Laptop hinge broken

Laptop hinges transfer a surprisingly large amount of force, especially when you open and close your laptop screen. This makes them susceptible to wearing out over time. At first it might be subtle, like a little extra looseness or wobble in the screen, or the screen gradually drifting backward to a farther position after you initially open it. Eventually, however, total hinge failure will occur and an otherwise perfectly functional laptop will suddenly become all but unusuable. You can save your small business repair or replacement costs by solving your laptop hinge problem yourself.


Put something tall and sturdy behind the laptop and prop the screen against it. It should have enough weight that the screen doesn't slowly push it backward. Possibilities include a block of lumber from the hardware store, a briefcase, a lamp, a wall, a stereo subwoofer or a large speaker. You may have to put friction pads on the bottom of the object to help it stay put. For the same reason, use the laptop only on a hard surface, like glass or wood, rather than a surface like a tablecloth that might slide around.


Order a replacement base from the laptop manufacturer. If your laptop is still under warranty, this should be covered. If not, compare the manufacturer's prices against wholesale resellers and commercial auction websites and go with the deal that looks best. You should be able to get a replacement base at a reasonable price -- in the low to mid tens of dollars. Make sure the replacement base matches your computer's model, or else it likely won't fit correctly.


Use epoxy to mount the broken hinges permanently in place. Only do this as a last resort, because afterward your laptop will never close again. Be careful not to get epoxy into the computer components.

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