with other state-of-art methods using widely used fine-grained visual categorization benchmark datasets and experimentally proved that the proposed method is superior in terms of the classification performance and interpretability. The code and models are publicly available at //

Mengdi Xu · Yikang Shen · Shun Zhang · Yuchen Lu · Ding Zhao · Josh Tenenbaum · Chuang Gan

[ Hall F ]

Human can leverage prior experience and learn novel tasks from a handful of demonstrations. In contrast to offline meta-reinforcement learning, which aims to achieve quick adaptation through better algorithm design, we investigate the effect of architecture inductive bias on the few-shot learning capability. We propose a Prompt-based Decision Transformer [Prompt-DT], which leverages the sequential modeling ability of the Transformer architecture and the prompt framework to achieve few-shot adaptation in offline RL. We design the trajectory prompt, which contains segments of the few-shot demonstrations, and encodes task-specific information to guide policy generation. Our experiments in five MuJoCo control benchmarks show that Prompt-DT is a strong few-shot learner without any extra finetuning on unseen target tasks. Prompt-DT outperforms its variants and strong meta offline RL baselines by a large margin with a trajectory prompt containing only a few timesteps. Prompt-DT is also robust to prompt length changes and can generalize to out-of-distribution [OOD] environments. Project page: \href{//}{//}.

Valentin Hofmann · Janet Pierrehumbert · Hinrich Schütze

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

We propose a fully unsupervised method to detect bias in contextualized embeddings. The method leverages the assortative information latently encoded by social networks and combines orthogonality regularization, structured sparsity learning, and graph neural networks to find the embedding subspace capturing this information. As a concrete example, we focus on the phenomenon of ideological bias: we introduce the concept of an ideological subspace, show how it can be found by applying our method to online discussion forums, and present techniques to probe it. Our experiments suggest that the ideological subspace encodes abstract evaluative semantics and reflects changes in the political left-right spectrum during the presidency of Donald Trump.

Yinshuang Xu · Jiahui Lei · Edgar Dobriban · Kostas Daniilidis

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We introduce a unified framework for group equivariant networks on homogeneous spaces derived from a Fourier perspective. We consider tensor-valued feature fields, before and after a convolutional layer. We present a unified derivation of kernels via the Fourier domain by leveraging the sparsity of Fourier coefficients of the lifted feature fields. The sparsity emerges when the stabilizer subgroup of the homogeneous space is a compact Lie group. We further introduce a nonlinear activation, via an elementwise nonlinearity on the regular representation after lifting and projecting back to the field through an equivariant convolution. We show that other methods treating features as the Fourier coefficients in the stabilizer subgroup are special cases of our activation. Experiments on $SO[3]$ and $SE[3]$ show state-of-the-art performance in spherical vector field regression, point cloud classification, and molecular completion.

Rakshith Subramanyam · Vivek Narayanaswamy · Mark Naufel · Andreas Spanias · Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan

[ Room 310 ]

Inverting an image onto the latent space of pre-trained generators, e.g., StyleGAN-v2, has emerged as a popular strategy to leverage strong image priors for ill-posed restoration. Several studies have showed that this approach is effective at inverting images similar to the data used for training. However, with out-of-distribution [OOD] data that the generator has not been exposed to, existing inversion techniques produce sub-optimal results. In this paper, we propose SPHInX [StyleGAN with Projection Heads for Inverting X], an approach for accurately embedding OOD images onto the StyleGAN latent space. SPHInX optimizes a style projection head using a novel training strategy that imposes a vicinal regularization in the StyleGAN latent space. To further enhance OOD inversion, SPHInX can additionally optimize a content projection head and noise variables in every layer. Our empirical studies on a suite of OOD data show that, in addition to producing higher quality reconstructions over the state-of-the-art inversion techniques, SPHInX is effective for ill-posed restoration tasks while offering semantic editing capabilities.

LEONARDO CUNHA · Gauthier Gidel · Fabian Pedregosa · Damien Scieur · Courtney Paquette

[ Room 307 ]

The recently developed average-case analysis of optimization methods allows a more fine-grained and representative convergence analysis than usual worst-case results. In exchange, this analysis requires a more precise hypothesis over the data generating process, namely assuming knowledge of the expected spectral distribution [ESD] of the random matrix associated with the problem. This work shows that the concentration of eigenvalues near the edges of the ESD determines a problem's asymptotic average complexity. This a priori information on this concentration is a more grounded assumption than complete knowledge of the ESD. This approximate concentration is effectively a middle ground between the coarseness of the worst-case scenario convergence and the restrictive previous average-case analysis. We also introduce the Generalized Chebyshev method, asymptotically optimal under a hypothesis on this concentration and globally optimal when the ESD follows a Beta distribution. We compare its performance to classical optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent or Nesterov's scheme, and we show that, in the average-case context, Nesterov's method is universally nearly optimal asymptotically.

Heli Ben-Hamu · samuel cohen · Joey Bose · Brandon Amos · Maximilian Nickel · Aditya Grover · Ricky T. Q. Chen · Yaron Lipman

[ Room 310 ]

Continuous Normalizing Flows [CNFs] are a class of generative models that transform a prior distribution to a model distribution by solving an ordinary differential equation [ODE]. We propose to train CNFs on manifolds by minimizing probability path divergence [PPD], a novel family of divergences between the probability density path generated by the CNF and a target probability density path. PPD is formulated using a logarithmic mass conservation formula which is a linearfirst order partial differential equation relating the log target probabilities and the CNF’s defining vector field. PPD has several key benefits over existing methods: it sidesteps the need to solve an ODE per iteration, readily applies to manifold data, scales to high dimensions, and is compatible with a large family of target paths interpolating pure noise and data in finite time. Theoretically, PPD is shown to bound classical probability divergences. Empirically, we show that CNFs learned by minimizing PPD achieve state-of-the-art results in likelihoods and sample quality on existing low-dimensional manifold benchmarks, and is the first example of a generative model to scale to moderately high dimensional manifolds.

Sylvain Lamprier · Thomas Scialom · Antoine Chaffin · Vincent Claveau · Ewa Kijak · Jacopo Staiano · Benjamin Piwowarski

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Generative Adversarial Networks [GANs] have known a tremendous success for many continuous generation tasks, especially in the field of image generation. However, for discrete outputs such as language, optimizing GANs remains an open problem with many instabilities, as no gradient can be properly back-propagated from the discriminator output to the generator parameters. An alternative is to learn the generator network via reinforcement learning, using the discriminator signal as a reward, but such a technique suffers from moving rewards and vanishing gradient problems. Finally, it often falls short compared to direct maximum-likelihood approaches. In this paper, we introduce Generative Cooperative Networks, in which the discriminator architecture is cooperatively used along with the generation policy to output samples of realistic texts for the task at hand. We give theoretical guarantees of convergence for our approach, and study various efficient decoding schemes to empirically achieve state-of-the-art results in two main NLG tasks.

Ekrem Öztürk · Fabio Ferreira · Hadi S Jomaa · Lars Schmidt-Thieme · Josif Grabocka · Frank Hutter

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Given a new dataset D and a low compute budget, how should we choose a pre-trained model to fine-tune to D, and set the fine-tuning hyperparameters without risking overfitting, particularly if D is small? Here, we extend automated machine learning [AutoML] to best make these choices. Our domain-independent meta-learning approach learns a zero-shot surrogate model which, at test time, allows to select the right deep learning [DL] pipeline [including the pre-trained model and fine-tuning hyperparameters] for a new dataset D given only trivial meta-features describing D such as image resolution or the number of classes. To train this zero-shot model, we collect performance data for many DL pipelines on a large collection of datasets and meta-train on this data to minimize a pairwise ranking objective. We evaluate our approach under the strict time limit of the vision track of the ChaLearn AutoDL challenge benchmark, clearly outperforming all challenge contenders.

Ziyu Wang · Wenhao Jiang · Yiming Zhu · Li Yuan · Yibing Song · Wei Liu

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Recently, MLP-like vision models have achieved promising performances on mainstream visual recognition tasks. In contrast with vision transformers and CNNs, the success of MLP-like models shows that simple information fusion operations among tokens and channels can yield a good representation power for deep recognition models. However, existing MLP-like models fuse tokens through static fusion operations, lacking adaptability to the contents of the tokens to be mixed. Thus, customary information fusion procedures are not effective enough. To this end, this paper presents an efficient MLP-like network architecture, dubbed DynaMixer, resorting to dynamic information fusion. Critically, we propose a procedure, on which the DynaMixer model relies, to dynamically generate mixing matrices by leveraging the contents of all the tokens to be mixed. To reduce the time complexity and improve the robustness, a dimensionality reduction technique and a multi-segment fusion mechanism are adopted. Our proposed DynaMixer model [97M parameters] achieves 84.3\% top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K dataset without extra training data, performing favorably against the state-of-the-art vision MLP models. When the number of parameters is reduced to 26M, it still achieves 82.7\% top-1 accuracy, surpassing the existing MLP-like models with a similar capacity. The code is available at \url{//}.

Vladimir Kostic · Saverio Salzo · Massimiliano Pontil

[ Room 307 ]

In this work we propose a batch multimarginal version of the Greenkhornalgorithm for the entropic-regularized optimal transport problem. This framework is general enough to cover, as particular cases, existing Sinkhorn and Greenkhorn algorithms for the bi-marginal setting, and greedy MultiSinkhorn for the general multimarginal case. We provide a comprehensive convergence analysis based on the properties of the iterative Bregman projections method with greedy control.Linear rate of convergence as well as explicit bounds on the iteration complexity are obtained. When specialized to the above mentioned algorithms, our results give new convergence rates or provide key improvements over the state-of-the-art rates. We present numerical experiments showing that the flexibility of the batch can be exploited to improve performance of Sinkhorn algorithm both in bi-marginal and multimarginal settings.

Anish Thilagar · Rafael Frongillo · Jessie Finocchiaro · Emma Goodwill

[ Room 309 ]

Top-$k$ classification is a generalization of multiclass classification used widely in information retrieval, image classification, and other extreme classification settings. Several hinge-like [piecewise-linear] surrogates have been proposed for the problem, yet all are either non-convex or inconsistent.For the proposed hinge-like surrogates that are convex [i.e., polyhedral], we apply the recent embedding framework of Finocchiaro et al.[2019; 2022] to determine the prediction problem for which the surrogate is consistent.These problems can all be interpreted as variants of top-$k$ classification, which may be better aligned with some applications.We leverage this analysis to derive constraints on the conditional label distributions under which these proposed surrogates become consistent for top-$k$.It has been further suggested that every convex hinge-like surrogate must be inconsistent for top-$k$.Yet, we use the same embedding framework to give the first consistent polyhedral surrogate for this problem.

Shuang Qiu · Lingxiao Wang · Chenjia Bai · Zhuoran Yang · Zhaoran Wang

[ Hall F ]

In view of its power in extracting feature representation, contrastive self-supervised learning has been successfully integrated into the practice of [deep] reinforcement learning [RL], leading to efficient policy learning on various applications. Despite its tremendous empirical successes, the understanding of contrastive learning for RL remains elusive. To narrow such a gap, we study contrastive-learning empowered RL for a class of Markov decision processes [MDPs] and Markov games [MGs] with low-rank transitions. For both models, we propose to extract the correct feature representations of the low-rank model by minimizing a contrastive loss. Moreover, under the online setting, we propose novel upper confidence bound [UCB]-type algorithms that incorporate such a contrastive loss with online RL algorithms for MDPs or MGs. We further theoretically prove that our algorithm recovers the true representations and simultaneously achieves sample efficiency in learning the optimal policy and Nash equilibrium in MDPs and MGs. We also provide empirical studies to demonstrate the efficacy of the UCB-based contrastive learning method for RL. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first provably efficient online RL algorithm that incorporates contrastive learning for representation learning.

Chawin Sitawarin · Zachary Golan-Strieb · David Wagner

[ Hall G ]

Neural networks’ lack of robustness against attacks raises concerns in security-sensitive settings such as autonomous vehicles. While many countermeasures may look promising, only a few withstand rigorous evaluation. Defenses using random transformations [RT] have shown impressive results, particularly BaRT [Raff et al., 2019] on ImageNet. However, this type of defense has not been rigorously evaluated, leaving its robustness properties poorly understood. Their stochastic properties make evaluation more challenging and render many proposed attacks on deterministic models inapplicable. First, we show that the BPDA attack [Athalye et al., 2018a] used in BaRT’s evaluation is ineffective and likely overestimates its robustness. We then attempt to construct the strongest possible RT defense through the informed selection of transformations and Bayesian optimization for tuning their parameters. Furthermore, we create the strongest possible attack to evaluate our RT defense. Our new attack vastly outperforms the baseline, reducing the accuracy by 83% compared to the 19% reduction by the commonly used EoT attack [$4.3\times$ improvement]. Our result indicates that the RT defense on the Imagenette dataset [a ten-class subset of ImageNet] is not robust against adversarial examples. Extending the study further, we use our new attack to adversarially train RT defense [called AdvRT], resulting in a …

Yuxin Wen · Jonas Geiping · Liam Fowl · Micah Goldblum · Tom Goldstein

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Federated learning [FL] has rapidly risen in popularity due to its promise of privacy and efficiency. Previous works have exposed privacy vulnerabilities in the FL pipeline by recovering user data from gradient updates. However, existing attacks fail to address realistic settings because they either 1] require toy settings with very small batch sizes, or 2] require unrealistic and conspicuous architecture modifications. We introduce a new strategy that dramatically elevates existing attacks to operate on batches of arbitrarily large size, and without architectural modifications. Our model-agnostic strategy only requires modifications to the model parameters sent to the user, which is a realistic threat model in many scenarios. We demonstrate the strategy in challenging large-scale settings, obtaining high-fidelity data extraction in both cross-device and cross-silo federated learning. Code is available at //

Mark Collier · Rodolphe Jenatton · Efi Kokiopoulou · Jesse Berent

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Supervised learning datasets often have privileged information, in the form of features which are available at training time but are not available at test time e.g. the ID of the annotator that provided the label. We argue that privileged information is useful for explaining away label noise, thereby reducing the harmful impact of noisy labels. We develop a simple and efficient method for supervised learning with neural networks: it transfers via weight sharing the knowledge learned with privileged information and approximately marginalizes over privileged information at test time. Our method, TRAM [TRansfer and Marginalize], has minimal training time overhead and has the same test-time cost as not using privileged information. TRAM performs strongly on CIFAR-10H, ImageNet and Civil Comments benchmarks.

Baojian Zhou · Yifan Sun

[ Room 307 ]

In this paper, we consider approximate Frank-Wolfe [FW] algorithms to solve convex optimization problems over graph-structured support sets where the linear minimization oracle [LMO] cannot be efficiently obtained in general. We first demonstrate that two popular approximation assumptions [additive and multiplicative gap errors] are not applicable in that no cheap gap-approximate LMO oracle exists. Thus, approximate dual maximization oracles [DMO] are proposed, which approximate the inner product rather than the gap. We prove that the standard FW method using a $\delta$-approximate DMO converges as $O[[1-\delta] \sqrt{s}/\delta]$ in the worst case, and as $O[L/[\delta^2 t]]$ over a $\delta$-relaxation of the constraint set. Furthermore, when the solution is on the boundary, a variant of FW converges as $O[1/t^2]$ under the quadratic growth assumption. Our empirical results suggest that even these improved bounds are pessimistic, showing fast convergence in recovering real-world images with graph-structured sparsity.

Linyi Li · Jiawei Zhang · Tao Xie · Bo Li

[ Hall G ]

Neural networks [NNs] are known to be vulnerable against adversarial perturbations, and thus there is a line of work aiming to provide robustness certification for NNs, such as randomized smoothing, which samples smoothing noises from a certain distribution to certify the robustness for a smoothed classifier. However, as previous work shows, the certified robust radius in randomized smoothing suffers from scaling to large datasets ["curse of dimensionality"]. To overcome this hurdle, we propose a Double Sampling Randomized Smoothing [DSRS] framework, which exploits the sampled probability from an additional smoothing distribution to tighten the robustness certification of the previous smoothed classifier. Theoretically, under mild assumptions, we prove that DSRS can certify $\Theta[\sqrt d]$ robust radius under $\ell_2$ norm where $d$ is the input dimension, which implies that DSRS may be able to break the curse of dimensionality of randomized smoothing. We instantiate DSRS for a generalized family of Gaussian smoothing and propose an efficient and sound computing method based on customized dual optimization considering sampling error. Extensive experiments on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet verify our theory and show that DSRS certifies larger robust radii than existing baselines consistently under different settings. Code is available at //

Xu Luo · Jing Xu · ZENGLIN Xu

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Few-Shot Learning [FSL] requires vision models to quickly adapt to brand-new classification tasks with a shift in task distribution. Understanding the difficulties posed by this task distribution shift is central to FSL. In this paper, we show that a simple channel-wise feature transformation may be the key to unraveling this secret from a channel perspective. When facing novel few-shot tasks in the test-time datasets, this transformation can greatly improve the generalization ability of learned image representations, while being agnostic to the choice of datasets and training algorithms. Through an in-depth analysis of this transformation, we find that the difficulty of representation transfer in FSL stems from the severe channel bias problem of image representations: channels may have different importance in different tasks, while convolutional neural networks are likely to be insensitive, or respond incorrectly to such a shift. This points out a core problem of the generalization ability of modern vision systems which needs further attention in the future.

Ruoxin Chen · Zenan Li · Jie Li · Junchi Yan · Chentao Wu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Bootstrap aggregating [bagging] is an effective ensemble protocol, which is believed can enhance robustness by its majority voting mechanism. Recent works further prove the sample-wise robustness certificates for certain forms of bagging [e.g. partition aggregation]. Beyond these particular forms, in this paper, we propose the first collective certification for general bagging to compute the tight robustness against the global poisoning attack. Specifically, we compute the maximum number of simultaneously changed predictions via solving a binary integer linear programming [BILP] problem. Then we analyze the robustness of vanilla bagging and give the upper bound of the tolerable poison budget. Based on this analysis, we propose hash bagging to improve the robustness of vanilla bagging almost for free. This is achieved by modifying the random subsampling in vanilla bagging to a hash-based deterministic subsampling, as a way of controlling the influence scope for each poisoning sample universally. Our extensive experiments show the notable advantage in terms of applicability and robustness. Our code is available at //

Xiaoyu Chen · Han Zhong · Zhuoran Yang · Zhaoran Wang · Liwei Wang

[ Hall F ]

We study human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning [RL] with trajectory preferences, where instead of receiving a numeric reward at each step, the RL agent only receives preferences over trajectory pairs from a human overseer. The goal of the RL agent is to learn the optimal policy which is most preferred by the human overseer. Despite the empirical success in various real-world applications, the theoretical understanding of preference-based RL [PbRL] is only limited to the tabular case. In this paper, we propose the first optimistic model-based algorithm for PbRL with general function approximation, which estimates the model using value-targeted regression and calculates the exploratory policies by solving an optimistic planning problem. We prove that our algorithm achieves the regret bound of $\tilde{O} [\operatorname{poly}[d H] \sqrt{K} ]$, where $d$ is the complexity measure of the transition and preference model depending on the Eluder dimension and log-covering numbers, $H$ is the planning horizon, $K$ is the number of episodes, and $\tilde O[\cdot]$ omits logarithmic terms. Our lower bound indicates that our algorithm is near-optimal when specialized to the linear setting. Furthermore, we extend the PbRL problem by formulating a novel problem called RL with $n$-wise comparisons, and provide the first sample-efficient algorithm for this new …

Hanjun Dai · Mengjiao Yang · Yuan Xue · Dale Schuurmans · Bo Dai

[ Room 310 ]

Distributions over discrete sets capture the essential statistics including the high-order correlation among elements. Such information provides powerful insight for decision making across various application domains, e.g., product assortment based on product distribution in shopping carts. While deep generative models trained on pre-collected data can capture existing distributions, such pre-trained models are usually not capable of aligning with a target domain in the presence of distribution shift due to reasons such as temporal shift or the change in the population mix. We develop a general framework to adapt a generative model subject to a [possibly counterfactual] target data distribution with both sampling and computation efficiency. Concretely, instead of re-training a full model from scratch, we reuse the learned modules to preserve the correlations between set elements, while only adjusting corresponding components to align with target marginal constraints. We instantiate the approach for three commonly used forms of discrete set distribution-latent variable, autoregressive, and energy based models-and provide efficient solutions for marginal-constrained optimization in either primal or dual forms. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world e-commerce and EHR datasets show that the proposed framework is able to practically align a generative model to match marginal constraints under distribution shift.

Thomas Wang · Adam Roberts · Daniel Hesslow · Teven Le Scao · Hyung Won Chung · Iz Beltagy · Julien Launay · Colin Raffel

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Large pretrained Transformer language models have been shown to exhibit zero-shot generalization, i.e. they can perform a wide variety of tasks that they were not explicitly trained on. However, the architectures and pretraining objectives used across state-of-the-art models differ significantly, and there has been limited systematic comparison of these factors. In this work, we present a large-scale evaluation of modeling choices and their impact on zero-shot generalization. In particular, we focus on text-to-text models and experiment with three model architectures [causal/non-causal decoder-only and encoder-decoder], trained with two different pretraining objectives [autoregressive and masked language modeling], and evaluated with and without multitask prompted finetuning. We train models with over 5 billion parameters for more than 168 billion tokens, thereby increasing the likelihood that our conclusions will transfer to even larger scales. Our experiments show that causal decoder-only models trained on an autoregressive language modeling objective exhibit the strongest zero-shot generalization after purely self-supervised pretraining. However, models with non-causal visibility on their input trained with a masked language modeling objective followed by multitask finetuning perform the best among our experiments. We therefore consider the adaptation of pretrained models across architectures and objectives. Code and checkpoints are available at // workshop/architecture-objective.

Hansi Yang · James Kwok

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Meta-learning tries to learn meta-knowledge from a large number of tasks. However, the stochastic meta-gradient can have large variance due to data sampling [from each task] and task sampling [from the whole task distribution], leading to slow convergence. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that integrates variance reduction with first-order meta-learning algorithms such as Reptile. It retains the bilevel formulation which better captures the structure of meta-learning, but does not require storing the vast number of task-specific parameters in general bilevel variance reduction methods. Theoretical results show that it has fast convergence rate due to variance reduction. Experiments on benchmark few-shot classification data sets demonstrate its effectiveness over state-of-the-art meta-learning algorithms with and without variance reduction.

Viktor Bengs · Aadirupa Saha · Eyke Hüllermeier

[ Room 309 ]

We consider the regret minimization task in a dueling bandits problem with context information. In every round of the sequential decision problem, the learner makes a context-dependent selection of two choice alternatives [arms] to be compared with each other and receives feedback in the form of noisy preference information. We assume that the feedback process is determined by a linear stochastic transitivity model with contextualized utilities [CoLST], and the learner's task is to include the best arm [with highest latent context-dependent utility] in the duel. We propose a computationally efficient algorithm, \Algo{CoLSTIM}, which makes its choice based on imitating the feedback process using perturbed context-dependent utility estimates of the underlying CoLST model. If each arm is associated with a $d$-dimensional feature vector, we show that \Algo{CoLSTIM} achieves a regret of order $\tilde O[ \sqrt{dT}]$ after $T$ learning rounds. Additionally, we also establish the optimality of \Algo{CoLSTIM} by showing a lower bound for the weak regret that refines the existing average regret analysis. Our experiments demonstrate its superiority over state-of-art algorithms for special cases of CoLST models.

Ehsan Amid · Arun Ganesh · Rajiv Mathews · Swaroop Ramaswamy · Shuang Song · Thomas Steinke · Thomas Steinke · Vinith Suriyakumar · Om Thakkar · Abhradeep Guha Thakurta

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In this paper, we revisit the problem of using in-distribution public data to improve the privacy/utility trade-offs for differentially private [DP] model training. [Here, public data refers to auxiliary data sets that have no privacy concerns.] We design a natural variant of DP mirror descent, where the DP gradients of the private/sensitive data act as the linear term, and the loss generated by the public data as the mirror map.We show that, for linear regression with feature vectors drawn from a non-isotropic sub-Gaussian distribution, our algorithm, PDA-DPMD [a variant of mirror descent], provides population risk guarantees that are asymptotically better than the best known guarantees under DP [without having access to public data], when the number of public data samples is sufficiently large. We further show that our algorithm has natural ``noise stability'' properties that control the variance due to noise added to ensure DP.We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm by showing privacy/utility trade-offs on four benchmark datasets [StackOverflow, WikiText-2, CIFAR-10, and EMNIST]. We show that our algorithm not only significantly improves over traditional DP-SGD, which does not have access to public data, but to our knowledge is the first to improve over DP-SGD on models that have been …

Andrei A Rusu · Dan Andrei Calian · Sven Gowal · Raia Hadsell

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We introduce the Lossy Implicit Network Activation Coding [LINAC] defence, an input transformation which successfully hinders several common adversarial attacks on CIFAR-10 classifiers for perturbations up to 8/255 in Linf norm and 0.5 in L2 norm. Implicit neural representations are used to approximately encode pixel colour intensities in 2D images such that classifiers trained on transformed data appear to have robustness to small perturbations without adversarial training or large drops in performance. The seed of the random number generator used to initialise and train the implicit neural representation turns out to be necessary information for stronger generic attacks, suggesting its role as a private key. We devise a Parametric Bypass Approximation [PBA] attack strategy for key-based defences, which successfully invalidates an existing method in this category. Interestingly, our LINAC defence also hinders some transfer and adaptive attacks, including our novel PBA strategy. Our results emphasise the importance of a broad range of customised attacks despite apparent robustness according to standard evaluations.

Xiang Gao · Yuqi Zhang · Yingjie Tian

[ Room 310 ]

Image cartoonization is recently dominated by generative adversarial networks [GANs] from the perspective of unsupervised image-to-image translation, in which an inherent challenge is to precisely capture and sufficiently transfer characteristic cartoon styles [e.g., clear edges, smooth color shading, vivid colors, etc.]. Existing advanced models try to enhance cartoonization effect by learning to promote edges adversarially, introducing style transfer loss, or learning to align style from multiple representation space. This paper demonstrates that more distinct and vivid cartoonization effect could be easily achieved with only basic adversarial loss. Observing that cartoon style is more evident in cartoon-texture-salient local image regions, we build a region-level adversarial learning branch in parallel with the normal image-level one, which constrains adversarial learning on cartoon-texture-salient local patches for better perceiving and transferring cartoon texture features. To this end, a novel cartoon-texture-saliency-sampler [CTSS] module is proposed to adaptively sample cartoon-texture-salient patches from training data. We present that such texture saliency adaptive attention is of significant importance in facilitating and enhancing cartoon stylization, which is a key missing ingredient of related methods. The superiority of our model in promoting cartoonization effect, especially for high-resolution input images, are fully demonstrated with extensive experiments.

Burak Bartan · Mert Pilanci

[ Room 307 ]

Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis [FLDA] is a statistical analysis method that linearly embeds data points to a lower dimensional space to maximize a discrimination criterion such that the variance between classes is maximized while the variance within classes is minimized. We introduce a natural extension of FLDA that employs neural networks, called Neural Fisher Discriminant Analysis [NFDA]. This method finds the optimal two-layer neural network that embeds data points to optimize the same discrimination criterion. We use tools from convex optimization to transform the optimal neural network embedding problem into a convex problem. The resulting problem is easy to interpret and solve to global optimality. We evaluate the method's performance on synthetic and real datasets.

Eunsang Lee · Joon-Woo Lee · Junghyun Lee · Young-Sik KIM · Yongjune Kim · Jong-Seon No · Woosuk Choi

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Recently, the standard ResNet-20 network was successfully implemented on the fully homomorphic encryption scheme, residue number system variant Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song [RNS-CKKS] scheme using bootstrapping, but the implementation lacks practicality due to high latency and low security level. To improve the performance, we first minimize total bootstrapping runtime using multiplexed parallel convolution that collects sparse output data for multiple channels compactly. We also propose the imaginary-removing bootstrapping to prevent the deep neural networks from catastrophic divergence during approximate ReLU operations. In addition, we optimize level consumptions and use lighter and tighter parameters. Simulation results show that we have 4.67x lower inference latency and 134x less amortized runtime [runtime per image] for ResNet-20 compared to the state-of-the-art previous work, and we achieve standard 128-bit security. Furthermore, we successfully implement ResNet-110 with high accuracy on the RNS-CKKS scheme for the first time.

Wenda Chu · Linyi Li · Bo Li

[ Hall G ]

Point cloud models with neural network architectures have achieved great success and been widely used in safety-critical applications, such as Lidar-based recognition systems in autonomous vehicles. However, such models are shown vulnerable against adversarial attacks which aim to apply stealthy semantic transformations such as rotation and tapering to mislead model predictions. In this paper, we propose a transformation-specific smoothing framework TPC, which provides tight and scalable robustness guarantees for point cloud models against semantic transformation attacks. We first categorize common 3D transformations into two categories: composable [e.g., rotation] and indirectly composable [e.g., tapering], and we present generic robustness certification strategies for both categories. We then specify unique certification protocols for a range of specific semantic transformations and derive strong robustness guarantees. Extensive experiments on several common 3D transformations show that TPC significantly outperforms the state of the art. For example, our framework boosts the certified accuracy against twisting transformation along z-axis [within ±20°] from 20.3% to 83.8%. Codes and models are available at //

Alexandre Rame · Corentin Dancette · Matthieu Cord

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Learning robust models that generalize well under changes in the data distribution is critical for real-world applications. To this end, there has been a growing surge of interest to learn simultaneously from multiple training domains - while enforcing different types of invariance across those domains. Yet, all existing approaches fail to show systematic benefits under controlled evaluation protocols. In this paper, we introduce a new regularization - named Fishr - that enforces domain invariance in the space of the gradients of the loss: specifically, the domain-level variances of gradients are matched across training domains. Our approach is based on the close relations between the gradient covariance, the Fisher Information and the Hessian of the loss: in particular, we show that Fishr eventually aligns the domain-level loss landscapes locally around the final weights. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Fishr for out-of-distribution generalization. Notably, Fishr improves the state of the art on the DomainBed benchmark and performs consistently better than Empirical Risk Minimization. Our code is available at //

Tiexin QIN · Shiqi Wang · Haoliang Li

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Domain generalization aims to improve the generalization capability of machine learning systems to out-of-distribution [OOD] data. Existing domain generalization techniques embark upon stationary and discrete environments to tackle the generalization issue caused by OOD data. However, many real-world tasks in non-stationary environments [e.g., self-driven car system, sensor measures] involve more complex and continuously evolving domain drift, which raises new challenges for the problem of domain generalization. In this paper, we formulate the aforementioned setting as the problem of evolving domain generalization. Specifically, we propose to introduce a probabilistic framework called Latent Structure-aware Sequential Autoencoder [LSSAE] to tackle the problem of evolving domain generalization via exploring the underlying continuous structure in the latent space of deep neural networks, where we aim to identify two major factors namely covariate shift and concept shift accounting for distribution shift in non-stationary environments. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets show that LSSAE can lead to superior performances based on the evolving domain generalization setting.

Aadirupa Saha · Shubham Gupta

[ Room 309 ]

We study the problem of \emph{dynamic regret minimization} in $K$-armed Dueling Bandits under non-stationary or time-varying preferences. This is an online learning setup where the agent chooses a pair of items at each round and observes only a relative binary `win-loss' feedback for this pair sampled from an underlying preference matrix at that round. We first study the problem of static-regret minimization for adversarial preference sequences and design an efficient algorithm with $O[\sqrt{KT}]$ regret bound. We next use similar algorithmic ideas to propose an efficient and provably optimal algorithm for dynamic-regret minimization under two notions of non-stationarities. In particular, we show $\tO[\sqrt{SKT}]$ and $\tO[{V_T^{1/3}K^{1/3}T^{2/3}}]$ dynamic-regret guarantees, respectively, with $S$ being the total number of `effective-switches' in the underlying preference relations and $V_T$ being a measure of `continuous-variation' non-stationarity. These rates are provably optimal as justified with matching lower bound guarantees. Moreover, our proposed algorithms are flexible as they can be easily `blackboxed' to yield dynamic regret guarantees for other notions of dueling bandits regret, including condorcet regret, best-response bounds, and Borda regret. The complexity of these problems have not been studied prior to this work despite the practicality of non-stationary environments. Our results are corroborated with extensive simulations.

Yifan Peng · Siddharth Dalmia · Ian Lane · Shinji Watanabe

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Conformer has proven to be effective in many speech processing tasks. It combines the benefits of extracting local dependencies using convolutions and global dependencies using self-attention. Inspired by this, we propose a more flexible, interpretable and customizable encoder alternative, Branchformer, with parallel branches for modeling various ranged dependencies in end-to-end speech processing. In each encoder layer, one branch employs self-attention or its variant to capture long-range dependencies, while the other branch utilizes an MLP module with convolutional gating [cgMLP] to extract local relationships. We conduct experiments on several speech recognition and spoken language understanding benchmarks. Results show that our model outperforms both Transformer and cgMLP. It also matches with or outperforms state-of-the-art results achieved by Conformer. Furthermore, we show various strategies to reduce computation thanks to the two-branch architecture, including the ability to have variable inference complexity in a single trained model. The weights learned for merging branches indicate how local and global dependencies are utilized in different layers, which benefits model designing.

Lingjing Kong · Shaoan Xie · Weiran Yao · Yujia Zheng · Guangyi Chen · Petar Stojanov · Victor Akinwande · Kun Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Unsupervised domain adaptation is critical to many real-world applications where label information is unavailable in the target domain. In general, without further assumptions, the joint distribution of the features and the label is not identifiable in the target domain. To address this issue, we rely on a property of minimal changes of causal mechanisms across domains to minimize unnecessary influences of domain shift. To encode this property, we first formulate the data generating process using a latent variable model with two partitioned latent subspaces: invariant components whose distributions stay the same across domains, and sparse changing components that vary across domains. We further constrain the domain shift to have a restrictive influence on the changing components. Under mild conditions, we show that the latent variables are partially identifiable, from which it follows that the joint distribution of data and labels in the target domain is also identifiable. Given the theoretical insights, we propose a practical domain adaptation framework, called iMSDA. Extensive experimental results reveal that iMSDA outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation algorithms on benchmark datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework.

Georgi Ganev · Bristena Oprisanu · Emiliano De Cristofaro

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Generative models trained with Differential Privacy [DP] can be used to generate synthetic data while minimizing privacy risks. We analyze the impact of DP on these models vis-a-vis underrepresented classes/subgroups of data, specifically, studying: 1] the size of classes/subgroups in the synthetic data, and 2] the accuracy of classification tasks run on them. We also evaluate the effect of various levels of imbalance and privacy budgets. Our analysis uses three state-of-the-art DP models [PrivBayes, DP-WGAN, and PATE-GAN] and shows that DP yields opposite size distributions in the generated synthetic data. It affects the gap between the majority and minority classes/subgroups; in some cases by reducing it [a "Robin Hood" effect] and, in others, by increasing it [a "Matthew" effect]. Either way, this leads to [similar] disparate impacts on the accuracy of classification tasks on the synthetic data, affecting disproportionately more the underrepresented subparts of the data. Consequently, when training models on synthetic data, one might incur the risk of treating different subpopulations unevenly, leading to unreliable or unfair conclusions.

Jiayao Zhang · Hongming ZHANG · Weijie Su · Dan Roth

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Commonsense causality reasoning [CCR] aims at identifying plausible causes and effects in natural language descriptions that are deemed reasonable by an average person. Although being of great academic and practical interest, this problem is still shadowed by the lack of a well-posed theoretical framework; existing work usually relies on deep language models wholeheartedly, and is potentially susceptible to confounding co-occurrences. Motivated by classical causal principles, we articulate the central question of CCR and draw parallels between human subjects in observational studies and natural languages to adopt CCR to the potential-outcomes framework, which is the first such attempt for commonsense tasks. We propose a novel framework, ROCK, to Reason O[A]bout Commonsense K[C]ausality, which utilizes temporal signals as incidental supervision, and balances confounding effects using temporal propensities that are analogous to propensity scores. The ROCK implementation is modular and zero-shot, and demonstrates good CCR capabilities.

Jiapeng Zhu · Yujun Shen · Yinghao Xu · Deli Zhao · Qifeng Chen

[ Room 310 ]

Despite the rapid advancement of semantic discovery in the latent space of Generative Adversarial Networks [GANs], existing approaches either are limited to finding global attributes or rely on a number of segmentation masks to identify local attributes. In this work, we present a highly efficient algorithm to factorize the latent semantics learned by GANs concerning an arbitrary image region. Concretely, we revisit the task of local manipulation with pre-trained GANs and formulate region-based semantic discovery as a dual optimization problem. Through an appropriately defined generalized Rayleigh quotient, we manage to solve such a problem without any annotations or training. Experimental results on various state-of-the-art GAN models demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, as well as its superiority over prior arts regarding precise control, region robustness, speed of implementation, and simplicity of use.

HeeSun Bae · Seungjae Shin · Byeonghu Na · JoonHo Jang · Kyungwoo Song · IL CHUL MOON

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Noisy labels are inevitable yet problematic in machine learning society. It ruins the generalization of a classifier by making the classifier over-fitted to noisy labels. Existing methods on noisy label have focused on modifying the classifier during the training procedure. It has two potential problems. First, these methods are not applicable to a pre-trained classifier without further access to training. Second, it is not easy to train a classifier and regularize all negative effects from noisy labels, simultaneously. We suggest a new branch of method, Noisy Prediction Calibration [NPC] in learning with noisy labels. Through the introduction and estimation of a new type of transition matrix via generative model, NPC corrects the noisy prediction from the pre-trained classifier to the true label as a post-processing scheme. We prove that NPC theoretically aligns with the transition matrix based methods. Yet, NPC empirically provides more accurate pathway to estimate true label, even without involvement in classifier learning. Also, NPC is applicable to any classifier trained with noisy label methods, if training instances and its predictions are available. Our method, NPC, boosts the classification performances of all baseline models on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The implemented code is available at //

Jacob Abernethy · Pranjal Awasthi · Matthäus Kleindessner · Jamie Morgenstern · Chris Russell · Jie Zhang

[ Room 307 ]

We propose simple active sampling and reweighting strategies for optimizing min-max fairness that can be applied to any classification or regression model learned via loss minimization. The key intuition behind our approach is to use at each timestep a datapoint from the group that is worst off under the current model for updating the model. The ease of implementation and the generality of our robust formulation make it an attractive option for improving model performance on disadvantaged groups. For convex learning problems, such as linear or logistic regression, we provide a fine-grained analysis, proving the rate of convergence to a min-max fair solution.

Tianyi Lin · Aldo Pacchiano · Yaodong Yu · Michael Jordan

[ Room 309 ]

Motivated by applications to online learning in sparse estimation and Bayesian optimization, we consider the problem of online unconstrained nonsubmodular minimization with delayed costs in both full information and bandit feedback settings. In contrast to previous works on online unconstrained submodular minimization, we focus on a class of nonsubmodular functions with special structure, and prove regret guarantees for several variants of the online and approximate online bandit gradient descent algorithms in static and delayed scenarios. We derive bounds for the agent's regret in the full information and bandit feedback setting, even if the delay between choosing a decision and receiving the incurred cost is unbounded. Key to our approach is the notion of $[\alpha, \beta]$-regret and the extension of the generic convex relaxation model from~\citet{El-2020-Optimal}, the analysis of which is of independent interest. We conduct and showcase several simulation studies to demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms.

Xiaoyu Lu · Alexis Boukouvalas · James Hensman

[ Room 307 ]

Gaussian Process [GP] models are a class of flexible non-parametric models that have rich representational power. By using a Gaussian process with additive structure, complex responses can be modelled whilst retaining interpretability. Previous work showed that additive Gaussian process models require high-dimensional interaction terms. We propose the orthogonal additive kernel [OAK], which imposes an orthogonality constraint on the additive functions, enabling an identifiable, low-dimensional representation of the functional relationship. We connect the OAK kernel to functional ANOVA decomposition, and show improved convergence rates for sparse computation methods. With only a small number of additive low-dimensional terms, we demonstrate the OAK model achieves similar or better predictive performance compared to black-box models, while retaining interpretability.

Guillaume Braun · Hemant Tyagi · Christophe Biernacki

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Real-world networks often come with side information that can help to improve the performance of network analysis tasks such as clustering. Despite a large number of empirical and theoretical studies conducted on network clustering methods during the past decade, the added value of side information and the methods used to incorporate it optimally in clustering algorithms are relatively less understood. We propose a new iterative algorithm to cluster networks with side information for nodes [in the form of covariates] and show that our algorithm is optimal under the Contextual Symmetric Stochastic Block Model.Our algorithm can be applied to general Contextual Stochastic Block Models and avoids hyperparameter tuning in contrast to previously proposed methods. We confirm our theoretical results on synthetic data experiments where our algorithm significantly outperforms other methods, and show that it can also be applied to signed graphs. Finally we demonstrate the practical interest of our method on real data.

Moshe Eliasof · Eldad Haber · Eran Treister

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Graph Convolutional Networks [GCNs], similarly to Convolutional Neural Networks [CNNs], are typically based on two main operations - spatial and point-wise convolutions.In the context of GCNs, differently from CNNs, a pre-determined spatial operator based on the graph Laplacian is often chosen, allowing only the point-wise operations to be learnt.However, learning a meaningful spatial operator is critical for developing more expressive GCNs for improved performance. In this paper we propose pathGCN, a novel approach to learn the spatial operator from random paths on the graph. We analyze the convergence of our method and its difference from existing GCNs. Furthermore, we discuss several options of combining our learnt spatial operator with point-wise convolutions. Our extensive experiments on numerous datasets suggest that by properly learning both the spatial and point-wise convolutions, phenomena like over-smoothing can be inherently avoided, and new state-of-the-art performance is achieved.

Abubakar Abid · Mert Yuksekgonul · James Zou

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Understanding and explaining the mistakes made by trained models is critical to many machine learning objectives, such as improving robustness, addressing concept drift, and mitigating biases. However, this is often an ad hoc process that involves manually looking at the model's mistakes on many test samples and guessing at the underlying reasons for those incorrect predictions. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach, conceptual counterfactual explanations [CCE], that explains why a classifier makes a mistake on a particular test sample[s] in terms of human-understandable concepts [e.g. this zebra is misclassified as a dog because of faint stripes]. We base CCE on two prior ideas: counterfactual explanations and concept activation vectors, and validate our approach on well-known pretrained models, showing that it explains the models' mistakes meaningfully. In addition, for new models trained on data with spurious correlations, CCE accurately identifies the spurious correlation as the cause of model mistakes from a single misclassified test sample. On two challenging medical applications, CCE generated useful insights, confirmed by clinicians, into biases and mistakes the model makes in real-world settings. The code for CCE is publicly available and can easily be applied to explain mistakes in new models.

Yunpeng Shi · Cole Wyeth · Gilad Lerman

[ Hall F ]

We propose a novel quadratic programming formulation for estimating the corruption levels in group synchronization, and use these estimates to solve this problem. Our objective function exploits the cycle consistency of the group and we thus refer to our method as detection and estimation of structural consistency [DESC]. This general framework can be extended to other algebraic and geometric structures. Our formulation has the following advantages: it can tolerate corruption as high as the information-theoretic bound, it does not require a good initialization for the estimates of group elements, it has a simple interpretation, and under some mild conditions the global minimum of our objective function exactly recovers the corruption levels. We demonstrate the competitive accuracy of our approach on both synthetic and real data experiments of rotation averaging.

