Holistic approach in primary schools

I think one area from a parent perspective that could be strengthened is transitioning, especially the early stages from early childhood through to school, whether they are 5 years old or 6 years old. Or even as a 4 and a half year old now that we've had changes with that. Taking the time to work with the centre or school, depending on which perspective you're coming from, to share that information that's already there, and work with the family, and the child, so that you can get to know them and their unique needs. It might mean a longer transition is required if you have a child who is highly anxious, maybe a bit sensitive to changes. It could be much longer than what you anticipate with maybe three visits; it could be something that stretches over 6 months or so. Also changes with the structure or, not so much the structure, but what you’re teaching the children, so not necessarily coming in and learning ABCs, but actually finding out where they’re at already and leading from there, so that those children can settle into school more quickly knowing that they are going to be learning straight off the bat.

With so many options available already out there for gifted kids I think for me, and my vision and the greatest aspirations I have, are to be able to tap into an array of options for our gifted kids. So we have, one day schools and we have a grouping in other ways, such as clusters between schools and coming in with the COOLs for online learning. We also have homeschooling and options which aren’t necessarily seen as so traditional, but it would be wonderful to be able to develop partnerships across all the spectrum of options so that we can best meet the unique needs of each child.

If I was to say anything about advocacy, I would say to families “don't be afraid to go and have conversations with schools”, and I'd ask that schools remain really open to learning and hearing the stories from the journeys of families of gifted children, because often they are not easy journeys, and advocacy can be very, very hard. And it can take some real courage to come into a school environment to have those conversations with schools. So partnering and being a team is really, really important.

Gifted kids can be amazing, a real joy and pleasure, and they bring all the delight as with all children. They stretch us and as a parent they tow us along in their learning journeys…….

I remember when one of my children was two, I was saying to another parent “I don’t think I’ve ever learnt so much in all my life as I’ve learnt in this year”. And that was when he was a little because there was so much learning going on. But equally the journey can be incredibly hard. You're learning about sensitivities and intensities and all the emotions that come into play with that, and all the challenges that come with those not necessarily fitting within social norms and accepted behavioural expression.

Parents and families of gifted children are often experts in their field so to say. Not just having that great depth of understanding in their own children, but they often go out there and they seek out vast amounts of knowledge and understanding, to understand their own children and their own journey. I think it's really important for teachers to be open to receiving that new learning and knowledge from families; again, that partnership is so, so important.

It's all very well to throw around the words about what we have to do, but it's also very helpful to know how we can actually go about these sorts of things. So, one of the strategies that I have become familiar with is the use of e-portfolios. So if you are talking about sharing information from early childhood to primary, or in fact any transition period throughout the schooling, they are a really, really good resource. Not only because you can get information about perspectives from prior educators, but also the voice of the student and the voice of the family, because they all have those opportunities to share and input into that.

It's really wonderful if parents and whānau have an opportunity to come in, onsite, and work with the school. Often families will be prepared to do that and are really keen to share some of their own interests and things that they do, whether professionally or personally, with the students. Myself as a parent, I spent some time running a science club in a primary school and that was fantastic. It met the needs of my own child but it also drew in a whole lot of other children, and children that weren’t necessarily identified as gifted at that stage, but providing a responsive learning environment so that they were able to shine, and teachers could see something that they might not have seen before, which is wonderful. So it was a real win/win for everybody.

Village School is an independent, non-sectarian and non-denominational primary school. We take a holistic approach to education.

We continue to endorse the sentiments of the three founding teachers of Village School who chose to quote the American educationalist J.S. Bruner.

“We begin with the hypothesis that any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development. It is a bold hypothesis and an essential one in thinking about the nature of the curriculum. No evidence exists to contradict it; considerable evidence is being amassed that supports it.”
~ J.S.Bruner “The Process of Education” Harvard U.P. 1960

We aim to inspire young children to discover and learn in a supportive, caring environment.

We celebrate individual differences while at the same time encouraging children to develop an awareness of their place in Australian society and the global community. We support them as they grow to understand their role in supporting and caring for each other, all living creatures and the natural environment.

Although our approach has some characteristics in common with other holistic educational philosophies including Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Steiner/Waldorf and Earthschooling, we have no specific affiliations with any particular educational establishment or educational system.

Successful implementation of our ethos requires small group sizes, flexibility, experience and above all a whole-school commitment to ensure its ongoing growth.

Our approach is underpinned by a number of beliefs, outlined below.

Each child is unique

Children are individuals with varied experiences. We acknowledge that children learn at different rates and in different ways so knowledge outcomes vary from one child to the next.

