Lucasfilm Tier List

08.28.2021 , 05:04 AM | #5
About heals,I personaly think sorc have better numbers overall. So its sorc>mercs>ops most of the time. But that depends on the players skills too,ofc. Op heals can be really good in regs too,due to slot of ppl grouping. But only a feel are good in ranked.
Dps is operative concealment all the way. They are just overpowered. AP pt still need to be guarded and healed by a good healer in order to become a killing machine.If u know how to use ur dcds and ccs,most of the times u can 1v1 a ap pt pretty easily. Concealment, on the other hand, have everything. They are basicaly god mode class. Hard to master tho.
Tank is a problem in this game. Guard is a game changing ability and is way strong.That been said,a skank jugg with half a brain can carry a whole team in his back,specialy with a healer with him,which happens very often. They are the best tank in pvp by far. Most of them can even outdmg the dps players sometimes. But its sonoro boring to play. I have one with force bound ,grit teeth and everyhing,but I just cant play more than 3 matches in a row without getting bored. Its way overpower. No challenge.

But depends on meta, like that guy said b4.
Like Pt are gods in group ranked,but are trash in solo ranked.Operatives and marauders are top meta in solo,but suck at groupranked most of the time.
08.28.2021 , 10:56 AM | #6
Quote: Originally Posted by TmoneyTime
So with 7.0 coming soon. I thought we should all stop complaining and have some fun ranking specs from strongest to weakest.

Below are my overall rankings this includes tanks, heals and dps in separate category with top 5 overall at the top

Top 5 Overall:
1 Jug Tank
2 Concealment
4 Lighting
5 Merc Heals

[skipping dps]

1 Jug
2 PT
3 Sin

1 Merc
2 Sorc
3 OP
You're consistent about this, so it may just be an "agree to disagree" and move on, but I'm confused about this b/c, imo, sorc is superior in all three kinds of pvp [all four if counting OW].

the order of 2 and 3 depends on the rest of your comp. if you want more dps, definitely the PT. but sins are more sturdy. kinda moot though, cuz juggs are so much the better choice in everything but fire pulls.

Lose merc heals. Replace with Fury Mara. Where AP, Fury, Lightning, and Concealment belong depends on the format.

For premade group content, I'm not sure Concealment would be on the top five. A well played sniper belongs next to AP or Fury in 4v4 and is absolutely boss in 8v8 [any map]. Concealment is great for solo queues, but granked or ranked 8v8, they lose a lot of their luster, and I wouldn't put more than 1 on the team, and I'd prioritize Fury, AP, MM/Eng, and lightning. Still, single well played Conc or Deception won't hurt a team...probably don't want both though. in regs, conc is king. deception runs rampant. lighting has its way. really, any decent player or spec with support has its way. not really something worth worrying about.

For solo content, the AP drops out of my top 5, which looks like this:
  1. Immortal Jugg
  2. Corruption Sorc
  3. Concealment OP
  4. Lightning Sorc
  5. Fury Mara

but honestly, I'm iffy on Fury vs. Deception. kept fury in the top 5 b/c their effectiveness isn't as spiky across grp/solo.'re both very good in arenas and 8v8.

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