Yiduo Guo · Bing Liu · Dongyan Zhao

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

This paper proposed a new online continual learning approach called OCMM based on \textit{mutual information} [MI] \textit{maximization}. It achieves two objectives that are critical in dealing with catastrophic forgetting [CF]. {\color{black}[1] It reduces feature bias caused by cross entropy [CE] as CE learns only discriminative features for each task, but these features may not be discriminative for another task. To learn a new task well, the network parameters learned before have to be modified, which causes CF.} The new approach encourages the learning of each task to make use of the full features of the task training data. [2] It encourages preservation of the previously learned knowledge when training a new batch of incrementally arriving data. Empirical evaluation shows that OCMM substantially outperforms the latest online CL baselines. For example, for CIFAR10, OCMM improves the accuracy of the best baseline by 13.1\% from 64.1\% [baseline] to 77.2\% [OCMM].The code is publicly available at //

  1. Konstantin Rusch · Ben Chamberlain · James Rowbottom · Siddhartha Mishra · Michael Bronstein

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We propose Graph-Coupled Oscillator Networks [GraphCON], a novel framework for deep learning on graphs. It is based on discretizations of a second-order system of ordinary differential equations [ODEs], which model a network of nonlinear controlled and damped oscillators, coupled via the adjacency structure of the underlying graph. The flexibility of our framework permits any basic GNN layer [e.g. convolutional or attentional] as the coupling function, from which a multi-layer deep neural network is built up via the dynamics of the proposed ODEs. We relate the oversmoothing problem, commonly encountered in GNNs, to the stability of steady states of the underlying ODE and show that zero-Dirichlet energy steady states are not stable for our proposed ODEs. This demonstrates that the proposed framework mitigates the oversmoothing problem. Moreover, we prove that GraphCON mitigates the exploding and vanishing gradients problem to facilitate training of deep multi-layer GNNs. Finally, we show that our approach offers competitive performance with respect to the state-of-the-art on a variety of graph-based learning tasks.

Yilun Du · Shuang Li · Josh Tenenbaum · Igor Mordatch

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Deep learning has excelled on complex pattern recognition tasks such as image classification and object recognition. However, it struggles with tasks requiring nontrivial reasoning, such as algorithmic computation. Humans are able to solve such tasks through iterative reasoning -- spending more time to think about harder tasks. Most existing neural networks, however, exhibit a fixed computational budget controlled by the neural network architecture, preventing additional computational processing on harder tasks. In this work, we present a new framework for iterative reasoning with neural networks. We train a neural network to parameterize an energy landscape over all outputs, and implement each step of the iterative reasoning as an energy minimization step to find a minimal energy solution. By formulating reasoning as an energy minimization problem, for harder problems that lead to more complex energy landscapes, we may then adjust our underlying computational budget by running a more complex optimization procedure. We empirically illustrate that our iterative reasoning approach can solve more accurate and generalizable algorithmic reasoning tasks in both graph and continuous domains. Finally, we illustrate that our approach can recursively solve algorithmic problems requiring nested reasoning.

Zhengfeng Lai · Chao Wang · Henrry Gunawan · Senching Cheung · Chen-Nee Chuah

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Despite recent promising results on semi-supervised learning [SSL], data imbalance, particularly in the unlabeled dataset, could significantly impact the training performance of a SSL algorithm if there is a mismatch between the expected and actual class distributions. The efforts on how to construct a robust SSL framework that can effectively learn from datasets with unknown distributions remain limited. We first investigate the feasibility of adding weights to the consistency loss and then we verify the necessity of smoothed weighting schemes. Based on this study, we propose a self-adaptive algorithm, named Smoothed Adaptive Weighting [SAW]. SAW is designed to enhance the robustness of SSL by estimating the learning difficulty of each class and synthesizing the weights in the consistency loss based on such estimation. We show that SAW can complement recent consistency-based SSL algorithms and improve their reliability on various datasets including three standard datasets and one gigapixel medical imaging application without making any assumptions about the distribution of the unlabeled set.

Dawei Zhang · Yanwei Fu · Zhonglong Zheng

[ Hall F ]

Visual object tracking is basically formulated as target classification and bounding box estimation. Recent anchor-free Siamese trackers rely on predicting the distances to four sides for efficient regression but fail to estimate accurate bounding box in complex scenes. We argue that these approaches lack a clear probabilistic explanation, so it is desirable to model the uncertainty and ambiguity representation of target estimation. To address this issue, this paper presents an Uncertainty-Aware Siamese Tracker [UAST] by developing a novel distribution-based regression formulation with localization uncertainty. We exploit regression vectors to directly represent the discretized probability distribution for four offsets of boxes, which is general, flexible and informative. Based on the resulting distributed representation, our method is able to provide a probabilistic value of uncertainty. Furthermore, considering the high correlation between the uncertainty and regression accuracy, we propose to learn a joint representation head of classification and localization quality for reliable tracking, which also avoids the inconsistency of classification and quality estimation between training and inference. Extensive experiments on several challenging tracking benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of UAST and its superiority over other Siamese trackers.

Jinkun Lin · Anqi Zhang · Mathias Lécuyer · Jinyang Li · Aurojit Panda · Siddhartha Sen

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We develop a new, principled algorithm for estimating the contribution of training data points to the behavior of a deep learning model, such as a specific prediction it makes. Our algorithm estimates the AME, a quantity that measures the expected [average] marginal effect of adding a data point to a subset of the training data, sampled from a given distribution. When subsets are sampled from the uniform distribution, the AME reduces to the well-known Shapley value. Our approach is inspired by causal inference and randomized experiments: we sample different subsets of the training data to train multiple submodels, and evaluate each submodel's behavior. We then use a LASSO regression to jointly estimate the AME of each data point, based on the subset compositions. Under sparsity assumptions [$k \ll N$ datapoints have large AME], our estimator requires only $O[k\log N]$ randomized submodel trainings, improving upon the best prior Shapley value estimators.

Nicholas Krämer · Nathanael Bosch · Jonathan Schmidt · Philipp Hennig

[ Room 307 ]

Probabilistic solvers for ordinary differential equations [ODEs] have emerged as an efficient framework for uncertainty quantification and inference on dynamical systems. In this work, we explain the mathematical assumptions and detailed implementation schemes behind solving high-dimensional ODEs with a probabilistic numerical algorithm. This has not been possible before due to matrix-matrix operations in each solver step, but is crucial for scientifically relevant problems---most importantly, the solution of discretised partial differential equations. In a nutshell, efficient high-dimensional probabilistic ODE solutions build either on independence assumptions or on Kronecker structure in the prior model. We evaluate the resulting efficiency on a range of problems, including the probabilistic numerical simulation of a differential equation with millions of dimensions.

Yonggan Fu · Haichuan Yang · Jiayi Yuan · Meng Li · Cheng Wan · Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi · Vikas Chandra · Yingyan Lin

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Efficient deep neural network [DNN] models equipped with compact operators [e.g., depthwise convolutions] have shown great potential in reducing DNNs' theoretical complexity [e.g., the total number of weights/operations] while maintaining a decent model accuracy. However, existing efficient DNNs are still limited in fulfilling their promise in boosting real-hardware efficiency, due to their commonly adopted compact operators' low hardware utilization. In this work, we open up a new compression paradigm for developing real-hardware efficient DNNs, leading to boosted hardware efficiency while maintaining model accuracy. Interestingly, we observe that while some DNN layers' activation functions help DNNs' training optimization and achievable accuracy, they can be properly removed after training without compromising the model accuracy. Inspired by this observation, we propose a framework dubbed DepthShrinker, which develops hardware-friendly compact networks via shrinking the basic building blocks of existing efficient DNNs that feature irregular computation patterns into dense ones with much improved hardware utilization and thus real-hardware efficiency. Excitingly, our DepthShrinker framework delivers hardware-friendly compact networks that outperform both state-of-the-art efficient DNNs and compression techniques, e.g., a 3.06% higher accuracy and 1.53x throughput on Tesla V100 over SOTA channel-wise pruning method MetaPruning. Our codes are available at: //

Edoardo Caldarelli · Philippe Wenk · Stefan Bauer · Andreas Krause

[ Room 307 ]

Detecting change points in time series, i.e., points in time at which some observed process suddenly changes, is a fundamental task that arises in many real-world applications, with consequences for safety and reliability. In this work, we propose ADAGA, a novel Gaussian process-based solution to this problem, that leverages a powerful heuristics we developed based on statistical hypothesis testing. In contrast to prior approaches, ADAGA adapts to changes both in mean and covariance structure of the temporal process. In extensive experiments, we show its versatility and applicability to different classes of change points, demonstrating that it is significantly more accurate than current state-of-the-art alternatives.

Sanghamitra Dutta · Jason Long · Saumitra Mishra · Cecilia Tilli · Daniele Magazzeni

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Counterfactual explanations inform ways to achieve a desired outcome from a machine learning model. However, such explanations are not robust to certain real-world changes in the underlying model [e.g., retraining the model, changing hyperparameters, etc.], questioning their reliability in several applications, e.g., credit lending. In this work, we propose a novel strategy - that we call RobX - to generate robust counterfactuals for tree-based ensembles, e.g., XGBoost. Tree-based ensembles pose additional challenges in robust counterfactual generation, e.g., they have a non-smooth and non-differentiable objective function, and they can change a lot in the parameter space under retraining on very similar data. We first introduce a novel metric - that we call Counterfactual Stability - that attempts to quantify how robust a counterfactual is going to be to model changes under retraining, and comes with desirable theoretical properties. Our proposed strategy RobX works with any counterfactual generation method [base method] and searches for robust counterfactuals by iteratively refining the counterfactual generated by the base method using our metric Counterfactual Stability. We compare the performance of RobX with popular counterfactual generation methods [for tree-based ensembles] across benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our strategy generates counterfactuals that are significantly more robust [nearly …

Rui Li · Jianan Zhao · Chaozhuo Li · Di He · Yiqi Wang · Yuming Liu · Hao Sun · Senzhang Wang · Weiwei Deng · Yanming Shen · Xing Xie · Qi Zhang

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

The effectiveness of knowledge graph embedding [KGE] largely depends on the ability to model intrinsic relation patterns and mapping properties. However, existing approaches can only capture some of them with insufficient modeling capacity. In this work, we propose a more powerful KGE framework named HousE, which involves a novel parameterization based on two kinds of Householder transformations: [1] Householder rotations to achieve superior capacity of modeling relation patterns; [2] Householder projections to handle sophisticated relation mapping properties. Theoretically, HousE is capable of modeling crucial relation patterns and mapping properties simultaneously. Besides, HousE is a generalization of existing rotation-based models while extending the rotations to high-dimensional spaces. Empirically, HousE achieves new state-of-the-art performance on five benchmark datasets. Our code is available at //

Junlin Han · Pengfei Fang · Weihao Li · Jie Hong · Mohammad Ali Armin · Ian Reid · Lars Petersson · HONGDONG LI

[ Hall F ]

We present You Only Cut Once [YOCO] for performing data augmentations. YOCO cuts one image into two pieces and performs data augmentations individually within each piece. Applying YOCO improves the diversity of the augmentation per sample and encourages neural networks to recognize objects from partial information. YOCO enjoys the properties of parameter-free, easy usage, and boosting almost all augmentations for free. Thorough experiments are conducted to evaluate its effectiveness. We first demonstrate that YOCO can be seamlessly applied to varying data augmentations, neural network architectures, and brings performance gains on CIFAR and ImageNet classification tasks, sometimes surpassing conventional image-level augmentation by large margins. Moreover, we show YOCO benefits contrastive pre-training toward a more powerful representation that can be better transferred to multiple downstream tasks. Finally, we study a number of variants of YOCO and empirically analyze the performance for respective settings.

Lan-Zhe Guo · Yu-Feng Li

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Semi-supervised learning [SSL] has proven to be successful in overcoming labeling difficulties by leveraging unlabeled data. Previous SSL algorithms typically assume a balanced class distribution. However, real-world datasets are usually class-imbalanced, causing the performance of existing SSL algorithms to be seriously decreased. One essential reason is that pseudo-labels for unlabeled data are selected based on a fixed confidence threshold, resulting in low performance on minority classes. In this paper, we develop a simple yet effective framework, which only involves adaptive thresholding for different classes in SSL algorithms, and achieves remarkable performance improvement on more than twenty imbalance ratios. Specifically, we explicitly optimize the number of pseudo-labels for each class in the SSL objective, so as to simultaneously obtain adaptive thresholds and minimize empirical risk. Moreover, the determination of the adaptive threshold can be efficiently obtained by a closed-form solution. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

Gregory Benton · Wesley Maddox · Andrew Wilson

[ Room 307 ]

A broad class of stochastic volatility models are defined by systems of stochastic differential equations, and while these models have seen widespread success in domains such as finance and statistical climatology, they typically lack an ability to condition on historical data to produce a true posterior distribution. To address this fundamental limitation, we show how to re-cast a class of stochastic volatility models as a hierarchical Gaussian process [GP] model with specialized covariance functions. This GP model retains the inductive biases of the stochastic volatility model while providing the posterior predictive distribution given by GP inference. Within this framework, we take inspiration from well studied domains to introduce a new class of models, Volt and Magpie, that significantly outperform baselines in stock and wind speed forecasting, and naturally extend to the multitask setting.

Daniel Lundstrom · Tianjian Huang · Meisam Razaviyayn

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

As deep learning [DL] efficacy grows, concerns for poor model explainability grow also. Attribution methods address the issue of explainability by quantifying the importance of an input feature for a model prediction. Among various methods, Integrated Gradients [IG] sets itself apart by claiming other methods failed to satisfy desirable axioms, while IG and methods like it uniquely satisfy said axioms. This paper comments on fundamental aspects of IG and its applications/extensions: 1] We identify key differences between IG function spaces and the supporting literature’s function spaces which problematize previous claims of IG uniqueness. We show that with the introduction of an additional axiom, non-decreasing positivity, the uniqueness claims can be established. 2] We address the question of input sensitivity by identifying function classes where IG is/is not Lipschitz in the attributed input. 3] We show that axioms for single-baseline methods have analogous properties for methods with probability distribution baselines. 4] We introduce a computationally efficient method of identifying internal neurons that contribute to specified regions of an IG attribution map. Finally, we present experimental results validating this method.

Ikuro Sato · Yamada Ryota · Masayuki Tanaka · Nakamasa Inoue · Rei Kawakami

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

It has been intensively investigated that the local shape, especially flatness, of the loss landscape near a minimum plays an important role for generalization of deep models. We developed a training algorithm called PoF: Post-Training of Feature Extractor that updates the feature extractor part of an already-trained deep model to search a flatter minimum. The characteristics are two-fold: 1] Feature extractor is trained under parameter perturbations in the higher-layer parameter space, based on observations that suggest flattening higher-layer parameter space, and 2] the perturbation range is determined in a data-driven manner aiming to reduce a part of test loss caused by the positive loss curvature. We provide a theoretical analysis that shows the proposed algorithm implicitly reduces the target Hessian components as well as the loss. Experimental results show that PoF improved model performance against baseline methods on both CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets for only 10-epoch post-training, and on SVHN dataset for 50-epoch post-training.

Zhipeng Bao · Martial Hebert · Yu-Xiong Wang

[ Hall F ]

Generative modeling has recently shown great promise in computer vision, but it has mostly focused on synthesizing visually realistic images. In this paper, motivated by multi-task learning of shareable feature representations, we consider a novel problem of learning a shared generative model that is useful across various visual perception tasks. Correspondingly, we propose a general multi-task oriented generative modeling [MGM] framework, by coupling a discriminative multi-task network with a generative network. While it is challenging to synthesize both RGB images and pixel-level annotations in multi-task scenarios, our framework enables us to use synthesized images paired with only weak annotations [i.e., image-level scene labels] to facilitate multiple visual tasks. Experimental evaluation on challenging multi-task benchmarks, including NYUv2 and Taskonomy, demonstrates that our MGM framework improves the performance of all the tasks by large margins, consistently outperforming state-of-the-art multi-task approaches in different sample-size regimes.

Siqi Miao · Mia Liu · Pan Li

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Interpretable graph learning is in need as many scientific applications depend on learning models to collect insights from graph-structured data. Previous works mostly focused on using post-hoc approaches to interpret pre-trained models [graph neural networks in particular]. They argue against inherently interpretable models because the good interpretability of these models is often at the cost of their prediction accuracy. However, those post-hoc methods often fail to provide stable interpretation and may extract features that are spuriously correlated with the task. In this work, we address these issues by proposing Graph Stochastic Attention [GSAT]. Derived from the information bottleneck principle, GSAT injects stochasticity to the attention weights to block the information from task-irrelevant graph components while learning stochasticity-reduced attention to select task-relevant subgraphs for interpretation. The selected subgraphs provably do not contain patterns that are spuriously correlated with the task under some assumptions. Extensive experiments on eight datasets show that GSAT outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by up to 20% in interpretation AUC and 5% in prediction accuracy. Our code is available at //

Vincent Cohen-Addad · Vahab Mirrokni · Peilin Zhong

[ Hall G ]

We consider $k$-means clustering of $n$ data points in Euclidean space in the Massively Parallel Computation [MPC] model, a computational model which is an abstraction of modern massively parallel computing system such as MapReduce. Recent work provides evidence that getting $O[1]$-approximate $k$-means solution for general input points using $o[\log n]$ rounds in the MPC model may be impossible under certain conditions [Ghaffari, Kuhn \& Uitto'2019]. However, the real-world data points usually have better structures. One instance of interest is the set of data points which is perturbation resilient [Bilu \& Linial'2010]. In particular, a point set is $\alpha$-perturbation resilient for $k$-means if perturbing pairwise distances by multiplicative factors in the range $[1,\alpha]$ does not change the optimum $k$-means clusters. We bypass the worst case lower bound by considering the perturbation resilient input points and showing $o[\log n]$ rounds $k$-means clustering algorithms for these instances in the MPC model. Specifically, we show a fully scalable $[1+\varepsilon]$-approximate $k$-means clustering algorithm for $O[\alpha]$-perturbation resilient instance in the MPC model using $O[1]$ rounds and ${O}_{\varepsilon,d}[n^{1+1/\alpha^2+o[1]}]$ total space. If the space per machine is sufficiently larger than $k$, i.e., at least $k\cdot n^{\Omega[1]}$, we also develop an optimal $k$-means clustering algorithm for $O[\alpha]$-perturbation resilient instance …

Andrey Zhmoginov · Mark Sandler · Maksym Vladymyrov

[ Hall F ]

In this work we propose a HyperTransformer, a Transformer-based model for supervised and semi-supervised few-shot learning that generates weights of a convolutional neural network [CNN] directly from support samples. Since the dependence of a small generated CNN model on a specific task is encoded by a high-capacity Transformer model, we effectively decouple the complexity of the large task space from the complexity of individual tasks. Our method is particularly effective for small target CNN architectures where learning a fixed universal task-independent embedding is not optimal and better performance is attained when the information about the task can modulate all model parameters. For larger models we discover that generating the last layer alone allows us to produce competitive or better results than those obtained with state-of-the-art methods while being end-to-end differentiable.

Alexandr Andoni · Daniel Beaglehole

[ Room 310 ]

The indexing algorithms for the high-dimensional nearest neighbor search [NNS] with the best worst-case guarantees are based on the randomized Locality Sensitive Hashing [LSH], and its derivatives. In practice, many heuristic approaches exist to "learn" the best indexing method in order to speed-up NNS, crucially adapting to the structure of the given dataset. Oftentimes, these heuristics outperform the LSH-based algorithms on real datasets, but, almost always, come at the cost of losing the guarantees of either correctness or robust performance on adversarial queries, or apply to datasets with an assumed extra structure/model. In this paper, we design an NNS algorithm for the Hamming space that has worst-case guarantees essentially matching that of theoretical algorithms, while optimizing the hashing to the structure of the dataset [think instance-optimal algorithms] for performance on the minimum-performing query. We evaluate the algorithm's ability to optimize for a given dataset both theoretically and practically. On the theoretical side, we exhibit a natural setting [dataset model] where our algorithm is much better than the standard theoretical one. On the practical side, we run experiments that show that our algorithm has a 1.8x and 2.1x better recall on the worst-performing queries to the MNIST and ImageNet datasets.

Parnian Kassraie · Jonas Rothfuss · Andreas Krause

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Obtaining reliable, adaptive confidence sets for prediction functions [hypotheses] is a central challenge in sequential decision-making tasks, such as bandits and model-based reinforcement learning. These confidence sets typically rely on prior assumptions on the hypothesis space, e.g., the known kernel of a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space [RKHS]. Hand-designing such kernels is error prone, and misspecification may lead to poor or unsafe performance. In this work, we propose to meta-learn a kernel from offline data [Meta-KeL]. For the case where the unknown kernel is a combination of known base kernels, we develop an estimator based on structured sparsity. Under mild conditions, we guarantee that our estimated RKHS yields valid confidence sets that, with increasing amounts of offline data, become as tight as those given the true unknown kernel. We demonstrate our approach on the kernelized bandits problem [a.k.a. Bayesian optimization], where we establish regret bounds competitive with those given the true kernel. We also empirically evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on a Bayesian optimization task.

Filip Tronarp · Nathanael Bosch · Philipp Hennig

[ Room 307 ]

We show how probabilistic numerics can be used to convert an initial value problem into a Gauss--Markov process parametrised by the dynamics of the initial value problem. Consequently, the often difficult problem of parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations is reduced to hyper-parameter estimation in Gauss--Markov regression, which tends to be considerably easier. The method's relation and benefits in comparison to classical numerical integration and gradient matching approaches is elucidated. In particular, the method can, in contrast to gradient matching, handle partial observations, and has certain routes for escaping local optima not available to classical numerical integration. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is on par or moderately better than competing approaches.

Brandon Trabucco · mariano phielipp · Glen Berseth

[ Room 309 ]

The prototypical approach to reinforcement learning involves training policies tailored to a particular agent from scratch for every new morphology.Recent work aims to eliminate the re-training of policies by investigating whether a morphology-agnostic policy, trained on a diverse set of agents with similar task objectives, can be transferred to new agents with unseen morphologies without re-training. This is a challenging problem that required previous approaches to use hand-designed descriptions of the new agent's morphology. Instead of hand-designing this description, we propose a data-driven method that learns a representation of morphology directly from the reinforcement learning objective.Ours is the first reinforcement learning algorithm that can train a policy to generalize tonew agent morphologies without requiring a description of the agent's morphology in advance. We evaluate our approach on the standard benchmark for agent-agnostic control, and improve over the current state of the art in zero-shot generalization to new agents. Importantly, our method attains good performance without an explicit description of morphology.

Ayoub El Hanchi · David Stephens · Chris Maddison

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Importance sampling is a promising strategy for improving the convergence rate of stochastic gradient methods. It is typically used to precondition the optimization problem, but it can also be used to reduce the variance of the gradient estimator. Unfortunately, this latter point of view has yet to lead to practical methods that provably improve the asymptotic error of stochastic gradient methods. In this work, we propose stochastic reweighted gradient descent [SRG], a stochastic gradient method based solely on importance sampling that can reduce the variance of the gradient estimator and improve on the asymptotic error of stochastic gradient descent [SGD] in the strongly convex and smooth case. We show that SRG can be extended to combine the benefits of both importance-sampling-based preconditioning and variance reduction. When compared to SGD, the resulting algorithm can simultaneously reduce the condition number and the asymptotic error, both by up to a factor equal to the number of component functions. We demonstrate improved convergence in practice on regularized logistic regression problems.

Giung Nam · Hyungi Lee · Byeongho Heo · Juho Lee

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Ensembles of deep neural networks have demonstrated superior performance, but their heavy computational cost hinders applying them for resource-limited environments. It motivates distilling knowledge from the ensemble teacher into a smaller student network, and there are two important design choices for this ensemble distillation: 1] how to construct the student network, and 2] what data should be shown during training. In this paper, we propose a weight averaging technique where a student with multiple subnetworks is trained to absorb the functional diversity of ensemble teachers, but then those subnetworks are properly averaged for inference, giving a single student network with no additional inference cost. We also propose a perturbation strategy that seeks inputs from which the diversities of teachers can be better transferred to the student. Combining these two, our method significantly improves upon previous methods on various image classification tasks.

Jun Xia · Lirong Wu · Wang Ge · Jintao Chen · Stan Z. Li

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Contrastive Learning [CL] has emerged as a dominant technique for unsupervised representation learning which embeds augmented versions of the anchor close to each other [positive samples] and pushes the embeddings of other samples [negatives] apart. As revealed in recent studies, CL can benefit from hard negatives [negatives that are most similar to the anchor]. However, we observe limited benefits when we adopt existing hard negative mining techniques of other domains in Graph Contrastive Learning [GCL]. We perform both experimental and theoretical analysis on this phenomenon and find it can be attributed to the message passing of Graph Neural Networks [GNNs]. Unlike CL in other domains, most hard negatives are potentially false negatives [negatives that share the same class with the anchor] if they are selected merely according to the similarities between anchor and themselves, which will undesirably push away the samples of the same class. To remedy this deficiency, we propose an effective method, dubbed \textbf{ProGCL}, to estimate the probability of a negative being true one, which constitutes a more suitable measure for negatives' hardness together with similarity. Additionally, we devise two schemes [i.e., \textbf{ProGCL-weight} and \textbf{ProGCL-mix}] to boost the performance of GCL. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ProGCL brings notable …

Micah Carroll · Anca Dragan · Stuart Russell · Dylan Hadfield-Menell

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

The content that a recommender system [RS] shows to users influences them. Therefore, when choosing a recommender to deploy, one is implicitly also choosing to induce specific internal states in users. Even more, systems trained via long-horizon optimization will have direct incentives to manipulate users, e.g. shift their preferences so they are easier to satisfy. We focus on induced preference shifts in users. We argue that – before deployment – system designers should: estimate the shifts a recommender would induce; evaluate whether such shifts would be undesirable; and perhaps even actively optimize to avoid problematic shifts. These steps involve two challenging ingredients: estimation requires anticipating how hypothetical policies would influence user preferences if deployed – we do this by using historical user interaction data to train a predictive user model which implicitly contains their preference dynamics;evaluation and optimization additionally require metrics to assess whether such influences are manipulative or otherwise unwanted – we use the notion of "safe shifts", that define a trust region within which behavior is safe: for instance, the natural way in which users would shift without interference from the system could be deemed "safe". In simulated experiments, we show that our learned preference dynamics model is …

Tianhao Zhu · Jie Shen

[ Hall G ]

Outlier-robust principal component analysis [ORPCA] has been broadly applied in scientific discovery in the last decades. In this paper, we study online ORPCA, an important variant that addresses the practical challenge that the data points arrive in a sequential manner and the goal is to recover the underlying subspace of the clean data with one pass of the data. Our main contribution is the first provable algorithm that enjoys comparable recovery guarantee to the best known batch algorithm, while significantly improving upon the state-of-the-art online ORPCA algorithms. The core technique is a robust version of the residual norm which, informally speaking, leverages not only the importance of a data point, but also how likely it behaves as an outlier.

Fei Deng · Ingook Jang · Sungjin Ahn

[ Room 309 ]

Reconstruction-based Model-Based Reinforcement Learning [MBRL] agents, such as Dreamer, often fail to discard task-irrelevant visual distractions that are prevalent in natural scenes. In this paper, we propose a reconstruction-free MBRL agent, called DreamerPro, that can enhance robustness to distractions. Motivated by the recent success of prototypical representations, a non-contrastive self-supervised learning approach in computer vision, DreamerPro combines Dreamer with prototypes. In order for the prototypes to benefit temporal dynamics learning in MBRL, we propose to additionally learn the prototypes from the recurrent states of the world model, thereby distilling temporal structures from past observations and actions into the prototypes. Experiments on the DeepMind Control suite show that DreamerPro achieves better overall performance than state-of-the-art contrastive MBRL agents when there are complex background distractions, and maintains similar performance as Dreamer in standard tasks where contrastive MBRL agents can perform much worse.

Xuguang Duan · Xin Wang · Ziwei Zhang · Wenwu Zhu

[ Hall F ]

Generating programs to describe visual observations has gained much research attention recently. However, most of the existing approaches are based on non-parametric primitive functions, making them unable to handle complex visual scenes involving many attributes and details. In this paper, we propose the concept of parametric visual program induction. Learning to generate parametric programs for visual scenes is challenging due to the huge number of function variants and the complex function correlations. To solve these challenges, we propose the method of function modularization, capable of dealing with numerous function variants and complex correlations. Specifically, we model each parametric function as a multi-head self-contained neural module to cover different function variants. Moreover, to eliminate the complex correlations between functions, we propose the hierarchical heterogeneous Monto-Carlo tree search [H2MCTS] algorithm which can provide high-quality uncorrelated supervision during training, and serve as an efficient searching technique during testing. We demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method on three visual program induction datasets involving parametric primitive functions. Experimental results show that our proposed model is able to significantly outperform the state-of-the-art baseline methods in terms of generating accurate programs.

Yue Wang · Shaofeng Zou

[ Room 310 ]

This paper develops the first policy gradient method with global optimality guarantee and complexity analysis for robust reinforcement learning under model mismatch. Robust reinforcement learning is to learn a policy robust to model mismatch between simulator and real environment. We first develop the robust policy [sub-]gradient, which is applicable for any differentiable parametric policy class. We show that the proposed robust policy gradient method converges to the global optimum asymptotically under direct policy parameterization. We further develop a smoothed robust policy gradient method, and show that to achieve an $\epsilon$-global optimum, the complexity is $\mathcal O[\epsilon^{-3}]$. We then extend our methodology to the general model-free setting, and design the robust actor-critic method with differentiable parametric policy class and value function. We further characterize its asymptotic convergence and sample complexity under the tabular setting. Finally, we provide simulation results to demonstrate the robustness of our methods.

Qiujiang Jin · Alec Koppel · Ketan Rajawat · Aryan Mokhtari

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Non-asymptotic analysis of quasi-Newton methods have received a lot of attention recently. In particular, several works have established a non-asymptotic superlinear rate of $$\mathcal{O}[[1/\sqrt{t}]^t]$$ for the [classic] BFGS method by exploiting the fact that its error of Newton direction approximation approaches zero. Moreover, a greedy variant of the BFGS method was recently proposed which accelerates the convergence of BFGS by directly approximating the Hessian matrix, instead of Newton direction, and achieves a fast local quadratic convergence rate. Alas, the local quadratic convergence of Greedy-BFGS requires way more updates compared to the number of iterations that BFGS requires for a local superlinear rate. This is due to the fact that in Greedy-BFGS the Hessian is directly approximated and the Newton direction approximation may not be as accurate as the one for BFGS. In this paper, we close this gap and present a novel BFGS method that has the best of two worlds. More precisely, it leverages the approximation ideas of both BFGS and Greedy-BFGS to properly approximate both the Newton direction and the Hessian matrix. Our theoretical results show that our method out-performs both BFGS and Greedy-BFGS in terms of convergence rate, while it reaches its quadratic convergence rate with fewer …

Luhuan Wu · Geoff Pleiss · John Cunningham

[ Room 307 ]

Variational approximations to Gaussian processes [GPs] typically use a small set of inducing points to form a low-rank approximation to the covariance matrix. In this work, we instead exploit a sparse approximation of the precision matrix. We propose variational nearest neighbor Gaussian process [VNNGP], which introduces a prior that only retains correlations within $K$ nearest-neighboring observations, thereby inducing sparse precision structure. Using the variational framework, VNNGP's objective can be factorized over both observations and inducing points, enabling stochastic optimization with a time complexity of $O[K^3]$. Hence, we can arbitrarily scale the inducing point size, even to the point of putting inducing points at every observed location. We compare VNNGP to other scalable GPs through various experiments, and demonstrate that VNNGP [1] can dramatically outperform low-rank methods, and [2] is less prone to overfitting than other nearest neighbor methods.

Mingjie Li · Xiaojun Guo · Yifei Wang · Yisen Wang · Zhouchen Lin

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Recently, linear GCNs have shown competitive performance against non-linear ones with less computation cost, and the key lies in their propagation layers. Spectral analysis has been widely adopted in designing and analyzing existing graph propagations. Nevertheless, we notice that existing spectral analysis fails to explain why existing graph propagations with the same global tendency, such as low-pass or high-pass, still yield very different results. Motivated by this situation, we develop a new framework for spectral analysis in this paper called concentration analysis. In particular, we propose three attributes: concentration centre, maximum response, and bandwidth for our analysis. Through a dissection of the limitations of existing graph propagations via the above analysis, we propose a new kind of propagation layer, Graph Gaussian Convolution Networks [G^2CN], in which the three properties are decoupled and the whole structure becomes more flexible and applicable to different kinds of graphs. Extensive experiments show that we can obtain state-of-the-art performance on heterophily and homophily datasets with our proposed G^2CN.

Peter Macgregor · He Sun

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

This work studies the classical spectral clustering algorithm which embeds the vertices of some graph G=[VG, EG] into R^k using k eigenvectors of some matrix of G, and applies k-means to partition V_G into k clusters. Our first result is a tighter analysis on the performance of spectral clustering, and explains why it works under some much weaker condition than the ones studied in the literature. For the second result, we show that, by applying fewer than k eigenvectors to construct the embedding, spectral clustering is able to produce better output for many practical instances; this result is the first of its kind in spectral clustering. Besides its conceptual and theoretical significance, the practical impact of our work is demonstrated by the empirical analysis on both synthetic and real-world data sets, in which spectral clustering produces comparable or better results with fewer than k eigenvectors.

Bruno Andreis · Seanie Lee · A. Tuan Nguyen · Juho Lee · Eunho Yang · Sung Ju Hwang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Deep models are designed to operate on huge volumes of high dimensional data such as images. In order to reduce the volume of data these models must process, we propose a set-based two-stage end-to-end neural subsampling model that is jointly optimized with an \textit{arbitrary} downstream task network [e.g. classifier]. In the first stage, we efficiently subsample \textit{candidate elements} using conditionally independent Bernoulli random variables by capturing coarse grained global information using set encoding functions, followed by conditionally dependent autoregressive subsampling of the candidate elements using Categorical random variables by modeling pair-wise interactions using set attention networks in the second stage. We apply our method to feature and instance selection and show that it outperforms the relevant baselines under low subsampling rates on a variety of tasks including image classification, image reconstruction, function reconstruction and few-shot classification. Additionally, for nonparametric models such as Neural Processes that require to leverage the whole training data at inference time, we show that our method enhances the scalability of these models.

Sanjoy Dasgupta · Nave Frost · Michal Moshkovitz

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We study the faithfulness of an explanation system to the underlying prediction model. We show that this can be captured by two properties, consistency and sufficiency, and introduce quantitative measures of the extent to which these hold. Interestingly, these measures depend on the test-time data distribution.For a variety of existing explanation systems, such as anchors, we analytically study these quantities. We also provide estimators and sample complexity bounds for empirically determining the faithfulness of black-box explanation systems. Finally, we experimentally validate the new properties and estimators.

Edoardo Cetin · Philip Ball · Stephen Roberts · Oya Celiktutan

[ Room 309 ]

Off-policy reinforcement learning [RL] from pixel observations is notoriously unstable. As a result, many successful algorithms must combine different domain-specific practices and auxiliary losses to learn meaningful behaviors in complex environments. In this work, we provide novel analysis demonstrating that these instabilities arise from performing temporal-difference learning with a convolutional encoder and low-magnitude rewards. We show that this new visual deadly triad causes unstable training and premature convergence to degenerate solutions, a phenomenon we name catastrophic self-overfitting. Based on our analysis, we propose A-LIX, a method providing adaptive regularization to the encoder's gradients that explicitly prevents the occurrence of catastrophic self-overfitting using a dual objective. By applying A-LIX, we significantly outperform the prior state-of-the-art on the DeepMind Control and Atari benchmarks without any data augmentation or auxiliary losses.

Guy Blanc · Caleb Koch · Jane Lange · Li-Yang Tan

[ Room 310 ]

We design an algorithm for finding counterfactuals with strong theoretical guarantees on its performance. For any monotone model $f : X^d \to \{0,1\}$ and instance $x^\star$, our algorithm makes\[ S[f]{O[\Delta_f[x\star]]}\cdot \log d\]queries to $f$ and returns an {\sl optimal} counterfactual for $x^\star$: a nearest instance $x'$ to $x^\star$ for which $f[x']\ne f[x^\star]$. Here $S[f]$ is the sensitivity of $f$, a discrete analogue of the Lipschitz constant, and $\Delta_f[x^\star]$ is the distance from $x^\star$ to its nearest counterfactuals. The previous best known query complexity was $d^{\,O[\Delta_f[x^\star]]}$, achievable by brute-force local search. We further prove a lower bound of $S[f]{\Omega[\Delta_f[x\star]]} + \Omega[\log d]$ on the query complexity of any algorithm, thereby showing that the guarantees of our algorithm are essentially optimal.

Christopher Morris · Gaurav Rattan · Sandra Kiefer · Siamak Ravanbakhsh

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

While message-passing graph neural networks have clear limitations in approximating permutation-equivariant functions over graphs or general relational data, more expressive, higher-order graph neural networks do not scale to large graphs. They either operate on $k$-order tensors or consider all $k$-node subgraphs, implying an exponential dependence on $k$ in memory requirements, and do not adapt to the sparsity of the graph. By introducing new heuristics for the graph isomorphism problem, we devise a class of universal, permutation-equivariant graph networks, which, unlike previous architectures, offer a fine-grained control between expressivity and scalability and adapt to the sparsity of the graph. These architectures lead to vastly reduced computation times compared to standard higher-order graph networks in the supervised node- and graph-level classification and regression regime while significantly improving standard graph neural network and graph kernel architectures in terms of predictive performance.

Yao Rong · Tobias Leemann · Vadim Borisov · Gjergji Kasneci · Enkelejda Kasneci

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

With a variety of local feature attribution methods being proposed in recent years, follow-up work suggested several evaluation strategies. To assess the attribution quality across different attribution techniques, the most popular among these evaluation strategies in the image domain use pixel perturbations. However, recent advances discovered that different evaluation strategies produce conflicting rankings of attribution methods and can be prohibitively expensive to compute. In this work, we present an information-theoretic analysis of evaluation strategies based on pixel perturbations. Our findings reveal that the results are strongly affected by information leakage through the shape of the removed pixels as opposed to their actual values. Using our theoretical insights, we propose a novel evaluation framework termed Remove and Debias [ROAD] which offers two contributions: First, it mitigates the impact of the confounders, which entails higher consistency among evaluation strategies. Second, ROAD does not require the computationally expensive retraining step and saves up to 99% in computational costs compared to the state-of-the-art. We release our source code at //

Daniele Calandriello · Luigi Carratino · Alessandro Lazaric · Michal Valko · Lorenzo Rosasco

[ Hall G ]

Computing a Gaussian process [GP] posterior has a computational cost cubical in the number of historical points. A reformulation of the same GP posterior highlights that this complexity mainly depends on how many \emph{unique} historical points are considered. This can have important implication in active learning settings, where the set of historical points is constructed sequentially by the learner. We show that sequential black-box optimization based on GPs [GP-Opt] can be made efficient by sticking to a candidate solution for multiple evaluation steps and switch only when necessary. Limiting the number of switches also limits the number of unique points in the history of the GP. Thus, the efficient GP reformulation can be used to exactly and cheaply compute the posteriors required to run the GP-Opt algorithms. This approach is especially useful in real-world applications of GP-Opt with high switch costs [e.g. switching chemicals in wet labs, data/model loading in hyperparameter optimization]. As examples of this meta-approach, we modify two well-established GP-Opt algorithms, GP-UCB and GP-EI, to switch candidates as infrequently as possible adapting rules from batched GP-Opt. These versions preserve all the theoretical no-regret guarantees while improving practical aspects of the algorithms such as runtime, memory complexity, and the …

Anastasios Angelopoulos · Amit Pal Kohli · Stephen Bates · Michael Jordan · Jitendra Malik · Thayer Alshaabi · Srigokul Upadhyayula · Yaniv Romano

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Image-to-image regression is an important learning task, used frequently in biological imaging. Current algorithms, however, do not generally offer statistical guarantees that protect against a model's mistakes and hallucinations. To address this, we develop uncertainty quantification techniques with rigorous statistical guarantees for image-to-image regression problems. In particular, we show how to derive uncertainty intervals around each pixel that are guaranteed to contain the true value with a user-specified confidence probability. Our methods work in conjunction with any base machine learning model, such as a neural network, and endow it with formal mathematical guarantees—regardless of the true unknown data distribution or choice of model. Furthermore, they are simple to implement and computationally inexpensive. We evaluate our procedure on three image-to-image regression tasks: quantitative phase microscopy, accelerated magnetic resonance imaging, and super-resolution transmission electron microscopy of a Drosophila melanogaster brain.

Miguel Suau · Jinke He · Matthijs T. J. Spaan · Frans Oliehoek

[ Room 309 ]

Learning effective policies for real-world problems is still an open challenge for the field of reinforcement learning [RL]. The main limitation being the amount of data needed and the pace at which that data can be obtained. In this paper, we study how to build lightweight simulators of complicated systems that can run sufficiently fast for deep RL to be applicable. We focus on domains where agents interact with a reduced portion of a larger environment while still being affected by the global dynamics. Our method combines the use of local simulators with learned models that mimic the influence of the global system. The experiments reveal that incorporating this idea into the deep RL workflow can considerably accelerate the training process and presents several opportunities for the future.

Justin Chen · Piotr Indyk · Tal Wagner

[ Hall G ]

Histograms, i.e., piece-wise constant approximations, are a popular tool used to represent data distributions. Traditionally, the difference between the histogram and the underlying distribution [i.e., the approximation error] is measured using the L_p norm, which sums the differences between the two functions over all items in the domain. Although useful in many applications, the drawback of this error measure is that it treats approximation errors of all items in the same way, irrespective of whether the mass of an item is important for the downstream application that uses the approximation. As a result, even relatively simple distributions cannot be approximated by succinct histograms without incurring large error.In this paper, we address this issue by adapting the definition of approximation so that only the errors of the items that belong to the support of the distribution are considered. Under this definition, we develop efficient 1-pass and 2-pass streaming algorithms that compute near-optimal histograms in sub-linear space. We also present lower bounds on the space complexity of this problem. Surprisingly, under this notion of error, there is an exponential gap in the space complexity of 1-pass and 2-pass streaming algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our algorithms on a collection of …

Mher Safaryan · Rustem Islamov · Xun Qian · Peter Richtarik

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Inspired by recent work of Islamov et al [2021], we propose a family of Federated Newton Learn [\algname{FedNL}] methods, which we believe is a marked step in the direction of making second-order methods applicable to FL. In contrast to the aforementioned work, \algname{FedNL} employs a different Hessian learning technique which i] enhances privacy as it does not rely on the training data to be revealed to the coordinating server, ii] makes it applicable beyond generalized linear models, and iii] provably works with general contractive compression operators for compressing the local Hessians, such as Top-$K$ or Rank-$R$, which are vastly superior in practice. Notably, we do not need to rely on error feedback for our methods to work with contractive compressors. Moreover, we develop \algname{FedNL-PP}, \algname{FedNL-CR} and \algname{FedNL-LS}, which are variants of \algname{FedNL} that support partial participation, and globalization via cubic regularization and line search, respectively, and \algname{FedNL-BC}, which is a variant that can further benefit from bidirectional compression of gradients and models, i.e., smart uplink gradient and smart downlink model compression. We prove local convergence rates that are independent of the condition number, the number of training data points, and compression variance. Our communication efficient Hessian learning technique provably learns …

Shuo Yang · Tongzheng Ren · Sanjay Shakkottai · Eric Price · Inderjit Dhillon · Sujay Sanghavi

[ Room 310 ]

We propose two linear bandits algorithms with per-step complexity sublinear in the number of arms $K$. The algorithms are designed for applications where the arm set is extremely large and slowly changing. Our key realization is that choosing an arm reduces to a maximum inner product search [MIPS] problem, which can be solved approximately without breaking regret guarantees. Existing approximate MIPS solvers run in sublinear time. We extend those solvers and present theoretical guarantees for online learning problems, where adaptivity [i.e., a later step depends on the feedback in previous steps] becomes a unique challenge. We then explicitly characterize the tradeoff between the per-step complexity and regret. For sufficiently large $K$, our algorithms have sublinear per-step complexity and $\widetilde O[\sqrt{T}]$ regret. Empirically, we evaluate our proposed algorithms in a synthetic environment and a real-world online movie recommendation problem. Our proposed algorithms can deliver a more than 72 times speedup compared to the linear time baselines while retaining similar regret.