Each child is a worthwhile person, respected and valued for who they are. In our ever-changing world, children need to be able to adapt a wide range of skills, including social and academic, to maximise the opportunities which society offers.

Learning for life

We operate from the understanding that a child will not always be six or seven years old, but will eventually live an adult life in the real world.

It is our duty as a community of parents and educators to equip them for this life by giving them real chances to try out life situations in an environment which will support them in their efforts, accept them if they don’t make it the first time and give them the skills and confidence to try again and succeed.

We foster thinking and problem solving skills as a way of preparing our students for adult life, including the use of predicting, checking, monitoring, and mind-mapping as successful and relevant ways of dealing with information and technology.

Learning through mistakes

We encourage children to take risks in a non-threatening, supportive environment in order to develop realistic, problem-solving skills.

We promote learning as an exciting, enjoyable and ongoing life experience and foster creative thinking and individuality in a cooperative [rather than a competitive] environment.

Learning through play

If you don’t play with something, you never really find out how it works. Through play, we discover, learn and acquire fundamental skills and understandings.

Students practice, develop and apply these skills and understandings to become responsible for their own learning.

Flexible learning

Learning should not be restricted by subject boundaries. A flexible curriculum content enables themes to be selected for both their intrinsic value and their relevance.

Subjects are relevant to the children, the local community, the world community, the school community and the local environment.

Ownership of learning

If you don’t own your learning, it’s not yours to keep. Whilst the teacher maintains the learning framework, the children are empowered to plan, structure, self manage and self evaluate their own learning. All children need time to reflect on information.

This does mean exploring less information but engaging in more discussion. By asking well-structured questions we are teaching for thinking.

Discipline from within

The approach to discipline at Village School flows directly from that of social development, which intends to give the children growing responsibilities for themselves and their actions and is based on respect for their rights and the rights of others.

The aim is for the students to develop an internal discipline: to do something because it is ‘the right thing to do’ rather than a reliance on external discipline – ‘I’ll do this or I’ll get into trouble’.

Consideration will always be given to the safety and welfare of the individual, other students, staff, the school community and animals.

Celebrating diversity

We celebrate and appreciate the rich diversity of the children within our school.

Our educational philosophy is underpinned by the concept of liberalism and tolerance, and promotes humanitarian concerns such as inclusiveness, equity and universal rights.

It follows that Village School does not endorse or favour any particular religious, cultural or political belief but prefers to consider and compare all ideas and doctrines in the spirit of intellectual inquiry.

Mixed age groups

Home groups are multi-aged to enhance the educational and social needs of the children. After all, are all your friends the same age as you?

Cross-age interactions and peer tutoring allow opportunities for developing cooperative and leadership skills. A multi-aged group is a less competitive and is a more stimulating learning environment.

This provides a more natural environment which allows the children to form friendships beyond their year levels. This in turn enhances self-worth and provides the basis for a variety of positive relationships in the wider community.

First-name basis

The fundamental idea of mutual respect between children and adults at Village School facilitates the growth and development of responsibility in each individual.

All adults and children address each other on a first-name basis to reflect this mutual respect.

The teachers promote integrity and are honest role models for the children, with an appreciation of humour that allows the children to relax and learn from any situation.

No uniforms

We do not dictate dress standards, or styles.

There are a couple of safety issues related to horse riding attire, e.g. gumboots, or riding boots and no bare legs; and wearing boots when working in the farm or the wetlands.

We also wear hats in terms one and four as part of our sun safe policy.

Other than this, students are free to wear whatever they choose.

Parents and carers are welcome

Parents, carers, teachers and children work together to set and achieve individual student goals.

The presence of parents provides continuity between home and school, enhancing and reinforcing our mutual beliefs and practices.

Read how we implement our unique educational approach in our Philosophy Document.

Our approach

Learn more about our approach:

Democratic School Our style of education is known as a democratic school, where children have a voice and share responsibility for making decisions and running the school. Read more »

Learning For Life Our hands-on, open and active approach to learning at Village School creates the conditions for effective, personalised learning and shapes lifelong learners. Read more »

A Growth Mindset Our students believe in their ability to learn and don’t see themselves as limited or unchanging. And our curriculum tailoring helps them stretch and grow. Read more »

A Typical School Day A typical day at Village School has much in common with other primary schools, and yet there are also some key differences. Read more »

Homework We take a different approach from many primary schools when it comes to setting homework for our children and keep homework to a minimum. Read more »

Student Reports Although we provide written progress reports and parent-teacher interviews twice a year, our main focus is the development and achievements of each child. Read more »

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