Listening advertising

{Từ vựng IELTS speaking} - Topic: Advertising


Trong IELTS speaking các bạn sẽ có thể được giám khảo hỏi những câu hỏi liên quan đến quảng cáo. Vì vậy, ôn thi về chủ đề này chắc chắn các bạn không thể bỏ qua nếu không muốn bị fall khi gặp phải những câu hỏi trong chủ đề này mà bạn không có vốn từ để trả lời thì thật đáng tiếc. Chúng ta hãy cùng học ngay từ vựng hay cho chủ đề Advertising Quảng cáo nhé!

Nguồn ví dụ từ nha.





advertising agency

Công ty quảng cáo


advertising budget

Ngân sách giành cho quảng cáo


brand awareness

Sự nhận thức về thương hiệu [khách hàng biết rõ về thương hiệu tới đâu]


brand loyalty

Sự trung thành với thương hiệu


buy and sell

Mua và bán


call to action

Kêu gọi hành động


celebrity endorsement

Có được người nổi tiếng để quảng cáo cho sản phẩm


classified ads

Các mẩu quảng cáo nhỏ [trên báo, tạp chí,]


to cold call

Tiếp thị


commercial break

Các mẩu quảng cáo ngắn xen giữa các chương trình trên TV


commercial channel

Kênh truyền hình kiếm tiền bằng việc đăng quảng cáo


to go viral

Lan truyền trên Internet hoặc các phương tiện truyền thông


junk mail

Tờ rơi quảng cáo


to launch a product

Giới thiệu sản phẩm mới


mailing list

Danh sách khách hàng gửi mail quảng cáo


mass media

Các phương tiện truyền thông lớn như TV, báo, tạp chí


niche product

Một sản phẩm hướng tới nhóm đối tượng khách hàng đặc biệt


to place an advert

Đăng quảng cáo


press release

Lời tuyên bố phát cho các báo


prime time

Giờ cao điểm [trong phát thanh, truyền hình]


product placement

Quảng cáo một sản phẩm bằng cách đưa sản phẩm đó vào một bộ phim hoặc chương trình truyền hình


sales page

Trang dùng cho quảng cáo sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ


to show adverts

Chiếu quảng cáo trên TV


social media

Mạng xã hội


spam email

Email là tin quảng cáo, email không mong muốn


target audience

Khách hàng mục tiêu


word of mouth

Sự giới thiệu từ người dùng này tới người dùng khác về sản phẩm

Áp dụng các từ vựng trên đưa vào câu trả lời mẫu dưới đây các bạn sẽ thấy những từ vựng được áp dụng như thế nào để đạt điểm cao.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Are there any TV channels in your country that dont haveadverts?
Loraine: No theyre allcommercial channelsandshow advertsall day long too many really and theres also a lot ofproduct placementgoing on especially in soap operas where they place an item just behind the actors.

Examiner: Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?
Karin:No notreally I hatecommercial breaksduring a film it really spoils the flow and duringprime timeviewing they seem to squeeze even more ads in than usual celebrity endorsementsalso get on my nerves everyone knows theyre only doing it because theyre getting paid.

Examiner: What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your country?
Marianne: The simplest way is toplace an advertinsomething liketheclassified adssection of a local paper or theres the Internet of course there are lots of sites like eBay where you canbuy and sellthings online.

Part 2-style task

Describe an advert you once saw that was very effective. You should say

  • where this advert appeared
  • when you saw it
  • whatit was advertising

and say why you thought it was so effective.

Max:OK well this was about 4 years ago I was looking for some software to create videos one day I got an email from amailing listId signed up to there was a link in it to apress release a company had written something about a new product that was similar to what I was looking for at the end of the press release there was a link to thesales page I hadnt heard of the company but I was interested and clicked the link to the ad . what caught my attention immediately were the number of testimonials from people who had bought the software I think testimonials are like the online equivalent ofword of mouthadvertising and are really persuasive anyway when I got to the bottom of the page there was a great bigcall to actionbutton inviting me to buy I was totally persuaded and ended up making a purchase what made it so effective I think was the power of those testimonials theyd been written by people very much like me theyd had a need and the software had obviously turned out to be just what they were looking for when you think that this was a newish company they wouldnt have had anybrand awarenessat all they probablywouldnt have had much of a budget for advertising obviously you wouldnt advertise a product like this through themass mediaon TV they probably didnt even have anadvertising agencyto support them and yet theyd managed to create a great deal ofbrand loyaltyfrom previous customers I think that was really effective.

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: What is it that makes an advert effective?
Spencer:Well when a companylaunches a productthey havetoconsider the Internet especially how it can be used to spread the wordonsocial media so in this context a video thatgoes viralis probably the most effective type of advert you could make.

Examiner: What are the advantages to companies of advertising on the Internet rather than TV?
Stelios:Id imagine the main advantage is you can reach yourtarget audiencemuch more effectively if you bring out aniche productfor example or you have a tightadvertising budget you can advertiseon particular sites that the people you want to reach visit thats not something you can do on TV.

Examiner: What things do advertising companies do that might give it a bad name?
Raol:For me the most irritating iscold calling we must get two or three of these every day at work then theresjunk mailthat gets posted through theletterbox and of course the online equivalent of this spam emails I think its this kind of advertising that tends to annoy people.

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