Yao Mu · Shoufa Chen · Mingyu Ding · Jianyu Chen · Runjian Chen · Ping Luo

[ Room 309 ]

Transformer has achieved great successes in learning vision and language representation, which is general across various downstream tasks. In visual control, learning transferable state representation that can transfer between different control tasks is important to reduce the training sample size. However, porting Transformer to sample-efficient visual control remains a challenging and unsolved problem.To this end, we propose a novel Control Transformer [CtrlFormer], possessing many appealing benefits that prior arts do not have. Firstly, CtrlFormer jointly learns self-attention mechanisms between visual tokens and policy tokens among different control tasks, where multitask representation can be learned and transferred without catastrophic forgetting. Secondly, we carefully design a contrastive reinforcement learning paradigm to train CtrlFormer, enabling it to achieve high sample efficiency, which is important in control problems. For example, in the DMControl benchmark, unlike recent advanced methods that failed by producing a zero score in the ``Cartpole'' task after transfer learning with 100k samples, CtrlFormer can achieve a state-of-the-art score with only 100k samples while maintaining the performance of previous tasks. The code and models are released in our project homepage.

Nadiia Chepurko · Kenneth Clarkson · Lior Horesh · Honghao Lin · David Woodruff

[ Room 310 ]

We create classical [non-quantum] dynamic data structures supporting queries for recommender systems and least-squares regression that are comparable to their quantum analogues. De-quantizing such algorithms has received a flurry of attention in recent years; we obtain sharper bounds for these problems. More significantly, we achieve these improvements by arguing that the previous quantum-inspired algorithms for these problems are doing leverage or ridge-leverage score sampling in disguise; these are powerful and standard techniques in randomized numerical linear algebra. With this recognition, we are able to employ the large body of work in numerical linear algebra to obtain algorithms for these problems that are simpler or faster [or both] than existing approaches. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed data structures also work well on real-world datasets.

Takashi Mori · Liu Ziyin · Kangqiao Liu · Masahito Ueda

[ Hall G ]

Stochastic gradient descent [SGD] undergoes complicated multiplicative noise for the mean-square loss. We use this property of SGD noise to derive a stochastic differential equation [SDE] with simpler additive noise by performing a random time change. Using this formalism, we show that the log loss barrier $\Delta\log L=\log[L[\theta^s]/L[\theta^*]]$ between a local minimum $\theta^*$ and a saddle $\theta^s$ determines the escape rate of SGD from the local minimum, contrary to the previous results borrowing from physics that the linear loss barrier $\Delta L=L[\theta^s]-L[\theta^*]$ decides the escape rate. Our escape-rate formula strongly depends on the typical magnitude $h^*$ and the number $n$ of the outlier eigenvalues of the Hessian. This result explains an empirical fact that SGD prefers flat minima with low effective dimensions, giving an insight into implicit biases of SGD.

Matthieu Kirchmeyer · Yuan Yin · Jérémie DONA · Nicolas Baskiotis · alain rakotomamonjy · Patrick Gallinari

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Data-driven approaches to modeling physical systems fail to generalize to unseen systems that share the same general dynamics with the learning domain, but correspond to different physical contexts. We propose a new framework for this key problem, context-informed dynamics adaptation [CoDA], which takes into account the distributional shift across systems for fast and efficient adaptation to new dynamics. CoDA leverages multiple environments, each associated to a different dynamic, and learns to condition the dynamics model on contextual parameters, specific to each environment. The conditioning is performed via a hypernetwork, learned jointly with a context vector from observed data. The proposed formulation constrains the search hypothesis space for fast adaptation and better generalization across environments with few samples. We theoretically motivate our approach and show state-of-the-art generalization results on a set of nonlinear dynamics, representative of a variety of application domains. We also show, on these systems, that new system parameters can be inferred from context vectors with minimal supervision.

Jixiang Qing · Tom Dhaene · Ivo Couckuyt

[ Room 307 ]

We study the inference of mean-variance robustness measures to quantify input uncertainty under the Gaussian Process [GP] framework. These measures are widely used in applications where the robustness of the solution is of interest, for example, in engineering design. While the variance is commonly used to characterize the robustness, Bayesian inference of the variance using GPs is known to be challenging. In this paper, we propose a Spectral Representation of Robustness Measures based on the GP's spectral representation, i.e., an analytical approach to approximately infer both robustness measures for normal and uniform input uncertainty distributions. We present two approximations based on different Fourier features and compare their accuracy numerically. To demonstrate their utility and efficacy in robust Bayesian Optimization, we integrate the analytical robustness measures in three standard acquisition functions for various robust optimization formulations. We show their competitive performance on numerical benchmarks and real-life applications.


[ Hall F ]

Recent architectures for object detection adopt a Feature Pyramid Network as a backbone for deep feature extraction. Many works focus on the design of pyramid networks which produce richer feature representations. In this work, we opt to learn a dataset-specific architecture for Feature Pyramid Networks. With the proposed method, the network fuses features at multiple scales, it is efficient in terms of parameters and operations, and yields better results across a variety of tasks and datasets. Starting by a complex network, we adopt Variational Inference to prune redundant connections. Our model, integrated with standard detectors, outperforms the state-of-the-art feature fusion networks.

Qi Lyu · Xiao Fu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Nonlinear independent component analysis [nICA] aims at recovering statistically independent latent components that are mixed by unknown nonlinear functions. Central to nICA is the identifiability of the latent components, which had been elusive until very recently. Specifically, Hyv\"arinen et al. have shown that the nonlinearly mixed latent components are identifiable [up to often inconsequential ambiguities] under a generalized contrastive learning [GCL] formulation, given that the latent components are independent conditioned on a certain auxiliary variable. The GCL-based identifiability of nICA is elegant, and establishes interesting connections between nICA and popular unsupervised/self-supervised learning paradigms in representation learning, causal learning, and factor disentanglement. However, existing identifiability analyses of nICA all build upon an unlimited sample assumption and the use of ideal universal function learners---which creates a non-negligible gap between theory and practice. Closing the gap is a nontrivial challenge, as there is a lack of established ``textbook'' routine for finite sample analysis of such unsupervised problems. This work puts forth a finite-sample identifiability analysis of GCL-based nICA. Our analytical framework judiciously combines the properties of the GCL loss function, statistical generalization analysis, and numerical differentiation. Our framework also takes the learning function's approximation error into consideration, and reveals an intuitive trade-off between …

Chang Liu · Chenfei Lou · Runzhong Wang · Alan Yuhan Xi · Li Shen · Junchi Yan

[ Hall F ]

Model fusion without accessing training data in machine learning has attracted increasing interest due to the practical resource-saving and data privacy issues. During the training process, the neural weights of each model can be randomly permuted, and we have to align the channels of each layer before fusing them. Regrading the channels as nodes and weights as edges, aligning the channels to maximize weight similarity is a challenging NP-hard assignment problem. Due to its quadratic assignment nature, we formulate the model fusion problem as a graph matching task, considering the second-order similarity of model weights instead of previous work merely formulating model fusion as a linear assignment problem. For the rising problem scale and multi-model consistency issues, we propose an efficient graduated assignment-based model fusion method, dubbed GAMF, which iteratively updates the matchings in a consistency-maintaining manner. We apply GAMF to tackle the compact model ensemble task and federated learning task on MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny-Imagenet. The performance shows the efficacy of our GAMF compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

Shuangfei Zhai · Navdeep Jaitly · Jason Ramapuram · Dan Busbridge · Tatiana Likhomanenko · Joseph Cheng · Walter Talbott · Chen Huang · Hanlin Goh · Joshua M Susskind

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Transformers \cite{transformer} have gained increasing popularity in a wide range of applications, including Natural Language Processing [NLP], Computer Vision and Speech Recognition, because of their powerful representational capacity. However, harnessing this representational capacity effectively requires a large amount of data, strong regularization, or both, to mitigate overfitting. Recently, the power of the Transformer has been unlocked by self-supervised pretraining strategies based on masked autoencoderswhich rely on reconstructing masked inputs, directly, or contrastively from unmasked content. This pretraining strategy which has been used in BERT models in NLP \cite{bert}, Wav2Vec models in Speech \cite{wv2v2} and, recently, in MAE models in Vision \cite{beit, mae}, forces the model to learn about relationships between the content in different parts of the input using autoencoding related objectives. In this paper, we propose a novel, but surprisingly simple alternative to content reconstruction~-- that of predicting locations from content, without providing positional information for it. Doing so requires the Transformer to understand the positional relationships between different parts of the input, from their content alone. This amounts to an efficient implementation where the pretext task is a classification problem among all possible positions for each input token. We experiment on both Vision and Speech benchmarks, where our …

Arun Verma · Zhongxiang Dai · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

[ Room 307 ]

Bayesian optimization [BO] is a widely-used sequential method for zeroth-order optimization of complex and expensive-to-compute black-box functions. The existing BO methods assume that the function evaluation [feedback] is available to the learner immediately or after a fixed delay. Such assumptions may not be practical in many real-life problems like online recommendations, clinical trials, and hyperparameter tuning where feedback is available after a random delay. To benefit from the experimental parallelization in these problems, the learner needs to start new function evaluations without waiting for delayed feedback. In this paper, we consider the BO under stochastic delayed feedback problem. We propose algorithms with sub-linear regret guarantees that efficiently address the dilemma of selecting new function queries while waiting for randomly delayed feedback. Building on our results, we also make novel contributions to batch BO and contextual Gaussian process bandits. Experiments on synthetic and real-life datasets verify the performance of our algorithms.

Ching-Yun [Irene] Ko · Jeet Mohapatra · Sijia Liu · Pin-Yu Chen · Luca Daniel · Lily Weng

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

As a seminal tool in self-supervised representation learning, contrastive learning has gained unprecedented attention in recent years. In essence, contrastive learning aims to leverage pairs of positive and negative samples for representation learning, which relates to exploiting neighborhood information in a feature space. By investigating the connection between contrastive learning and neighborhood component analysis [NCA], we provide a novel stochastic nearest neighbor viewpoint of contrastive learning and subsequently propose a series of contrastive losses that outperform the existing ones. Under our proposed framework, we show a new methodology to design integrated contrastive losses that could simultaneously achieve good accuracy and robustness on downstream tasks. With the integrated framework, we achieve up to 6\% improvement on the standard accuracy and 17\% improvement on the robust accuracy.

Michael Hedderich · Jonas Fischer · Dietrich Klakow · Jilles Vreeken

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

State-of-the-art deep learning methods achieve human-like performance on many tasks, but make errors nevertheless. Characterizing these errors in easily interpretable terms gives insight into whether a classifier is prone to making systematic errors, but also gives a way to act and improve the classifier. We propose to discover those feature-value combinations [i.e., patterns] that strongly correlate with correct resp. erroneous predictions to obtain a global and interpretable description for arbitrary classifiers. We show this is an instance of the more general label description problem, which we formulate in terms of the Minimum Description Length principle. To discover a good pattern set, we develop the efficient Premise algorithm. Through an extensive set of experiments we show it performs very well in practice on both synthetic and real-world data. Unlike existing solutions, it ably recovers ground truth patterns, even on highly imbalanced data over many features. Through two case studies on Visual Question Answering and Named Entity Recognition, we confirm that Premise gives clear and actionable insight into the systematic errors made by modern NLP classifiers.

Xavier Suau · Luca Zappella · Nicholas Apostoloff

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In this paper we aim to investigate the mechanisms that guide text generation with pre-trained Transformer-based Language Models [TLMs]. Grounded on the Product of Experts formulation by Hinton [1999], we describe a generative mechanism that exploits expert units which naturally exist in TLMs. Such units are responsible for detecting concepts in the input and conditioning text generation on such concepts. We describe how to identify expert units and how to activate them during inference in order to induce any desired concept in the generated output. We find that the activation of a surprisingly small amount of units is sufficient to steer text generation [as little as 3 units in a model with 345M parameters]. While the objective of this work is to learn more about how TLMs work, we show that our method is effective for conditioning without fine-tuning or using extra parameters, even on fine-grained homograph concepts. Additionally, we show that our method can be used to correct gender bias present in the output of TLMs and achieves gender parity for all evaluated contexts. We compare our method with FUDGE and PPLM-BoW, and show that our approach is able to achieve gender parity at a lower perplexity and better …

Jaeyun Song · Joonhyung Park · Eunho Yang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Learning unbiased node representations under class-imbalanced graph data is challenging due to interactions between adjacent nodes. Existing studies have in common that they compensate the minor class nodes `as a group' according to their overall quantity [ignoring node connections in graph], which inevitably increase the false positive cases for major nodes. We hypothesize that the increase in these false positive cases is highly affected by the label distribution around each node and confirm it experimentally. In addition, in order to handle this issue, we propose Topology-Aware Margin [TAM] to reflect local topology on the learning objective. Our method compares the connectivity pattern of each node with the class-averaged counter-part and adaptively adjusts the margin accordingly based on that. Our method consistently exhibits superiority over the baselines on various node classification benchmark datasets with representative GNN architectures.

Dongruo Zhou · Quanquan Gu

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Stochastic high-order methods for finding first-order stationary points in nonconvex finite-sum optimization have witnessed increasing interest in recent years, and various upper and lower bounds of the oracle complexity have been proved. However, under standard regularity assumptions, existing complexity bounds are all dimension-dependent [e.g., polylogarithmic dependence], which contrasts with the dimension-free complexity bounds for stochastic first-order methods and deterministic high-order methods. In this paper, we show that the polylogarithmic dimension dependence gap is not essential and can be closed. More specifically, we propose stochastic high-order algorithms with novel first-order and high-order derivative estimators, which can achieve dimension-free complexity bounds. With the access to $p$-th order derivatives of the objective function, we prove that our algorithm finds $\epsilon$-stationary points with $O[n^{[2p-1]/[2p]}/\epsilon^{[p+1]/p}]$ high-order oracle complexities, where $n$ is the number of individual functions. Our result strictly improves the complexity bounds of existing high-order deterministic methods with respect to the dependence on $n$, and it is dimension-free compared with existing stochastic high-order methods.

Teng Wang · Wenhao Jiang · Zhichao Lu · Feng Zheng · Ran Cheng · chengguo yin · Ping Luo

[ Hall F ]

Existing vision-language pre-training [VLP] methods primarily rely on paired image-text datasets, which are either annotated by enormous human labors or crawled from the internet followed by elaborate data cleaning techniques. To reduce the dependency on well-aligned image-text pairs, it is promising to directly leverage the large-scale text-only and image-only corpora. This paper proposes a data augmentation method, namely cross-modal CutMix [CMC], for implicit cross-modal alignment learning in unpaired VLP. Specifically, CMC transforms natural sentences in the textual view into a multi-modal view, where visually-grounded words in a sentence are randomly replaced by diverse image patches with similar semantics. There are several appealing proprieties of the proposed CMC. First, it enhances the data diversity while keeping the semantic meaning intact for tackling problems where the aligned data are scarce; Second, by attaching cross-modal noise on uni-modal data, it guides models to learn token-level interactions across modalities for better denoising. Furthermore, we present a new unpaired VLP method, dubbed as VLMixer, that integrates CMC with contrastive learning to pull together the uni-modal and multi-modal views for better instance-level alignments among different modalities. Extensive experiments on five downstream tasks show that VLMixer could surpass previous state-of-the-art unpaired VLP methods.

Yu Inatsu · Shion Takeno · Masayuki Karasuyama · Ichiro Takeuchi

[ Room 307 ]

In black-box function optimization, we need to consider not only controllable design variables but also uncontrollable stochastic environment variables. In such cases, it is necessary to solve the optimization problem by taking into account the uncertainty of the environmental variables. Chance-constrained [CC] problem, the problem of maximizing the expected value under a certain level of constraint satisfaction probability, is one of the practically important problems in the presence of environmental variables. In this study, we consider distributionally robust CC [DRCC] problem and propose a novel DRCC Bayesian optimization method for the case where the distribution of the environmental variables cannot be precisely specified. We show that the proposed method can find an arbitrary accurate solution with high probability in a finite number of trials, and confirm the usefulness of the proposed method through numerical experiments.

Ekdeep Singh Lubana · Chi Ian Tang · Fahim Kawsar · Robert Dick · Akhil Mathur

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Federated learning is generally used in tasks where labels are readily available [e.g., next word prediction]. Relaxing this constraint requires design of unsupervised learning techniques that can support desirable properties for federated training: robustness to statistical/systems heterogeneity, scalability with number of participants, and communication efficiency. Prior work on this topic has focused on directly extending centralized self-supervised learning techniques, which are not designed to have the properties listed above. To address this situation, we propose Orchestra, a novel unsupervised federated learning technique that exploits the federation's hierarchy to orchestrate a distributed clustering task and enforce a globally consistent partitioning of clients' data into discriminable clusters. We show the algorithmic pipeline in Orchestra guarantees good generalization performance under a linear probe, allowing it to outperform alternative techniques in a broad range of conditions, including variation in heterogeneity, number of clients, participation ratio, and local epochs.

Hongxin Wei · Lue Tao · RENCHUNZI XIE · LEI FENG · Bo An

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Deep neural networks usually perform poorly when the training dataset suffers from extreme class imbalance. Recent studies found that directly training with out-of-distribution data [i.e., open-set samples] in a semi-supervised manner would harm the generalization performance. In this work, we theoretically show that out-of-distribution data can still be leveraged to augment the minority classes from a Bayesian perspective. Based on this motivation, we propose a novel method called Open-sampling, which utilizes open-set noisy labels to re-balance the class priors of the training dataset. For each open-set instance, the label is sampled from our pre-defined distribution that is complementary to the distribution of original class priors. We empirically show that Open-sampling not only re-balances the class priors but also encourages the neural network to learn separable representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms existing data re-balancing methods and can boost the performance of existing state-of-the-art methods.

Ameen Ali · Thomas Schnake · Oliver Eberle · Grégoire Montavon · Klaus-robert Mueller · Lior Wolf

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Transformers have become an important workhorse of machine learning, with numerous applications. This necessitates the development of reliable methods for increasing their transparency. Multiple interpretability methods, often based on gradient information, have been proposed. We show that the gradient in a Transformer reflects the function only locally, and thus fails to reliably identify the contribution of input features to the prediction. We identify Attention Heads and LayerNorm as main reasons for such unreliable explanations and propose a more stable way for propagation through these layers. Our proposal, which can be seen as a proper extension of the well-established LRP method to Transformers, is shown both theoretically and empirically to overcome the deficiency of a simple gradient-based approach, and achieves state-of-the-art explanation performance on a broad range of Transformer models and datasets.

Sebastian Tay · Chuan Sheng Foo · Urano Daisuke · Richalynn Leong · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

[ Room 307 ]

In distributionally robust Bayesian optimization [DRBO], an exact computation of the worst-case expected value requires solving an expensive convex optimization problem. We develop a fast approximation of the worst-case expected value based on the notion of worst-case sensitivity that caters to arbitrary convex distribution distances. We provide a regret bound for our novel DRBO algorithm with the fast approximation, and empirically show it is competitive with that using the exact worst-case expected value while incurring significantly less computation time. In order to guide the choice of distribution distance to be used with DRBO, we show that our approximation implicitly optimizes an objective close to an interpretable risk-sensitive value.

Katie Kang · Paula Gradu · Jason Choi · Michael Janner · Claire Tomlin · Sergey Levine

[ Room 309 ]

Learned models and policies can generalize effectively when evaluated within the distribution of the training data, but can produce unpredictable and erroneous outputs on out-of-distribution inputs. In order to avoid distribution shift when deploying learning-based control algorithms, we seek a mechanism to constrain the agent to states and actions that resemble those that the method was trained on. In control theory, Lyapunov stability and control-invariant sets allow us to make guarantees about controllers that stabilize the system around specific states, while in machine learning, density models allow us to estimate the training data distribution. Can we combine these two concepts, producing learning-based control algorithms that constrain the system to in-distribution states using only in-distribution actions? In this paper, we propose to do this by combining concepts from Lyapunov stability and density estimation, introducing Lyapunov density models: a generalization of control Lyapunov functions and density models that provides guarantees about an agent's ability to stay in-distribution over its entire trajectory.

Jonghyun Lee · Dahuin Jung · Junho Yim · Sungroh Yoon

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation [SFUDA] aims to obtain high performance in the unlabeled target domain using the pre-trained source model, not the source data.Existing SFUDA methods assign the same importance to all target samples, which is vulnerable to incorrect pseudo-labels.To differentiate between sample importance, in this study, we propose a novel sample-wise confidence score, the Joint Model-Data Structure [JMDS] score for SFUDA.Unlike existing confidence scores that use only one of the source or target domain knowledge, the JMDS score uses both knowledge.We then propose a Confidence score Weighting Adaptation using the JMDS [CoWA-JMDS] framework for SFUDA.CoWA-JMDS consists of the JMDS scores as sample weights and weight Mixup that is our proposed variant of Mixup.Weight Mixup promotes the model make more use of the target domain knowledge.The experimental results show that the JMDS score outperforms the existing confidence scores.Moreover, CoWA-JMDS achieves state-of-the-art performance on various SFUDA scenarios: closed, open, and partial-set scenarios.

Jaehong Yoon · Geon Park · Wonyong Jeong · Sung Ju Hwang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In practical federated learning scenarios, the participating devices may have different bitwidths for computation and memory storage by design. However, despite the progress made in device-heterogeneous federated learning scenarios, the heterogeneity in the bitwidth specifications in the hardware has been mostly overlooked. We introduce a pragmatic FL scenario with bitwidth heterogeneity across the participating devices, dubbed as Bitwidth Heterogeneous Federated Learning [BHFL]. BHFL brings in a new challenge, that the aggregation of model parameters with different bitwidths could result in severe performance degeneration, especially for high-bitwidth models. To tackle this problem, we propose ProWD framework, which has a trainable weight dequantizer at the central server that progressively reconstructs the low-bitwidth weights into higher bitwidth weights, and finally into full-precision weights. ProWD further selectively aggregates the model parameters to maximize the compatibility across bit-heterogeneous weights. We validate ProWD against relevant FL baselines on the benchmark datasets, using clients with varying bitwidths. Our ProWD largely outperforms the baseline FL algorithms as well as naive approaches [e.g. grouped averaging] under the proposed BHFL scenario.

Haotian Ma · Hao Zhang · Fan Zhou · Yinqing Zhang · Quanshi Zhang

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

This paper presents a method to explain how the information of each input variable is gradually discarded during the forward propagation in a deep neural network [DNN], which provides new perspectives to explain DNNs. We define two types of entropy-based metrics, i.e. [1] the discarding of pixel-wise information used in the forward propagation, and [2] the uncertainty of the input reconstruction, to measure input information contained by a specific layer from two perspectives. Unlike previous attribution metrics, the proposed metrics ensure the fairness of comparisons between different layers of different DNNs. We can use these metrics to analyze the efficiency of information processing in DNNs, which exhibits strong connections to the performance of DNNs. We analyze information discarding in apixel-wise manner, which is different from the information bottleneck theory measuring feature information w.r.t. the sample distribution. Experiments have shown the effectiveness of our metrics in analyzing classic DNNs and explaining existing deep-learning techniques. The code is available at //

Wentao Zhang · Zheyu Lin · Yu Shen · Yang Li · Zhi Yang · Bin Cui

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Graph neural networks [GNNs] have been intensively applied to various graph-based applications. Despite their success, designing good GNN architectures is non-trivial, which heavily relies on lots of human efforts and domain knowledge. Although several attempts have been made in graph neural architecture search, they suffer from the following limitations: 1] fixed pipeline pattern of propagation [P] and [T] transformation operations; 2] restricted pipeline depth of GNN architectures. This paper proposes DFG-NAS, a novel method that searches for deep and flexible GNN architectures. Unlike most existing methods that focus on micro-architecture, DFG-NAS highlights another level of design: the search for macro-architectures of how atomic P and T are integrated and organized into a GNN. Concretely, DFG-NAS proposes a novel-designed search space for the P-T permutations and combinations based on the message-passing dis-aggregation, and defines various mutation strategies and employs the evolutionary algorithm to conduct an efficient and effective search. Empirical studies on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that DFG-NAS could find more powerful architectures than state-of-the-art manual designs and meanwhile are more efficient than the current graph neural architecture search approaches.

Ananda Suresh · Ziteng Sun · Jae Ro · Felix Xinnan Yu

[ Room 310 ]

We study the problem of distributed mean estimation and optimization under communication constraints. We propose a correlated quantization protocol whose error guarantee depends on the deviation of data points instead of their absolute range. The design doesn't need any prior knowledge on the concentration property of the dataset, which is required to get such dependence in previous works. We show that applying the proposed protocol as a sub-routine in distributed optimization algorithms leads to better convergence rates. We also prove the optimality of our protocol under mild assumptions. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms existing mean estimation protocols on a diverse set of tasks.

Ali Siahkamari · Durmus Alp Emre Acar · Christopher Liao · Kelly Geyer · Venkatesh Saligrama · Brian Kulis

[ Hall G ]

The task of approximating an arbitrary convex function arises in several learning problems such as convex regression, learning with a difference of convex [DC] functions, and learning Bregman or $f$-divergences. In this paper, we develop and analyze an approach for solving a broad range of convex function learning problems that is faster than state-of-the-art approaches. Our approach is based on a 2-block ADMM method where each block can be computed in closed form. For the task of convex Lipschitz regression, we establish that our proposed algorithm converges with iteration complexity of $ O[n\sqrt{d}/\epsilon]$ for a dataset $\bm X \in \mathbb R^{n\times d}$ and $\epsilon > 0$. Combined with per-iteration computation complexity, our method converges with the rate $O[n^3 d^{1.5}/\epsilon+n^2 d^{2.5}/\epsilon+n d^3/\epsilon]$. This new rate improves the state of the art rate of $O[n^5d^2/\epsilon]$ if $d = o[ n^4]$. Further we provide similar solvers for DC regression and Bregman divergence learning. Unlike previous approaches, our method is amenable to the use of GPUs. We demonstrate on regression and metric learning experiments that our approach is over 100 times faster than existing approaches on some data sets, and produces results that are comparable to state of the art.

Peihao Wang · Zhiwen Fan · Tianlong Chen · Zhangyang “Atlas” Wang

[ Hall F ]

Representing visual signals by coordinate-based deep fully-connected networks has been shown advantageous in fitting complex details and solving inverse problems than discrete grid-based representation. However, acquiring such a continuous Implicit Neural Representation [INR] requires tedious per-scene training on tons of signal measurements, which limits its practicality. In this paper, we present a generic INR framework that achieves both data and training efficiency by learning a Neural Implicit Dictionary [NID] from a data collection and representing INR as a functional combination of wavelets sampled from the dictionary. Our NID assembles a group of coordinate-based subnetworks which are tuned to span the desired function space. After training, one can instantly and robustly acquire an unseen scene representation by solving the coding coefficients. To parallelly optimize a large group of networks, we borrow the idea from Mixture-of-Expert [MoE] to design and train our network with a sparse gating mechanism. Our experiments show that, NID can improve reconstruction of 2D images or 3D scenes by 2 orders of magnitude faster with up to 98% less input data. We further demonstrate various applications of NID in image inpainting and occlusion removal, which are considered to be challenging with vanilla INR. Our codes are available in …

Lucy Gao · Jane J. Ye · Haian Yin · Shangzhi Zeng · Jin Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Existing gradient-based optimization methods for hyperparameter tuning can only guarantee theoretical convergence to stationary solutions when the bilevel program satisfies the condition that for fixed upper-level variables, the lower-level is strongly convex [LLSC] and smooth [LLS]. This condition is not satisfied for bilevel programs arising from tuning hyperparameters in many machine learning algorithms. In this work, we develop a sequentially convergent Value Function based Difference-of-Convex Algorithm with inexactness [VF-iDCA]. We then ask: can this algorithm achieve stationary solutions without LLSC and LLS assumptions? We provide a positive answer to this question for bilevel programs from a broad class of hyperparameter tuning applications. Extensive experiments justify our theoretical results and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed VF-iDCA when applied to tune hyperparameters.

Sukmin Yun · Jaehyung Kim · Dongyoon Han · Hwanjun Song · Jung-Woo Ha · Jinwoo Shin

[ Hall F ]

Understanding temporal dynamics of video is an essential aspect of learning better video representations. Recently, transformer-based architectural designs have been extensively explored for video tasks due to their capability to capture long-term dependency of input sequences. However, we found that these Video Transformers are still biased to learn spatial dynamics rather than temporal ones, and debiasing the spurious correlation is critical for their performance. Based on the observations, we design simple yet effective self-supervised tasks for video models to learn temporal dynamics better. Specifically, for debiasing the spatial bias, our method learns the temporal order of video frames as extra self-supervision and enforces the randomly shuffled frames to have low-confidence outputs. Also, our method learns the temporal flow direction of video tokens among consecutive frames for enhancing the correlation toward temporal dynamics. Under various video action recognition tasks, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and its compatibility with state-of-the-art Video Transformers.

Xiao Zhou · Renjie Pi · Weizhong Zhang · Yong LIN · Zonghao Chen · Tong Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

The goal of coreset selection in supervised learning is to produce a weighted subset of data, so that training only on the subset achieves similar performance as training on the entire dataset. Existing methods achieved promising results in resource-constrained scenarios such as continual learning and streaming. However, most of the existing algorithms are limited to traditional machine learning models. A few algorithms that can handle large models adopt greedy search approaches due to the difficulty in solving the discrete subset selection problem, which is computationally costly when coreset becomes larger and often produces suboptimal results. In this work, for the first time we propose a continuous probabilistic bilevel formulation of coreset selection by learning a probablistic weight for each training sample. The overall objective is posed as a bilevel optimization problem, where 1] the inner loop samples coresets and train the model to convergence and 2] the outer loop updates the sample probability progressively according to the model's performance. Importantly, we develop an efficient solver to the bilevel optimization problem via unbiased policy gradient without trouble of implicit differentiation. We theoretically prove the convergence of this training procedure and demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm against various coreset selection methods …

Xuchuang Wang · Hong Xie · John C. S. Lui

[ Room 310 ]

We generalize the multiple-play multi-armed bandits [MP-MAB] problem with a shareable arms setting, in which several plays can share the same arm. Furthermore, each shareable arm has a finite reward capacity and a “per-load” reward distribution, both of which are unknown to the learner. The reward from a shareable arm is load-dependent, which is the “per-load” reward multiplying either the number of plays pulling the arm, or its reward capacity when the number of plays exceeds the capacity limit. When the “per-load” reward follows a Gaussian distribution, we prove a sample complexity lower bound of learning the capacity from load-dependent rewards and also a regret lower bound of this new MP-MAB problem. We devise a capacity estimator whose sample complexity upper bound matches the lower bound in terms of reward means and capacities. We also propose an online learning algorithm to address the problem and prove its regret upper bound. This regret upper bound's first term is the same as regret lower bound's, and its second and third terms also evidently correspond to lower bound's. Extensive experiments validate our algorithm’s performance and also its gain in 5G & 4G base station selection.

Daniel Tschernutter · Tobias Hatt · Stefan Feuerriegel

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Personalized treatment decisions have become an integral part of modern medicine. Thereby, the aim is to make treatment decisions based on individual patient characteristics. Numerous methods have been developed for learning such policies from observational data that achieve the best outcome across a certain policy class. Yet these methods are rarely interpretable. However, interpretability is often a prerequisite for policy learning in clinical practice. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for interpretable off-policy learning via hyperbox search. In particular, our policies can be represented in disjunctive normal form [i.e., OR-of-ANDs] and are thus intelligible. We prove a universal approximation theorem that shows that our policy class is flexible enough to approximate any measurable function arbitrarily well. For optimization, we develop a tailored column generation procedure within a branch-and-bound framework. Using a simulation study, we demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods from interpretable off-policy learning in terms of regret. Using real-word clinical data, we perform a user study with actual clinical experts, who rate our policies as highly interpretable.

Pengyi Li · Hongyao Tang · Tianpei Yang · Xiaotian Hao · Tong Sang · Yan Zheng · Jianye Hao · Matthew Taylor · Wenyuan Tao · Zhen Wang

[ Room 309 ]

Learning to collaborate is critical in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning [MARL]. Previous works promote collaboration by maximizing the correlation of agents’ behaviors, which is typically characterized by Mutual Information [MI] in different forms. However, we reveal sub-optimal collaborative behaviors also emerge with strong correlations, and simply maximizing the MI can, surprisingly, hinder the learning towards better collaboration. To address this issue, we propose a novel MARL framework, called Progressive Mutual Information Collaboration [PMIC], for more effective MI-driven collaboration. PMIC uses a new collaboration criterion measured by the MI between global states and joint actions. Based on this criterion, the key idea of PMIC is maximizing the MI associated with superior collaborative behaviors and minimizing the MI associated with inferior ones. The two MI objectives play complementary roles by facilitating better collaborations while avoiding falling into sub-optimal ones. Experiments on a wide range of MARL benchmarks show the superior performance of PMIC compared with other algorithms.

Yixuan He · Quan Gan · David Wipf · Gesine Reinert · Junchi Yan · Mihai Cucuringu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Recovering global rankings from pairwise comparisons has wide applications from time synchronization to sports team ranking. Pairwise comparisons corresponding to matches in a competition can be construed as edges in a directed graph [digraph], whose nodes represent e.g. competitors with an unknown rank. In this paper, we introduce neural networks into the ranking recovery problem by proposing the so-called GNNRank, a trainable GNN-based framework with digraph embedding. Moreover, new objectives are devised to encode ranking upsets/violations. The framework involves a ranking score estimation approach, and adds an inductive bias by unfolding the Fiedler vector computation of the graph constructed from a learnable similarity matrix. Experimental results on extensive data sets show that our methods attain competitive and often superior performance against baselines, as well as showing promising transfer ability. Codes and preprocessed data are at: \url{//}.

Yang Zhao · Hao Zhang · Xiuyuan Hu

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

How to train deep neural networks [DNNs] to generalize well is a central concern in deep learning, especially for severely overparameterized networks nowadays. In this paper, we propose an effective method to improve the model generalization by additionally penalizing the gradient norm of loss function during optimization. We demonstrate that confining the gradient norm of loss function could help lead the optimizers towards finding flat minima. We leverage the first-order approximation to efficiently implement the corresponding gradient to fit well in the gradient descent framework. In our experiments, we confirm that when using our methods, generalization performance of various models could be improved on different datasets. Also, we show that the recent sharpness-aware minimization method [Foretet al., 2021] is a special, but not the best, case of our method, where the best case of our method could give new state-of-art performance on these tasks. Code is available at //

Sattar Vakili · Jonathan Scarlett · Da-shan Shiu · Alberto Bernacchia

[ Room 307 ]

Kernel-based models such as kernel ridge regression and Gaussian processes are ubiquitous in machine learning applications for regression and optimization. It is well known that a major downside for kernel-based models is the high computational cost; given a dataset of $n$ samples, the cost grows as $\mathcal{O}[n^3]$. Existing sparse approximation methods can yield a significant reduction in the computational cost, effectively reducing the actual cost down to as low as $\mathcal{O}[n]$ in certain cases. Despite this remarkable empirical success, significant gaps remain in the existing results for the analytical bounds on the error due to approximation. In this work, we provide novel confidence intervals for the Nystr\"om method and the sparse variational Gaussian process approximation method, which we establish using novel interpretations of the approximate [surrogate] posterior variance of the models. Our confidence intervals lead to improved performance bounds in both regression and optimization problems.

Aleksandar Armacki · Dragana Bajovic · Dusan Jakovetic · Soummya Kar

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

We propose a general approach for distance based clustering, using the gradient of the cost function that measures clustering quality with respect to cluster assignments and cluster center positions. The approach is an iterative two step procedure [alternating between cluster assignment and cluster center updates] and is applicable to a wide range of functions, satisfying some mild assumptions. The main advantage of the proposed approach is a simple and computationally cheap update rule. Unlike previous methods that specialize to a specific formulation of the clustering problem, our approach is applicable to a wide range of costs, including non-Bregman clustering methods based on the Huber loss. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm, and show that it converges to the set of appropriately defined fixed points, under arbitrary center initialization. In the special case of Bregman cost functions, the algorithm converges to the set of centroidal Voronoi partitions, which is consistent with prior works. Numerical experiments on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Subhabrata Majumdar · Snigdhansu Chatterjee

[ Hall G ]

In the context of supervised learning, we introduce the concept of e-value. An e-value is a scalar quantity that represents the proximity of the sampling distribution of parameter estimates in a model trained on a subset of features to that of the model trained on all features [i.e. the full model]. Under general conditions, a rank ordering of e-values separates models that contain all essential features from those that do not. For a p-dimensional feature space, this requires fitting only the full model and evaluating p+1 models, as opposed to the traditional requirement of fitting and evaluating 2^p models.The above e-values framework is applicable to a wide range of parametric models. We use data depths and a fast resampling-based algorithm to implement a feature selection procedure, providing consistency results. Through experiments across several model settings and synthetic and real datasets, we establish that the e-values can be a promising general alternative to existing model-specific methods of feature selection.

Yaojie Hu · Jin Tian

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We discover that neural networks exhibit approximate logical dependencies among neurons, and we introduce Neuron Dependency Graphs [NDG] that extract and present them as directed graphs. In an NDG, each node corresponds to the boolean activation value of a neuron, and each edge models an approximate logical implication from one node to another. We show that the logical dependencies extracted from the training dataset generalize well to the test set. In addition to providing symbolic explanations to the neural network's internal structure, NDGs can represent a Structural Causal Model. We empirically show that an NDG is a causal abstraction of the corresponding neural network that "unfolds" the same way under causal interventions using the theory by Geiger et al. [2021]. Code is available at //

Meyer Scetbon · Gabriel Peyré · Marco Cuturi

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

The ability to align points across two related yet incomparable point clouds [e.g. living in different spaces] plays an important role in machine learning. The Gromov-Wasserstein [GW] framework provides an increasingly popular answer to such problems, by seeking a low-distortion, geometry-preserving assignment between these points.As a non-convex, quadratic generalization of optimal transport [OT], GW is NP-hard. While practitioners often resort to solving GW approximately as a nested sequence of entropy-regularized OT problems, the cubic complexity [in the number $n$ of samples] of that approach is a roadblock.We show in this work how a recent variant of the OT problem that restricts the set of admissible couplings to those having a low-rank factorization is remarkably well suited to the resolution of GW:when applied to GW, we show that this approach is not only able to compute a stationary point of the GW problem in time $O[n^2]$, but also uniquely positioned to benefit from the knowledge that the initial cost matrices are low-rank, to yield a linear time $O[n]$ GW approximation. Our approach yields similar results, yet orders of magnitude faster computation than the SoTA entropic GW approaches, on both simulated and real data.

Yue Jin · Yue Zhang · Tao Qin · Xudong Zhang · Jian Yuan · Houqiang Li · Tie-Yan Liu

[ Room 309 ]

Off-policy evaluation [OPE] is to evaluate a target policy with data generated by other policies. Most previous OPE methods focus on precisely estimating the true performance of a policy. We observe that in many applications, [1] the end goal of OPE is to compare two or multiple candidate policies and choose a good one, which is a much simpler task than precisely evaluating their true performance; and [2] there are usually multiple policies that have been deployed to serve users in real-world systems and thus the true performance of these policies can be known. Inspired by the two observations, in this work, we study a new problem, supervised off-policy ranking [SOPR], which aims to rank a set of target policies based on supervised learning by leveraging off-policy data and policies with known performance. We propose a method to solve SOPR, which learns a policy scoring model by minimizing a ranking loss of the training policies rather than estimating the precise policy performance. The scoring model in our method, a hierarchical Transformer based model, maps a set of state-action pairs to a score, where the state of each pair comes from the off-policy data and the action is taken by a …

Bhuvesh Kumar · Jacob Abernethy · Venkatesh Saligrama

[ Hall G ]

We consider the classical problem of multi-class prediction with expert advice, but with an active learning twist. In this new setting the learner will only query the labels of a small number of examples, but still aims to minimize regret to the best expert as usual; the learner is also allowed a very short "burn-in" phase where it can fast-forward and query certain highly-informative examples. We design an algorithm that utilizes Hedge [aka Exponential Weights] as a subroutine, and we show that under a very particular combinatorial constraint on the matrix of expert predictions we can obtain a very strong regret guarantee while querying very few labels. This constraint, which we refer to as $\zeta$-compactness, or just compactness, can be viewed as a non-stochastic variant of the disagreement coefficient, another popular parameter used to reason about the sample complexity of active learning in the IID setting. We also give a polynomial-time algorithm to calculate the $\zeta$-compactness of a matrix up to an approximation factor of 3.

Sebastian Ament · Carla Gomes

[ Room 307 ]

Bayesian Optimization [BO] has shown great promise for the global optimization of functions that are expensive to evaluate, but despite many successes, standard approaches can struggle in high dimensions. To improve the performance of BO, prior work suggested incorporating gradient information into a Gaussian process surrogate of the objective, giving rise to kernel matrices of size $nd$ × $nd$ for $n$ observations in $d$ dimensions. Naïvely multiplying with [resp. inverting] these matrices requires $O[n^2d^2]$ [resp. $O[n^3d^3]$] operations, which becomes infeasible for moderate dimensions and sample sizes. Here, we observe that a wide range of kernels gives rise to structured matrices, enabling an exact $O[n^2d]$ matrix-vector multiply for gradient observations and $O[n^2d^2]$ for Hessian observations. Beyond canonical kernel classes, we derive a programmatic approach to leveraging this type of structure for transformations and combinations of the discussed kernel classes, which constitutes a structure-aware automatic differentiation algorithm. Our methods apply to virtually all canonical kernels and automatically extend to complex kernels, like the neural network, radial basis function network, and spectral mixture kernels without any additional derivations, enabling flexible, problem-dependent modeling while scaling first-order BO to high $d$.

Mingfei Shi · Kaixun Hua · Jiayang Ren · Yankai Cao

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

$k$-center problem is a well-known clustering method and can be formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem. This work provides a practical global optimization algorithm for this task based on a reduced-space spatial branch and bound scheme. This algorithm can guarantee convergence to the global optimum by only branching on the centers of clusters, which is independent of the dataset’s cardinality. In addition, a set of feasibility-based bounds tightening techniques are proposed to narrow down the domain of centers and significantly accelerate the convergence. To demonstrate the capacity of this algorithm, we present computational results on 32 datasets. Notably, for the dataset with 14 million samples and 3 features, the serial implementation of the algorithm can converge to an optimality gap of 0.1\% within 2 hours. Compared with a heuristic method, the global optimum obtained by our algorithm can reduce the objective function on average by 30.4\%.

