Java convert generic list to array

Convert a generic list to an array

You can just call list.toArray[T[] array] and not have to worry about implementing it yourself, but as aioobe said, you can't create an array of a generic type due to type erasure. If you need that type back, you need to create a typed instance yourself and pass it in.

This is due to type erasure. The generics are removed in compilation, thus the Helper.toArray will be compiled into returning an Object[].

For this particular case, I suggest you use List.toArray[T[]].

String[] array = list.toArray[new String[list.size[]]];

If you want to produce your method through brute force, and you can guarantee that you'll only call the method with certain restrictions, you can use reflection:

public static T[] toArray[List list] { T[] toR = [T[]] java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance[list.get[0] .getClass[], list.size[]]; for [int i = 0; i < list.size[]; i++] { toR[i] = list.get[i]; } return toR; }

This approach has problems. As list can store subtypes of T, treating the first element of the list as the representative type will produce a casting exception if your first element is a subtype. This means that T can't be an interface. Also, if your list is empty, you'll get an index out of bounds exception.

This should only be used if you only plan to call the method where the first element of the list matches the Generic type of the list. Using the provided toArray method is much more robust, as the argument provided tells what type of array you want returned.

You can't instantiate a Generic type like you did here:

T[] array = [T[]] new Object[list.size[]];

As, if T is bounded to a type, you're typecasting the new Object array to a bounded type T. I would suggest using List.toArray[T[]] method instead.

See Guava's Iterables.toArray[list, class].


@Test public void arrayTest[] { List source = Arrays.asList["foo", "bar"]; String[] target = Iterables.toArray[source, String.class]; } String[] array = list.toArray[new String[0]]; public static T[] toArray[Collection c, T[] a] { return c.size[]>a.length ? c.toArray[[T[]]Array.newInstance[a.getClass[].getComponentType[], c.size[]]] : c.toArray[a]; } /** The collection CAN be empty */ public static T[] toArray[Collection c, Class klass] { return toArray[c, [T[]]Array.newInstance[klass, c.size[]]]; } /** The collection CANNOT be empty! */ public static T[] toArray[Collection c] { return toArray[c, c.iterator[].next[].getClass[]]; }

The problem is the component type of the array that is not String.

Also, it would be better to not provide an empty array such as new IClasspathEntry[0]. I think it is better to gives an array with the correct length [otherwise a new one will be created by List#toArray which is a waste of performance].

Because of type erasure, a solution is to give the component type of the array.


public static C[] toArray[Class componentType, List list] { @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] C[] array = [C[]]Array.newInstance[componentType, list.size[]]; return list.toArray[array]; }

The type C in this implementation is to allow creation of an array with a component type that is a super type of the list element types.


public static void main[String[] args] { List list = new ArrayList[]; list.add["abc"]; // String[] array = list.toArray[new String[list.size[]]]; // Usual version String[] array = toArray[String.class, list]; // Short version System.out.println[array]; CharSequence[] seqArray = toArray[CharSequence.class, list]; System.out.println[seqArray]; Integer[] seqArray = toArray[Integer.class, list]; // DO NOT COMPILE, NICE ! }

Waiting for reified generics..

As pointed earlier this will work:

String[] array = list.toArray[new String[0]];

And this will also work:

String[] array = list.toArray[new String[list.size[]]];

However, in the first case a new array will be generated. You can see how this is implemented in Android:

@Override public T[] toArray[T[] contents] { int s = size; if [contents.length < s] { @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] T[] newArray = [T[]] Array.newInstance[contents.getClass[].getComponentType[], s]; contents = newArray; } System.arraycopy[this.array, 0, contents, 0, s]; if [contents.length > s] { contents[s] = null; } return contents; } Worked solution!