Rajarshi Das · Ameya Godbole · Ankita Rajaram Naik · Elliot Tower · Manzil Zaheer · Hannaneh Hajishirzi · Robin Jia · Andrew McCallum

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Question answering [QA] over knowledge bases [KBs] is challenging because of the diverse, essentially unbounded, types of reasoning patterns needed.However, we hypothesize in a large KB, reasoning patterns required to answer a query type reoccur for various entities in their respective subgraph neighborhoods.Leveraging this structural similarity between local neighborhoods of different subgraphs, we introduce a semiparametric model [CBR-SUBG] with [i] a nonparametric component that for each query, dynamically retrieves other similar $k$-nearest neighbor [KNN] training queries along with query-specific subgraphs and [ii] a parametric component that is trained to identify the [latent] reasoning patterns from the subgraphs of KNN queries and then apply them to the subgraph of the target query. We also propose an adaptive subgraph collection strategy to select a query-specific compact subgraph, allowing us to scale to full Freebase KB containing billions of facts. We show that CBR-SUBG can answer queries requiring subgraph reasoning patterns and performs competitively with the best models on several KBQA benchmarks. Our subgraph collection strategy also produces more compact subgraphs [e.g. 55\% reduction in size for WebQSP while increasing answer recall by 4.85\%]\footnote{Code, model, and subgraphs are available at \url{//}}.

Jeongyeol Kwon · Yonathan Efroni · Constantine Caramanis · Shie Mannor

[ Room 310 ]

Motivated by online recommendation systems, we propose the problem of finding the optimal policy in multitask contextual bandits when a small fraction $\alpha < 1/2$ of tasks [users] are arbitrary and adversarial. The remaining fraction of good users share the same instance of contextual bandits with $S$ contexts and $A$ actions [items]. Naturally, whether a user is good or adversarial is not known in advance. The goal is to robustly learn the policy that maximizes rewards for good users with as few user interactions as possible. Without adversarial users, established results in collaborative filtering show that $O[1/\epsilon^2]$ per-user interactions suffice to learn a good policy, precisely because information can be shared across users. This parallelization gain is fundamentally altered by the presence of adversarial users: unless there are super-polynomial number of users, we show a lower bound of $\tilde{\Omega}[\min[S,A] \cdot \alpha^2 / \epsilon^2]$ {\it per-user} interactions to learn an $\epsilon$-optimal policy for the good users. We then show we can achieve an $\tilde{O}[\min[S,A]\cdot \alpha/\epsilon^2]$ upper-bound, by employing efficient robust mean estimators for both uni-variate and high-dimensional random variables. We also show that this can be improved depending on the distributions of contexts.

Chaoyu Guan · Xin Wang · Hong Chen · Ziwei Zhang · Wenwu Zhu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Graph Neural Architecture Search [GNAS] has become a powerful method in automatically discovering suitable Graph Neural Network [GNN] architectures for different tasks. However, existing approaches fail to handle large-scale graphs because current performance estimation strategies in GNAS are computationally expensive for large-scale graphs and suffer from consistency collapse issues. To tackle these problems, we propose the Graph ArchitectUre Search at Scale [GAUSS] methodthat can handle large-scale graphs by designing an efficient light-weight supernet and the joint architecture-graph sampling.In particular, a graph sampling-based single-path one-shot supernet is proposed to reduce the computation burden.To address the consistency collapse issues, we further explicitly consider the joint architecture-graph sampling through a novel architecture peer learning mechanism on the sampled sub-graphs and an architecture importance sampling algorithm.Our proposed framework is able to smooth the highly non-convex optimization objective and stabilize the architecture sampling process.We provide theoretical analyses on GAUSS and empirically evaluate it on five datasets whose vertex sizes range from 10^4 to 10^8. The experimental results demonstrate substantial improvements of GAUSS over other GNAS baselines on all datasets.To the best of our knowledge, the proposed GAUSS method is the first graph neural architecture search framework that can handle graphs with billions of edges within …

Jiawei Ren · Liang Pan · Ziwei Liu

[ Hall F ]

3D perception, especially point cloud classification, has achieved substantial progress. However, in real-world deployment, point cloud corruptions are inevitable due to the scene complexity, sensor inaccuracy, and processing imprecision. In this work, we aim to rigorously benchmark and analyze point cloud classification under corruptions. To conduct a systematic investigation, we first provide a taxonomy of common 3D corruptions and identify the atomic corruptions. Then, we perform a comprehensive evaluation on a wide range of representative point cloud models to understand their robustness and generalizability. Our benchmark results show that although point cloud classification performance improves over time, the state-of-the-art methods are on the verge of being less robust. Based on the obtained observations, we propose several effective techniques to enhance point cloud classifier robustness. We hope our comprehensive benchmark, in-depth analysis, and proposed techniques could spark future research in robust 3D perception.

Enrique Fita Sanmartín · Sebastian Damrich · Fred Hamprecht

[ Room 310 ]

Finding paths with optimal properties is a foundational problem in computer science. The notions of shortest paths [minimal sum of edge costs], minimax paths [minimal maximum edge weight], reliability of a path and many others all arise as special cases of the "algebraic path problem" [APP]. Indeed, the APP formalizes the relation between different semirings such as min-plus, min-max and the distances they induce. We here clarify, for the first time, the relation between the potential distance and the log-semiring. We also define a new unifying family of algebraic structures that include all above-mentioned path problems as well as the commute cost and others as special or limiting cases. The family comprises not only semirings but also strong bimonoids [that is, semirings without distributivity]. We call this new and very general distance the "log-norm distance". Finally, we derive some sufficient conditions which ensure that the APP associated with a semiring defines a metric over an arbitrary graph.

Chen Qiu · Aodong Li · Marius Kloft · Maja Rudolph · Stephan Mandt

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Anomaly detection aims at identifying data points that show systematic deviations from the majority of data in an unlabeled dataset. A common assumption is that clean training data [free of anomalies] is available, which is often violated in practice. We propose a strategy for training an anomaly detector in the presence of unlabeled anomalies that is compatible with a broad class of models. The idea is to jointly infer binary labels to each datum [normal vs. anomalous] while updating the model parameters. Inspired by outlier exposure [Hendrycks et al., 2018] that considers synthetically created, labeled anomalies, we thereby use a combination of two losses that share parameters: one for the normal and one for the anomalous data. We then iteratively proceed with block coordinate updates on the parameters and the most likely [latent] labels. Our experiments with several backbone models on three image datasets, 30 tabular data sets, and a video anomaly detection benchmark showed consistent and significant improvements over the baselines.

Zhou Daquan · Zhiding Yu · Enze Xie · Chaowei Xiao · Animashree Anandkumar · Jiashi Feng · Jose M. Alvarez

[ Hall F ]

Recent studies show that Vision Transformers [ViTs] exhibit strong robustness against various corruptions. Although this property is partly attributed to the self-attention mechanism, there is still a lack of an explanatory framework towards a more systematic understanding. In this paper, we examine the role of self-attention in learning robust representations. Our study is motivated by the intriguing properties of self-attention in visual grouping which indicate that self-attention could promote improved mid-level representation and robustness. We thus propose a family of fully attentional networks [FANs] that incorporate self-attention in both token mixing and channel processing. We validate the design comprehensively on various hierarchical backbones. Our model with a DeiT architecture achieves a state-of-the-art 47.6% mCE on ImageNet-C with 29M parameters. We also demonstrate significantly improved robustness in two downstream tasks: semantic segmentation and object detection

Paul Vicol · Jonathan Lorraine · Fabian Pedregosa · David Duvenaud · Roger Grosse

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Many problems in machine learning involve bilevel optimization [BLO], including hyperparameter optimization, meta-learning, and dataset distillation. Bilevel problems involve inner and outer parameters, each optimized for its own objective. Often, at least one of the two levels is underspecified and there are multiple ways to choose among equivalent optima. Inspired by recent studies of the implicit bias induced by optimization algorithms in single-level optimization, we investigate the implicit bias of different gradient-based algorithms for jointly optimizing the inner and outer parameters. We delineate two standard BLO methods-cold-start and warm-start BLO-and show that the converged solution or long-run behavior depends to a large degree on these and other algorithmic choices, such as the hypergradient approximation. We also show that the solutions from warm-start BLO can encode a surprising amount of information about the outer objective, even when the outer optimization variables are low-dimensional. We believe that implicit bias deserves as central a role in the study of bilevel optimization as it has attained in the study of single-level neural net optimization.

Dixian Zhu · Gang Li · Bokun Wang · Xiaodong Wu · Tianbao Yang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

In this paper, we propose systematic and efficient gradient-based methods for both one-way and two-way partial AUC [pAUC] maximization that are applicable to deep learning. We propose new formulations of pAUC surrogate objectives by using the distributionally robust optimization [DRO] to define the loss for each individual positive data. We consider two formulations of DRO, one of which is based on conditional-value-at-risk [CVaR] that yields a non-smooth but exact estimator for pAUC, and another one is based on a KL divergence regularized DRO that yields an inexact but smooth [soft] estimator for pAUC. For both one-way and two-way pAUC maximization, we propose two algorithms and prove their convergence for optimizing their two formulations, respectively. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for pAUC maximization for deep learning on various datasets.

Aravind Reddy · Ryan A. Rossi · Zhao Song · Anup Rao · Tung Mai · Nedim Lipka · Gang Wu · Eunyee Koh · Nesreen K Ahmed

[ Hall G ]

In this paper, we initiate the study of one-pass algorithms for solving the maximum-a-posteriori [MAP] inference problem for Non-symmetric Determinantal Point Processes [NDPPs]. In particular, we formulate streaming and online versions of the problem and provide one-pass algorithms for solving these problems. In our streaming setting, data points arrive in an arbitrary order and the algorithms are constrained to use a single-pass over the data as well as sub-linear memory, and only need to output a valid solution at the end of the stream. Our online setting has an additional requirement of maintaining a valid solution at any point in time. We design new one-pass algorithms for these problems and show that they perform comparably to [or even better than] the offline greedy algorithm while using substantially lower memory.

Qi Chen · Yifei Wang · Yisen Wang · Jiansheng Yang · Zhouchen Lin

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Due to the over-smoothing issue, most existing graph neural networks can only capture limited dependencies with their inherently finite aggregation layers. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new kind of graph convolution, called Graph Implicit Nonlinear Diffusion [GIND], which implicitly has access to infinite hops of neighbors while adaptively aggregating features with nonlinear diffusion to prevent over-smoothing. Notably, we show that the learned representation can be formalized as the minimizer of an explicit convex optimization objective. With this property, we can theoretically characterize the equilibrium of our GIND from an optimization perspective. More interestingly, we can induce new structural variants by modifying the corresponding optimization objective. To be specific, we can embed prior properties to the equilibrium, as well as introducing skip connections to promote training stability. Extensive experiments show that GIND is good at capturing long-range dependencies, and performs well on both homophilic and heterophilic graphs with nonlinear diffusion. Moreover, we show that the optimization-induced variants of our models can boost the performance and improve training stability and efficiency as well. As a result, our GIND obtains significant improvements on both node-level and graph-level tasks.

Evgenii Nikishin · Max Schwarzer · Pierluca D&

x27;Oro · Pierre-Luc Bacon · Aaron Courville

[ Room 309 ]

This work identifies a common flaw of deep reinforcement learning [RL] algorithms: a tendency to rely on early interactions and ignore useful evidence encountered later. Because of training on progressively growing datasets, deep RL agents incur a risk of overfitting to earlier experiences, negatively affecting the rest of the learning process. Inspired by cognitive science, we refer to this effect as the primacy bias. Through a series of experiments, we dissect the algorithmic aspects of deep RL that exacerbate this bias. We then propose a simple yet generally-applicable mechanism that tackles the primacy bias by periodically resetting a part of the agent. We apply this mechanism to algorithms in both discrete [Atari 100k] and continuous action [DeepMind Control Suite] domains, consistently improving their performance.

Ricardo Dominguez-Olmedo · Amir Karimi · Bernhard Schölkopf

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Algorithmic recourse seeks to provide actionable recommendations for individuals to overcome unfavorable classification outcomes from automated decision-making systems. Recourse recommendations should ideally be robust to reasonably small uncertainty in the features of the individual seeking recourse. In this work, we formulate the adversarially robust recourse problem and show that recourse methods that offer minimally costly recourse fail to be robust. We then present methods for generating adversarially robust recourse for linear and for differentiable classifiers. Finally, we show that regularizing the decision-making classifier to behave locally linearly and to rely more strongly on actionable features facilitates the existence of adversarially robust recourse.

Pavlo Melnyk · Michael Felsberg · Mårten Wadenbäck

[ Room 310 ]

Emerging from low-level vision theory, steerable filters found their counterpart in prior work on steerable convolutional neural networks equivariant to rigid transformations. In our work, we propose a steerable feed-forward learning-based approach that consists of neurons with spherical decision surfaces and operates on point clouds. Such spherical neurons are obtained by conformal embedding of Euclidean space and have recently been revisited in the context of learning representations of point sets. Focusing on 3D geometry, we exploit the isometry property of spherical neurons and derive a 3D steerability constraint. After training spherical neurons to classify point clouds in a canonical orientation, we use a tetrahedron basis to quadruplicate the neurons and construct rotation-equivariant spherical filter banks. We then apply the derived constraint to interpolate the filter bank outputs and, thus, obtain a rotation-invariant network. Finally, we use a synthetic point set and real-world 3D skeleton data to verify our theoretical findings. The code is available at //

Shentao Yang · Yihao Feng · Shujian Zhang · Mingyuan Zhou

[ Room 309 ]

Offline reinforcement learning [RL] extends the paradigm of classical RL algorithms to purely learning from static datasets, without interacting with the underlying environment during the learning process. A key challenge of offline RL is the instability of policy training, caused by the mismatch between the distribution of the offline data and the undiscounted stationary state-action distribution of the learned policy. To avoid the detrimental impact of distribution mismatch, we regularize the undiscounted stationary distribution of the current policy towards the offline data during the policy optimization process. Further, we train a dynamics model to both implement this regularization and better estimate the stationary distribution of the current policy, reducing the error induced by distribution mismatch. On a wide range of continuous-control offline RL datasets, our method indicates competitive performance, which validates our algorithm. The code is publicly available.

Malik TIOMOKO · Ekkehard Schnoor · Mohamed El Amine Seddik · Igor Colin · Aladin Virmaux

[ Hall G ]

This paper proposes a theoretical analysis of a Lasso-based classification algorithm. Leveraging on a realistic regime where the dimension of the data $p$ and their number $n$ are of the same order of magnitude, the theoretical classification error is derived as a function of the data statistics. As a result, insights into the functioning of the Lasso in classification and its differences with competing algorithms are highlighted. Our work is based on an original novel analysis of the Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm [ISTA], which may be of independent interest beyond the particular problem studied here and may be adapted to similar iterative schemes.A theoretical optimization of the model's hyperparameters is also provided, which allows for the data- and time-consuming cross-validation to be avoided. Finally, several applications on synthetic and real data are provided to validate the theoretical study and justify its impact in the design and understanding of algorithms of practical interest.

Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder · Oana-Maria Camburu · Thomas Lukasiewicz · Julian McAuley

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Models that generate extractive rationales [i.e., subsets of features] or natural language explanations [NLEs] for their predictions are important for explainable AI. While an extractive rationale provides a quick view of the features most responsible for a prediction, an NLE allows for a comprehensive description of the decision-making process behind a prediction. However, current models that generate the best extractive rationales or NLEs often fall behind the state-of-the-art [SOTA] in terms of task performance. In this work, we bridge this gap by introducing RExC, a self-rationalizing framework that grounds its predictions and two complementary types of explanations [NLEs and extractive rationales] in background knowledge. Our framework improves over previous methods by: [i] reaching SOTA task performance while also providing explanations, [ii] providing two types of explanations, while existing models usually provide only one type, and [iii] beating by a large margin the previous SOTA in terms of quality of both types of explanations. Furthermore, a perturbation analysis in RExC shows a high degree of association between explanations and predictions, a necessary property of faithful explanations.

Mycal Tucker · Julie Shah

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Artificial neural nets can represent and classify many types of high-dimensional data but are often tailored to particular applications -- e.g., for `fair'' or`hierarchical'' classification. Once an architecture has been selected, it is often difficult for humans to adjust models for a new task; for example, a hierarchical classifier cannot be easily transformed into a fair classifier that shields a protected field. Our contribution in this work is a new neural network architecture, the concept subspace network [CSN], which generalizes existing specialized classifiers to produce a unified model capable of learning a spectrum of multi-concept relationships. We demonstrate that CSNs reproduce state-of-the-art results in fair classification when enforcing concept independence, may be transformed into hierarchical classifiers, or may even reconcile fairness and hierarchy within a single classifier. The CSN is inspired by and matches the performance of existing prototype-based classifiers that promote interpretability.

Fan Yin · Jieying Jiao · Jun Yan · Guanyu Hu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Basketball shot location data provide valuable summary information regardingplayers to coaches, sports analysts, fans, statisticians, as well as playersthemselves. Represented by spatial points, such data are naturally analyzed with spatial point process models. We present a novel nonparametric Bayesianmethod for learning the underlying intensity surface built upon acombination of Dirichlet process and Markov random field. Our method has theadvantage of effectively encouraging local spatial homogeneity when estimating a globally heterogeneous intensity surface. Posterior inferences are performedwith an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo [MCMC] algorithm. Simulation studiesshow that the inferences are accurate and the method is superior comparedto a wide range of competing methods. Application to the shot location data of $20$ representative NBA players in the 2017-2018 regular season offers interestinginsights about the shooting patterns of these players. A comparison against thecompeting method shows that the proposed method can effectively incorporatespatial contiguity into the estimation of intensity surfaces.

Jingzhao Zhang · Haochuan Li · Suvrit Sra · Ali Jadbabaie

[ Room 309 ]

This work examines the deep disconnect between existing theoretical analyses of gradient-based algorithms and the practice of training deep neural networks. Specifically, we provide numerical evidence that in large-scale neural network training [e.g., ImageNet + ResNet101, and WT103 + TransformerXL models], the neural network's weights do not converge to stationary points where the gradient of the loss is zero. Remarkably, however, we observe that even though the weights do not converge to stationary points, the progress in minimizing the loss function halts and training loss stabilizes. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new perspective based on ergodic theory of dynamical systems to explain it. Rather than studying the evolution of weights, we study the evolution of the distribution of weights. We prove convergence of the distribution of weights to an approximate invariant measure, thereby explaining how the training loss can stabilize without weights necessarily converging to stationary points. We further discuss how this perspective can better align optimization theory with empirical observations in machine learning practice.

Mona Schirmer · Mazin Eltayeb · Stefan Lessmann · Maja Rudolph

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Recurrent neural networks [RNNs] are a popular choice for modeling sequential data. Modern RNN architectures assume constant time-intervals between observations. However, in many datasets [e.g. medical records] observation times are irregular and can carry important information. To address this challenge, we propose continuous recurrent units [CRUs] – a neural architecture that can naturally handle irregular intervals between observations. The CRU assumes a hidden state, which evolves according to a linear stochastic differential equation and is integrated into an encoder-decoder framework. The recursive computations of the CRU can be derived using the continuous-discrete Kalman filter and are in closed form. The resulting recurrent architecture has temporal continuity between hidden states and a gating mechanism that can optimally integrate noisy observations. We derive an efficient parameterization scheme for the CRU that leads to a fast implementation f-CRU. We empirically study the CRU on a number of challenging datasets and find that it can interpolate irregular time series better than methods based on neural ordinary differential equations.

Nitai Fingerhut · Matteo Sesia · Yaniv Romano

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Double machine learning is a statistical method for leveraging complex black-box models to construct approximately unbiased treatment effect estimates given observational data with high-dimensional covariates, under the assumption of a partially linear model. The idea is to first fit on a subset of the samples two non-linear predictive models, one for the continuous outcome of interest and one for the observed treatment, and then to estimate a linear coefficient for the treatment using the remaining samples through a simple orthogonalized regression. While this methodology is flexible and can accommodate arbitrary predictive models, typically trained independently of one another, this paper argues that a carefully coordinated learning algorithm for deep neural networks may reduce the estimation bias. The improved empirical performance of the proposed method is demonstrated through numerical experiments on both simulated and real data.

Christopher Lu · Timon Willi · Christian Schroeder de Witt · Jakob Foerster

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

In general-sum games the interaction of self-interested learning agents commonly leads to collectively worst-case outcomes, such as defect-defect in the iterated prisoner's dilemma [IPD]. To overcome this, some methods, such as Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness [LOLA], directly shape the learning process of their opponents. However, these methods are myopic since only a small number of steps can be anticipated, are asymmetric since they treat other agents as naive learners, and require the use of higher-order derivatives, which are calculated through white-box access to an opponent's differentiable learning algorithm. To address these issues, we propose Model-Free Opponent Shaping [M-FOS]. M-FOS learns in a meta-game in which each meta-step is an episode of the underlying game. The meta-state consists of the policies in the underlying game and the meta-policy produces a new policy to be used in the next episode. M-FOS then uses generic model-free optimisation methods to learn meta-policies that accomplish long-horizon opponent shaping. Empirically, M-FOS near-optimally exploits naive learners and other, more sophisticated algorithms from the literature. For example, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first method to learn the well-known ZD extortion strategy in the IPD. In the same settings, M-FOS leads to socially optimal outcomes …

Antonia Marcu · Adam Prugel-Bennett

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Data distortion is commonly applied in vision models during both training [e.g methods like MixUp and CutMix] and evaluation [e.g. shape-texture bias and robustness]. This data modification can introduce artificial information. It is often assumed that the resulting artefacts are detrimental to training, whilst being negligible when analysing models. We investigate these assumptions and conclude that in some cases they are unfounded and lead to incorrect results. Specifically, we show current shape bias identification methods and occlusion robustness measures are biased and propose a fairer alternative for the latter. Subsequently, through a series of experiments we seek to correct and strengthen the community's perception of how augmenting affects learning of vision models. Based on our empirical results we argue that the impact of the artefacts must be understood and exploited rather than eliminated.

Peng Wang · Huikang Liu · Anthony Man-Cho So · Laura Balzano

[ Room 309 ]

The K-subspaces [KSS] method is a generalization of the K-means method for subspace clustering. In this work, we present local convergence analysis and a recovery guarantee for KSS, assuming data are generated by the semi-random union of subspaces model, where $N$ points are randomly sampled from $K \ge 2$ overlapping subspaces. We show that if the initial assignment of the KSS method lies within a neighborhood of a true clustering, it converges at a superlinear rate and finds the correct clustering within $\Theta[\log\log N]$ iterations with high probability. Moreover, we propose a thresholding inner-product based spectral method for initialization and prove that it produces a point in this neighborhood. We also present numerical results of the studied method to support our theoretical developments.

Boxiang Lyu · Zhaoran Wang · Mladen Kolar · Zhuoran Yang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Dynamic mechanism design has garnered significant attention from both computer scientists and economists in recent years. By allowing agents to interact with the seller over multiple rounds, where agents’ reward functions may change with time and are state-dependent, the framework is able to model a rich class of real-world problems. In these works, the interaction between agents and sellers is often assumed to follow a Markov Decision Process [MDP]. We focus on the setting where the reward and transition functions of such an MDP are not known a priori, and we are attempting to recover the optimal mechanism using an a priori collected data set. In the setting where the function approximation is employed to handle large state spaces, with only mild assumptions on the expressiveness of the function class, we are able to design a dynamic mechanism using offline reinforcement learning algorithms. Moreover, learned mechanisms approximately have three key desiderata: efficiency, individual rationality, and truthfulness. Our algorithm is based on the pessimism principle and only requires a mild assumption on the coverage of the offline data set. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first offline RL algorithm for dynamic mechanism design without assuming uniform coverage.

Zhaocheng Zhu · Mikhail Galkin · Zuobai Zhang · Jian Tang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Answering complex first-order logic [FOL] queries on knowledge graphs is a fundamental task for multi-hop reasoning. Traditional symbolic methods traverse a complete knowledge graph to extract the answers, which provides good interpretation for each step. Recent neural methods learn geometric embeddings for complex queries. These methods can generalize to incomplete knowledge graphs, but their reasoning process is hard to interpret. In this paper, we propose Graph Neural Network Query Executor [GNN-QE], a neural-symbolic model that enjoys the advantages of both worlds. GNN-QE decomposes a complex FOL query into relation projections and logical operations over fuzzy sets, which provides interpretability for intermediate variables. To reason about the missing links, GNN-QE adapts a graph neural network from knowledge graph completion to execute the relation projections, and models the logical operations with product fuzzy logic. Experiments on 3 datasets show that GNN-QE significantly improves over previous state-of-the-art models in answering FOL queries. Meanwhile, GNN-QE can predict the number of answers without explicit supervision, and provide visualizations for intermediate variables.

Sorawit Saengkyongam · Leonard Henckel · Niklas Pfister · Jonas Peters

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Instrumental variable models allow us to identify a causal function between covariates $X$ and a response $Y$, even in the presence of unobserved confounding. Most of the existing estimators assume that the error term in the response $Y$ and the hidden confounders are uncorrelated with the instruments $Z$. This is often motivated by a graphical separation, an argument that also justifies independence. Positing an independence restriction, however, leads to strictly stronger identifiability results. We connect to the existing literature in econometrics and provide a practical method called HSIC-X for exploiting independence that can be combined with any gradient-based learning procedure. We see that even in identifiable settings, taking into account higher moments may yield better finite sample results. Furthermore, we exploit the independence for distribution generalization. We prove that the proposed estimator is invariant to distributional shifts on the instruments and worst-case optimal whenever these shifts are sufficiently strong. These results hold even in the under-identified case where the instruments are not sufficiently rich to identify the causal function.

Alexandre Drouin · Étienne Marcotte · Nicolas Chapados

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

The estimation of time-varying quantities is a fundamental component of decision making in fields such as healthcare and finance. However, the practical utility of such estimates is limited by how accurately they quantify predictive uncertainty. In this work, we address the problem of estimating the joint predictive distribution of high-dimensional multivariate time series. We propose a versatile method, based on the transformer architecture, that estimates joint distributions using an attention-based decoder that provably learns to mimic the properties of non-parametric copulas. The resulting model has several desirable properties: it can scale to hundreds of time series, supports both forecasting and interpolation, can handle unaligned and non-uniformly sampled data, and can seamlessly adapt to missing data during training. We demonstrate these properties empirically and show that our model produces state-of-the-art predictions on multiple real-world datasets.

Alan J.X. Guo · Cong Liang · Qing-Hu Hou

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Storing information in DNA molecules is of great interest because of its advantages in longevity, high storage density, and low maintenance cost. A key step in the DNA storage pipeline is to efficiently cluster the retrieved DNA sequences according to their similarities. Levenshtein distance is the most suitable metric on the similarity between two DNA sequences, but it is inferior in terms of computational complexity and less compatible with mature clustering algorithms. In this work, we propose a novel deep squared Euclidean embedding for DNA sequences using Siamese neural network, squared Euclidean embedding, and chi-squared regression. The Levenshtein distance is approximated by the squared Euclidean distance between the embedding vectors, which is fast calculated and clustering algorithm friendly. The proposed approach is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The results show that the proposed embedding is efficient and robust.

Sheng Liu · Aakash Kaku · Weicheng Zhu · Matan Leibovich · Sreyas Mohan · Boyang Yu · Haoxiang Huang · Laure Zanna · Narges Razavian · Jonathan Niles-Weed · Carlos Fernandez-Granda

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Reliable probability estimation is of crucial importance in many real-world applications where there is inherent [aleatoric] uncertainty. Probability-estimation models are trained on observed outcomes [e.g. whether it has rained or not, or whether a patient has died or not], because the ground-truth probabilities of the events of interest are typically unknown. The problem is therefore analogous to binary classification, with the difference that the objective is to estimate probabilities rather than predicting the specific outcome. This work investigates probability estimation from high-dimensional data using deep neural networks. There exist several methods to improve the probabilities generated by these models but they mostly focus on model [epistemic] uncertainty. For problems with inherent uncertainty, it is challenging to evaluate performance without access to ground-truth probabilities. To address this, we build a synthetic dataset to study and compare different computable metrics. We evaluate existing methods on the synthetic data as well as on three real-world probability estimation tasks, all of which involve inherent uncertainty: precipitation forecasting from radar images, predicting cancer patient survival from histopathology images, and predicting car crashes from dashcam videos. We also give a theoretical analysis of a model for high-dimensional probability estimation which reproduces several of the phenomena evinced …

Pier Giuseppe Sessa · Maryam Kamgarpour · Andreas Krause

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

We consider model-based multi-agent reinforcement learning, where the environment transition model is unknown and can only be learned via expensive interactions with the environment. We propose H-MARL [Hallucinated Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning], a novel sample-efficient algorithm that can efficiently balance exploration, i.e., learning about the environment, and exploitation, i.e., achieve good equilibrium performance in the underlying general-sum Markov game. H-MARL builds high-probability confidence intervals around the unknown transition model and sequentially updates them based on newly observed data. Using these, it constructs an optimistic hallucinated game for the agents for which equilibrium policies are computed at each round. We consider general statistical models [e.g., Gaussian processes, deep ensembles, etc.] and policy classes [e.g., deep neural networks], and theoretically analyze our approach by bounding the agents' dynamic regret. Moreover, we provide a convergence rate to the equilibria of the underlying Markov game. We demonstrate our approach experimentally on an autonomous driving simulation benchmark. H-MARL learns successful equilibrium policies after a few interactions with the environment and can significantly improve the performance compared to non-optimistic exploration methods.

Mingjie Li · Yisen Wang · Zhouchen Lin

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Recently, certifiable robust training methods via bound propagation have been proposed for training neural networks with certifiable robustness guarantees. However, no neural architectures with regular convolution and linear layers perform better in the certifiable training than the plain CNNs, since the output bounds for the deep explicit models increase quickly as their depth increases. And such a phenomenon significantly hinders certifiable training. Meanwhile, the Deep Equilibrium Model~[DEQ] is more representative and robust due to their equivalent infinite depth and controllable global Lipschitz. But no work has been proposed to explore whether DEQ can show advantages in certified training. In this work, we aim to tackle the problem of DEQ's certified training. To obtain the output bound based on the bound propagation scheme in the implicit model, we first involve the adjoint DEQ for bound approximation. Furthermore, we also use the weight orthogonalization method and other tricks specified for DEQ to stabilize the certifiable training. With our approach, we can obtain the certifiable DEQ called CerDEQ. Our CerDEQ can achieve state-of-the-art performance compared with models using regular convolution and linear layers on $\ell_\infty$ tasks with $\epsilon=8/255$: $64.72\%$ certified error for CIFAR-$10$ and $94.45\%$ certified error for Tiny ImageNet.

Huan Li · Zhouchen Lin

[ Room 309 ]

This paper studies the accelerated gradient descent for general nonconvex problems under the gradient Lipschitz and Hessian Lipschitz assumptions. We establish that a simple restarted accelerated gradient descent [AGD] finds an $\epsilon$-approximate first-order stationary point in $O[\epsilon^{-7/4}]$ gradient computations with simple proofs. Our complexity does not hide any polylogarithmic factors, and thus it improves over the state-of-the-art one by the $O[\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}]$ factor. Our simple algorithm only consists of Nesterov's classical AGD and a restart mechanism, and it does not need the negative curvature exploitation or the optimization of regularized surrogate functions. Technically, our simple proof does not invoke the analysis for the strongly convex AGD, which is crucial to remove the $O[\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}]$ factor.

Junzhe Zhang · Jin Tian · Elias Bareinboim

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

This paper investigates the problem of bounding counterfactual queries from an arbitrary collection of observational and experimental distributions and qualitative knowledge about the underlying data-generating model represented in the form of a causal diagram. We show that all counterfactual distributions in an arbitrary structural causal model [SCM] with discrete observed domains could be generated by a canonical family of SCMs with the same causal diagram where unobserved [exogenous] variables are also discrete, taking values in finite domains. Utilizing the canonical SCMs, we translate the problem of bounding counterfactuals into that of polynomial programming whose solution provides optimal bounds for the counterfactual query. Solving such polynomial programs is in general computationally expensive. We then develop effective Monte Carlo algorithms to approximate optimal bounds from a combination of observational and experimental data. Our algorithms are validated extensively on synthetic and real-world datasets.

Yilang Zhang · Mengchu Xu · Xiaojun Mao · Jian Wang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Compressed sensing [CS] aims to recover a high-dimensional signal with structural priors from its low-dimensional linear measurements. Inspired by the huge success of deep neural networks in modeling the priors of natural signals, generative neural networks have been recently used to replace the hand-crafted structural priors in CS. However, the reconstruction capability of the generative model is fundamentally limited by the range of its generator, typically a small subset of the signal space of interest. To break this bottleneck and thus reconstruct those out-of-range signals, this paper presents a novel method called CS-BGM that can effectively expands the range of generator. Specifically, CS-BGM introduces uncertainties to the latent variable and parameters of the generator, while adopting the variational inference [VI] and maximum a posteriori [MAP] to infer them. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that expanding the range of generators is necessary for reducing the reconstruction error in generative CS. Extensive experiments show a consistent improvement of CS-BGM over the baselines.

Yonghan Jung · Shiva Kasiviswanathan · Jin Tian · Dominik Janzing · Patrick Bloebaum · Elias Bareinboim

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Causal contributions measure the strengths of different causes to a target quantity. Understanding causal contributions is important in empirical sciences and data-driven disciplines since it allows to answer practical queries like ``what are the contributions of each cause to the effect?'' In this paper, we develop a principled method for quantifying causal contributions. First, we provide desiderata of properties axioms that causal contribution measures should satisfy and propose the do-Shapley values [inspired by do-interventions [Pearl, 2000]] as a unique method satisfying these properties. Next, we develop a criterion under which the do-Shapley values can be efficiently inferred from non-experimental data. Finally, we provide do-Shapley estimators exhibiting consistency, computational feasibility, and statistical robustness. Simulation results corroborate with the theory.

Rui Wang · Robin Walters · Rose Yu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Incorporating symmetry as an inductive bias into neural network architecture has led to improvements in generalization, data efficiency, and physical consistency in dynamics modeling. Methods such as CNNs or equivariant neural networks use weight tying to enforce symmetries such as shift invariance or rotational equivariance. However, despite the fact that physical laws obey many symmetries, real-world dynamical data rarely conforms to strict mathematical symmetry either due to noisy or incomplete data or to symmetry breaking features in the underlying dynamical system. We explore approximately equivariant networks which are biased towards preserving symmetry but are not strictly constrained to do so. By relaxing equivariance constraints, we find that our models can outperform both baselines with no symmetry bias and baselines with overly strict symmetry in both simulated turbulence domains and real-world multi-stream jet flow.

Kwangjun Ahn · Jingzhao Zhang · Suvrit Sra

[ Room 309 ]

Most existing analyses of [stochastic] gradient descent rely on the condition that for $L$-smooth costs, the step size is less than $2/L$. However, many works have observed that in machine learning applications step sizes often do not fulfill this condition, yet [stochastic] gradient descent still converges, albeit in an unstable manner. We investigate this unstable convergence phenomenon from first principles, and discuss key causes behind it. We also identify its main characteristics, and how they interrelate based on both theory and experiments, offering a principled view toward understanding the phenomenon.

Kyunghwan Son · Junsu Kim · Sungsoo Ahn · Roben Delos Reyes · Yung Yi · Jinwoo Shin

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, the outcomes of agent-wise policies are highly stochastic due to the two sources of risk: [a] random actions taken by teammates and [b] random transition and rewards. Although the two sources have very distinct characteristics, existing frameworks are insufficient to control the risk-sensitivity of agent-wise policies in a disentangled manner. To this end, we propose Disentangled RIsk-sensitive Multi-Agent reinforcement learning [DRIMA] to separately access the risk sources. For example, our framework allows an agent to be optimistic with respect to teammates [who can prosocially adapt] but more risk-neutral with respect to the environment [which does not adapt]. Our experiments demonstrate that DRIMA significantly outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods across various scenarios in the StarCraft Multi-agent Challenge environment. Notably, DRIMA shows robust performance where prior methods learn only a highly suboptimal policy, regardless of reward shaping, exploration scheduling, and noisy [random or adversarial] agents.

Ahmed Alaa · Boris van Breugel · Evgeny S. Saveliev · Mihaela van der Schaar

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Devising domain- and model-agnostic evaluation metrics for generative models is an important and as yet unresolved problem. Most existing metrics, which were tailored solely to the image synthesis setup, exhibit a limited capacity for diagnosing the different modes of failure of generative models across broader application domains. In this paper, we introduce a 3-dimensional evaluation metric, [α-Precision, β-Recall, Authenticity], that characterizes the fidelity, diversity and generalization performance of any generative model in a domain-agnostic fashion. Our metric unifies statistical divergence measures with precision-recall analysis, enabling sample- and distribution-level diagnoses of model fidelity and diversity. We introduce generalization as an additional, independent dimension [to the fidelity-diversity trade-off] that quantifies the extent to which a model copies training data—a crucial performance indicator when modeling sensitive data with requirements on privacy. The three metric components correspond to [interpretable] probabilistic quantities, and are estimated via sample-level binary classification. The sample-level nature of our metric inspires a novel use case which we call model auditing, wherein we judge the quality of individual samples generated by a [black-box] model, discarding low-quality samples and hence improving the overall model performance in a post-hoc manner.

Yinjie Jiang · Zhengyu Chen · Kun Kuang · Luotian Yuan · Xinhai Ye · Zhihua Wang · Fei Wu · Ying WEI

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Meta-learning has emerged as a potent paradigm for quick learning of few-shot tasks, by leveraging the meta-knowledge learned from meta-training tasks. Well-generalized meta-knowledge that facilitates fast adaptation in each task is preferred; however, recent evidence suggests the undesirable memorization effect where the meta-knowledge simply memorizing all meta-training tasks discourages task-specific adaptation and poorly generalizes. There have been several solutions to mitigating the effect, including both regularizer-based and augmentation-based methods, while a systematic understanding of these methods in a single framework is still lacking. In this paper, we offer a novel causal perspective of meta-learning. Through the lens of causality, we conclude the universal label space as a confounder to be the causing factor of memorization and frame the two lines of prevailing methods as different deconfounder approaches. Remarkably, derived from the causal inference principle of front-door adjustment, we propose two frustratingly easy but effective deconfounder algorithms, i.e., sampling multiple versions of the meta-knowledge via Dropout and grouping the meta-knowledge into multiple bins. The proposed causal perspective not only brings in the two deconfounder algorithms that surpass previous works in four benchmark datasets towards combating memorization, but also opens a promising direction for meta-learning.

Christopher Tosh · Daniel Hsu

[ Room 310 ]

Multi-group agnostic learning is a formal learning criterion that is concerned with the conditional risks of predictors within subgroups of a population. The criterion addresses recent practical concerns such as subgroup fairness and hidden stratification. This paper studies the structure of solutions to the multi-group learningproblem, and provides simple and near-optimal algorithms for the learning problem.

Giorgia Dellaferrera · Gabriel Kreiman

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Supervised learning in artificial neural networks typically relies on backpropagation, where the weights are updated based on the error-function gradients and sequentially propagated from the output layer to the input layer. Although this approach has proven effective in a wide domain of applications, it lacks biological plausibility in many regards, including the weight symmetry problem, the dependence of learning on non-local signals, the freezing of neural activity during error propagation, and the update locking problem. Alternative training schemes have been introduced, including sign symmetry, feedback alignment, and direct feedback alignment, but they invariably rely on a backward pass that hinders the possibility of solving all the issues simultaneously. Here, we propose to replace the backward pass with a second forward pass in which the input signal is modulated based on the error of the network. We show that this novel learning rule comprehensively addresses all the above-mentioned issues and can be applied to both fully connected and convolutional models. We test this learning rule on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. These results help incorporate biological principles into machine learning.

Ilias Diakonikolas · Vasilis Kontonis · Christos Tzamos · Nikos Zarifis

[ Hall G ]

We study the problem of learning general — i.e., not necessarily homogeneous — halfspaces with adversarial label noise under the Gaussian distribution. Prior work has provided a sophisticated polynomial-time algorithm for this problem. In this work, we show that the problem can be solved directly via online gradient descent applied to a sequence of natural non-convex surrogates. This approach yields a simple iterative learning algorithm for general halfspaces with near-optimal sample complexity, runtime, and error guarantee. At the conceptual level, our work establishes an intriguing connection between learning halfspaces with adversarial noise and online optimization that may find other applications.

Lorenz Richter · Julius Berner

[ Room 307 ]

The combination of Monte Carlo methods and deep learning has recently led to efficient algorithms for solving partial differential equations [PDEs] in high dimensions. Related learning problems are often stated as variational formulations based on associated stochastic differential equations [SDEs], which allow the minimization of corresponding losses using gradient-based optimization methods. In respective numerical implementations it is therefore crucial to rely on adequate gradient estimators that exhibit low variance in order to reach convergence accurately and swiftly. In this article, we rigorously investigate corresponding numerical aspects that appear in the context of linear Kolmogorov PDEs. In particular, we systematically compare existing deep learning approaches and provide theoretical explanations for their performances. Subsequently, we suggest novel methods that can be shown to be more robust both theoretically and numerically, leading to substantial performance improvements.

Zhongyu Huang · Yingheng Wang · Chaozhuo Li · Huiguang He

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

The invariance to permutations of the adjacency matrix, i.e., graph isomorphism, is an overarching requirement for Graph Neural Networks [GNNs]. Conventionally, this prerequisite can be satisfied by the invariant operations over node permutations when aggregating messages. However, such an invariant manner may ignore the relationships among neighboring nodes, thereby hindering the expressivity of GNNs. In this work, we devise an efficient permutation-sensitive aggregation mechanism via permutation groups, capturing pairwise correlations between neighboring nodes. We prove that our approach is strictly more powerful than the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman [2-WL] graph isomorphism test and not less powerful than the 3-WL test. Moreover, we prove that our approach achieves the linear sampling complexity. Comprehensive experiments on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model.

Minsu Cho · Ameya Joshi · Brandon Reagen · Siddharth Garg · Chinmay Hegde

[ Hall F ]

Private inference [PI] enables inferences directly on cryptographically secure data. While promising to address many privacy issues, it has seen limited use due to extreme runtimes. Unlike plaintext inference, where latency is dominated by FLOPs, in PI non-linear functions [namely ReLU] are the bottleneck. Thus, practical PI demands novel ReLU-aware optimizations. To reduce PI latency we propose a gradient-based algorithm that selectively linearizes ReLUs while maintaining prediction accuracy. We evaluate our algorithm on several standard PI benchmarks. The results demonstrate up to $4.25\%$ more accuracy [iso-ReLU count at 50K] or $2.2\times$ less latency [iso-accuracy at 70\%] than the current state of the art and advance the Pareto frontier across the latency-accuracy space. To complement empirical results, we present a ``no free lunch" theorem that sheds light on how and when network linearization is possible while maintaining prediction accuracy.

Mathieu Lauriere · Sarah Perrin · Sertan Girgin · Paul Muller · Ayush Jain · Theophile Cabannes · Georgios Piliouras · Julien Perolat · Romuald Elie · Olivier Pietquin · Matthieu Geist

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Mean Field Games [MFGs] have been introduced to efficiently approximate games with very large populations of strategic agents. Recently, the question of learning equilibria in MFGs has gained momentum, particularly using model-free reinforcement learning [RL] methods. One limiting factor to further scale up using RL is that existing algorithms to solve MFGs require the mixing of approximated quantities such as strategies or $q$-values. This is far from being trivial in the case of non-linear function approximation that enjoy good generalization properties, \textit{e.g.} neural networks. We propose two methods to address this shortcoming. The first one learns a mixed strategy from distillation of historical data into a neural network and is applied to the Fictitious Play algorithm. The second one is an online mixing method based on regularization that does not require memorizing historical data or previous estimates. It is used to extend Online Mirror Descent. We demonstrate numerically that these methods efficiently enable the use of Deep RL algorithms to solve various MFGs. In addition, we show that these methods outperform SotA baselines from the literature.

Tian Gao · DEBARUN BHATTACHARJYA · Elliot Nelson · Miao Liu · Yue Yu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Causal discovery in the form of a directed acyclic graph [DAG] for time series data has been widely studied in various domains. The resulting DAG typically represents a dynamic Bayesian network [DBN], capturing both the instantaneous and time-delayed relationships among variables of interest. We propose a new algorithm, IDYNO, to learn the DAG structure from potentially nonlinear times series data by using a continuous optimization framework that includes a recent formulation for continuous acyclicity constraint. The proposed algorithm is designed to handle both observational and interventional time series data. We demonstrate the promising performance of our method on synthetic benchmark datasets against state-of-the-art baselines. In addition, we show that the proposed method can more accurately learn the underlying structure of a sequential decision model, such as a Markov decision process, with a fixed policy in typical continuous control tasks.

PRANAY SHARMA · Rohan Panda · Gauri Joshi · Pramod K Varshney

[ Room 309 ]

In this paper, we consider nonconvex minimax optimization, which is gaining prominence in many modern machine learning applications, such as GANs. Large-scale edge-based collection of training data in these applications calls for communication-efficient distributed optimization algorithms, such as those used in federated learning, to process the data. In this paper, we analyze local stochastic gradient descent ascent [SGDA], the local-update version of the SGDA algorithm. SGDA is the core algorithm used in minimax optimization, but it is not well-understood in a distributed setting. We prove that Local SGDA has \textit{order-optimal} sample complexity for several classes of nonconvex-concave and nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems, and also enjoys \textit{linear speedup} with respect to the number of clients. We provide a novel and tighter analysis, which improves the convergence and communication guarantees in the existing literature. For nonconvex-PL and nonconvex-one-point-concave functions, we improve the existing complexity results for centralized minimax problems. Furthermore, we propose a momentum-based local-update algorithm, which has the same convergence guarantees, but outperforms Local SGDA as demonstrated in our experiments.

Pini Zilber · Boaz Nadler

[ Room 309 ]

The inductive matrix completion [IMC] problem is to recover a low rank matrix from few observed entries while incorporating prior knowledge about its row and column subspaces. In this work, we make three contributions to the IMC problem: [i] we prove that under suitable conditions, the IMC optimization landscape has no bad local minima; [ii] we derive a simple scheme with theoretical guarantees to estimate the rank of the unknown matrix; and [iii] we propose GNIMC, a simple Gauss-Newton based method to solve the IMC problem, analyze its runtime and derive for it strong recovery guarantees. The guarantees for GNIMC are sharper in several aspects than those available for other methods, including a quadratic convergence rate, fewer required observed entries and stability to errors or deviations from low-rank. Empirically, given entries observed uniformly at random, GNIMC recovers the underlying matrix substantially faster than several competing methods.

Phillip Lippe · Sara Magliacane · Sindy Löwe · Yuki Asano · Taco Cohen · Stratis Gavves

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Understanding the latent causal factors of a dynamical system from visual observations is considered a crucial step towards agents reasoning in complex environments. In this paper, we propose CITRIS, a variational autoencoder framework that learns causal representations from temporal sequences of images in which underlying causal factors have possibly been intervened upon. In contrast to the recent literature, CITRIS exploits temporality and observing intervention targets to identify scalar and multidimensional causal factors, such as 3D rotation angles. Furthermore, by introducing a normalizing flow, CITRIS can be easily extended to leverage and disentangle representations obtained by already pretrained autoencoders. Extending previous results on scalar causal factors, we prove identifiability in a more general setting, in which only some components of a causal factor are affected by interventions. In experiments on 3D rendered image sequences, CITRIS outperforms previous methods on recovering the underlying causal variables. Moreover, using pretrained autoencoders, CITRIS can even generalize to unseen instantiations of causal factors, opening future research areas in sim-to-real generalization for causal representation learning.

Tong Zhao · Gang Liu · Daheng Wang · Wenhao Yu · Meng Jiang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Learning to predict missing links is important for many graph-based applications. Existing methods were designed to learn the association between observed graph structure and existence of link between a pair of nodes. However, the causal relationship between the two variables was largely ignored for learning to predict links on a graph. In this work, we visit this factor by asking a counterfactual question: "would the link still exist if the graph structure became different from observation?" Its answer, counterfactual links, will be able to augment the graph data for representation learning. To create these links, we employ causal models that consider the information [i.e., learned representations] of node pairs as context, global graph structural properties as treatment, and link existence as outcome. We propose a novel data augmentation-based link prediction method that creates counterfactual links and learns representations from both the observed and counterfactual links. Experiments on benchmark data show that our graph learning method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the task of link prediction.

Tyler Sypherd · Richard Nock · Lalitha Sankar

[ Room 310 ]

Properness for supervised losses stipulates that the loss function shapes the learning algorithm towards the true posterior of the data generating distribution. Unfortunately, data in modern machine learning can be corrupted or twisted in many ways. Hence, optimizing a proper loss function on twisted data could perilously lead the learning algorithm towards the twisted posterior, rather than to the desired clean posterior. Many papers cope with specific twists [e.g., label/feature/adversarial noise], but there is a growing need for a unified and actionable understanding atop properness. Our chief theoretical contribution is a generalization of the properness framework with a notion called twist-properness, which delineates loss functions with the ability to "untwist" the twisted posterior into the clean posterior. Notably, we show that a nontrivial extension of a loss function called alpha-loss, which was first introduced in information theory, is twist-proper. We study the twist-proper alpha-loss under a novel boosting algorithm, called PILBoost, and provide formal and experimental results for this algorithm. Our overarching practical conclusion is that the twist-proper alpha-loss outperforms the proper log-loss on several variants of twisted data.

Hong Qian · Xu-Hui Liu · Chen-Xi Su · Aimin Zhou · Yang Yu

[ Hall G ]

Teaching dimension [TD] is a fundamental theoretical property for understanding machine teaching algorithms. It measures the sample complexity of teaching a target hypothesis to a learner. The TD of linear learners has been studied extensively, whereas the results of teaching non-linear learners are rare. A recent result investigates the TD of polynomial and Gaussian kernel learners. Unfortunately, the theoretical bounds therein show that the TD is high when teaching those non-linear learners. Inspired by the fact that regularization can reduce the learning complexity in machine learning, a natural question is whether the similar fact happens in machine teaching. To answer this essential question, this paper proposes a unified theoretical framework termed STARKE to analyze the TD of regularized kernel learners. On the basis of STARKE, we derive a generic result of any type of kernels. Furthermore, we disclose that the TD of regularized linear and regularized polynomial kernel learners can be strictly reduced. For regularized Gaussian kernel learners, we reveal that, although their TD is infinite, their epsilon-approximate TD can be exponentially reduced compared with that of the unregularized learners. The extensive experimental results of teaching the optimization-based learners verify the theoretical findings.

Zhongkai Hao · Chengyang Ying · Yinpeng Dong · Hang Su · Jian Song · Jun Zhu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Certified defenses such as randomized smoothing have shown promise towards building reliable machine learning systems against $\ell_p$ norm bounded attacks. However, existing methods are insufficient or unable to provably defend against semantic transformations, especially those without closed-form expressions [such as defocus blur and pixelate], which are more common in practice and often unrestricted. To fill up this gap, we propose generalized randomized smoothing [GSmooth], a unified theoretical framework for certifying robustness against general semantic transformations via a novel dimension augmentation strategy. Under the GSmooth framework, we present a scalable algorithm that uses a surrogate image-to-image network to approximate the complex transformation. The surrogate model provides a powerful tool for studying the properties of semantic transformations and certifying robustness. Experimental results on several datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for robustness certification against multiple kinds of semantic transformations and corruptions, which is not achievable by the alternative baselines.

Akhilan Boopathy · Ila R. Fiete

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Recent works have examined theoretical and empirical properties of wide neural networks trained in the Neural Tangent Kernel [NTK] regime. Given that biological neural networks are much wider than their artificial counterparts, we consider NTK regime wide neural networks as a possible model of biological neural networks. Leveraging NTK theory, we show theoretically that gradient descent drives layerwise weight updates that are aligned with their input activity correlations weighted by error, and demonstrate empirically that the result also holds in finite-width wide networks. The alignment result allows us to formulate a family of biologically-motivated, backpropagation-free learning rules that are theoretically equivalent to backpropagation in infinite-width networks. We test these learning rules on benchmark problems in feedforward and recurrent neural networks and demonstrate, in wide networks, comparable performance to backpropagation. The proposed rules are particularly effective in low data regimes, which are common in biological learning settings.

Ruilin Li · Hongyuan Zha · Molei Tao

[ Room 307 ]

Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient [NAG] for optimization has better performance than its continuous time limit [noiseless kinetic Langevin] when a finite step-size is employed [Shi et al., 2021]. This work explores the sampling counterpart of this phenonemon and proposes a diffusion process, whose discretizations can yield accelerated gradient-based MCMC methods. More precisely, we reformulate the optimizer of NAG for strongly convex functions [NAG-SC] as a Hessian-Free High-Resolution ODE, change its high-resolution coefficient to a hyperparameter, inject appropriate noise, and discretize the resulting diffusion process. The acceleration effect of the new hyperparameter is quantified and it is not an artificial one created by time-rescaling. Instead, acceleration beyond underdamped Langevin in $W_2$ distance is quantitatively established for log-strongly-concave-and-smooth targets, at both the continuous dynamics level and the discrete algorithm level. Empirical experiments in both log-strongly-concave and multi-modal cases also numerically demonstrate this acceleration.

Wei Fu · Chao Yu · Zelai Xu · Jiaqi Yang · Yi Wu

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Many advances in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning [MARL] are based on two common design principles: value decomposition and parameter sharing. A typical MARL algorithm of this fashion decomposes a centralized Q-function into local Q-networks with parameters shared across agents. Such an algorithmic paradigm enables centralized training and decentralized execution [CTDE] and leads to efficient learning in practice. Despite all the advantages, we revisit these two principles and show that in certain scenarios, e.g., environments with a highly multi-modal reward landscape, value decomposition, and parameter sharing can be problematic and lead to undesired outcomes. In contrast, policy gradient [PG] methods with individual policies provably converge to an optimal solution in these cases, which partially supports some recent empirical observations that PG can be effective in many MARL testbeds. Inspired by our theoretical analysis, we present practical suggestions on implementing multi-agent PG algorithms for either high rewards or diverse emergent behaviors and empirically validate our findings on a variety of domains, ranging from the simplified matrix and grid-world games to complex benchmarks such as StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge and Google Research Football. We hope our insights could benefit the community towards developing more general and more powerful MARL algorithms.

Ping Xiong · Thomas Schnake · Grégoire Montavon · Klaus-robert Mueller · Shinichi Nakajima

[ Hall F ]

Explaining graph neural networks [GNNs] has become more and more important recently. Higher-order interpretation schemes, such as GNN-LRP [layer-wise relevance propagation for GNN], emerged as powerful tools for unraveling how different features interact thereby contributing to explaining GNNs.GNN-LRP gives a relevance attribution of walks between nodes at each layer, and the subgraph attribution is expressed as a sum over exponentially many such walks. In this work, we demonstrate that such exponential complexity can be avoided. In particular, we propose novel algorithmsthat enable to attribute subgraphs with GNN-LRP in linear-time [w.r.t. the network depth]. Our algorithms are derived via message passing techniques that make use of the distributive property, therebydirectly computing quantitiesfor higher-order explanations.We further adapt our efficient algorithms to computea generalization of subgraph attributions that also takes into account the neighboring graph features.Experimental results show the significant acceleration of the proposed algorithms and demonstrate the high usefulness and scalability of our novel generalized subgraph attribution method.

Ting-Han Fan · Ta-Chung Chi · Alexander Rudnicky · Peter Ramadge

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

While deep generative models have succeeded in image processing, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning, training that involves discrete random variables remains challenging due to the high variance of its gradient estimation process. Monte Carlo is a common solution used in most variance reduction approaches. However, this involves time-consuming resampling and multiple function evaluations. We propose a Gapped Straight-Through [GST] estimator to reduce the variance without incurring resampling overhead. This estimator is inspired by the essential properties of Straight-Through Gumbel-Softmax. We determine these properties and show via an ablation study that they are essential. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed GST estimator enjoys better performance compared to strong baselines on two discrete deep generative modeling tasks, MNIST-VAE and ListOps.

Renzhe Xu · Xingxuan Zhang · Zheyan Shen · Tong Zhang · Peng Cui

[ Hall F ]

Covariate-shift generalization, a typical case in out-of-distribution [OOD] generalization, requires a good performance on the unknown test distribution, which varies from the accessible training distribution in the form of covariate shift. Recently, independence-driven importance weighting algorithms in stable learning literature have shown empirical effectiveness to deal with covariate-shift generalization on several learning models, including regression algorithms and deep neural networks, while their theoretical analyses are missing. In this paper, we theoretically prove the effectiveness of such algorithms by explaining them as feature selection processes. We first specify a set of variables, named minimal stable variable set, that is the minimal and optimal set of variables to deal with covariate-shift generalization for common loss functions, such as the mean squared loss and binary cross-entropy loss. Afterward, we prove that under ideal conditions, independence-driven importance weighting algorithms could identify the variables in this set. Analysis of asymptotic properties is also provided. These theories are further validated in several synthetic experiments.


[ Room 307 ]

We present the Local Self-Balancing sampler [LSB], a local Markov Chain Monte Carlo [MCMC] method for sampling in purely discrete domains, which is able to autonomously adapt to the target distribution and to reduce the number of target evaluations required to converge. LSB is based on [i] a parametrization of locally balanced proposals, [ii] an objective function based on mutual information and [iii] a self-balancing learning procedure, which minimises the proposed objective to update the proposal parameters. Experiments on energy-based models and Markov networks show that LSB converges using a smaller number of queries to the oracle distribution compared to recent local MCMC samplers.

Adarsh Barik · Jean Honorio

[ Hall G ]

In this paper, we study the problem of sparse mixed linear regression on an unlabeled dataset that is generated from linear measurements from two different regression parameter vectors. Since the data is unlabeled, our task is to not only figure out a good approximation of regression parameter vectors but also label the dataset correctly. In its original form, this problem is NP-hard. The most popular algorithms to solve this problem [such as Expectation-Maximization] have a tendency to stuck at local minima. We provide a novel invex relaxation for this intractable problem which leads to a solution with provable theoretical guarantees. This relaxation enables exact recovery of data labels. Furthermore, we recover close approximation of regression parameter vectors which match the true parameter vectors in support and sign. Our formulation uses a carefully constructed primal dual witnesses framework for the invex problem. Furthermore, we show that the sample complexity of our method is only logarithmic in terms of the dimension of the regression parameter vectors.

Franco Pellegrini · Giulio Biroli

[ Room 310 ]

Pruning methods can considerably reduce the size of artificial neural networks without harming their performance and in some cases they can even uncover sub-networks that, when trained in isolation, match or surpass the test accuracy of their dense counterparts. Here, we characterize the inductive bias that pruning imprints in such "winning lottery tickets": focusing on visual tasks, we analyze the architecture resulting from iterative magnitude pruning of a simple fully connected network. We show that the surviving node connectivity is local in input space, and organized in patterns reminiscent of the ones found in convolutional networks. We investigate the role played by data and tasks in shaping the architecture of the pruned sub-network. We find that pruning performances, and the ability to sift out the noise and make local features emerge, improve by increasing the size of the training set, and the semantic value of the data. We also study different pruning procedures, and find that iterative magnitude pruning is particularly effective in distilling meaningful connectivity out of features present in the original task. Our results suggest the possibility to automatically discover new and efficient architectural inductive biases in other datasets and tasks.

David Arbour · Drew Dimmery · Tung Mai · Anup Rao

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We consider the experimental design problem in an online environment, an important practical task for reducing the variance of estimates in randomized experiments which allows for greater precision, and in turn, improved decision making. In this work, we present algorithms that build on recent advances in online discrepancy minimization which accommodate both arbitrary treatment probabilities and multiple treatments. The proposed algorithms are computational efficient, minimize covariate imbalance, and include randomization which enables robustness to misspecification. We provide worst case bounds on the expected mean squared error of the causal estimate and show that the proposed estimator is no worse than an implicit ridge regression, which are within a logarithmic factor of the best known results for offline experimental design. We conclude with a detailed simulation study showing favorable results relative to complete randomization as well as to offline methods for experimental design with time complexities exceeding our algorithm, which has a linear dependence on the number of observations, by polynomial factors.

Charles Marx · Shengjia Zhao · Willie Neiswanger · Stefano Ermon

[ Hall F ]

Uncertainty estimates must be calibrated [i.e., accurate] and sharp [i.e., informative] in order to be useful. This has motivated a variety of methods for {\em recalibration}, which use held-out data to turn an uncalibrated model into a calibrated model. However, the applicability of existing methods is limited due to their assumption that the original model is also a probabilistic model. We introduce a versatile class of algorithms for recalibration in regression that we call \emph{modular conformal calibration} [MCC]. This framework allows one to transform any regression model into a calibrated probabilistic model. The modular design of MCC allows us to make simple adjustments to existing algorithms that enable well-behaved distribution predictions. We also provide finite-sample calibration guarantees for MCC algorithms. Our framework recovers isotonic recalibration, conformal calibration, and conformal interval prediction, implying that our theoretical results apply to those methods as well. Finally, we conduct an empirical study of MCC on 17 regression datasets. Our results show that new algorithms designed in our framework achieve near-perfect calibration and improve sharpness relative to existing methods.

Ruqi Zhang · Xingchao Liu · Qiang Liu

[ Room 307 ]

We propose discrete Langevin proposal [DLP], a simple and scalable gradient-basedproposal for sampling complex high-dimensional discrete distributions. In contrast to Gibbs sampling-based methods, DLP is able to update all coordinates in parallel in a single step and the magnitude of changes is controlled by a stepsize. This allows a cheap and efficient exploration in the space of high-dimensional and strongly correlated variables. We prove the efficiency of DLP by showing that the asymptotic bias of its stationary distribution is zero for log-quadratic distributions, and is small for distributions that are close to being log-quadratic. With DLP, we develop several variants of sampling algorithms, including unadjusted, Metropolis-adjusted, stochastic and preconditioned versions. DLP outperforms many popular alternatives on a wide variety of tasks, including Ising models, restricted Boltzmann machines, deep energy-based models, binary neural networks and language generation.

Lai Tian · Kaiwen Zhou · Anthony Man-Cho So

[ Room 310 ]

We report a practical finite-time algorithmic scheme to compute approximately stationary points for nonconvex nonsmooth Lipschitz functions. In particular, we are interested in two kinds of approximate stationarity notions for nonconvex nonsmooth problems, i.e., Goldstein approximate stationarity [GAS] and near-approximate stationarity [NAS]. For GAS, our scheme removes the unrealistic subgradient selection oracle assumption in [Zhang et al., 2020, Assumption 1] and computes GAS with the same finite-time complexity. For NAS, Davis & Drusvyatskiy [2019] showed that $\rho$-weakly convex functions admit finite-time computation, while Tian & So [2021] provided the matching impossibility results of dimension-free finite-time complexity for first-order methods. Complement to these developments, in this paper, we isolate a new class of functions that could be Clarke irregular [and thus not weakly convex anymore] and show that our new algorithmic scheme can compute NAS points for functions in that class within finite time. To demonstrate the wide applicability of our new theoretical framework, we show that $\rho$-margin SVM, $1$-layer, and $2$-layer ReLU neural networks, all being Clarke irregular, satisfy our new conditions.

Yi Hao · Ayush Jain · Alon Orlitsky · Vaishakh Ravindrakumar

[ Hall G ]

Approximating distributions from their samples is a canonical statistical-learning problem. One of its most powerful and successful modalities approximates every distribution to an $\ell_1$ distance essentially at most a constant times larger than its closest $t$-piece degree-$d$ polynomial, where $t\ge1$ and $d\ge0$. Letting $c_{t,d}$ denote the smallest such factor, clearly $c_{1,0}=1$, and it can be shown that $c_{t,d}\ge 2$ for all other $t$ and $d$. Yet current computationally efficient algorithms show only $c_{t,1}\le 2.25$ and the bound rises quickly to $c_{t,d}\le 3$ for $d\ge 9$. We derive a near-linear-time and essentially sample-optimal estimator that establishes $c_{t,d}=2$ for all $[t,d]\ne[1,0]$. Additionally, for many practical distributions, the lowest approximation distance is achieved by polynomials with vastly varying number of pieces. We provide a method that estimates this number near-optimally, hence helps approach the best possible approximation. Experiments combining the two techniques confirm improved performance over existing methodologies.

Niloy Biswas · Lester Mackey · Xiao-Li Meng

[ Room 307 ]

Spike-and-slab priors are commonly used for Bayesian variable selection, due to their interpretability and favorable statistical properties. However, existing samplers for spike-and-slab posteriors incur prohibitive computational costs when the number of variables is large. In this article, we propose Scalable Spike-and-Slab [S^3], a scalable Gibbs sampling implementation for high-dimensional Bayesian regression with the continuous spike-and-slab prior of George & McCulloch [1993]. For a dataset with n observations and p covariates, S^3 has order max{n^2 pt, np} computational cost at iteration t where pt never exceeds the number of covariates switching spike-and-slab states between iterations t and t-1 of the Markov chain. This improves upon the order n^2 p per-iteration cost of state-of-the-art implementations as, typically, p_t is substantially smaller than p. We apply S^3 on synthetic and real-world datasets, demonstrating orders of magnitude speed-ups over existing exact samplers and significant gains in inferential quality over approximate samplers with comparable cost.

Tianhao Wu · Yunchang Yang · Han Zhong · Liwei Wang · Simon Du · Jiantao Jiao

[ Room 310 ]

Policy optimization methods are one of the most widely used classes of Reinforcement Learning [RL] algorithms. However, theoretical understanding of these methods remains insufficient. Even in the episodic [time-inhomogeneous] tabular setting, the state-of-the-art theoretical result of policy-based method in Shani et al. [2020] is only $\tilde{O}[\sqrt{S^2AH^4K}]$ where $S$ is the number of states, $A$ is the number of actions, $H$ is the horizon, and $K$ is the number of episodes, and there is a $\sqrt{SH}$ gap compared with the information theoretic lower bound $\tilde{\Omega}[\sqrt{SAH^3K}]$ [Jin et al., 2018]. To bridge such a gap, we propose a novel algorithm Reference-based Policy Optimization with Stable at Any Time guarantee [RPO-SAT], which features the property ``Stable at Any Time''. We prove that our algorithm achieves $\tilde{O}[\sqrt{SAH^3K} + \sqrt{AH^4K}]$ regret. When $S > H$, our algorithm is minimax optimal when ignoring logarithmic factors. To our best knowledge, RPO-SAT is the first computationally efficient, nearly minimax optimal policy-based algorithm for tabular RL.

Stefano Vigogna · Giacomo Meanti · Ernesto De Vito · Lorenzo Rosasco

[ Hall G ]

We study the behavior of error bounds for multiclass classification under suitable margin conditions. For a wide variety of methods we prove that the classification error under a hard-margin condition decreases exponentially fast without any bias-variance trade-off. Different convergence rates can be obtained in correspondence of different margin assumptions. With a self-contained and instructive analysis we are able to generalize known results from the binary to the multiclass setting.

Qianlan Yang · Weijun Dong · Zhizhou Ren · Jianhao Wang · Tonghan Wang · Chongjie Zhang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Coordination graph is a promising approach to model agent collaboration in multi-agent reinforcement learning. It conducts a graph-based value factorization and induces explicit coordination among agents to complete complicated tasks. However, one critical challenge in this paradigm is the complexity of greedy action selection with respect to the factorized values. It refers to the decentralized constraint optimization problem [DCOP], which and whose constant-ratio approximation are NP-hard problems. To bypass this systematic hardness, this paper proposes a novel method, named Self-Organized Polynomial-time Coordination Graphs [SOP-CG], which uses structured graph classes to guarantee the accuracy and the computational efficiency of collaborated action selection. SOP-CG employs dynamic graph topology to ensure sufficient value function expressiveness. The graph selection is unified into an end-to-end learning paradigm. In experiments, we show that our approach learns succinct and well-adapted graph topologies, induces effective coordination, and improves performance across a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks.

Kimon Antonakopoulos · Panayotis Mertikopoulos · Georgios Piliouras · Xiao Wang

[ Room 309 ]

Adaptive first-order methods in optimization have widespread ML applications due to their ability to adapt to non-convex landscapes. However, their convergence guarantees are typically stated in terms of vanishing gradient norms, which leaves open the issue of converging to undesirable saddle points [or even local maxima]. In this paper, we focus on the AdaGrad family of algorithms - from scalar to full-matrix preconditioning - and we examine the question of whether the method's trajectories avoid saddle points. A major challenge that arises here is that AdaGrad's step-size [or, more accurately, the method's preconditioner] evolves over time in a filtration-dependent way, i.e., as a function of all gradients observed in earlier iterations; as a result, avoidance results for methods with a constant or vanishing step-size do not apply. We resolve this challenge by combining a series of step-size stabilization arguments with a recursive representation of the AdaGrad preconditioner that allows us to employ center-stable techniques and ultimately show that the induced trajectories avoid saddle points from almost any initial condition.

Sebastian Borgeaud · Arthur Mensch · Jordan Hoffmann · Trevor Cai · Eliza Rutherford · Katie Millican · George van den Driessche · Jean-Baptiste Lespiau · Bogdan Damoc · Aidan Clark · Diego de Las Casas · Aurelia Guy · Jacob Menick · Roman Ring · Tom Hennigan · Saffron Huang · Loren Maggiore · Chris Jones · Albin Cassirer · Andy Brock · Michela Paganini · Geoffrey Irving · Oriol Vinyals · Simon Osindero · Karen Simonyan · Jack Rae · Erich Elsen · Laurent Sifre

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We enhance auto-regressive language models by conditioning on document chunks retrieved from a large corpus, based on local similarity with preceding tokens. With a 2 trillion token database, our Retrieval-Enhanced Transformer [RETRO] obtains comparable performance to GPT-3 and Jurassic-1 on the Pile, despite using 25× fewer parameters. After fine-tuning, RETRO performance translates to downstream knowledge-intensive tasks such as question answering. RETRO combines a frozen Bert retriever, a differentiable encoder and a chunked cross-attention mechanism to predict tokens based on an order of magnitude more data than what is typically consumed during training. We typically train RETRO from scratch, yet can also rapidly RETROfit pre-trained transformers with retrieval and still achieve good performance. Our work opens up new avenues for improving language models through explicit memory at unprecedented scale.

Ruiqi Zhong · Charlie Snell · Dan Klein · Jacob Steinhardt

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

How do two \textit{distributions} of text differ?Humans are slow at answering this, since discovering patterns might require tediously reading through hundreds of samples.We propose to automatically summarize the differences by ``learning a natural language hypothesis":given two distributions $D_{0}$ and $D_{1}$, we search for a description that is more often true for $D_{1}$, e.g., ``\textit{is military-related.}"To tackle this problem, we fine-tune GPT-3 to propose descriptions with the prompt: ``[samples of $D_{0}$] + [samples of $D_{1}$] + \textit{the difference between them is \underline{\space\space\space\space}}".We then re-rank the descriptions by checking how often they hold on a larger set of samples with a learned verifier.On a benchmark of 54 real-world binary classification tasks, while GPT-3 Curie [13B] only generates a description similar to human annotation 7\% of the time, the performance reaches 61\% with fine-tuning and re-ranking, and our best system using GPT-3 Davinci [175B] reaches 76\%.We apply our system to describe distribution shifts, debug dataset shortcuts, summarize unknown tasks, and label text clusters, and present analyses based on automatically generated descriptions.

Edmond Cunningham · Adam Cobb · Susmit Jha

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Normalizing flows map an independent set of latent variables to their samples using a bijective transformation. Despite the exact correspondence between samples and latent variables, their high level relationship is not well understood. In this paper we characterize the geometric structure of flows using principal manifolds and understand the relationship between latent variables and samples using contours. We introduce a novel class of normalizing flows, called principal component flows [PCF], whose contours are its principal manifolds, and a variant for injective flows [iPCF] that is more efficient to train than regular injective flows. PCFs can be constructed using any flow architecture, are trained with a regularized maximum likelihood objective and can perform density estimation on all of their principal manifolds. In our experiments we show that PCFs and iPCFs are able to learn the principal manifolds over a variety of datasets. Additionally, we show that PCFs can perform density estimation on data that lie on a manifold with variable dimensionality, which is not possible with existing normalizing flows.

Iñigo Martinez · Elisabeth Viles · Igor G. Olaizola

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Time series alignment methods call for highly expressive, differentiable and invertible warping functions which preserve temporal topology, i.e diffeomorphisms. Diffeomorphic warping functions can be generated from the integration of velocity fields governed by an ordinary differential equation [ODE]. Gradient-based optimization frameworks containing diffeomorphic transformations require to calculate derivatives to the differential equation's solution with respect to the model parameters, i.e. sensitivity analysis. Unfortunately, deep learning frameworks typically lack automatic-differentiation-compatible sensitivity analysis methods; and implicit functions, such as the solution of ODE, require particular care. Current solutions appeal to adjoint sensitivity methods, ad-hoc numerical solvers or ResNet's Eulerian discretization. In this work, we present a closed-form expression for the ODE solution and its gradient under continuous piecewise-affine [CPA] velocity functions. We present a highly optimized implementation of the results on CPU and GPU. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments on several datasets to validate the generalization ability of our model to unseen data for time-series joint alignment. Results show significant improvements both in terms of efficiency and accuracy.

Li Wang · Yupeng Zhang · Yujing Hu · Weixun Wang · Chongjie Zhang · Yang Gao · Jianye Hao · Tangjie Lv · Changjie Fan

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

In many real-world multi-agent systems, the sparsity of team rewards often makes it difficult for an algorithm to successfully learn a cooperative team policy. At present, the common way for solving this problem is to design some dense individual rewards for the agents to guide the cooperation. However, most existing works utilize individual rewards in ways that do not always promote teamwork and sometimes are even counterproductive. In this paper, we propose \emph{Individual Reward Assisted Team Policy Learning} [IRAT], which learns two policies for each agent from the dense individual reward and the sparse team reward with discrepancy constraints for updating the two policies mutually. Experimental results in different scenarios, such as the Multi-Agent Particle Environment and the Google Research Football Environment, show that IRAT significantly outperforms the baseline methods and can greatly promote team policy learning without deviating from the original team objective, even when the individual rewards are misleading or conflict with the team rewards.

Ishita Dasgupta · Erin Grant · Thomas Griffiths

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Machine learning systems often do not share the same inductive biases as humans and, as a result, extrapolate or generalize in ways that are inconsistent with our expectations. The trade-off between exemplar- and rule-based generalization has been studied extensively in cognitive psychology; in this work, we present a protocol inspired by these experimental approaches to probe the inductive biases that control this trade-off in category-learning systems such as artificial neural networks. We isolate two such inductive biases: feature-level bias [differences in which features are more readily learned] and exemplar-vs-rule bias [differences in how these learned features are used for generalization of category labels]. We find that standard neural network models are feature-biased and have a propensity towards exemplar-based extrapolation; we discuss the implications of these findings for machine-learning research on data augmentation, fairness, and systematic generalization.

Kailash Budhathoki · Lenon Minorics · Patrick Bloebaum · Dominik Janzing

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Current techniques for explaining outliers cannot tell what caused the outliers. We present a formal method to identify "root causes" of outliers, amongst variables. The method requires a causal graph of the variables along with the functional causal model. It quantifies the contribution of each variable to the target outlier score, which explains to what extent each variable is a "root cause" of the target outlier. We study the empirical performance of the method through simulations and present a real-world case study identifying "root causes" of extreme river flows.

Haiquan Qiu · Yao Wang · Shaojie Tang · Deyu Meng · QUANMING YAO

[ Room 309 ]

In this paper, we study nonconvex tensor robust principal component analysis [RPCA] based on the $t$-SVD. We first propose an alternating projection method, i.e., APT, which converges linearly to the ground-truth under the incoherence conditions of tensors. However, as the projection to the low-rank tensor space in APT can be slow, we further propose to speedup such a process by utilizing the property of the tangent space of low-rank. The resulting algorithm, i.e., EAPT, is not only more efficient than APT but also keeps the linear convergence. Compared with existing tensor RPCA works, the proposed method, especially EAPT, is not only more effective due to the recovery guarantee and adaption in the transformed [frequency] domain but also more efficient due to faster convergence rate and lower iteration complexity. These benefits are also empirically verified both on synthetic data, and real applications, e.g., hyperspectral image denoising and video background subtraction.

Cristiano Capone · Cosimo Lupo · Paolo Muratore · Pier Stanislao Paolucci

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

The brain can learn to solve a wide range of tasks with high temporal and energetic efficiency.However, most biological models are composed of simple single-compartment neurons and cannot achieve the state-of-the-art performances of artificial intelligence.We propose a multi-compartment model of pyramidal neuron, in which bursts and dendritic input segregation give the possibility to plausibly support a biological target-based learning. In target-based learning, the internal solution of a problem [a spatio-temporal pattern of bursts in our case] is suggested to the network, bypassing the problems of error backpropagation and credit assignment.Finally, we show that this neuronal architecture naturally supports the orchestration of ``hierarchical imitation learning'', enabling the decomposition of challenging long-horizon decision-making tasks into simpler subtasks.

Anpeng Wu · Kun Kuang · Bo Li · Fei Wu

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

This paper considers the challenge of estimating treatment effects from observational data in the presence of unmeasured confounders. A popular way to address this challenge is to utilize an instrumental variable [IV] for two-stage regression, i.e., 2SLS and variants, but limited to the linear setting. Recently, many nonlinear IV regression variants were proposed to overcome it by regressing the treatment with IVs and observed confounders in stage 1, leading to the imbalance of the observed confounders in stage 2. In this paper, we propose a Confounder Balanced IV Regression [CB-IV] algorithm to jointly remove the bias from the unmeasured confounders and balance the observed confounders. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to combine confounder balancing in IV regression for treatment effect estimation. Theoretically, we re-define and solve the inverse problems for the response-outcome function. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms the existing approaches.

Darius Muglich · Luisa Zintgraf · Christian Schroeder de Witt · Shimon Whiteson · Jakob Foerster

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Self-play is a common method for constructing solutions in Markov games that can yield optimal policies in collaborative settings. However, these policies often adopt highly-specialized conventions that make playing with a novel partner difficult. To address this, recent approaches rely on encoding symmetry and convention-awareness into policy training, but these require strong environmental assumptions and can complicate policy training. To overcome this, we propose moving the learning of conventions to the belief space. Specifically, we propose a belief learning paradigm that can maintain beliefs over rollouts of policies not seen at training time, and can thus decode and adapt to novel conventions at test time. We show how to leverage this belief model for both search and training of a best response over a pool of policies to greatly improve zero-shot coordination. We also show how our paradigm promotes explainability and interpretability of nuanced agent conventions.

Oliver Cobb · Arnaud Van Looveren

[ Hall F ]

When monitoring machine learning systems, two-sample tests of homogeneity form the foundation upon which existing approaches to drift detection build. They are used to test for evidence that the distribution underlying recent deployment data differs from that underlying the historical reference data. Often, however, various factors such as time-induced correlation mean that batches of recent deployment data are not expected to form an i.i.d. sample from the historical data distribution. Instead we may wish to test for differences in the distributions conditional on \textit{context} that is permitted to change. To facilitate this we borrow machinery from the causal inference domain to develop a more general drift detection framework built upon a foundation of two-sample tests for conditional distributional treatment effects. We recommend a particular instantiation of the framework based on maximum conditional mean discrepancies. We then provide an empirical study demonstrating its effectiveness for various drift detection problems of practical interest, such as detecting drift in the distributions underlying subpopulations of data in a manner that is insensitive to their respective prevalences. The study additionally demonstrates applicability to ImageNet-scale vision problems.

Haotao Wang · Aston Zhang · Shuai Zheng · Xingjian Shi · Mu Li · Zhangyang “Atlas” Wang

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Adversarial training [AT] defends deep neural networks against adversarial attacks. One challenge that limits its practical application is the performance degradation on clean samples. A major bottleneck identified by previous works is the widely used batch normalization [BN], which struggles to model the different statistics of clean and adversarial training samples in AT. Although the dominant approach is to extend BN to capture this mixture of distribution, we propose to completely eliminate this bottleneck by removing all BN layers in AT. Our normalizer-free robust training [NoFrost] method extends recent advances in normalizer-free networks to AT for its unexplored advantage on handling the mixture distribution challenge. We show that NoFrost achieves adversarial robustness with only a minor sacrifice on clean sample accuracy. On ImageNet with ResNet50, NoFrost achieves $74.06\%$ clean accuracy, which drops merely $2.00\%$ from standard training. In contrast, BN-based AT obtains $59.28\%$ clean accuracy, suffering a significant $16.78\%$ drop from standard training. In addition, NoFrost achieves a $23.56\%$ adversarial robustness against PGD attack, which improves the $13.57\%$ robustness in BN-based AT. We observe better model smoothness and larger decision margins from NoFrost, which make the models less sensitive to input perturbations and thus more robust. Moreover, when incorporating more …

Rui Shu · Stefano Ermon

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

The hierarchical variational autoencoder [HVAE] is a popular generative model used for many representation learning tasks. However, its application to image synthesis often yields models with poor sample quality. In this work, we treat image synthesis itself as a hierarchical representation learning problem and regularize an HVAE toward representations that improve the model's image synthesis performance. We do so by leveraging the progressive coding hypothesis, which claims hierarchical latent variable models that are good at progressive lossy compression will generate high-quality samples. To test this hypothesis, we first show empirically that conventionally-trained HVAEs are not good progressive coders. We then propose a simple method that constrains the hierarchical representations to prioritize the encoding of information beneficial for lossy compression, and show that this modification leads to improved sample quality. Our work lends further support to the progressive coding hypothesis and demonstrates that this hypothesis should be exploited when designing variational autoencoders.

Haochuan Li · Farzan Farnia · Subhro Das · Ali Jadbabaie

[ Room 309 ]

Gradient Descent Ascent [GDA] methods are the mainstream algorithms for minimax optimization in generative adversarial networks [GANs]. Convergence properties of GDA have drawn significant interest in the recent literature. Specifically, for $\min_{x} \max_{y} f[x;y]$ where $f$ is strongly-concave in $y$ and possibly nonconvex in $x$, [Lin et al., 2020] proved the convergence of GDA with a stepsize ratio $\eta_y/\eta_x=\Theta[\kappa^2]$ where $\eta_x$ and $\eta_y$ are the stepsizes for $x$ and $y$ and $\kappa$ is the condition number for $y$. While this stepsize ratio suggests a slow training of the min player, practical GAN algorithms typically adopt similar stepsizes for both variables, indicating a wide gap between theoretical and empirical results. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by analyzing the \emph{local convergence} of general \emph{nonconvex-nonconcave} minimax problems. We demonstrate that a stepsize ratio of $\Theta[\kappa]$ is necessary and sufficient for local convergence of GDA to a Stackelberg Equilibrium, where $\kappa$ is the local condition number for $y$. We prove a nearly tight convergence rate with a matching lower bound. We further extend the convergence guarantees to stochastic GDA and extra-gradient methods [EG]. Finally, we conduct several numerical experiments to support our theoretical findings.

Dinghuai Zhang · Nikolay Malkin · Zhen Liu · Alexandra Volokhova · Aaron Courville · Yoshua Bengio

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

We present energy-based generative flow networks [EB-GFN], a novel probabilistic modeling algorithm for high-dimensional discrete data. Building upon the theory of generative flow networks [GFlowNets], we model the generation process by a stochastic data construction policy and thus amortize expensive MCMC exploration into a fixed number of actions sampled from a GFlowNet. We show how GFlowNets can approximately perform large-block Gibbs sampling to mix between modes. We propose a framework to jointly train a GFlowNet with an energy function, so that the GFlowNet learns to sample from the energy distribution, while the energy learns with an approximate MLE objective with negative samples from the GFlowNet. We demonstrate EB-GFN's effectiveness on various probabilistic modeling tasks. Code is publicly available at //

Kevin Scaman · Cedric Malherbe · Ludovic DOS SANTOS

[ Room 309 ]

Training over-parameterized neural networks involves the empirical minimization of highly non-convex objective functions. Recently, a large body of works provided theoretical evidence that, despite this non-convexity, properly initialized over-parameterized networks can converge to a zero training loss through the introduction of the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition. However, these analyses are restricted to quadratic losses such as mean square error, and tend to indicate fast exponential convergence rates that are seldom observed in practice. In this work, we propose to extend these results by analyzing stochastic gradient descent under more generic Lojasiewicz conditions that are applicable to any convex loss function, thus extending the current theory to a larger panel of losses commonly used in practice such as cross-entropy. Moreover, our analysis provides high-probability bounds on the approximation error under sub-Gaussian gradient noise and only requires the local smoothness of the objective function, thus making it applicable to deep neural networks in realistic settings.

Sujay Bhatt · Guanhua Fang · Ping Li · Gennady Samorodnitsky

[ Room 310 ]

We present a new finite-sample analysis of Catoni’s M-estimator under adversarial contamination, where an adversary is allowed to corrupt a fraction of the samples arbitrarily. We make minimal assumptions on the distribution of the uncontaminated random variables, namely, we only assume the existence of a known upper bound~$\upsilon_{\varepsilon} > 0$ on the~$[1+\varepsilon]{th}$ central moment of the random variables, namely, for~$\varepsilon \in [0,1]$ \[ \mathbb{E}_{X_1 \sim \mathcal{D}} \Big| X_1 - \mu \Big|{1+\varepsilon} \leq \upsilon_{\varepsilon}. \]We provide a lower bound on the minimax error rate for the mean estimation problem under adversarial corruption under this weak assumption, and establish that the proposed M-estimator achieves this lower bound [up to multiplicative constants]. When the variance is infinite, the tolerance to contamination of any estimator reduces as~$\varepsilon \downarrow 0$. We establish a tight upper bound that characterizes this bargain. To illustrate the usefulness of the derived robust M-estimator in an online setting, we present a bandit algorithm for the partially identifiable best arm identification problem that improves upon the sample complexity of the state of the art algorithms.

Alexander Matthews · Michael Arbel · Danilo J. Rezende · Arnaud Doucet

[ Room 307 ]

We propose Continual Repeated Annealed Flow Transport Monte Carlo [CRAFT], a method that combines a sequential Monte Carlo [SMC] sampler [itself a generalization of Annealed Importance Sampling] with variational inference using normalizing flows. The normalizing flows are directly trained to transport between annealing temperatures using a KL divergence for each transition. This optimization objective is itself estimated using the normalizing flow/SMC approximation. We show conceptually and using multiple empirical examples that CRAFT improves on Annealed Flow Transport Monte Carlo [Arbel et al., 2021], on which it builds and also on Markov chain Monte Carlo [MCMC] based Stochastic Normalizing Flows [Wu et al., 2020]. By incorporating CRAFT within particle MCMC, we show that such learnt samplers can achieve impressively accurate results on a challenging lattice field theory example.