Just copy interface and class inside your project. This :

public interface LayerDataTransformer { T transform[F from]; Collection transform[Collection from]; T[] toArray[Collection from]; }

and this :

public abstract class BaseDataLayerTransformer implements LayerDataTransformer { @Override public List transform[Collection from] { List transformed = new ArrayList[from.size[]]; for [F fromObject : from] { transformed.add[transform[fromObject]]; } return transformed; } @Override public T[] toArray[Collection from] { Class clazz = [Class] [[ParameterizedType] getClass[].getGenericSuperclass[]].getActualTypeArguments[][1]; T[] transformedArray = [T[]] java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance[clazz, from.size[]]; int index = 0; for [F fromObject : from] { transformedArray[index] = transform[fromObject]; index++; } return transformedArray; } }


Declare a subclass of BaseDataLayerTransformer

public class FileToStringTransformer extends BaseDataLayerTransformer { @Override public String transform[File file] { return file.getAbsolutePath[]; } }

And use :

FileToStringTransformer transformer = new FileToStringTransformer[]; List files = getFilesStub[];// returns List //profit! String[] filePathArray = transformer.toArray[files];

I use this simply function. IntelliJ just hates that type cast T[] but it works just fine.

public static T[] fromCollection[Class c, Collection collection] { return collection.toArray[[T[]]java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance[c, collection.size[]]]; }

And call looks like this:

Collection col = new ArrayList[Arrays.asList[1,2,3,4]]; fromCollection[Integer.class, col];

This gist that I wrote gives a good solution to this problem.

Following siegi's suggestion on Atreys' answer, I wrote a constructor which finds the "nearest common ancestor" [NCA] class and uses that class to create the array. If checks for nulls and if the provided Collection is length 0 or all nulls, the default type is Object. It totally ignores Interfaces.

import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Iterator; public class FDatum { public T[] coordinates; // magic number is initial size -- assume FDatum d = new FDatum[new ArrayList[Arrays.asList[[double]1, [Double]3.3]]] class java.lang.Double NCA: class java.lang.Double d ==> com.nibrt.fractal.FDatum@9660f4e jshell> d.coordinates $12 ==> Double[2] { 1.0, 3.3 } jshell> d = new FDatum[new ArrayList[Arrays.asList[[double]1, [Double]3.3, [byte]7]]] class java.lang.Byte class java.lang.Double NCA: class java.lang.Number d ==> com.nibrt.fractal.FDatum@6c49835d jshell> d.coordinates $14 ==> Number[3] { 1.0, 3.3, 7 } jshell> d = new FDatum[new ArrayList[Arrays.asList[[double]1, [Double]3.3, [byte]7, "foo"]]] class java.lang.Byte class java.lang.Double class java.lang.String NCA: class java.lang.Object d ==> com.nibrt.fractal.FDatum@67205a84 jshell> d.coordinates $16 ==> Object[4] { 1.0, 3.3, 7, "foo" }

When you have a generic List you will be able to know the class of the object at the runtime. Therefore, the best way to implement it is like this:

public static T[] list2Array[Class clazz, List elements] { T[] array = clazz.cast[Array.newInstance[clazz.getComponentType[], elements.size[]]]; return elements.toArray[array]; }

Why do you need the Class parameter?

Because, we have a generic list and it will not provide the information necessary to get an array of precisely the type we are looking for, of course, while preserving type safety. As opposed to the other answers, which will either give you back an Object array or result in warnings at compile time. This approach will gives you a clean solution. The "hack" here is the clazz.cast[] call, which compiles without warnings for whatever type you declare an instance of list2Array[].

Now, how can you use it?

Simple, just call it like this:

List list = Stream.of["one", "two", "three"].collect[Collectors.toList[]]; String[] numbers = list2Array[String[].class, list]; System.out.println[Arrays.toString[numbers]];

Here is the compiling sample of this: //

Why does it work?

It works because class literals are treated by the compiler as instances of java.lang.Class. This also works for interfaces, enums, any-dimensional arrays [e.g. String[].class], primitives and the keyword void.

Class itself is generic [declared as Class, where T[] stands for the type that the Class object is representing], meaning that the type of String[].class is Class.

Note: You won't be able to get an array of primitives, since primitives can't be used for type variables.


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