Shaojie Li · Yong Liu

[ Hall G ]

Stochastic gradient descent [SGD] is the workhorse in modern machine learning and data-driven optimization. Despite its popularity, existing theoretical guarantees for SGD are mainly derived in expectation and for convex learning problems. High probability guarantees of nonconvex SGD are scarce, and typically rely on “light-tail” noise assumptions and study the optimization and generalization performance separately. In this paper, we develop high probability bounds for nonconvex SGD with a joint perspective of optimization and generalization performance. Instead of the light tail assumption, we consider the gradient noise following a heavy-tailed sub-Weibull distribution, a novel class generalizing the sub-Gaussian and sub-Exponential families to potentially heavier-tailed distributions. Under these complicated settings, we first present high probability bounds with best-known rates in general nonconvex learning, then move to nonconvex learning with a gradient dominance curvature condition, for which we improve the learning guarantees to fast rates. We further obtain sharper learning guarantees by considering a mild Bernstein-type noise condition. Our analysis also reveals the effect of trade-offs between the optimization and generalization performance under different conditions. In the last, we show that gradient clipping can be employed to remove the bounded gradient-type assumptions. Additionally, in this case, the stepsize of SGD is completely oblivious …

Guanchu Wang · Yu-Neng Chuang · Mengnan Du · Fan Yang · Quan Zhou · Pushkar Tripathi · Xuanting Cai · Xia Hu

[ Hall F ]

Even though Shapley value provides an effective explanation for a DNN model prediction, the computation relies on the enumeration of all possible input feature coalitions, which leads to the exponentially growing complexity. To address this problem, we propose a novel method SHEAR to significantly accelerate the Shapley explanation for DNN models, where only a few coalitions of input features are involved in the computation. The selection of the feature coalitions follows our proposed Shapley chain rule to minimize the absolute error from the ground-truth Shapley values, such that the computation can be both efficient and accurate. To demonstrate the effectiveness, we comprehensively evaluate SHEAR across multiple metrics including the absolute error from the ground-truth Shapley value, the faithfulness of the explanations, and running speed. The experimental results indicate SHEAR consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods across different evaluation metrics, which demonstrates its potentials in real-world applications where the computational resource is limited.

Haeyong Kang · Rusty Mina · Sultan Rizky Hikmawan Madjid · Jaehong Yoon · Mark Hasegawa-Johnson · Sung Ju Hwang · Chang Yoo

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Inspired by Lottery Ticket Hypothesis that competitive subnetworks exist within a dense network, we propose a continual learning method referred to as Winning SubNetworks [WSN], which sequentially learns and selects an optimal subnetwork for each task. Specifically, WSN jointly learns the model weights and task-adaptive binary masks pertaining to subnetworks associated with each task whilst attempting to select a small set of weights to be activated [winning ticket] by reusing weights of the prior subnetworks. The proposed method is inherently immune to catastrophic forgetting as each selected subnetwork model does not infringe upon other subnetworks. Binary masks spawned per winning ticket are encoded into one N-bit binary digit mask, then compressed using Huffman coding for a sub-linear increase in network capacity with respect to the number of tasks.

Lukas Wolf · Ard Kastrati · Martyna Plomecka · Jieming Li · Dustin Klebe · Alexander Veicht · Roger Wattenhofer · Nicolas Langer

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

The collection of eye gaze information provides a window into many critical aspects of human cognition, health and behaviour. Additionally, many neuroscientific studies complement the behavioural information gained from eye tracking with the high temporal resolution and neurophysiological markers provided by electroencephalography [EEG]. One of the essential eye-tracking software processing steps is the segmentation of the continuous data stream into events relevant to eye-tracking applications, such as saccades, fixations, and blinks. Here, we introduce DETRtime, a novel framework for time-series segmentation that creates ocular event detectors that do not require additionally recorded eye-tracking modality and rely solely on EEG data. Our end-to-end deep-learning-based framework brings recent advances in Computer Vision to the forefront of the times series segmentation of EEG data. DETRtime achieves state-of-the-art performance in ocular event detection across diverse eye-tracking experiment paradigms. In addition to that, we provide evidence that our model generalizes well in the task of EEG sleep stage segmentation.

Valentyn Melnychuk · Dennis Frauen · Stefan Feuerriegel

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Estimating counterfactual outcomes over time from observational data is relevant for many applications [e.g., personalized medicine]. Yet, state-of-the-art methods build upon simple long short-term memory [LSTM] networks, thus rendering inferences for complex, long-range dependencies challenging. In this paper, we develop a novel Causal Transformer for estimating counterfactual outcomes over time. Our model is specifically designed to capture complex, long-range dependencies among time-varying confounders. For this, we combine three transformer subnetworks with separate inputs for time-varying covariates, previous treatments, and previous outcomes into a joint network with in-between cross-attentions. We further develop a custom, end-to-end training procedure for our Causal Transformer. Specifically, we propose a novel counterfactual domain confusion loss to address confounding bias: it aims to learn adversarial balanced representations, so that they are predictive of the next outcome but non-predictive of the current treatment assignment. We evaluate our Causal Transformer based on synthetic and real-world datasets, where it achieves superior performance over current baselines. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work proposing transformer-based architecture for estimating counterfactual outcomes from longitudinal data.

Haobo Fu · Ye Tian · Hongxiang Yu · Weiming Liu · Shuang Wu · Jiechao Xiong · Ying Wen · Kai Li · Junliang Xing · Qiang Fu · Wei Yang

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

We develop a new approach, named Greedy when Sure and Conservative when Uncertain [GSCU], to competing online against unknown and nonstationary opponents. GSCU improves in four aspects: 1] introduces a novel way of learning opponent policy embeddings offline; 2] trains offline a single best response [conditional additionally on our opponent policy embedding] instead of a finite set of separate best responses against any opponent; 3] computes online a posterior of the current opponent policy embedding, without making the discrete and ineffective decision which type the current opponent belongs to; and 4] selects online between a real-time greedy policy and a fixed conservative policy via an adversarial bandit algorithm, gaining a theoretically better regret than adhering to either. Experimental studies on popular benchmarks demonstrate GSCU's superiority over the state-of-the-art methods. The code is available online at \url{//}.

Sadegh Farhadkhani · Rachid Guerraoui · Lê-Nguyên Hoang · Oscar Villemaud

[ Hall F ]

To study the resilience of distributed learning, the `Byzantine" literature considers a strong threat model where workers can report arbitrary gradients to the parameter server. Whereas this model helped obtain several fundamental results, it has sometimes been considered unrealistic, when the workers are mostly trustworthy machines. In this paper, we show a surprising equivalence between this model and data poisoning, a threat considered much more realistic. More specifically, we prove that every gradient attack can be reduced to data poisoning, in any personalized federated learning system with PAC guarantees [which we show are both desirable and realistic]. This equivalence makes it possible to obtain new impossibility results on the resilience of \emph{any}`robust'' learning algorithm to data poisoning in highly heterogeneous applications, as corollaries of existing impossibility theorems on Byzantine machine learning. Moreover, using our equivalence, we derive a practical attack that we show [theoretically and empirically] can be very effective against classical personalized federated learning models.

Lucas Theis · Nour Ahmed

[ Room 307 ]

The efficient communication of noisy data has applications in several areas of machine learning, such as neural compression or differential privacy, and is also known as reverse channel coding or the channel simulation problem. Here we propose two new coding schemes with practical advantages over existing approaches. First, we introduce ordered random coding [ORC] which uses a simple trick to reduce the coding cost of previous approaches. This scheme further illuminates a connection between schemes based on importance sampling and the so-called Poisson functional representation. Second, we describe a hybrid coding scheme which uses dithered quantization to more efficiently communicate samples from distributions with bounded support.

Songtao Lu

[ Room 309 ]

Nonconvex constrained optimization problems can be used to model a number of machine learning problems, such as multi-class Neyman-Pearson classification and constrained Markov decision processes. However, such kinds of problems are challenging because both the objective and constraints are possibly nonconvex, so it is difficult to balance the reduction of the loss value and reduction of constraint violation. Although there are a few methods that solve this class of problems, all of them are double-loop or triple-loop algorithms, and they require oracles to solve some subproblems up to certain accuracy by tuning multiple hyperparameters at each iteration. In this paper, we propose a novel gradient descent and perturbed ascent [GDPA] algorithm to solve a class of smooth nonconvex inequality constrained problems. The GDPA is a primal-dual algorithm, which only exploits the first-order information of both the objective and constraint functions to update the primal and dual variables in an alternating way. The key feature of the proposed algorithm is that it is a single-loop algorithm, where only two step-sizes need to be tuned. We show that under a mild regularity condition GDPA is able to find Karush-Kuhn-Tucker [KKT] points of nonconvex functional constrained problems with convergence rate guarantees. To the …

Alexander Meulemans · Matilde Tristany Farinha · Maria Cervera · João Sacramento · Benjamin F. Grewe

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

The success of deep learning ignited interest in whether the brain learns hierarchical representations using gradient-based learning. However, current biologically plausible methods for gradient-based credit assignment in deep neural networks need infinitesimally small feedback signals, which is problematic in biologically realistic noisy environments and at odds with experimental evidence in neuroscience showing that top-down feedback can significantly influence neural activity. Building upon deep feedback control [DFC], a recently proposed credit assignment method, we combine strong feedback influences on neural activity with gradient-based learning and show that this naturally leads to a novel view on neural network optimization. Instead of gradually changing the network weights towards configurations with low output loss, weight updates gradually minimize the amount of feedback required from a controller that drives the network to the supervised output label. Moreover, we show that the use of strong feedback in DFC allows learning forward and feedback connections simultaneously, using learning rules fully local in space and time. We complement our theoretical results with experiments on standard computer-vision benchmarks, showing competitive performance to backpropagation as well as robustness to noise. Overall, our work presents a fundamentally novel view of learning as control minimization, while sidestepping biologically unrealistic assumptions.

Jiatai Huang · Yan Dai · Longbo Huang

[ Room 310 ]

In this paper, we generalize the concept of heavy-tailed multi-armed bandits to adversarial environments, and develop robust best-of-both-worlds algorithms for heavy-tailed multi-armed bandits [MAB], where losses have $\alpha$-th [$190%], the resulting bug detectors are found to be surprisingly unusable in practice, i.e., 0$ on the~$[1+\varepsilon]{th}$ central moment of the random variables, namely, for~$\varepsilon \in [0,1]$ \[ \mathbb{E}_{X_1 \sim \mathcal{D}} \Big| X_1 - \mu \Big|^{1+\varepsilon} \leq \upsilon_{\varepsilon}. \] The extension is non-trivial owing to the difficulty in characterizing the roots of certain polynomials of degree smaller than~$2$. The proposed estimator has the same order of magnitude and the same asymptotic constant as in~\citet{Cat12}, but for the case of bounded moments. We further propose a version of the estimator that does not require even the knowledge of~$\upsilon_{\varepsilon}$, but adapts the moment bound in a data-driven manner. Finally, to illustrate the usefulness of the derived non-asymptotic confidence bounds, we consider an application in multi-armed bandits and propose best arm identification algorithms, in the fixed confidence setting, that outperform the state of the art.

Jordan Frecon · Gilles Gasso · Massimiliano Pontil · Saverio Salzo

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

We present a framework based on bilevel optimization for learning multilayer, deep data representations. On the one hand, the lower-level problem finds a representation by successively minimizing layer-wise objectives made of the sum of a prescribed regularizer as well as a fidelity term and some linear function both depending on the representation found at the previous layer. On the other hand, the upper-level problem optimizes over the linear functions to yield a linearly separable final representation. We show that, by choosing the fidelity term as the quadratic distance between two successive layer-wise representations, the bilevel problem reduces to the training of a feed-forward neural network. Instead, by elaborating on Bregman distances, we devise a novel neural network architecture additionally involving the inverse of the activation function reminiscent of the skip connection used in ResNets. Numerical experiments suggest that the proposed Bregman variant benefits from better learning properties and more robust prediction performance.

Hui-Po Wang · Sebastian Stich · Yang He · Mario Fritz

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Federated learning is a powerful distributed learning scheme that allows numerous edge devices to collaboratively train a model without sharing their data. However, training is resource-intensive for edge devices, and limited network bandwidth is often the main bottleneck. Prior work often overcomes the constraints by condensing the models or messages into compact formats, e.g., by gradient compression or distillation. In contrast, we propose ProgFed, the first progressive training framework for efficient and effective federated learning. It inherently reduces computation and two-way communication costs while maintaining the strong performance of the final models. We theoretically prove that ProgFed converges at the same asymptotic rate as standard training on full models. Extensive results on a broad range of architectures, including CNNs [VGG, ResNet, ConvNets] and U-nets, and diverse tasks from simple classification to medical image segmentation show that our highly effective training approach saves up to $20\%$ computation and up to $63\%$ communication costs for converged models. As our approach is also complimentary to prior work on compression, we can achieve a wide range of trade-offs by combining these techniques, showing reduced communication of up to $50\times$ at only $0.1\%$ loss in utility. Code is available at //

Nan Du · Yanping Huang · Andrew Dai · Simon Tong · Dmitry Lepikhin · Yuanzhong Xu · Maxim Krikun · Yanqi Zhou · Adams Wei Yu · Orhan Firat · Barret Zoph · William Fedus · Maarten Bosma · Zongwei Zhou · Tao Wang · Emma Wang · Kellie Webster · Marie Pellat · Kevin Robinson · Kathleen Meier-Hellstern · Toju Duke · Lucas Dixon · Kun Zhang · Quoc Le · Yonghui Wu · Zhifeng Chen · Claire Cui

[ Hall G ]

Scaling language models with more data, compute and parameters has driven significant progress in natural language processing. For example, thanks to scaling, GPT-3 was able to achieve strong results on in-context learning tasks. However, training these large dense models requires significant amounts of computing resources. In this paper, we propose and develop a family of language models named \glam [\textbf{G}eneralist \textbf{La}nguage \textbf{M}odel], which uses a sparsely activated mixture-of-experts architecture to scale the model capacity while also incurring substantially less training cost compared to dense variants. The largest \glam has 1.2 trillion parameters, which is approximately 7x larger than GPT-3. It consumes only 1/3 of the energy used to train GPT-3 and requires half of the computation flops for inference, while still achieving better overall fewshot performance across 29 NLP tasks.

Biao Zhang · Barry Haddow · Rico Sennrich

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

End-to-end [E2E] speech-to-text translation [ST] often depends on pretraining its encoder and/or decoder using source transcripts via speech recognition or text translation tasks, without which translation performance drops substantially. However, transcripts are not always available, and how significant such pretraining is for E2E ST has rarely been studied in the literature. In this paper, we revisit this question and explore the extent to which the quality of E2E ST trained on speech-translation pairs alone can be improved. We reexamine several techniques proven beneficial to ST previously, and offer a set of best practices that biases a Transformer-based E2E ST system toward training from scratch. Besides, we propose parameterized distance penalty to facilitate the modeling of locality in the self-attention model for speech. On four benchmarks covering 23 languages, our experiments show that, without using any transcripts or pretraining, the proposed system reaches and even outperforms previous studies adopting pretraining, although the gap remains in [extremely] low-resource settings. Finally, we discuss neural acoustic feature modeling, where a neural model is designed to extract acoustic features from raw speech signals directly, with the goal to simplify inductive biases and add freedom to the model in describing speech. For the first time, we …

Chen Cai · Yusu Wang

[ Hall F ]

Although theoretical properties such as expressive power and over-smoothing of graph neural networks [GNN] have been extensively studied recently, its convergence property is a relatively new direction. In this paper, we investigate the convergence of one powerful GNN, Invariant Graph Network [IGN] over graphs sampled from graphons. We first prove the stability of linear layers for general $k$-IGN [of order $k$] based on a novel interpretation of linear equivariant layers. Building upon this result, we prove the convergence of $k$-IGN under the model of \citet{ruiz2020graphon}, where we access the edge weight but the convergence error is measured for graphon inputs. Under the more natural [and more challenging] setting of \citet{keriven2020convergence} where one can only access 0-1 adjacency matrix sampled according to edge probability, we first show a negative result that the convergence of any IGN is not possible. We then obtain the convergence of a subset of IGNs, denoted as IGN-small, after the edge probability estimation. We show that IGN-small still contains function class rich enough that can approximate spectral GNNs arbitrarily well. Lastly, we perform experiments on various graphon models to verify our statements.

Jianyu Zhang · David Lopez-Paz · Léon Bottou

[ Hall F ]

There often is a dilemma between ease of optimization and robust out-of-distribution [OoD] generalization. For instance, many OoD methods rely on penalty terms whose optimization is challenging. They are either too strong to optimize reliably or too weak to achieve their goals. We propose to initialize the networks with a rich representation containing a palette of potentially useful features, ready to be used by even simple models. On the one hand, a rich representation provides a good initialization for the optimizer. On the other hand, it also provides an inductive bias that helps OoD generalization. Such a representation is constructed with the Rich Feature Construction [RFC] algorithm, also called the Bonsai algorithm, which consists of a succession of training episodes. During discovery episodes, we craft a multi-objective optimization criterion and its associated datasets in a manner that prevents the network from using the features constructed in the previous iterations. During synthesis episodes, we use knowledge distillation to force the network to simultaneously represent all the previously discovered features. Initializing the networks with Bonsai representations consistently helps six OoD methods achieve top performance on ColoredMNIST benchmark. The same technique substantially outperforms comparable results on the Wilds Camelyon17 task, eliminates the high …

Zhe Qu · Xingyu Li · Rui Duan · Yao Liu · Bo Tang · Zhuo Lu

[ Room 310 ]

Federated Learning [FL] is a promising framework for performing privacy-preserving, distributed learning with a set of clients. However, the data distribution among clients often exhibits non-IID, i.e., distribution shift, which makes efficient optimization difficult. To tackle this problem, many FL algorithms focus on mitigating the effects of data heterogeneity across clients by increasing the performance of the global model. However, almost all algorithms leverage Empirical Risk Minimization [ERM] to be the local optimizer, which is easy to make the global model fall into a sharp valley and increase a large deviation of parts of local clients. Therefore, in this paper, we revisit the solutions to the distribution shift problem in FL with a focus on local learning generality. To this end, we propose a general, effective algorithm, \texttt{FedSAM}, based on Sharpness Aware Minimization [SAM] local optimizer, and develop a momentum FL algorithm to bridge local and global models, \texttt{MoFedSAM}. Theoretically, we show the convergence analysis of these two algorithms and demonstrate the generalization bound of \texttt{FedSAM}. Empirically, our proposed algorithms substantially outperform existing FL studies and significantly decrease the learning deviation.

Yamini Bansal · Behrooz Ghorbani · Ankush Garg · Biao Zhang · Colin Cherry · Behnam Neyshabur · Orhan Firat

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

In this work, we study the effect of varying the architecture and training data quality on the data scaling properties of Neural Machine Translation [NMT]. First, we establish that the test loss of encoder-decoder transformer models scales as a power law in the number of training samples, with a dependence on the model size. Then, we systematically vary aspects of the training setup to understand how they impact the data scaling laws. In particular, we change the following [1] Architecture and task setup: We compare to a transformer-LSTM hybrid, and a decoder-only transformer with a language modeling loss [2] Noise level in the training distribution: We experiment with filtering, and adding iid synthetic noise. In all the above cases, we find that the data scaling exponents are minimally impacted, suggesting that marginally worse architectures or training data can be compensated for by adding more data. Lastly, we find that using back-translated data instead of parallel data, can significantly degrade the scaling exponent.

Mohammad Mahmudul Alam · Edward Raff · Tim Oates · James Holt

[ Hall G ]

Due to the computational cost of running inference for a neural network, the need to deploy the inferential steps on a third party's compute environment or hardware is common. If the third party is not fully trusted, it is desirable to obfuscate the nature of the inputs and outputs, so that the third party can not easily determine what specific task is being performed. Provably secure protocols for leveraging an untrusted party exist but are too computational demanding to run in practice. We instead explore a different strategy of fast, heuristic security that we call \textit{Connectionist Symbolic Pseudo Secrets}. By leveraging Holographic Reduced Representations [HRRs], we create a neural network with a pseudo-encryption style defense that empirically shows robustness to attack, even under threat models that unrealistically favor the adversary.

Udaya Ghai · Udari Madhuhshani · Naomi Leonard · Elad Hazan

[ Room 307 ]

We study the problem of multi-agent control of a dynamical system with known dynamics and adversarial disturbances. Our study focuses on optimal control without centralized precomputed policies, but rather with adaptive control policies for the different agents that are only equipped with a stabilizing controller. We give a reduction from any [standard] regret minimizing control method to a distributed algorithm. The reduction guarantees that the resulting distributed algorithm has low regret relative to the optimal precomputed joint policy. Our methodology involves generalizing online convex optimization to a multi-agent setting and applying recent tools from nonstochastic control derived for a single agent. We empirically evaluate our method on a model of an overactuated aircraft. We show that the distributed method is robust to failure and to adversarial perturbations in the dynamics.

Jie Zhang · Zhiqi Li · Bo Li · Jianghe Xu · Shuang Wu · Shouhong Ding · Chao Wu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Traditional federated optimization methods perform poorly with heterogeneous data [i.e.\ , accuracy reduction], especially for highly skewed data. In this paper, we investigate the label distribution skew in FL, where the distribution of labels varies across clients. First, we investigate the label distribution skew from a statistical view. We demonstrate both theoretically and empirically that previous methods based on softmax cross-entropy are not suitable, which can result in local models heavily overfitting to minority classes and missing classes. Additionally, we theoretically introduce a deviation bound to measure the deviation of the gradient after local update. At last, we propose FedLC [\textbf{Fed}erated learning via \textbf{L}ogits \textbf{C}alibration], which calibrates the logits before softmax cross-entropy according to the probability of occurrence of each class. FedLC applies a fine-grained calibrated cross-entropy loss to local update by adding a pairwise label margin. Extensive experiments on federated datasets and real-world datasets demonstrate that FedLC leads to a more accurate global model and much improved performance. Furthermore, integrating other FL methods into our approach can further enhance the performance of the global model.

Loek Tonnaer · Luis Armando Perez Rey · Vlado Menkovski · Mike Holenderski · Jacobus Portegies

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

The definition of Linear Symmetry-Based Disentanglement [LSBD] formalizes the notion of linearly disentangled representations, but there is currently no metric to quantify LSBD. Such a metric is crucial to evaluate LSBD methods and to compare them to previous understandings of disentanglement. We propose D_LSBD, a mathematically sound metric to quantify LSBD, and provide a practical implementation for SO[2] groups. Furthermore, from this metric we derive LSBD-VAE, a semi-supervised method to learn LSBD representations. We demonstrate the utility of our metric by showing that [1] common VAE-based disentanglement methods don't learn LSBD representations, [2] LSBD-VAE, as well as other recent methods, can learn LSBD representations needing only limited supervision on transformations, and [3] various desirable properties expressed by existing disentanglement metrics are also achieved by LSBD representations.

Tianrui Chen · Aditya Gangrade · Venkatesh Saligrama

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We investigate a natural but surprisingly unstudied approach to the multi-armed bandit problem under safety risk constraints. Each arm is associated with an unknown law on safety risks and rewards, and the learner's goal is to maximise reward whilst not playing unsafe arms, as determined by a given threshold on the mean risk.We formulate a pseudo-regret for this setting that enforces this safety constraint in a per-round way by softly penalising any violation, regardless of the gain in reward due to the same. This has practical relevance to scenarios such as clinical trials, where one must maintain safety for each round rather than in an aggregated sense.We describe doubly optimistic strategies for this scenario, which maintain optimistic indices for both safety risk and reward. We show that schema based on both frequentist and Bayesian indices satisfy tight gap-dependent logarithmic regret bounds, and further that these play unsafe arms only logarithmically many times in total. This theoretical analysis is complemented by simulation studies demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed schema, and probing the domains in which their use is appropriate.

Pavel Tokmakov · Allan Jabri · Jie Li · Adrien Gaidon

[ Hall G ]

This paper proposes a self-supervised objective for learning representations that localize objects under occlusion - a property known as object permanence. A central question is the choice of learning signal in cases of total occlusion. Rather than directly supervising the locations of invisible objects, we propose a self-supervised objective that requires neither human annotation, nor assumptions about object dynamics. We show that object permanence can emerge by optimizing for temporal coherence of memory: we fit a Markov walk along a space-time graph of memories, where the states in each time step are non-Markovian features from a sequence encoder. This leads to a memory representation that stores occluded objects and predicts their motion, to better localize them. The resulting model outperforms existing approaches on several datasets of increasing complexity and realism, despite requiring minimal supervision, and hence being broadly applicable.

Zhuyun Dai · Arun Tejasvi Chaganty · Vincent Zhao · Aida Amini · Qazi Mamunur Rashid · Mike Green · Kelvin Guu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Many important questions [e.g. "How to eat healthier?"] require conversation to establish context and explore in depth. However, conversational question answering [ConvQA] systems have long been stymied by scarce training data that is expensive to collect. To address this problem, we propose a new technique for synthetically generating diverse and high-quality dialog data: dialog inpainting. Our approach takes the text of any document and transforms it into a two-person dialog between the writer and an imagined reader: we treat sentences from the article as utterances spoken by the writer, and then use a dialog inpainter to predict what the imagined reader asked or said in between each of the writer's utterances. By applying this approach to passages from Wikipedia and the web, we produce WikiDialog and WebDialog, two datasets totalling 19 million diverse information-seeking dialogs -- 1,000x larger than the largest existing ConvQA dataset. Furthermore, human raters judge the answer adequacy and conversationality of WikiDialog to be as good or better than existing manually-collected datasets. Remarkably, our approach shows strong zero-shot capability, generating high quality synthetic data without using any in-domain ConvQA data. Using our inpainted data to pre-train ConvQA retrieval systems, we significantly advance state-of-the-art across three benchmarks [QReCC, …

Tao Sun · Dongsheng Li · Bao Wang

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

In this paper, we study the adaptive step size random walk gradient descent with momentum for decentralized optimization, in which the training samples are drawn dependently with each other. We establish theoretical convergence rates of the adaptive step size random walk gradient descent with momentum for both convex and nonconvex settings. In particular, we prove that adaptive random walk algorithms perform as well as the non-adaptive method for dependent data in general cases but achieve acceleration when the stochastic gradients are “sparse”. Moreover, we study the zeroth-order version of adaptive random walk gradient descent and provide corresponding convergence results. All assumptions used in this paper are mild and general, making our results applicable to many machine learning problems.

David Knigge · David Romero · Erik Bekkers

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Group convolutional neural networks [G-CNNs] have been shown to increase parameter efficiency and model accuracy by incorporating geometric inductive biases. In this work, we investigate the properties of representations learned by regular G-CNNs, and show considerable parameter redundancy in group convolution kernels. This finding motivates further weight-tying by sharing convolution kernels over subgroups. To this end, we introduce convolution kernels that are separable over the subgroup and channel dimensions. In order to obtain equivariance to arbitrary affine Lie groups we provide a continuous parameterisation of separable convolution kernels. We evaluate our approach across several vision datasets, and show that our weight sharing leads to improved performance and computational efficiency. In many settings, separable G-CNNs outperform their non-separable counterpart, while only using a fraction of their training time. In addition, thanks to the increase in computational efficiency, we are able to implement G-CNNs equivariant to the $\mathrm{Sim[2]}$ group; the group of dilations, rotations and translations of the plane. $\mathrm{Sim[2]}$-equivariance further improves performance on all tasks considered, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on rotated MNIST.

Oisin Faust · Hamza Fawzi

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Douglas-Rachford splitting/ADMM [henceforth DRS] is a very popular algorithm for solving convex optimisation problems to low or moderate accuracy, and in particular for solving large-scale linear programs. Despite recent progress, obtaining highly accurate solutions to linear programs with DRS remains elusive. In this paper we analyze the local linear convergence rate $r$ of the DRS method for random linear programs, and give explicit and tight bounds on $r$. We show that $1-r^2$ is typically of the order of $m^{-1}[n-m]^{-1}$, where $n$ is the number of variables and $m$ is the number of constraints.This provides a quantitative explanation for the very slow convergence of DRS/ADMM on random LPs. The proof of our result relies on an established characterisation of the linear rate of convergence as the cosine of the Friedrichs angle between two subspaces associated to the problem. We also show that the cosecant of this angle can be interpreted as a condition number for the LP.The proof of our result relies on a characterization of the linear rate of convergence as the cosine of the Friedrichs angle between two subspaces associated to the problem. We also show that the cosecant of this angle can be interpreted as a condition number …

Xingcheng Yao · Yanan Zheng · Xiaocong Yang · Zhilin Yang

[ Hall F ]

Pretrained language models have become the standard approach for many NLP tasks due to strong performance, but they are very expensive to train. We propose a simple and efficient learning framework, TLM, that does not rely on large-scale pretraining. Given some labeled task data and a large general corpus, TLM uses task data as queries to retrieve a tiny subset of the general corpus and jointly optimizes the task objective and the language modeling objective from scratch. On eight classification datasets in four domains, TLM achieves results better than or similar to pretrained language models [e.g., RoBERTa-Large] while reducing the training FLOPs by two orders of magnitude. With high accuracy and efficiency, we hope TLM will contribute to democratizing NLP and expediting its development.

Xuyang Wu · Sindri Magnusson · Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian · Mikael Johansson

[ Room 310 ]

In scalable machine learning systems, model training is often parallelized over multiple nodes that run without tight synchronization. Most analysis results for the related asynchronous algorithms use an upper bound on the information delays in the system to determine learning rates. Not only are such bounds hard to obtain in advance, but they also result in unnecessarily slow convergence. In this paper, we show that it is possible to use learning rates that depend on the actual time-varying delays in the system. We develop general convergence results for delay-adaptive asynchronous iterations and specialize these to proximal incremental gradient descent and block coordinate descent algorithms. For each of these methods, we demonstrate how delays can be measured on-line, present delay-adaptive step-size policies, and illustrate their theoretical and practical advantages over the state-of-the-art.


[ Room 307 ]

Online matching with diversity and fairness pursuit, a common building block in the recommendation and advertising, can be modeled as constrained convex programming with high entropy. While most existing approaches are based on the ``single slot'' assumption [i.e., assigning one item per iteration], they cannot be directly applied to cases with multiple slots, e.g., stock-aware top-N recommendation and advertising at multiple places. Particularly, the gradient computation and resource allocation are both challenging under this setting due to the absence of a closed-form solution. To overcome these obstacles, we develop a novel algorithm named Online subGradient descent for Multi-slots Allocation [OG-MA]. It uses an efficient pooling algorithm to compute closed-form of the gradient then performs a roulette swapping for allocation, yielding a sub-linear regret with linear cost per iteration. Extensive experiments on synthetic and industrial data sets demonstrate that OG-MA is a fast and promising method for multi-slots online matching.

Botao Hao · Tor Lattimore · Chao Qin

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Information-directed sampling [IDS] has recently demonstrated its potential as a data-efficient reinforcement learning algorithm. However, it is still unclear what is the right form of information ratio to optimize when contextual information is available. We investigate the IDS design through two contextual bandit problems: contextual bandits with graph feedback and sparse linear contextual bandits. We provably demonstrate the advantage of \emph{contextual IDS} over \emph{conditional IDS} and emphasize the importance of considering the context distribution. The main message is that an intelligent agent should invest more on the actions that are beneficial for the future unseen contexts while the conditional IDS can be myopic. We further propose a computationally-efficient version of contextual IDS based on Actor-Critic and evaluate it empirically on a neural network contextual bandit.

Jing Lin · Yuanhao Cai · Xiaowan Hu · Haoqian Wang · Youliang Yan · Xueyi Zou · Henghui Ding · Yulun Zhang · Radu Timofte · Luc Van Gool

[ Hall G ]

Exploiting similar and sharper scene patches in spatio-temporal neighborhoods is critical for video deblurring. However, CNN-based methods show limitations in capturing long-range dependencies and modeling non-local self-similarity. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Flow-Guided Sparse Transformer [FGST], for video deblurring. In FGST, we customize a self-attention module, Flow-Guided Sparse Window-based Multi-head Self-Attention [FGSW-MSA]. For each $query$ element on the blurry reference frame, FGSW-MSA enjoys the guidance of the estimated optical flow to globally sample spatially sparse yet highly related $key$ elements corresponding to the same scene patch in neighboring frames. Besides, we present a Recurrent Embedding [RE] mechanism to transfer information from past frames and strengthen long-range temporal dependencies. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed FGST outperforms state-of-the-art [SOTA] methods on both DVD and GOPRO datasets and yields visually pleasant results in real video deblurring. //

Runzhe Wan · Branislav Kveton · Rui Song

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

High-quality data plays a central role in ensuring the accuracy of policy evaluation. This paper initiates the study of efficient and safe data collection for bandit policy evaluation. We formulate the problem and investigate its several representative variants. For each variant, we analyze its statistical properties, derive the corresponding exploration policy, and design an efficient algorithm for computing it. Both theoretical analysis and experiments support the usefulness of the proposed methods.

Shishir G. Patil · Paras Jain · Prabal Dutta · Ion Stoica · Joseph E Gonzalez

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Fine-tuning models on edge devices like mobile phones would enable privacy-preserving personalization over sensitive data. However, edge training has historically been limited to relatively small models with simple architectures because training is both memory and energy intensive. We present POET, an algorithm to enable training large neural networks on memory-scarce battery-operated edge devices. POET jointly optimizes the integrated search search spaces of rematerialization and paging, two algorithms to reduce the memory consumption of backpropagation. Given a memory budget and a run-time constraint, we formulate a mixed-integer linear program [MILP] for energy-optimal training. Our approach enables training significantly larger models on embedded devices while reducing energy consumption while not modifying mathematical correctness of backpropagation. We demonstrate that it is possible to fine-tune both ResNet-18 and BERT within the memory constraints of a Cortex-M class embedded device while outperforming current edge training methods in energy efficiency. POET is an open-source project available at //

Zhengyang Shen · Tao Hong · Qi She · Jinwen Ma · Zhouchen Lin

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Steerable models can provide very general and flexible equivariance by formulating equivariance requirements in the language of representation theory and feature fields, which has been recognized to be effective for many vision tasks. However, deriving steerable models for 3D rotations is much more difficult than that in the 2D case, due to more complicated mathematics of 3D rotations. In this work, we employ partial differential operators [PDOs] to model 3D filters, and derive general steerable 3D CNNs, which are called PDO-s3DCNNs. We prove that the equivariant filters are subject to linear constraints, which can be solved efficiently under various conditions. As far as we know, PDO-s3DCNNs are the most general steerable CNNs for 3D rotations, in the sense that they cover all common subgroups of SO[3] and their representations, while existing methods can only be applied to specific groups and representations. Extensive experiments show that our models can preserve equivariance well in the discrete domain, and outperform previous works on SHREC'17 retrieval and ISBI 2012 segmentation tasks with a low network complexity.

Zhuangdi Zhu · Junyuan Hong · Steve Drew · Jiayu Zhou

[ Hall F ]

The rise of Federated Learning [FL] is bringing machine learning to edge computing by utilizing data scattered across edge devices. However, the heterogeneity of edge network topologies and the uncertainty of wireless transmission are two major obstructions of FL's wide application in edge computing, leading to prohibitive convergence time and high communication cost. In this work, we propose an FL scheme to address both challenges simultaneously. Specifically, we enable edge devices to learn self-distilled neural networks that are readily prunable to arbitrary sizes, which capture the knowledge of the learning domain in a nested and progressive manner. Not only does our approach tackle system heterogeneity by serving edge devices with varying model architectures, but it also alleviates the issue of connection uncertainty by allowing transmitting part of the model parameters under faulty network connections, without wasting the contributing knowledge of the transmitted parameters. Extensive empirical studies show that under system heterogeneity and network instability, our approach demonstrates significant resilience and higher communication efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art.

Jayanta Mandi · Víctor Bucarey · Maxime Mulamba Ke Tchomba · Tias Guns

[ Room 307 ]

In the last years decision-focused learning framework, also known as predict-and-optimize, have received increasing attention. In this setting, the predictions of a machine learning model are used as estimated cost coefficients in the objective function of a discrete combinatorial optimization problem for decision making. Decision-focused learning proposes to train the ML models, often neural network models, by directly optimizing the quality of decisions made by the optimization solvers. Based on a recent work that proposed a noise contrastive estimation loss over a subset of the solution space, we observe that decision-focusedlearning can more generally be seen as a learning-to-rank problem, where the goal is to learn an objective function that ranks the feasible points correctly. This observation is independent of the optimization method used and of the form of the objective function. We develop pointwise, pairwise and listwise ranking loss functions, which can be differentiated in closed form given a subset of solutions. We empirically investigate the quality of our generic methods compared to existing decision-focused learning approaches with competitive results. Furthermore, controlling the subset of solutions allows controlling the runtime considerably, with limited effect on regret.

Fan Lai · Yinwei Dai · Sanjay Singapuram · Jiachen Liu · Xiangfeng Zhu · Harsha Madhyastha · Mosharaf Chowdhury

[ Room 310 ]

We present FedScale, a federated learning [FL] benchmarking suite with realistic datasets and a scalable runtime to enable reproducible FL research. FedScale datasets encompass a wide range of critical FL tasks, ranging from image classification and object detection to language modeling and speech recognition. Each dataset comes with a unified evaluation protocol using real-world data splits and evaluation metrics. To reproduce realistic FL behavior, FedScale contains a scalable and extensible runtime. It provides high-level APIs to implement FL algorithms, deploy them at scale across diverse hardware and software backends, and evaluate them at scale, all with minimal developer efforts. We combine the two to perform systematic benchmarking experiments and highlight potential opportunities for heterogeneity-aware co-optimizations in FL. FedScale is open-source and actively maintained by contributors from different institutions at // We welcome feedback and contributions from the community.

Avishek Ghosh · Abishek Sankararaman

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We prove an instance independent [poly] logarithmic regret for stochastic contextual bandits with linear payoff. Previously, in \cite{chu2011contextual}, a lower bound of $\mathcal{O}[\sqrt{T}]$ is shown for the contextual linear bandit problem with arbitrary [adversarily chosen] contexts. In this paper, we show that stochastic contexts indeed help to reduce the regret from $\sqrt{T}$ to $\polylog[T]$. We propose Low Regret Stochastic Contextual Bandits [\texttt{LR-SCB}], which takes advantage of the stochastic contexts and performs parameter estimation [in $\ell_2$ norm] and regret minimization simultaneously. \texttt{LR-SCB} works in epochs, where the parameter estimation of the previous epoch is used to reduce the regret of the current epoch. The [poly] logarithmic regret of \texttt{LR-SCB} stems from two crucial facts: [a] the application of a norm adaptive algorithm to exploit the parameter estimation and [b] an analysis of the shifted linear contextual bandit algorithm, showing that shifting results in increasing regret. We have also shown experimentally that stochastic contexts indeed incurs a regret that scales with $\polylog[T]$.

Honghao Lin · Tian Luo · David Woodruff

[ Room 310 ]

A treap is a classic randomized binary search tree data structure that is easy to implement and supports O[log n] expected time access. However, classic treaps do not take advantage of the input distribution or patterns in the input. Given recent advances in algorithms with predictions, we propose pairing treaps with machine advice to form a learning-augmented treap. We are the first to propose a learning-augmented data structure that supports binary search tree operations such as range-query and successor functionalities. With the assumption that we have access to advice from a frequency estimation oracle, we assign learned priorities to the nodes to better improve the treap's structure. We theoretically analyze the learning-augmented treap's performance under various input distributions and show that under those circumstances, our learning-augmented treap has stronger guarantees than classic treaps and other classic tree-based data structures. Further, we experimentally evaluate our learned treap on synthetic datasets and demonstrate a performance advantage over other search tree data structures. We also present experiments on real world datasets with known frequency estimation oracles and show improvements as well.

Manuel Nonnenmacher · Lukas Oldenburg · Ingo Steinwart · David Reeb

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

We present an approach that incorporates expert knowledge for time-series representation learning. Our method employs expert features to replace the commonly used data transformations in previous contrastive learning approaches. We do this since time-series data frequently stems from the industrial or medical field where expert features are often available from domain experts, while transformations are generally elusive for time-series data. We start by proposing two properties that useful time-series representations should fulfill and show that current representation learning approaches do not ensure these properties. We therefore devise ExpCLR, a novel contrastive learning approach built on an objective that utilizes expert features to encourage both properties for the learned representation. Finally, we demonstrate on three real-world time-series datasets that ExpCLR surpasses several state-of-the-art methods for both unsupervised and semi-supervised representation learning.

Haonan Duan · Pashootan Vaezipoor · Max Paulus · Yangjun Ruan · Chris Maddison

[ Hall F ]

Supervised learning can improve the design of state-of-the-art solvers for combinatorial problems, but labelling large numbers of combinatorial instances is often impractical due to exponential worst-case complexity. Inspired by the recent success of contrastive pre-training for images, we conduct a scientific study of the effect of augmentation design on contrastive pre-training for the Boolean satisfiability problem. While typical graph contrastive pre-training uses label-agnostic augmentations, our key insight is that many combinatorial problems have well-studied invariances, which allow for the design of label-preserving augmentations. We find that label-preserving augmentations are critical for the success of contrastive pre-training. We show that our representations are able to achieve comparable test accuracy to fully-supervised learning while using only 1% of the labels. We also demonstrate that our representations are more transferable to larger problems from unseen domains. Our code is available at //

Amrit Singh Bedi · Souradip Chakraborty · Anjaly Parayil · Brian Sadler · Pratap Tokekar · Alec Koppel

[ Room 307 ]

We focus on parameterized policy search for reinforcement learning over continuous action spaces. Typically, one assumes the score function associated with a policy is bounded, which {fails to hold even for Gaussian policies. } To properly address this issue, one must introduce an exploration tolerance parameter to quantify the region in which it is bounded. Doing so incurs a persistent bias that appears in the attenuation rate of the expected policy gradient norm, which is inversely proportional to the radius of the action space. To mitigate this hidden bias, heavy-tailed policy parameterizations may be used, which exhibit a bounded score function, but doing so can cause instability in algorithmic updates. To address these issues, in this work, we study the convergence of policy gradient algorithms under heavy-tailed parameterizations, which we propose to stabilize with a combination of mirror ascent-type updates and gradient tracking. Our main theoretical contribution is the establishment that this scheme converges with constant batch sizes, whereas prior works require these parameters to respectively shrink to null or grow to infinity. Experimentally, this scheme under a heavy-tailed policy parameterization yields improved reward accumulation across a variety of settings as compared with standard benchmarks.

Scott Fujimoto · David Meger · Doina Precup · Ofir Nachum · Shixiang Gu

[ Room 309 ]

In this work, we study the use of the Bellman equation as a surrogate objective for value prediction accuracy. While the Bellman equation is uniquely solved by the true value function over all state-action pairs, we find that the Bellman error [the difference between both sides of the equation] is a poor proxy for the accuracy of the value function. In particular, we show that [1] due to cancellations from both sides of the Bellman equation, the magnitude of the Bellman error is only weakly related to the distance to the true value function, even when considering all state-action pairs, and [2] in the finite data regime, the Bellman equation can be satisfied exactly by infinitely many suboptimal solutions. This means that the Bellman error can be minimized without improving the accuracy of the value function. We demonstrate these phenomena through a series of propositions, illustrative toy examples, and empirical analysis in standard benchmark domains.

Luke Lequn Wang · Thorsten Joachims · Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Many selection processes such as finding patients qualifying for a medical trial or retrieval pipelines in search engines consist of multiple stages, where an initial screening stage focuses the resources on shortlisting the most promising candidates. In this paper, we investigate what guarantees a screening classifier can provide, independently of whether it is constructed manually or trained. We find that current solutions do not enjoy distribution-free theoretical guarantees and we show that, in general, even for a perfectly calibrated classifier, there always exist specific pools of candidates for which its shortlist is suboptimal. Then, we develop a distribution-free screening algorithm-called Calibrated Subsect Selection [CSS]-that, given any classifier and some amount of calibration data, finds near-optimal shortlists of candidates that contain a desired number of qualified candidates in expectation. Moreover, we show that a variant of CSS that calibrates a given classifier multiple times across specific groups can create shortlists with provable diversity guarantees. Experiments on US Census survey data validate our theoretical results and show that the shortlists provided by our algorithm are superior to those provided by several competitive baselines.

Eric Han · Jonathan Scarlett

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Gaussian processes [GP] are a widely-adopted tool used to sequentially optimize black-box functions, where evaluations are costly and potentially noisy. Recent works on GP bandits have proposed to move beyond random noise and devise algorithms robust to adversarial attacks. This paper studies this problem from the attacker's perspective, proposing various adversarial attack methods with differing assumptions on the attacker's strength and prior information. Our goal is to understand adversarial attacks on GP bandits from theoretical and practical perspectives. We focus primarily on targeted attacks on the popular GP-UCB algorithm and a related elimination-based algorithm, based on adversarially perturbing the function f to produce another function f~ whose optima are in some target region. Based on our theoretical analysis, we devise both white-box attacks [known f] and black-box attacks [unknown f], with the former including a Subtraction attack and Clipping attack, and the latter including an Aggressive subtraction attack. We demonstrate that adversarial attacks on GP bandits can succeed in forcing the algorithm towards the target region even with a low attack budget, and we test our attacks' effectiveness on a diverse range of objective functions.

Eduard Gorbunov · Alexander Borzunov · Michael Diskin · Max Ryabinin

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Many areas of deep learning benefit from using increasingly larger neural networks trained on public data, as is the case for pre-trained models for NLP and computer vision. Training such models requires a lot of computational resources [e.g., HPC clusters] that are not available to small research groups and independent researchers. One way to address it is for several smaller groups to pool their computational resources together and train a model that benefits all participants. Unfortunately, in this case, any participant can jeopardize the entire training run by sending incorrect updates, deliberately or by mistake. Training in presence of such peers requires specialized distributed training algorithms with Byzantine tolerance. These algorithms often sacrifice efficiency by introducing redundant communication or passing all updates through a trusted server, making it infeasible to apply them to large-scale deep learning, where models can have billions of parameters. In this work, we propose a novel protocol for secure [Byzantine-tolerant] decentralized training that emphasizes communication efficiency.

Qingyang Tan · Zherong Pan · Breannan Smith · Takaaki Shiratori · Dinesh Manocha

[ Hall G ]

We present a robust learning algorithm to detect and handle collisions in 3D deforming meshes. We first train a neural network to detect collisions and then use a numerical optimization algorithm to resolve penetrations guided by the network. Our learned collision handler can resolve collisions for unseen, high-dimensional meshes with thousands of vertices. To obtain stable network performance in such large and unseen spaces, we apply active learning by progressively inserting new collision data based on the network inferences. We automatically label these new data using an analytical collision detector and progressively fine-tune our detection networks. We evaluate our method for collision handling of complex, 3D meshes coming from several datasets with different shapes and topologies, including datasets corresponding to dressed and undressed human poses, cloth simulations, and human hand poses acquired using multi-view capture systems.

Sheng Shen · Pete Walsh · Kurt Keutzer · Jesse Dodge · Matthew Peters · Iz Beltagy

[ Hall G ]

The current standard approach to scaling transformer language models trains each model size from a different random initialization. As an alternative, we consider a staged training setup that begins with a small model and incrementally increases the amount of compute used for training by applying a "growth operator" to increase the model depth and width. By initializing each stage with the output of the previous one, the training process effectively re-uses the compute from prior stages and becomes more efficient. Our growth operators each take as input the entire training state [including model parameters, optimizer state, learning rate schedule, etc.] and output a new training state from which training continues. We identify two important properties of these growth operators, namely that they preserve both the loss and the ``training dynamics'' after applying the operator. While the loss-preserving property has been discussed previously, to the best of our knowledge this work is the first to identify the importance of preserving the training dynamics [the rate of decrease of the loss during training]. To find the optimal schedule for stages, we use the scaling laws from [Kaplan et al., 2020] to find a precise schedule that gives the most compute saving by …

Karl Bäckström · Marina Papatriantafilou · Philippas Tsigas

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Concurrent algorithmic implementations of Stochastic Gradient Descent [SGD] give rise to critical questions for compute-intensive Machine Learning [ML]. Asynchrony implies speedup in some contexts, and challenges in others, as stale updates may lead to slower, or non-converging executions. While previous works showed asynchrony-adaptiveness can improve stability and speedup by reducing the step size for stale updates according to static rules, there is no one-size-fits-all adaptation rule, since the optimal strategy depends on several factors. We introduce [i]~$\mathtt{ASAP.SGD}$, an analytical framework capturing necessary and desired properties of staleness-adaptive step size functions and [ii]~\textsc{tail}-$\tau$, a method for utilizing key properties of the \emph{execution instance}, generating a tailored strategy that not only dampens the impact of stale updates, but also leverages fresh ones. We recover convergence bounds for adaptiveness functions satisfying the $\mathtt{ASAP.SGD}$ conditions for general, convex and non-convex problems, and establish novel bounds for ones satisfying the Polyak-Lojasiewicz property. We evaluate \textsc{tail}-$\tau$ with representative \emph{AsyncSGD} concurrent algorithms, for Deep Learning problems, showing \textsc{tail}-$\tau$ is a vital complement to \emph{AsyncSGD}, with [i]~persistent speedup in wall-clock convergence time in the parallelism spectrum, [ii]~considerably lower risk of non-convergence, as well as [iii]~precision levels for which original SGD implementations fail.

Iou-Jen Liu · Xingdi Yuan · Marc-Alexandre Côté · Pierre-Yves Oudeyer · Alex Schwing

[ Room 307 ]

To solve difficult tasks, humans ask questions to acquire knowledge from external sources. In contrast, classical reinforcement learning agents lack such an ability and often resort to exploratory behavior. This is exacerbated as few present-day environments support querying for knowledge. In order to study how agents can be taught to query external knowledge via language, we first introduce two new environments: the grid-world-based Q-BabyAI and the text-based Q-TextWorld. In addition to physical interactions, an agent can query an external knowledge source specialized for these environments to gather information. Second, we propose the `Asking for Knowledge’ [AFK] agent, which learns to generate language commands to query for meaningful knowledge that helps solve the tasks. AFK leverages a non-parametric memory, a pointer mechanism and an episodic exploration bonus to tackle [1] irrelevant information, [2] a large query language space, [3] delayed reward for making meaningful queries. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the AFK agent outperforms recent baselines on the challenging Q-BabyAI and Q-TextWorld environments.

Simon Frieder · Thomas Lukasiewicz

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Predictive coding networks [PCNs] are [un]supervised learning models, coming from neuroscience, that approximate how the brain works. One major open problem around PCNs is their convergence behavior.In this paper, we use dynamical systems theory to formally investigate the convergence of PCNs as they are used in machine learning. Doing so, we put their theory on a firm, rigorous basis, by developing a precise mathematical framework for PCN and show that for sufficiently small weights and initializations, PCNs converge for any input. Thereby, we provide the theoretical assurance that previous implementations, whose convergence was assessed solely by numerical experiments, can indeed capture the correct behavior of PCNs. Outside of the identified regime of small weights and small initializations, we show via a counterexample that PCNs can diverge, countering common beliefs held in the community. This is achieved by identifying a Neimark-Sacker bifurcation in a PCN of small size, which gives rise to an unstable fixed point and an invariant curve around it.

Jifan Zhang · Julian Katz-Samuels · Robert Nowak

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Active learning is a label-efficient approach to train highly effective models while interactively selecting only small subsets of unlabelled data for labelling and training. In ``open world" settings, the classes of interest can make up a small fraction of the overall dataset -- most of the data may be viewed as an out-of-distribution or irrelevant class. This leads to extreme class-imbalance, and our theory and methods focus on this core issue. We propose a new strategy for active learning called GALAXY [Graph-based Active Learning At the eXtrEme], which blends ideas from graph-based active learning and deep learning. GALAXY automatically and adaptively selects more class-balanced examples for labeling than most other methods for active learning. Our theory shows that GALAXY performs a refined form of uncertainty sampling that gathers a much more class-balanced dataset than vanilla uncertainty sampling. Experimentally, we demonstrate GALAXY's superiority over existing state-of-art deep active learning algorithms in unbalanced vision classification settings generated from popular datasets.

Lucas Agussurja · Xinyi Xu · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Measuring contributions is a classical problem in cooperative game theory where the Shapley value is the most well-known solution concept. In this paper, we establish the convergence property of the Shapley value in parametric Bayesian learning games where players perform a Bayesian inference using their combined data, and the posterior-prior KL divergence is used as the characteristic function. We show that for any two players, under some regularity conditions, their difference in Shapley value converges in probability to the difference in Shapley value of a limiting game whose characteristic function is proportional to the log-determinant of the joint Fisher information. As an application, we present an online collaborative learning framework that is asymptotically Shapley-fair. Our result enables this to be achieved without any costly computations of posterior-prior KL divergences. Only a consistent estimator of the Fisher information is needed. Theeffectiveness of our framework is demonstrated with experiments using real-world data.

Rui Liu · Barzan Mozafari

[ Room 310 ]

Many communication-efficient methods have been proposed for distributed learning, whereby gradient compression is used to reduce the communication cost. However, given recent advances in large batch optimization [e.g., large batch SGD and its variant LARS with layerwise adaptive learning rates], the compute power of each machine is being fully utilized. This means, in modern distributed learning, the per-machine computation cost is no longer negligible compared to the communication cost. In this paper, we propose new gradient compression methods for large batch optimization, JointSpar and its variant JointSpar-LARS with layerwise adaptive learning rates, that jointly reduce both the computation and the communication cost. To achieve this, we take advantage of the redundancy in the gradient computation, unlike the existing methods compute all coordinates of the gradient vector, even if some coordinates are later dropped for communication efficiency. JointSpar and its variant further reduce the training time by avoiding the wasted computation on dropped coordinates. While computationally more efficient, we prove that JointSpar and its variant also maintain the same convergence rates as their respective baseline methods. Extensive experiments show that, by reducing the time per iteration, our methods converge faster than state-of-the-art compression methods in terms of wall-clock time.

Arnab Kumar Mondal · Vineet Jain · Kaleem Siddiqi · Siamak Ravanbakhsh

[ Room 309 ]

We study a variety of notions of equivariance as an inductive bias in Reinforcement Learning [RL]. In particular, we propose new mechanisms for learning representations that are equivariant to both the agent’s action, as well as symmetry transformations of the state-action pairs. Whereas prior work on exploiting symmetries in deep RL can only incorporate predefined linear transformations, our approach allows non-linear symmetry transformations of state-action pairs to be learned from the data. This is achieved through 1] equivariant Lie algebraic parameterization of state and action encodings, 2] equivariant latent transition models, and 3] the incorporation of symmetry-based losses. We demonstrate the advantages of our method, which we call Equivariant representations for RL [EqR], for Atari games in a data-efficient setting limited to 100K steps of interactions with the environment.

Zuoyu Yan · Tengfei Ma · Liangcai Gao · Zhi Tang · Chao Chen

[ Hall F ]

In recent years, algebraic topology and its modern development, the theory of persistent homology, has shown great potential in graph representation learning. In this paper, based on the mathematics of algebraic topology, we propose a novel solution for inductive relation prediction, an important learning task for knowledge graph completion. To predict the relation between two entities, one can use the existence of rules, namely a sequence of relations. Previous works view rules as paths and primarily focus on the searching of paths between entities. The space of rules is huge, and one has to sacrifice either efficiency or accuracy. In this paper, we consider rules as cycles and show that the space of cycles has a unique structure based on the mathematics of algebraic topology. By exploring the linear structure of the cycle space, we can improve the searching efficiency of rules. We propose to collect cycle bases that span the space of cycles. We build a novel GNN framework on the collected cycles to learn the representations of cycles, and to predict the existence/non-existence of a relation. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks.

Vidya Muthukumar · Akshay Krishnamurthy

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Model selection in contextual bandits is an important complementary problem to regret minimization with respect to a fixed model class. We consider the simplest non-trivial instance of model-selection: distinguishing a simple multi-armed bandit problem from a linear contextual bandit problem. Even in this instance, current state-of-the-art methods explore in a suboptimal manner and require strong "feature-diversity" conditions. In this paper, we introduce new algorithms that a] explore in a data-adaptive manner, and b] provide model selection guarantees of the form O[d^{\alpha} T^{1 - \alpha}] with no feature diversity conditions whatsoever, where d denotes the dimension of the linear model and T denotes the total number of rounds. The first algorithm enjoys a "best-of-both-worlds" property, recovering two prior results that hold under distinct distributional assumptions, simultaneously. The second removes distributional assumptions altogether, expanding the scope for tractable model selection. Our approach extends to model selection among nested linear contextual bandits under some additional assumptions.

Serguei Barannikov · Ilya Trofimov · Nikita Balabin · Evgeny Burnaev

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Comparison of data representations is a complex multi-aspect problem. We propose a method for comparing two data representations. We introduce the Representation Topology Divergence [RTD] score measuring the dissimilarity in multi-scale topology between two point clouds of equal size with a one-to-one correspondence between points. The two data point clouds can lie in different ambient spaces. The RTD score is one of the few topological data analysis based practical methods applicable to real machine learning datasets. Experiments show the agreement of RTD with the intuitive assessment of data representation similarity. The proposed RTD score is sensitive to the data representation's fine topological structure. We use the RTD score to gain insights on neural networks representations in computer vision and NLP domains for various problems: training dynamics analysis, data distribution shift, transfer learning, ensemble learning, disentanglement assessment.

Mitchell Wortsman · Gabriel Ilharco · Samir Gadre · Rebecca Roelofs · Raphael Gontijo Lopes · Ari Morcos · Hongseok Namkoong · Ali Farhadi · Yair Carmon · Simon Kornblith · Ludwig Schmidt

[ Hall F ]

The conventional recipe for maximizing model accuracy is to [1] train multiple models with various hyperparameters and [2] pick the individual model which performs best on a held-out validation set, discarding the remainder. In this paper, we revisit the second step of this procedure in the context of fine-tuning large pre-trained models, where fine-tuned models often appear to lie in a single low error basin. We show that averaging the weights of multiple models fine-tuned with different hyperparameter configurations often improves accuracy and robustness. Unlike a conventional ensemble, we may average many models without incurring any additional inference or memory costs---we call the results “model soups.” When fine-tuning large pre-trained models such as CLIP, ALIGN, and a ViT-G pre-trained on JFT, our soup recipe provides significant improvements over the best model in a hyperparameter sweep on ImageNet. The resulting ViT-G model, which attains 90.94% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, achieved a new state of the art. Furthermore, we show that the model soup approach extends to multiple image classification and natural language processing tasks, improves out-of-distribution performance, and improves zero-shot performance on new downstream tasks. Finally, we analytically relate the performance similarity of weight-averaging and logit-ensembling to flatness of the loss …

Huazheng Wang · Haifeng Xu · Hongning Wang

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

We study adversarial attacks on linear stochastic bandits: by manipulating the rewards, an adversary aims to control the behaviour of the bandit algorithm. Perhaps surprisingly, we first show that some attack goals can never be achieved. This is in a sharp contrast to context-free stochastic bandits, and is intrinsically due to the correlation among arms in linear stochastic bandits. Motivated by this finding, this paper studies the attackability of a $k$-armed linear bandit environment. We first provide a complete necessity and sufficiency characterization of attackability based on the geometry of the arms' context vectors. We then propose a two-stage attack method against LinUCB and Robust Phase Elimination. The method first asserts whether the given environment is attackable; and if yes, it poisons the rewards to force the algorithm to pull a target arm linear times using only a sublinear cost. Numerical experiments further validate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the proposed attack method.

Adam Villaflor · Zhe Huang · Swapnil Pande · John Dolan · Jeff Schneider

[ Room 307 ]

Impressive results in natural language processing [NLP] based on the Transformer neural network architecture have inspired researchers to explore viewing offline reinforcement learning [RL] as a generic sequence modeling problem. Recent works based on this paradigm have achieved state-of-the-art results in several of the mostly deterministic offline Atari and D4RL benchmarks. However, because these methods jointly model the states and actions as a single sequencing problem, they struggle to disentangle the effects of the policy and world dynamics on the return. Thus, in adversarial or stochastic environments, these methods lead to overly optimistic behavior that can be dangerous in safety-critical systems like autonomous driving. In this work, we propose a method that addresses this optimism bias by explicitly disentangling the policy and world models, which allows us at test time to search for policies that are robust to multiple possible futures in the environment. We demonstrate our method’s superior performance on a variety of autonomous driving tasks in simulation.

Mark Beliaev · Andy Shih · Stefano Ermon · Dorsa Sadigh · Ramtin Pedarsani

[ Room 309 ]

Many existing imitation learning datasets are collected from multiple demonstrators, each with different expertise at different parts of the environment. Yet, standard imitation learning algorithms typically treat all demonstrators as homogeneous, regardless of their expertise, absorbing the weaknesses of any suboptimal demonstrators. In this work, we show that unsupervised learning over demonstrator expertise can lead to a consistent boost in the performance of imitation learning algorithms. We develop and optimize a joint model over a learned policy and expertise levels of the demonstrators. This enables our model to learn from the optimal behavior and filter out the suboptimal behavior of each demonstrator. Our model learns a single policy that can outperform even the best demonstrator, and can be used to estimate the expertise of any demonstrator at any state. We illustrate our findings on real-robotic continuous control tasks from Robomimic and discrete environments such as MiniGrid and chess, out-performing competing methods in 21 out of 23 settings, with an average of 7% and up to 60% improvement in terms of the final reward.

Nabeel Seedat · Jonathan Crabbé · Mihaela van der Schaar

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Systematic quantification of data quality is critical for consistent model performance. Prior works have focused on out-of-distribution data. Instead, we tackle an understudied yet equally important problem of characterizing incongruous regions of in-distribution [ID] data, which may arise from feature space heterogeneity. To this end, we propose a paradigm shift with Data-SUITE: a data-centric AI framework to identify these regions, independent of a task-specific model. Data-SUITE leverages copula modeling, representation learning, and conformal prediction to build feature-wise confidence interval estimators based on a set of training instances. These estimators can be used to evaluate the congruence of test instances with respect to the training set, to answer two practically useful questions: [1] which test instances will be reliably predicted by a model trained with the training instances? and [2] can we identify incongruous regions of the feature space so that data owners understand the data's limitations or guide future data collection? We empirically validate Data-SUITE's performance and coverage guarantees and demonstrate on cross-site medical data, biased data, and data with concept drift, that Data-SUITE best identifies ID regions where a downstream model may be reliable [independent of said model]. We also illustrate how these identified regions can provide insights into …

Meena Jagadeesan · Tijana Zrnic · Celestine Mendler-Dünner

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

In performative prediction, the deployment of a predictive model triggers a shift in the data distribution. As these shifts are typically unknown ahead of time, the learner needs to deploy a model to get feedback about the distribution it induces. We study the problem of finding near-optimal models under performativity while maintaining low regret. On the surface, this problem might seem equivalent to a bandit problem. However, it exhibits a fundamentally richer feedback structure that we refer to as performative feedback: after every deployment, the learner receives samples from the shifted distribution rather than bandit feedback about the reward. Our main contribution is regret bounds that scale only with the complexity of the distribution shifts and not that of the reward function. The key algorithmic idea is careful exploration of the distribution shifts that informs a novel construction of confidence bounds on the risk of unexplored models. The construction only relies on smoothness of the shifts and does not assume convexity. More broadly, our work establishes a conceptual approach for leveraging tools from the bandits literature for the purpose of regret minimization with performative feedback.

Hao Zou · Bo Li · Jiangang Han · Shuiping Chen · Xuetao Ding · Peng Cui

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Large amounts of efforts have been devoted into learning counterfactual treatment outcome under various settings, including binary/continuous/multiple treatments. Most of these literature aims to minimize the estimation error of counterfactual outcome for the whole treatment space. However, in most scenarios when the counterfactual prediction model is utilized to assist decision-making, people are only concerned with the small fraction of treatments that can potentially induce superior outcome [i.e. outcome-oriented treatments]. This gap of objective is even more severe when the number of possible treatments is large, for example under the continuous treatment setting. To overcome it, we establish a new objective of optimizing counterfactual prediction on outcome-oriented treatments, propose a novel Outcome-Oriented Sample Re-weighting [OOSR] method to make the predictive model concentrate more on outcome-oriented treatments, and theoretically analyze that our method can improve treatment selection towards the optimal one. Extensive experimental results on both synthetic datasets and semi-synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Ryan Sullivan · Jordan Terry · Benjamin Black · John P Dickerson

[ Room 309 ]

Visualizing optimization landscapes has resulted in many fundamental insights in numeric optimization, specifically regarding novel improvements to optimization techniques. However, visualizations of the objective that reinforcement learning optimizes [the "reward surface"] have only ever been generated for a small number of narrow contexts. This work presents reward surfaces and related visualizations of 27 of the most widely used reinforcement learning environments in Gym for the first time. We also explore reward surfaces in the policy gradient direction and show for the first time that many popular reinforcement learning environments have frequent "cliffs" [sudden large drops in expected reward]. We demonstrate that A2C often "dives off" these cliffs into low reward regions of the parameter space while PPO avoids them, confirming a popular intuition for PPO's improved performance over previous methods. We additionally introduce a highly extensible library that allows researchers to easily generate these visualizations in the future. Our findings provide new intuition to explain the successes and failures of modern RL methods, and our visualizations concretely characterize several failure modes of reinforcement learning agents in novel ways.

Yuta Saito · Thorsten Joachims

[ Room 309 ]

Off-policy evaluation [OPE] in contextual bandits has seen rapid adoption in real-world systems, since it enables offline evaluation of new policies using only historic log data. Unfortunately, when the number of actions is large, existing OPE estimators most of which are based on inverse propensity score weighting degrade severely and can suffer from extreme bias and variance. This foils the use of OPE in many applications from recommender systems to language models. To overcome this issue, we propose a new OPE estimator that leverages marginalized importance weights when action embeddings provide structure in the action space. We characterize the bias, variance, and mean squared error of the proposed estimator and analyze the conditions under which the action embedding provides statistical benefits over conventional estimators. In addition to the theoretical analysis, we find that the empirical performance improvement can be substantial, enabling reliable OPE even when existing estimators collapse due to a large number of actions.

Zhenheng Tang · Yonggang Zhang · Shaohuai Shi · Xin He · Bo Han · Xiaowen Chu

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

In federated learning [FL], model performance typically suffers from client drift induced by data heterogeneity, and mainstream works focus on correcting client drift. We propose a different approach named virtual homogeneity learning [VHL] to directly ``rectify'' the data heterogeneity. In particular, VHL conducts FL with a virtual homogeneous dataset crafted to satisfy two conditions: containing \emph{no} private information and being separable. The virtual dataset can be generated from pure noise shared across clients, aiming to calibrate the features from the heterogeneous clients. Theoretically, we prove that VHL can achieve provable generalization performance on the natural distribution. Empirically, we demonstrate that VHL endows FL with drastically improved convergence speed and generalization performance. VHL is the first attempt towards using a virtual dataset to address data heterogeneity, offering new and effective means to FL.

Chung-Cheng Chiu · James Qin · Yu Zhang · Jiahui Yu · Yonghui Wu

[ Hall G ]

We present a simple and effective self-supervised learning approach for speech recognition. The approach learns a model to predict the masked speech signals, in the form of discrete labels generated with a random-projection quantizer. In particular the quantizer projects speech inputs with a randomly initialized matrix, and does a nearest-neighbor lookup in a randomly-initialized codebook. Neither the matrix nor the codebook are updated during self-supervised learning. Since the random-projection quantizer is not trained and is separated from the speech recognition model, the design makes the approach flexible and is compatible with universal speech recognition architecture. On LibriSpeech our approach achieves similar word-error-rates as previous work using self-supervised learning with non-streaming models, and provides lower word-error-rates than previous work with streaming models. On multilingual tasks the approach also provides significant improvement over wav2vec 2.0 and w2v-BERT.

Isabeau Prémont-Schwarz · Jaroslav Vítků · Jan Feyereisl

[ Room 310 ]

If the trend of learned components eventually outperforming their hand-crafted version continues, learned optimizers will eventually outperform hand-crafted optimizers like SGD or Adam. Even if learned optimizers [L2Os] eventually outpace hand-crafted ones in practice however, they are still not provably convergent and might fail out of distribution. These are the questions addressed here. Currently, learned optimizers frequently outperform generic hand-crafted optimizers [such as gradient descent] at the beginning of learning but they generally plateau after some time while the generic algorithms continue to make progress and often overtake the learned algorithm as Aesop’s tortoise which overtakes the hare. L2Os also still have a difficult time generalizing out of distribution. \cite{heatonsafeguarded2020} proposed Safeguarded L2O [GL2O] which can take a learned optimizer and safeguard it with a generic learning algorithm so that by conditionally switching between the two, the resulting algorithm is provably convergent. We propose a new class of Safeguarded L2O, called Loss-Guarded L2O [LGL2O], which is both conceptually simpler and computationally less expensive. The guarding mechanism decides solely based on the expected future loss value of both optimizers. Furthermore, we show theoretical proof of LGL2O's convergence guarantee and empirical results comparing to GL2O and other baselines showing that …

Bei Li · Tong Zheng · yi jing · Chengbo Jiao · Tong Xiao · Jingbo Zhu

[ Hall G ]

Multiscale feature hierarchies have been witnessed the success in the computer vision area. This further motivates researchers to design multiscale Transformer for natural language processing, mostly based on the self-attention mechanism. For example, restricting the receptive field across heads or extracting local fine-grained features via convolutions. However, most of existing works directly modeled local features but ignored the word-boundary information. This results in redundant and ambiguous attention distributions, which lacks of interpretability. In this work, we define those scales in different linguistic units, including sub-words, words and phrases. We built a multiscale Transformer model by establishing relationships among scales based on word-boundary information and phrase-level prior knowledge. The proposed \textbf{U}niversal \textbf{M}ulti\textbf{S}cale \textbf{T}ransformer, namely \textsc{Umst}, was evaluated on two sequence generation tasks. Notably, it yielded consistent performance gains over the strong baseline on several test sets without sacrificing the efficiency.

Joey Hong · Branislav Kveton · Sumeet Katariya · Manzil Zaheer · Mohammad Ghavamzadeh

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

Mean rewards of actions are often correlated. The form of these correlations may be complex and unknown a priori, such as the preferences of users for recommended products and their categories. To maximize statistical efficiency, it is important to leverage these correlations when learning. We formulate a bandit variant of this problem where the correlations of mean action rewards are represented by a hierarchical Bayesian model with latent variables. Since the hierarchy can have multiple layers, we call it deep. We propose a hierarchical Thompson sampling algorithm [HierTS] for this problem and show how to implement it efficiently for Gaussian hierarchies. The efficient implementation is possible due to a novel exact hierarchical representation of the posterior, which itself is of independent interest. We use this exact posterior to analyze the Bayes regret of HierTS. Our regret bounds reflect the structure of the problem, that the regret decreases with more informative priors, and can be recast to highlight reduced dependence on the number of actions. We confirm these theoretical findings empirically, in both synthetic and real-world experiments.

Xuezhou Zhang · Yuda Song · Masatoshi Uehara · Mengdi Wang · Alekh Agarwal · Wen Sun

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We present BRIEE, an algorithm for efficient reinforcement learning in Markov Decision Processes with block-structured dynamics [i.e., Block MDPs], where rich observations are generated from a set of unknown latent states. BRIEE interleaves latent states discovery, exploration, and exploitation together, and can provably learn a near-optimal policy with sample complexityscaling polynomially in the number of latent states, actions, and the time horizon, with no dependence on the size of the potentially infinite observation space.Empirically, we show that BRIEE is more sample efficient than the state-of-art Block MDP algorithm HOMER and other empirical RL baselines on challenging rich-observation combination lock problems which require deep exploration.

Jiangmeng Li · Wenwen Qiang · Changwen Zheng · Bing Su · Hui Xiong

[ Hall F ]

What matters for contrastive learning? We argue that contrastive learning heavily relies on informative features, or ``hard'' [positive or negative] features. Early works include more informative features by applying complex data augmentations and large batch size or memory bank, and recent works design elaborate sampling approaches to explore informative features. The key challenge toward exploring such features is that the source multi-view data is generated by applying random data augmentations, making it infeasible to always add useful information in the augmented data. Consequently, the informativeness of features learned from such augmented data is limited. In response, we propose to directly augment the features in latent space, thereby learning discriminative representations without a large amount of input data. We perform a meta learning technique to build the augmentation generator that updates its network parameters by considering the performance of the encoder. However, insufficient input data may lead the encoder to learn collapsed features and therefore malfunction the augmentation generator. A new margin-injected regularization is further added in the objective function to avoid the encoder learning a degenerate mapping. To contrast all features in one gradient back-propagation step, we adopt the proposed optimization-driven unified contrastive loss instead of the conventional contrastive loss. …

Nate Veldt

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Correlation clustering is a widely studied framework for clustering based on pairwise similarity and dissimilarity scores, but its best approximation algorithms rely on impractical linear programming relaxations. We present faster approximation algorithms that avoid these relaxations, for two well-studied special cases: cluster editing and cluster deletion. We accomplish this by drawing new connections to edge labeling problems related to the principle of strong triadic closure. This leads to faster and more practical linear programming algorithms, as well as extremely scalable combinatorial techniques, including the first combinatorial approximation algorithm for cluster deletion. In practice, our algorithms produce approximate solutions that nearly match the best algorithms in quality, while scaling to problems that are orders of magnitude larger.

Kazuki Irie · Robert Cordas · Jürgen Schmidhuber

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Linear layers in neural networks [NNs] trained by gradient descent can be expressed as a key-value memory system which stores all training datapoints and the initial weights, and produces outputs using unnormalised dot attention over the entire training experience. While this has been technically known since the 1960s, no prior work has effectively studied the operations of NNs in such a form, presumably due to prohibitive time and space complexities and impractical model sizes, all of them growing linearly with the number of training patterns which may get very large. However, this dual formulation offers a possibility of directly visualising how an NN makes use of training patterns at test time, by examining the corresponding attention weights. We conduct experiments on small scale supervised image classification tasks in single-task, multi-task, and continual learning settings, as well as language modelling, and discuss potentials and limits of this view for better understanding and interpreting how NNs exploit training patterns. Our code is public.

Jihwan Jeong · Parth Jaggi · Andrew Butler · Scott Sanner

[ Room 310 ]

Predictive models are traditionally optimized independently of their use in downstream decision-based optimization. The `smart, predict then optimize' [SPO] framework addresses this shortcoming by optimizing predictive models in order to \emph{minimize} the final downstream decision loss. To date, several local first-order methods and convex approximations have been proposed. These methods have proven to be effective in practice, however, it remains generally unclear as to how close these local solutions are to global optimality. In this paper, we cast the SPO problem as a bi-level program and apply Symbolic Variable Elimination [SVE] to analytically solve the lower optimization. The resulting program can then be formulated as a mixed-integer linear program [MILP] which is solved to global optimality using standard off-the-shelf solvers. To our knowledge, our framework is the first to provide a globally optimal solution to the linear SPO problem. Experimental results comparing with state-of-the-art local SPO solvers show that the globally optimal solution obtains up to \emph{two orders of magnitude reduction} in decision regret.

Tianjun Zhang · Tongzheng Ren · Mengjiao Yang · Joseph E Gonzalez · Dale Schuurmans · Bo Dai

[ Room 307 ]

It is common to address the curse of dimensionality in Markov decision processes [MDPs] by exploiting low-rank representations. This motivates much of the recent theoretical study on linear MDPs. However, most approaches require a given representation under unrealistic assumptions about the normalization of the decomposition or introduce unresolved computational challenges in practice.Instead, we consider an alternative definition of linear MDPs that automatically ensures normalization while allowing efficient representation learning via contrastive estimation. The framework also admits confidence-adjusted index algorithms, enabling an efficient and principled approach to incorporating optimism or pessimism in the face of uncertainty. To the best of our knowledge, this provides the first practical representation learning method for linear MDPs that achieves both strong theoretical guarantees and empirical performance. Theoretically, we prove that the proposed algorithm is sample efficient in both the online and offline settings. Empirically, we demonstrate superior performance over existing state-of-the-art model-based and model-free algorithms on several benchmarks.

Praneeth Kacham · David Woodruff

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We give a sketching-based iterative algorithm that computes a $1+\varepsilon$ approximate solution for the ridge regression problem $\min_x \|Ax-b\|_2^2 +\lambda\|x\|_2^2$ where $A \in R^{n \times d}$ with $d \ge n$. Our algorithm, for a constant number of iterations [requiring a constant number of passes over the input], improves upon earlier work [Chowdhury et al.] by requiring that the sketching matrix only has a weaker Approximate Matrix Multiplication [AMM] guarantee that depends on $\varepsilon$, along with a constant subspace embedding guarantee. The earlier work instead requires that the sketching matrix has a subspace embedding guarantee that depends on $\varepsilon$. For example, to produce a $1+\varepsilon$ approximate solution in $1$ iteration, which requires $2$ passes over the input, our algorithm requires the OSNAP embedding to have $m= O[n\sigma^2/\lambda\varepsilon]$ rows with a sparsity parameter $s = O[\log[n]]$, whereas the earlier algorithm of Chowdhury et al. with the same number of rows of OSNAP requires a sparsity $s = O[\sqrt{\sigma^2/\lambda\varepsilon} \cdot \log[n]]$, where $\sigma = \opnorm{A}$ is the spectral norm of the matrix $A$. We also show that this algorithm can be used to give faster algorithms for kernel ridge regression. Finally, we show that the sketch size required for our algorithm is essentially …

Jinkyu Kim · Geeho Kim · Bohyung Han

[ Room 310 ]

A critical challenge of federated learning is data heterogeneity and imbalance across clients, which leads to inconsistency between local networks and unstable convergence of global models.To alleviate the limitations, we propose a novel architectural regularization technique that constructs multiple auxiliary branches in each local model by grafting local and global subnetworks at several different levels and that learns the representations of the main pathway in the local model congruent to the auxiliary hybrid pathways via online knowledge distillation.The proposed technique is effective to robustify the global model even in the non-iid setting and is applicable to various federated learning frameworks conveniently without incurring extra communication costs. We perform comprehensive empirical studies and demonstrate remarkable performance gains in terms of accuracy and efficiency compared to existing methods.The source code is available at our project page.

Rico Angell · Nicholas Monath · Nishant Yadav · Andrew McCallum

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

We consider the problem of clustering with user feedback. Existing methods express constraints about the input data points, most commonly through must-link and cannot-link constraints on data point pairs. In this paper, we introduce existential cluster constraints: a new form of feedback where users indicate the features of desired clusters. Specifically, users make statements about the existence of a cluster having [and not having] particular features. Our approach has multiple advantages: [1] constraints on clusters can express user intent more efficiently than point pairs; [2] in cases where the users' mental model is of the desired clusters, it is more natural for users to express cluster-wise preferences; [3] it functions even when privacy restrictions prohibit users from seeing raw data. In addition to introducing existential cluster constraints, we provide an inference algorithm for incorporating our constraints into the output clustering. Finally, we demonstrate empirically that our proposed framework facilitates more accurate clustering with dramatically fewer user feedback inputs.

Yihao Xue · Kyle Whitecross · Baharan Mirzasoleiman

[ Hall F ]

Self-supervised Contrastive Learning [CL] has been recently shown to be very effective in preventing deep networks from overfitting noisy labels. Despite its empirical success, the theoretical understanding of the effect of contrastive learning on boosting robustness is very limited. In this work, we rigorously prove that the representation matrix learned by contrastive learning boosts robustness, by having: [i] one prominent singular value corresponding to each sub-class in the data, and significantly smaller remaining singular values; and [ii] a large alignment between the prominent singular vectors and the clean labels of each sub-class. The above properties enable a linear layer trained on such representations to effectively learn the clean labels without overfitting the noise. We further show that the low-rank structure of the Jacobian of deep networks pre-trained with contrastive learning allows them to achieve a superior performance initially, when fine-tuned on noisy labels. Finally, we demonstrate that the initial robustness provided by contrastive learning enables robust training methods to achieve state-of-the-art performance under extreme noise levels, e.g., an average of 27.18% and 15.58% increase in accuracy on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 with 80% symmetric noisy labels, and 4.11% increase in accuracy on WebVision.

Haixu Wu · Jialong Wu · Jiehui Xu · Jianmin Wang · Mingsheng Long

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Transformers based on the attention mechanism have achieved impressive success in various areas. However, the attention mechanism has a quadratic complexity, significantly impeding Transformers from dealing with numerous tokens and scaling up to bigger models. Previous methods mainly utilize the similarity decomposition and the associativity of matrix multiplication to devise linear-time attention mechanisms. They avoid degeneration of attention to a trivial distribution by reintroducing inductive biases such as the locality, thereby at the expense of model generality and expressiveness. In this paper, we linearize Transformers free from specific inductive biases based on the flow network theory. We cast attention as the information flow aggregated from the sources [values] to the sinks [results] through the learned flow capacities [attentions]. Within this framework, we apply the property of flow conservation into attention and propose the Flow-Attention mechanism of linear complexity. By respectively conserving the incoming flow of sinks for source competition and the outgoing flow of sources for sink allocation, Flow-Attention inherently generates informative attentions without using specific inductive biases. Empowered by the Flow-Attention, Flowformer yields strong performance in linear time for wide areas, including long sequence, time series, vision, natural language, and reinforcement learning. The code and settings are available at …

Sokbae Lee · Serena Ng

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Researchers may perform regressions using a sketch of data of size m instead of the full sample of size n for a variety of reasons. This paper considers the case when the regression errors do not have constant variance and heteroskedasticity robust standard errors would normally be needed for test statistics to provide accurate inference. We show that estimates using data sketched by random projections will behave 'as if' the errors were homoskedastic. Estimation by random sampling would not have this property. The result arises because the sketched estimates in the case of random projections can be expressed as degenerate U-statistics, and under certain conditions, these statistics are asymptotically normal with homoskedastic variance. We verify that the conditions hold not only in the case of least squares regression when the covariates are exogenous, but also in instrumental variables estimation when the covariates are endogenous. The result implies that inference can be simpler than the full sample case if the sketching scheme is appropriately chosen.

Xiaoyu Chen · Yao Mu · Ping Luo · Shengbo Li · Jianyu Chen

[ Room 307 ]

Partially Observable Markov Decision Process [POMDP] provides a principled and generic framework to model real world sequential decision making processes but yet remains unsolved, especially for high dimensional continuous space and unknown models. The main challenge lies in how to accurately obtain the belief state, which is the probability distribution over the unobservable environment states given historical information. Accurately calculating this belief state is a precondition for obtaining an optimal policy of POMDPs. Recent advances in deep learning techniques show great potential to learn good belief states. However, existing methods can only learn approximated distribution with limited flexibility. In this paper, we introduce the \textbf{F}l\textbf{O}w-based \textbf{R}ecurrent \textbf{BE}lief \textbf{S}tate model [FORBES], which incorporates normalizing flows into the variational inference to learn general continuous belief states for POMDPs. Furthermore, we show that the learned belief states can be plugged into downstream RL algorithms to improve performance. In experiments, we show that our methods successfully capture the complex belief states that enable multi-modal predictions as well as high quality reconstructions, and results on challenging visual-motor control tasks show that our method achieves superior performance and sample efficiency.

Sho Takemori

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

The kernelized bandit problem is a theoretically justified framework and has solid applications to various fields. Recently, there is a growing interest in generalizing the problem to the optimization of risk-averse metrics such as Conditional Value-at-Risk [CVaR] or Mean-Variance [MV].However, due to the model assumption, most existing methods need explicit design of environment random variables and can incur large regret because of possible high dimensionality of them.To address the issues, in this paper, we model environments using a family of the output distributions [or more precisely, probability kernel] and Kernel Mean Embeddings [KME], and provide novel UCB-type algorithms for CVaR and MV.Moreover, we provide algorithm-independent lower bounds for CVaR in the case of Mat\'ern kernels, and propose a nearly optimal algorithm.Furthermore, we empirically verify our theoretical result in synthetic environments, and demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms a baseline in many cases.

Jianfeng Wang · Thomas Lukasiewicz · Daniela Massiceti · Xiaolin Hu · Vladimir Pavlovic · Alexandros Neophytou

[ Hall G ]

Semi-supervised learning [SSL] has been widely explored in recent years, and it is an effective way of leveraging unlabeled data to reduce the reliance on labeled data. In this work, we adjust neural processes [NPs] to the semi-supervised image classification task, resulting in a new method named NP-Match. NP-Match is suited to this task for two reasons. Firstly, NP-Match implicitly compares data points when making predictions, and as a result, the prediction of each unlabeled data point is affected by the labeled data points that are similar to it, which improves the quality of pseudolabels. Secondly, NP-Match is able to estimate uncertainty that can be used as a tool for selecting unlabeled samples with reliable pseudo-labels. Compared with uncertainty-based SSL methods implemented with Monte Carlo [MC] dropout, NP-Match estimates uncertainty with much less computational overhead, which can save time at both the training and the testing phases. We conducted extensive experiments on four public datasets, and NP-Match outperforms state-of-theart [SOTA] results or achieves competitive results on them, which shows the effectiveness of NPMatch and its potential for SSL.

Weichao Mao · Lin Yang · Kaiqing Zhang · Tamer Basar

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Multi-agent reinforcement learning [MARL] algorithms often suffer from an exponential sample complexity dependence on the number of agents, a phenomenon known as \emph{the curse of multiagents}. We address this challenge by investigating sample-efficient model-free algorithms in \emph{decentralized} MARL, and aim to improve existing algorithms along this line. For learning [coarse] correlated equilibria in general-sum Markov games, we propose \emph{stage-based} V-learning algorithms that significantly simplify the algorithmic design and analysis of recent works, and circumvent a rather complicated no-\emph{weighted}-regret bandit subroutine. For learning Nash equilibria in Markov potential games, we propose an independent policy gradient algorithm with a decentralized momentum-based variance reduction technique. All our algorithms are decentralized in that each agent can make decisions based on only its local information. Neither communication nor centralized coordination is required during learning, leading to a natural generalization to a large number of agents. Finally, we provide numerical simulations to corroborate our theoretical findings.

Ramki Gummadi · Saurabh Kumar · Junfeng Wen · Dale Schuurmans

[ Room 307 ]

Approaches to policy optimization have been motivated from diverse principles, based on how the parametric model is interpreted [e.g. value versus policy representation] or how the learning objective is formulated, yet they share a common goal of maximizing expected return. To better capture the commonalities and identify key differences between policy optimization methods, we develop a unified perspective that re-expresses the underlying updates in terms of a limited choice of gradient form and scaling function. In particular, we identify a parameterized space of approximate gradient updates for policy optimization that is highly structured, yet covers both classical and recent examples, including PPO. As a result, we obtain novel yet well motivated updates that generalize existing algorithms in a way that can deliver benefits both in terms of convergence speed and final result quality. An experimental investigation demonstrates that the additional degrees of freedom provided in the parameterized family of updates can be leveraged to obtain non-trivial improvements both in synthetic domains and on popular deep RL benchmarks.

Yanxi Li · Xinghao Chen · Minjing Dong · Yehui Tang · Yunhe Wang · Chang Xu

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Recently, neural architectures with all Multi-layer Perceptrons [MLPs] have attracted great research interest from the computer vision community. However, the inefficient mixing of spatial-channel information causes MLP-like vision models to demand tremendous pre-training on large-scale datasets. This work solves the problem from a novel knowledge distillation perspective. We propose a novel Spatial-channel Token Distillation [STD] method, which improves the information mixing in the two dimensions by introducing distillation tokens to each of them. A mutual information regularization is further introduced to let distillation tokens focus on their specific dimensions and maximize the performance gain. Extensive experiments on ImageNet for several MLP-like architectures demonstrate that the proposed token distillation mechanism can efficiently improve the accuracy. For example, the proposed STD boosts the top-1 accuracy of Mixer-S16 on ImageNet from 73.8% to 75.7% without any costly pre-training on JFT-300M. When applied to stronger architectures, e.g. CycleMLP-B1 and CycleMLP-B2, STD can still harvest about 1.1% and 0.5% accuracy gains, respectively.

Aram-Alexandre Pooladian · Marco Cuturi · Jonathan Niles-Weed

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Estimating optimal transport [OT] maps [a.k.a. Monge maps] between two measures P and Q is a problem fraught with computational and statistical challenges. A promising approach lies in using the dual potential functions obtained when solving an entropy-regularized OT problem between samples Pn and Qn, which can be used to recover an approximately optimal map. The negentropy penalization in that scheme introduces, however, an estimation bias that grows with the regularization strength. A well-known remedy to debias such estimates, which has gained wide popularity among practitioners of regularized OT, is to center them, by subtracting auxiliary problems involving Pn and itself, as well as Qn and itself. We do prove that, under favorable conditions on P and Q, debiasing can yield better approximations to the Monge map. However, and perhaps surprisingly, we present a few cases in which debiasing is provably detrimental in a statistical sense, notably when the regularization strength is large or the number of samples is small. These claims are validated experimentally on synthetic and real datasets, and should reopen the debate on whether debiasing is needed when using entropic OT.

Zhihan Zhou · Jiangchao Yao · Yan-Feng Wang · Bo Han · Ya Zhang

[ Hall F ]

Self-supervised learning has achieved a great success in the representation learning of visual and textual data. However, the current methods are mainly validated on the well-curated datasets, which do not exhibit the real-world long-tailed distribution. Recent attempts to consider self-supervised long-tailed learning are made by rebalancing in the loss perspective or the model perspective, resembling the paradigms in the supervised long-tailed learning. Nevertheless, without the aid of labels, these explorations have not shown the expected significant promise due to the limitation in tail sample discovery or the heuristic structure design. Different from previous works, we explore this direction from an alternative perspective, i.e., the data perspective, and propose a novel Boosted Contrastive Learning [BCL] method. Specifically, BCL leverages the memorization effect of deep neural networks to automatically drive the information discrepancy of the sample views in contrastive learning, which is more efficient to enhance the long-tailed learning in the label-unaware context. Extensive experiments on a range of benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of BCL over several state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at //

Alexia Atsidakou · Orestis Papadigenopoulos · Constantine Caramanis · Sujay Sanghavi · Sanjay Shakkottai

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We study the problem of Gaussian bandits with general side information, as first introduced by Wu, Szepesv\'{a}ri, and Gy\"{o}rgy. In this setting, the play of an arm reveals information about other arms, according to an arbitrary {\em a priori} known {\em side information} matrix: each element of this matrix encodes the fidelity of the information that the `row" arm reveals about the`column" arm. In the case of Gaussian noise, this model subsumes standard bandits, full-feedback, and graph-structured feedback as special cases. In this work, we first construct an LP-based asymptotic instance-dependent lower bound on the regret. The LP optimizes the cost [regret] required to reliably estimate the suboptimality gap of each arm. This LP lower bound motivates our main contribution: the first known asymptotically optimal algorithm for this general setting.

Jan Kaiser · Oliver Stein · Annika Eichler

[ Room 309 ]

In recent work, it has been shown that reinforcement learning [RL] is capable of solving a variety of problems at sometimes super-human performance levels. But despite continued advances in the field, applying RL to complex real-world control and optimisation problems has proven difficult. In this contribution, we demonstrate how to successfully apply RL to the optimisation of a highly complex real-world machine – specifically a linear particle accelerator – in an only partially observable setting and without requiring training on the real machine. Our method outperforms conventional optimisation algorithms in both the achieved result and time taken as well as already achieving close to human-level performance. We expect that such automation of machine optimisation will push the limits of operability, increase machine availability and lead to a paradigm shift in how such machines are operated, ultimately facilitating advances in a variety of fields, such as science and medicine among many others.

Konstantin Mishchenko · Ahmed Khaled · Peter Richtarik

[ Hall G ]

Random Reshuffling [RR], also known as Stochastic Gradient Descent [SGD] without replacement, is a popular and theoretically grounded method for finite-sum minimization. We propose two new algorithms: Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling [ProxRR and FedRR]. The first algorithm, ProxRR, solves composite finite-sum minimization problems in which the objective is the sum of a [potentially non-smooth] convex regularizer and an average of $n$ smooth objectives. ProxRR evaluates the proximal operator once per epoch only. When the proximal operator is expensive to compute, this small difference makes ProxRR up to $n$ times faster than algorithms that evaluate the proximal operator in every iteration, such as proximal [stochastic] gradient descent. We give examples of practical optimization tasks where the proximal operator is difficult to compute and ProxRR has a clear advantage. One such task is federated or distributed optimization, where the evaluation of the proximal operator corresponds to communication across the network. We obtain our second algorithm, FedRR, as a special case of ProxRR applied to federated optimization, and prove it has a smaller communication footprint than either distributed gradient descent or Local SGD. Our theory covers both constant and decreasing stepsizes, and allows for importance resampling schemes that can improve conditioning, which …

Abdullah Karaaslanli · Selin Aviyente

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Graph learning [GL] aims to infer the topology of an unknown graph from a set of observations on its nodes, i.e., graph signals. While most of the existing GL approaches focus on homogeneous datasets, in many real world applications, data is heterogeneous, where graph signals are clustered and each cluster is associated with a different graph. In this paper, we address the problem of learning multiple graphs from heterogeneous data by formulating an optimization problem for joint graph signal clustering and graph topology inference. In particular, our approach extends spectral clustering by partitioning the graph signals not only based on their pairwise similarities but also their smoothness with respect to the graphs associated with the clusters. The proposed method also learns the representative graph for each cluster using the smoothness of the graph signals with respect to the graph topology. The resulting optimization problem is solved with an efficient block-coordinate descent algorithm and results on simulated and real data indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Giulio Franzese · Dimitrios Milios · Maurizio Filippone · Pietro Michiardi

[ Room 310 ]

We revisit the theoretical properties of Hamiltonian stochastic differential equations [SDES] for Bayesian posterior sampling, and we study the two types of errors that arise from numerical SDE simulation: the discretization error and the error due to noisy gradient estimates in the context of data subsampling. Our main result is a novel analysis for the effect of mini-batches through the lens of differential operator splitting, revising previous literature results. The stochastic component of a Hamiltonian SDE is decoupled from the gradient noise, for which we make no normality assumptions.This leads to the identification of a convergence bottleneck: when considering mini-batches, the best achievable error rate is $\mathcal{O}[\eta^2]$, with $\eta$ being the integrator step size.Our theoretical results are supported by an empirical study on a variety of regression and classification tasks for Bayesian neural networks.

Mehran Shakerinava · Siamak Ravanbakhsh

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

The von Neumann-Morgenstern [VNM] utility theorem shows that under certain axioms of rationality, decision-making is reduced to maximizing the expectation of some utility function. We extend these axioms to increasingly structured sequential decision making settings and identify the structure of the corresponding utility functions. In particular, we show that memoryless preferences lead to a utility in the form of a per transition reward and multiplicative factor on the future return. This result motivates a generalization of Markov Decision Processes [MDPs] with this structure on the agent's returns, which we call Affine-Reward MDPs. A stronger constraint on preferences is needed to recover the commonly used cumulative sum of scalar rewards in MDPs. A yet stronger constraint simplifies the utility function for goal-seeking agents in the form of a difference in some function of states that we call potential functions. Our necessary and sufficient conditions demystify the reward hypothesis that underlies the design of rational agents in reinforcement learning by adding an axiom to the VNM rationality axioms and motivates new directions for AI research involving sequential decision making.

Kaiwen Yang · Tianyi Zhou · Xinmei Tian · Dacheng Tao

[ Hall F ]

Data augmentation is critical to contrastive self-supervised learning, whose goal is to distinguish a sample's augmentations [positives] from other samples [negatives]. However, strong augmentations may change the sample-identity of the positives, while weak augmentation produces easy positives/negatives leading to nearly-zero loss and ineffective learning. In this paper, we study a simple adversarial augmentation method that can modify training data to be hard positives/negatives without distorting the key information about their original identities. In particular, we decompose a sample $x$ to be its variational auto-encoder [VAE] reconstruction $G[x]$ plus the residual $R[x]=x-G[x]$, where $R[x]$ retains most identity-distinctive information due to an information-theoretic interpretation of the VAE objective. We then adversarially perturb $G[x]$ in the VAE's bottleneck space and adds it back to the original $R[x]$ as an augmentation, which is therefore sufficiently challenging for contrastive learning and meanwhile preserves the sample identity intact. We apply this ``identity-disentangled adversarial augmentation [IDAA]'' to different self-supervised learning methods. On multiple benchmark datasets, IDAA consistently improves both their efficiency and generalization performance. We further show that IDAA learned on a dataset can be transferred to other datasets. Code is available at \href{//}{//}.

Anirudh Goyal · Abe Friesen Friesen · Andrea Banino · Theophane Weber · Nan Rosemary Ke · Adrià Puigdomenech Badia · Arthur Guez · Mehdi Mirza · Peter Humphreys · Ksenia Konyushkova · Michal Valko · Simon Osindero · Timothy Lillicrap · Nicolas Heess · Charles Blundell

[ Room 307 ]

Most deep reinforcement learning [RL] algorithms distill experience into parametric behavior policies or value functions via gradient updates. While effective, this approach has several disadvantages: [1] it is computationally expensive, [2] it can take many updates to integrate experiences into the parametric model, [3] experiences that are not fully integrated do not appropriately influence the agent's behavior, and [4] behavior is limited by the capacity of the model. In this paper we explore an alternative paradigm in which we train a network to map a dataset of past experiences to optimal behavior. Specifically, we augment an RL agent with a retrieval process [parameterized as a neural network] that has direct access to a dataset of experiences. This dataset can come from the agent's past experiences, expert demonstrations, or any other relevant source. The retrieval process is trained to retrieve information from the dataset that may be useful in the current context, to help the agent achieve its goal faster and more efficiently. The proposed method facilitates learning agents that at test time can condition their behavior on the entire dataset and not only the current state, or current trajectory. We integrate our method into two different RL agents: an offline …

Hung Le · Svetha Venkatesh

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Artificial Neural Networks are functionally equivalent to special-purpose computers. Their inter-neuronal connection weights represent the learnt Neural Program that instructs the networks on how to compute the data. However, without storing Neural Programs, they are restricted to only one, overwriting learnt programs when trained on new data. Here we design Neurocoder, a new class of general-purpose neural networks in which the neural network “codes” itself in a data-responsive way by composing relevant programs from a set of shareable, modular programs stored in external memory. This time, a Neural Program is efficiently treated as data in memory. Integrating Neurocoder into current neural architectures, we demonstrate new capacity to learn modular programs, reuse simple programs to build complex ones, handle pattern shifts and remember old programs as new ones are learnt, and show substantial performance improvement in solving object recognition, playing video games and continual learning tasks.

Krishna Pillutla · Kshitiz Malik · Abdel-rahman Mohamed · Michael Rabbat · Maziar Sanjabi · Lin Xiao

[ Hall G ]

We consider two federated learning algorithms for training partially personalized models, where the shared and personal parameters are updated either simultaneously or alternately on the devices. Both algorithms have been proposed in the literature, but their convergence properties are not fully understood, especially for the alternating variant. We provide convergence analyses of both algorithms in the general nonconvex setting with partial participation and delineate the regime where one dominates the other. Our experiments on real-world image, text, and speech datasets demonstrate that [a] partial personalization can obtain most of the benefits of full model personalization with a small fraction of personal parameters, and, [b] the alternating update algorithm outperforms the simultaneous update algorithm by a small but consistent margin.

Yao Fu · John Cunningham · Mirella Lapata

[ Room 310 ]

Deep discrete structured models have seen considerable progress recently, but traditional inference using dynamic programming [DP] typically works with a small number of states [less than hundreds], which severely limits model capacity. At the same time, across machine learning, there is a recent trend of using randomized truncation techniques to accelerate computations involving large sums. Here, we propose a family of randomized dynamic programming [RDP] algorithms for scaling structured models to tens of thousands of latent states. Our method is widely applicable to classical DP-based inference [partition, marginal, reparameterization, entropy] and different graph structures [chains, trees, and more general hypergraphs]. It is also compatible with automatic differentiation: it can be integrated with neural networks seamlessly and learned with gradient-based optimizers. Our core technique approximates the sum-product by restricting and reweighting DP on a small subset of nodes, which reduces computation by orders of magnitude. We further achieve low bias and variance via Rao-Blackwellization and importance sampling. Experiments over different graphs demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach. Furthermore, when using RDP for training a structured variational autoencoder with a scaled inference network, we achieve better test likelihood than baselines and successfully prevent posterior collapse.

Adithya D Vellal · Saptarshi Chakraborty · Jason Xu

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Recent progress in center-based clustering algorithms combats poor local minima by implicit annealing through a family of generalized means. These methods are variations of Lloyd's celebrated k-means algorithm, and are most appropriate for spherical clusters such as those arising from Gaussian data. In this paper, we bridge these new algorithmic advances to classical work on hard clustering under Bregman divergences, which enjoy a bijection to exponential family distributions and are thus well-suited for clustering objects arising from a breadth of data generating mechanisms. The elegant properties of Bregman divergences allow us to maintain closed form updates in a simple and transparent algorithm, and moreover lead to new theoretical arguments for establishing finite sample bounds that relax the bounded support assumption made in the existing state of the art. Additionally, we consider thorough empirical analyses on simulated experiments and a case study on rainfall data, finding that the proposed method outperforms existing peer methods in a variety of non-Gaussian data settings.

Fan Yao · Chuanhao Li · Denis Nekipelov · Hongning Wang · Haifeng Xu

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

In real-world recommendation problems, especially those with a formidably large item space, users have to gradually learn to estimate the utility of any fresh recommendations from their experience about previously consumed items. This in turn affects their interaction dynamics with the system and can invalidate previous algorithms built on the omniscient user assumption. In this paper, we formalize a model to capture such ''learning users'' and design an efficient system-side learning solution, coined Noise-Robust Active Ellipsoid Search [RAES], to confront the challenges brought by the non-stationary feedback from such a learning user. Interestingly, we prove that the regret of RAES deteriorates gracefully as the convergence rate of user learning becomes worse, until reaching linear regret when the user's learning fails to converge. Experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate the strength of RAES for such a contemporaneous system-user learning problem. Our study provides a novel perspective on modeling the feedback loop in recommendation problems.

Tianhe [Kevin] Yu · Aviral Kumar · Yevgen Chebotar · Karol Hausman · Chelsea Finn · Sergey Levine

[ Room 309 ]

Offline reinforcement learning [RL] can learn control policies from static datasets but, like standard RL methods, it requires reward annotations for every transition. In many cases, labeling large datasets with rewards may be costly, especially if those rewards must be provided by human labelers, while collecting diverse unlabeled data might be comparatively inexpensive. How can we best leverage such unlabeled data in offline RL? One natural solution is to learn a reward function from the labeled data and use it to label the unlabeled data. In this paper, we find that, perhaps surprisingly, a much simpler method that simply applies zero rewards to unlabeled data leads to effective data sharing both in theory and in practice, without learning any reward model at all. While this approach might seem strange [and incorrect] at first, we provide extensive theoretical and empirical analysis that illustrates how it trades off reward bias, sample complexity and distributional shift, often leading to good results. We characterize conditions under which this simple strategy is effective, and further show that extending it with a simple reweighting approach can further alleviate the bias introduced by using incorrect reward labels. Our empirical evaluation confirms these findings in simulated robotic locomotion, …

Tim Tsz-Kit Lau · Han Liu

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

We propose efficient Langevin Monte Carlo algorithms for sampling distributions with nonsmooth convex composite potentials, which is the sum of a continuously differentiable function and a possibly nonsmooth function. We devise such algorithms leveraging recent advances in convex analysis and optimization methods involving Bregman divergences, namely the Bregman--Moreau envelopes and the Bregman proximity operators, and in the Langevin Monte Carlo algorithms reminiscent of mirror descent. The proposed algorithms extend existing Langevin Monte Carlo algorithms in two aspects---the ability to sample nonsmooth distributions with mirror descent-like algorithms, and the use of the more general Bregman--Moreau envelope in place of the Moreau envelope as a smooth approximation of the nonsmooth part of the potential. A particular case of the proposed scheme is reminiscent of the Bregman proximal gradient algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is illustrated with various sampling tasks at which existing Langevin Monte Carlo methods are known to perform poorly.

Mai Elkady · Jim Lim · David I. Inouye

[ Room 310 ]

While normalizing flows for continuous data have been extensively researched, flows for discrete data have only recently been explored. These prior models, however, suffer from limitations that are distinct from those of continuous flows. Most notably, discrete flow-based models cannot be straightforwardly optimized with conventional deep learning methods because gradients of discrete functions are undefined or zero. Previous works approximate pseudo-gradients of the discrete functions but do not solve the problem on a fundamental level. In addition to that, backpropagation can be computationally burdensome compared to alternative discrete algorithms such as decision tree algorithms. Our approach seeks to reduce computational burden and remove the need for pseudo-gradients by developing a discrete flow based on decision trees---building upon the success of efficient tree-based methods for classification and regression for discrete data. We first define a tree-structured permutation [TSP] that compactly encodes a permutation of discrete data where the inverse is easy to compute; thus, we can efficiently compute the density value and sample new data. We then propose a decision tree algorithm to build TSPs that learns the tree structure and permutations at each node via novel criteria. We empirically demonstrate the feasibility of our method on multiple datasets.

Wenwen Qiang · Jiangmeng Li · Changwen Zheng · Bing Su · Hui Xiong

[ Hall F ]

Contrastive learning [CL]-based self-supervised learning models learn visual representations in a pairwise manner. Although the prevailing CL model has achieved great progress, in this paper, we uncover an ever-overlooked phenomenon: When the CL model is trained with full images, the performance tested in full images is better than that in foreground areas; when the CL model is trained with foreground areas, the performance tested in full images is worse than that in foreground areas. This observation reveals that backgrounds in images may interfere with the model learning semantic information and their influence has not been fully eliminated. To tackle this issue, we build a Structural Causal Model [SCM] to model the background as a confounder. We propose a backdoor adjustment-based regularization method, namely \textit{Interventional Contrastive Learning with Meta Semantic Regularizer} [ICL-MSR], to perform causal intervention towards the proposed SCM. ICL-MSR can be incorporated into any existing CL methods to alleviate background distractions from representation learning. Theoretically, we prove that ICL-MSR achieves a tighter error bound. Empirically, our experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that ICL-MSR is able to improve the performances of different state-of-the-art CL methods.

Alexander Kravberg · Giovanni Luca Marchetti · Vladislav Polianskii · Anastasiia Varava · Florian T. Pokorny · Danica Kragic

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

We introduce an algorithm for active function approximation based on nearest neighbor regression. Our Active Nearest Neighbor Regressor [ANNR] relies on the Voronoi-Delaunay framework from computational geometry to subdivide the space into cells with constant estimated function value and select novel query points in a way that takes the geometry of the function graph into account. We consider the recent state-of-the-art active function approximator called DEFER, which is based on incremental rectangular partitioning of the space, as the main baseline. The ANNR addresses a number of limitations that arise from the space subdivision strategy used in DEFER. We provide a computationally efficient implementation of our method, as well as theoretical halting guarantees. Empirical results show that ANNR outperforms the baseline for both closed-form functions and real-world examples, such as gravitational wave parameter inference and exploration of the latent space of a generative model.

Tam Nguyen · Tan Nguyen · Dung Le · Duy Khuong Nguyen · Viet-Anh Tran · Richard Baraniuk · Nhat Ho · Stanley Osher

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Multi-head attention is a driving force behind state-of-the-art transformers, which achieve remarkable performance across a variety of natural language processing [NLP] and computer vision tasks. It has been observed that for many applications, those attention heads learn redundant embedding, and most of them can be removed without degrading the performance of the model. Inspired by this observation, we propose Transformer with a Mixture of Gaussian Keys [Transformer-MGK], a novel transformer architecture that replaces redundant heads in transformers with a mixture of keys at each head. These mixtures of keys follow a Gaussian mixture model and allow each attention head to focus on different parts of the input sequence efficiently. Compared to its conventional transformer counterpart, Transformer-MGK accelerates training and inference, has fewer parameters, and requires fewer FLOPs to compute while achieving comparable or better accuracy across tasks. Transformer-MGK can also be easily extended to use with linear attention. We empirically demonstrate the advantage of Transformer-MGK in a range of practical applications, including language modeling and tasks that involve very long sequences. On the Wikitext-103 and Long Range Arena benchmark, Transformer-MGKs with 4 heads attain comparable or better performance to the baseline transformers with 8 heads.

xinwei zhang · Mingyi Hong · Sairaj Dhople · Nicola Elia

[ Hall G ]

In modern machine learning systems, distributed algorithms are deployed across applications to ensure data privacy and optimal utilization of computational resources. This work offers a fresh perspective to model, analyze, and design distributed optimization algorithms through the lens of stochastic multi-rate feedback control. We show that a substantial class of distributed algorithms-including popular Gradient Tracking for decentralized learning, and FedPD and Scaffold for federated learning-can be modeled as a certain discrete-time stochastic feedback-control system, possibly with multiple sampling rates. This key observation allows us to develop a generic framework to analyze the convergence of the entire algorithm class. It also enables one to easily add desirable features such as differential privacy guarantees, or to deal with practical settings such as partial agent participation, communication compression, and imperfect communication in algorithm design and analysis.

Philippe Hansen-Estruch · Amy Zhang · Ashvin Nair · Patrick Yin · Sergey Levine

[ Room 309 ]

Building generalizable goal-conditioned agents from rich observations is a key to reinforcement learning [RL] solving real world problems. Traditionally in goal-conditioned RL, an agent is provided with the exact goal they intend to reach. However, it is often not realistic to know the configuration of the goal before performing a task. A more scalable framework would allow us to provide the agent with an example of an analogous task, and have the agent then infer what the goal should be for its current state. We propose a new form of state abstraction called goal-conditioned bisimulation that captures functional equivariance, allowing for the reuse of skills to achieve new goals. We learn this representation using a metric form of this abstraction, and show its ability to generalize to new goals in real world manipulation tasks. Further, we prove that this learned representation is sufficient not only for goal-conditioned tasks, but is amenable to any downstream task described by a state-only reward function.

Kaito Ariu · Kenshi Abe · Alexandre Proutiere

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

In this paper, we revisit the regret minimization problem in sparse stochastic contextual linear bandits, where feature vectors may be of large dimension $d$, but where the reward function depends on a few, say $s_0\ll d$, of these features only. We present Thresholded Lasso bandit, an algorithm that [i] estimates the vector defining the reward function as well as its sparse support, i.e., significant feature elements, using the Lasso framework with thresholding, and [ii] selects an arm greedily according to this estimate projected on its support. The algorithm does not require prior knowledge of the sparsity index $s_0$ and can be parameter-free under some symmetric assumptions. For this simple algorithm, we establish non-asymptotic regret upper bounds scaling as $\mathcal{O}[ \log d + \sqrt{T} ]$ in general, and as $\mathcal{O}[ \log d + \log T]$ under the so-called margin condition [a probabilistic condition on the separation of the arm rewards]. The regret of previous algorithms scales as $\mathcal{O}[ \log d + \sqrt{T \log [d T]}]$ and $\mathcal{O}[ \log T \log d]$ in the two settings, respectively. Through numerical experiments, we confirm that our algorithm outperforms existing methods.

Matteo Castiglioni · Andrea Celli · Christian Kroer

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

We study online learning problems in which a decision maker wants to maximize their expected reward without violating a finite set of $m$ resource constraints. By casting the learning process over a suitably defined space of strategy mixtures, we recover strong duality on a Lagrangian relaxation of the underlying optimization problem, even for general settings with non-convex reward and resource-consumption functions. Then, we provide the first best-of-both-worlds type framework for this setting, with no-regret guarantees both under stochastic and adversarial inputs. Our framework yields the same regret guarantees of prior work in the stochastic case. On the other hand, when budgets grow at least linearly in the time horizon, it allows us to provide a constant competitive ratio in the adversarial case, which improves over the $O[m \log T]$ competitive ratio of Immorlica et al. [FOCS'19]. Moreover, our framework allows the decision maker to handle non-convex reward and cost functions. We provide two game-theoretic applications of our framework to give further evidence of its flexibility.

Annie Xie · Shagun Sodhani · Chelsea Finn · Joelle Pineau · Amy Zhang

[ Room 307 ]

Reinforcement learning [RL] agents need to be robust to variations in safety-critical environments. While system identification methods provide a way to infer the variation from online experience, they can fail in settings where fast identification is not possible. Another dominant approach is robust RL which produces a policy that can handle worst-case scenarios, but these methods are generally designed to achieve robustness to a single uncertainty set that must be specified at train time. Towards a more general solution, we formulate the multi-set robustness problem to learn a policy robust to different perturbation sets. We then design an algorithm that enjoys the benefits of both system identification and robust RL: it reduces uncertainty where possible given a few interactions, but can still act robustly with respect to the remaining uncertainty. On a diverse set of control tasks, our approach demonstrates improved worst-case performance on new environments compared to prior methods based on system identification and on robust RL alone.

Xinrui Zu · Qian Tao

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Dimensionality reduction [DR] of high-dimensional data is of theoretical and practical interest in machine learning. However, there exist intriguing, non-intuitive discrepancies between the geometry of high- and low-dimensional space. We look into such discrepancies and propose a novel visualization method called Space-based Manifold Approximation and Projection [SpaceMAP]. Our method establishes an analytical transformation on distance metrics between spaces to address the ``crowding problem" in DR. With the proposed equivalent extended distance [EED], we are able to match the capacity of high- and low-dimensional space in a principled manner. To handle complex data with different manifold properties, we propose hierarchical manifold approximation to model the similarity function in a data-specific manner. We evaluated SpaceMAP on a range of synthetic and real datasets with varying manifold properties, and demonstrated its excellent performance in comparison with classical and state-of-the-art DR methods. In particular, the concept of space expansion provides a generic framework for understanding nonlinear DR methods including the popular t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding [t-SNE] and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection

Han Bao · Yoshihiro Nagano · Kento Nozawa

[ Hall F ]

Contrastive representation learning encourages data representation to make semantically similar pairs closer than randomly drawn negative samples, which has been successful in various domains such as vision, language, and graphs.Recent theoretical studies have attempted to explain the benefit of the large negative sample size by upper-bounding the downstream classification loss with the contrastive loss.However, the previous surrogate bounds have two drawbacks: they are only legitimate for a limited range of negative sample sizes and prohibitively large even within that range.Due to these drawbacks, there still does not exist a consensus on how negative sample size theoretically correlates with downstream classification performance.Following the simplified setting where positive pairs are drawn from the true distribution [not generated by data augmentation; as supposed in previous studies],this study establishes surrogate upper and lower bounds for the downstream classification loss for all negative sample sizes that best explain the empirical observations on the negative sample size in the earlier studies.Our bounds suggest that the contrastive loss can be viewed as a surrogate objective of the downstream loss and larger negative sample sizes improve downstream classification because the surrogate gap between contrastive and supervised losses decays.We verify that our theory is consistent with experiments on synthetic, …

Aadirupa Saha · Pierre Gaillard

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We study the problem of $K$-armed dueling bandit for both stochastic and adversarial environments, where the goal of the learner is to aggregate information through relative preferences of pair of decision points queried in an online sequential manner. We first propose a novel reduction from any [general] dueling bandits to multi-armed bandits which allows us to improve many existing results in dueling bandits. In particular, \emph{we give the first best-of-both world result for the dueling bandits regret minimization problem}-a unified framework that is guaranteed to perform optimally for both stochastic and adversarial preferences simultaneously. Moreover, our algorithm is also the first to achieve an optimal $O[\sum_{i = 1}^K \frac{\log T}{\Delta_i}]$ regret bound against the Condorcet-winner benchmark, which scales optimally both in terms of the arm-size $K$ and the instance-specific suboptimality gaps $\{\Delta_i\}_{i = 1}^K$. This resolves the long standing problem of designing an instancewise gap-dependent order optimal regret algorithm for dueling bandits [with matching lower bounds up to small constant factors]. We further justify the robustness of our proposed algorithm by proving its optimal regret rate under adversarially corrupted preferences-this outperforms the existing state-of-the-art corrupted dueling results by a large margin. In summary, we believe our reduction idea will find …

Yan Huang · Ying Sun · Zehan Zhu · Changzhi Yan · Jinming Xu

[ Hall G ]

We develop a general framework unifying several gradient-based stochastic optimization methods for empirical risk minimization problems both in centralized and distributed scenarios. The framework hinges on the introduction of an augmented graph consisting of nodes modeling the samples and edges modeling both the inter-device communication and intra-device stochastic gradient computation. By designing properly the topology of the augmented graph, we are able to recover as special cases the renowned Local-SGD and DSGD algorithms, and provide a unified perspective for variance-reduction [VR] and gradient-tracking [GT] methods such as SAGA, Local-SVRG and GT-SAGA. We also provide a unified convergence analysis for smooth and [strongly] convex objectives relying on a proper structured Lyapunov function, and the obtained rate can recover the best known results for many existing algorithms. The rate results further reveal that VR and GT methods can effectively eliminate data heterogeneity within and across devices, respectively, enabling the exact convergence of the algorithm to the optimal solution. Numerical experiments confirm the findings in this paper.

Yibing Liu · Haoliang Li · Yangyang Guo · Chenqi KONG · Jing Li · Shiqi Wang

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Attention mechanisms are dominating the explainability of deep models. They produce probability distributions over the input, which are widely deemed as feature-importance indicators. However, in this paper, we find one critical limitation in attention explanations: weakness in identifying the polarity of feature impact. This would be somehow misleading -- features with higher attention weights may not faithfully contribute to model predictions; instead, they can impose suppression effects. With this finding, we reflect on the explainability of current attention-based techniques, such as Attention ⨀ Gradient and LRP-based attention explanations. We first propose an actionable diagnostic methodology [henceforth faithfulness violation test] to measure the consistency between explanation weights and the impact polarity. Through the extensive experiments, we then show that most tested explanation methods are unexpectedly hindered by the faithfulness violation issue, especially the raw attention. Empirical analyses on the factors affecting violation issues further provide useful observations for adopting explanation methods in attention models.

Siyi Hu · Chuanlong Xie · Xiaodan Liang · Xiaojun Chang

[ Room 307 ]

Cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning [MARL] is making rapid progress for solving tasks in a grid world and real-world scenarios, in which agents are given different attributes and goals, resulting in different behavior through the whole multi-agent task. In this study, we quantify the agent's behavior difference and build its relationship with the policy performance via {\bf Role Diversity}, a metric to measure the characteristics of MARL tasks. We define role diversity from three perspectives: action-based, trajectory-based, and contribution-based to fully measure a multi-agent task. Through theoretical analysis, we find that the error bound in MARL can be decomposed into three parts that have a strong relation to the role diversity. The decomposed factors can significantly impact policy optimization in three popular directions including parameter sharing, communication mechanism, and credit assignment. The main experimental platforms are based on {\bf Multiagent Particle Environment [MPE] }and {\bf The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge [SMAC]}. Extensive experiments clearly show that role diversity can serve as a robust measurement for the characteristics of a multi-agent cooperation task and help diagnose whether the policy fits the current multi-agent system for better policy performance.

Adil Salim · Lukang Sun · Peter Richtarik

[ Room 318 - 320 ]

Stein Variational Gradient Descent [SVGD] is an algorithm for sampling from a target density which is known up to a multiplicative constant. Although SVGD is a popular algorithm in practice, its theoretical study is limited to a few recent works. We study the convergence of SVGD in the population limit, [i.e., with an infinite number of particles] to sample from a non-logconcave target distribution satisfying Talagrand's inequality T1. We first establish the convergence of the algorithm. Then, we establish a dimension-dependent complexity bound in terms of the Kernelized Stein Discrepancy [KSD]. Unlike existing works, we do not assume that the KSD is bounded along the trajectory of the algorithm. Our approach relies on interpreting SVGD as a gradient descent over a space of probability measures.

Pedro Soto · Ilia Ilmer · Haibin Guan · Jun Li

[ Room 309 ]

Coded distributed computation has become common practice for performing gradient descent on large datasets to mitigate stragglers and other faults. This paper proposes a novel algorithm that encodes the partial derivatives themselves and furthermore optimizes the codes by performing lossy compression on the derivative codewords by maximizing the information contained in the codewords while minimizing the information between the codewords. The utility of this application of coding theory is a geometrical consequence of the observed fact in optimization research that noise is tolerable, sometimes even helpful, in gradient descent based learning algorithms since it helps avoid overfitting and local minima. This stands in contrast with much current conventional work on distributed coded computation which focuses on recovering all of the data from the workers. A second further contribution is that the low-weight nature of the coding scheme allows for asynchronous gradient updates since the code can be iteratively decoded; i.e., a worker's task can immediately be updated into the larger gradient. The directional derivative is always a linear function of the direction vectors; thus, our framework is robust since it can apply linear coding techniques to general machine learning frameworks such as deep neural networks.

Volodymyr Kuleshov · Shachi Deshpande

[ Room 310 ]

Accurate probabilistic predictions can be characterized by two properties—calibration and sharpness. However, standard maximum likelihood training yields models that are poorly calibrated and thus inaccurate—a 90% confidence interval typically does not contain the true outcome 90% of the time. This paper argues that calibration is important in practice and is easy to maintain by performing low-dimensional density estimation. We introduce a simple training procedure based on recalibration that yields calibrated models without sacrificing overall performance; unlike previous approaches, ours ensures the most general property of distribution calibration and applies to any model, including neural networks. We formally prove the correctness of our procedure assuming that we can estimate densities in low dimensions and we establish uniform convergence bounds. Our results yield empirical performance improvements on linear and deep Bayesian models and suggest that calibration should be increasingly leveraged across machine learning.

Jinghui Xia · Zengfeng Huang

[ Room 327 - 329 ]

Motivated by many applications, we study clustering with a faulty oracle. In this problem, there are $n$ items belonging to $k$ unknown clusters, and the algorithm is allowed to ask the oracle whether two items belong to the same cluster or not. However, the answer from the oracle is correct only with probability $\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\delta}{2}$. The goal is to recover the hidden clusters with minimum number of noisy queries. Previous works have shown that the problem can be solved with $O[\frac{nk\log n}{\delta^2} + \text{poly}[k,\frac{1}{\delta}, \log n]]$ queries, while $\Omega[\frac{nk}{\delta^2}]$ queries is known to be necessary. So, for any values of $k$ and $\delta$, there is still a non-trivial gap between upper and lower bounds. In this work, we obtain the first matching upper and lower bounds for a wide range of parameters. In particular, a new polynomial time algorithm with $O[\frac{n[k+\log n]}{\delta^2} + \text{poly}[k,\frac{1}{\delta}, \log n]]$ queries is proposed. Moreover, we prove a new lower bound of $\Omega[\frac{n\log n}{\delta^2}]$, which, combined with the existing $\Omega[\frac{nk}{\delta^2}]$ bound, matches our upper bound up to an additive $\text{poly}[k,\frac{1}{\delta},\log n]$ term. To obtain the new results, our main ingredient is an interesting connection between our problem and multi-armed bandit, which might provide useful insights for …

Geert-Jan Huizing · Laura Cantini · Gabriel Peyré

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

Defining meaningful distances between samples in a dataset is a fundamental problem in machine learning. Optimal Transport [OT] lifts a distance between features [the "ground metric"] to a geometrically meaningful distance between samples. However, there is usually no straightforward choice of ground metric. Supervised ground metric learning approaches exist but require labeled data. In absence of labels, only ad-hoc ground metrics remain. Unsupervised ground metric learning is thus a fundamental problem to enable data-driven applications of OT. In this paper, we propose for the first time a canonical answer by simultaneously computing an OT distance between samples and between features of a dataset. These distance matrices emerge naturally as positive singular vectors of the function mapping ground metrics to OT distances. We provide criteria to ensure the existence and uniqueness of these singular vectors. We then introduce scalable computational methods to approximate them in high-dimensional settings, using stochastic approximation and entropic regularization. Finally, we showcase Wasserstein Singular Vectors on a single-cell RNA-sequencing dataset.

Bobby He · Mete Ozay

[ Hall F ]

Avoiding feature collapse, when a Neural Network [NN] encoder maps all inputs to a constant vector, is a shared implicit desideratum of various methodological advances in self-supervised learning [SSL]. To that end, whitened features have been proposed as an explicit objective to ensure uncollapsed features \cite{zbontar2021barlow,ermolov2021whitening,hua2021feature,bardes2022vicreg}. We identify power law behaviour in eigenvalue decay, parameterised by exponent $\beta{\geq}0$, as a spectrum that bridges between the collapsed & whitened feature extremes. We provide theoretical & empirical evidence highlighting the factors in SSL, like projection layers & regularisation strength, that influence eigenvalue decay rate, & demonstrate that the degree of feature whitening affects generalisation, particularly in label scarce regimes. We use our insights to motivate a novel method, PMP [PostMan-Pat], which efficiently post-processes a pretrained encoder to enforce eigenvalue decay rate with power law exponent $\beta$, & find that PostMan-Pat delivers improved label efficiency and transferability across a range of SSL methods and encoder architectures.

Zihao Sun · Yu Hu · Shun Lu · Longxing Yang · Jilin Mei · Yinhe Han · Xiaowei Li

[ Ballroom 1 & 2 ]

Micro- and macro-architecture search have emerged as two popular NAS paradigms recently. Existing methods leverage different search strategies for searching micro- and macro- architectures. When using architecture parameters to search for micro-structure such as normal cell and reduction cell, the architecture parameters can not fully reflect the corresponding operation importance. When searching for the macro-structure chained by pre-defined blocks, many sub-networks need to be sampled for evaluation, which is very time-consuming. To address the two issues, we propose a new search paradigm, that is, leverage the attention mechanism to guide the micro- and macro-architecture search, namely AGNAS. Specifically, we introduce an attention module and plug it behind each candidate operation or each candidate block. We utilize the attention weights to represent the importance of the relevant operations for the micro search or the importance of the relevant blocks for the macro search. Experimental results show that AGNAS can achieve 2.46% test error on CIFAR-10 in the DARTS search space, and 23.4% test error when directly searching on ImageNet in the ProxylessNAS search space. AGNAS also achieves optimal performance on NAS-Bench-201, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. The source code can be available at //

Tianjiao Ding · Derek Lim · Rene Vidal · Benjamin Haeffele

[ Room 301 - 303 ]

The problem of projecting a matrix onto the space of \emph{doubly stochastic} matrices finds several applications in machine learning. For example, in spectral clustering, it has been shown that forming the normalized Laplacian matrix from a data affinity matrix has close connections to projecting it onto the set of doubly stochastic matrices. However, the analysis of why this projection improves clustering has been limited. In this paper we present theoretical conditions on the given affinity matrix under which its doubly stochastic projection is an ideal affinity matrix [i.e., it has no false connections between clusters, and is well-connected within each cluster]. In particular, we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for a projected affinity matrix to be ideal reduces to a set of conditions on the input affinity that decompose along each cluster. Further, in the \emph{subspace clustering} problem, where each cluster is defined by a linear subspace, we provide geometric conditions on the underlying subspaces which guarantee correct clustering via a continuous version of the problem. This allows us to explain theoretically the remarkable performance of a recently proposed doubly stochastic subspace clustering method.

Clare Lyle · Mark Rowland · Will Dabney · Marta Kwiatkowska · Yarin Gal

[ Room 307 ]

Solving a reinforcement learning [RL] problem poses two competing challenges: fitting a potentially discontinuous value function, and generalizing well to new observations. In this paper, we analyze the learning dynamics of temporal difference algorithms to gain novel insight into the tension between these two objectives.We show theoretically that temporal difference learning encourages agents to fit non-smooth components of the value function early in training, and at the same time induces the second-order effect of discouraging generalization.We corroborate these findings in deep RL agents trained on a range of environments, finding that neural networks trained using temporal difference algorithms on dense reward tasks exhibit weaker generalization between states than randomly initialized networks and networks trained with policy gradient methods.Finally, we investigate how post-training policy distillation may avoid this pitfall, and show that this approach improves generalization to novel environments in the ProcGen suite and improves robustness to input perturbations.

Timothy Castiglia · Anirban Das · Shiqiang Wang · Stacy Patterson

[ Room 309 ]

We propose Compressed Vertical Federated Learning [C-VFL] for communication-efficient training on vertically partitioned data. In C-VFL, a server and multiple parties collaboratively train a model on their respective features utilizing several local iterations and sharing compressed intermediate results periodically. Our work provides the first theoretical analysis of the effect message compression has on distributed training over vertically partitioned data. We prove convergence of non-convex objectives at a rate of $O[\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}]$ when the compression error is bounded over the course of training. We provide specific requirements for convergence with common compression techniques, such as quantization and top-$k$ sparsification. Finally, we experimentally show compression can reduce communication by over $90\%$ without a significant decrease in accuracy over VFL without compression.

Yiheng Lin · Judy Gan · Guannan Qu · Yash Kanoria · Adam Wierman

[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]

We study the problem of networked online convex optimization, where each agent individually decides on an action at every time step and agents cooperatively seek to minimize the total global cost over a finite horizon. The global cost is made up of three types of local costs: convex node costs, temporal interaction costs, and spatial interaction costs. In deciding their individual action at each time, an agent has access to predictions of local cost functions for the next $k$ time steps in an $r$-hop neighborhood. Our work proposes a novel online algorithm, Localized Predictive Control [LPC], which generalizes predictive control to multi-agent systems. We show that LPC achieves a competitive ratio of $1 + \tilde{O}[\rho_T^k] + \tilde{O}[\rho_S^r]$ in an adversarial setting, where $\rho_T$ and $\rho_S$ are constants in $[0, 1]$ that increase with the relative strength of temporal and spatial interaction costs, respectively. This is the first competitive ratio bound on decentralized predictive control for networked online convex optimization. Further, we show that the dependence on $k$ and $r$ in our results is near optimal by lower bounding the competitive ratio of any decentralized online algorithm.

Rui Wang · Yanyan Ouyang · Wangli Xu

[ Hall G ]

This work is concerned with the overdetermined linear least-squares problem for large scale data. We generalize the iterative Hessian sketching [IHS] algorithm and propose a new sketching framework named iterative double sketching [IDS] which uses approximations for both the gradient and the Hessian in each iteration. To understand the behavior of the IDS algorithm and choose the optimal hyperparameters, we derive the exact limit of the conditional prediction error of the IDS algorithm in the setting of Gaussian sketching. Guided by this theoretical result, we propose an efficient IDS algorithm via a new class of sequentially related sketching matrices. We give a non-asymptotic analysis of this efficient IDS algorithm which shows that the proposed algorithm achieves the state-of-the-art trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

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