Hector and the search for happiness đánh giá năm 2024

One of the reasons why I read Hector and the Search for Happiness is because of it’s promising premise. The book is about Hector, a successful young psychiatrist, who wants to know what happiness really means. He has this innate ability in being good in talking to people until he realized that he’s not becoming much of a help to his patients. He begins doubting himself which eventually resulted in him questioning his own happiness then he started to become depress.

Taking the advise from one of his patients, he set off and took a holiday. He decided to take this opportunity to refresh himself and also look for what’s really the meaning of happiness that he can eventually use to treat his patients. No country was mentioned as to the countries that Hector visited but based on the description of the places that he visited, the first is probably somewhere in China, then a country in Africa and some place in the Americas.

His first stop is somewhere in China where he plans to consult an old monk about his search. In there he meets an old school friend who is very successful in his field , a beautiful Chinese young girl who works as a prostitute that became both the cause of his happiness and sadness. Then he found himself somewhere in Africa where he was introduced to the lives of the poor, he meets a drug carted boss, gets kidnapped by local criminals and meet a young and beautiful woman whom he shared a night with.

MAKING COMPARISONS CAN SPOIL YOUR HAPPINESS. Francois Lelord, Hector and the Search for Happiness

His next stop is somewhere in the Americas where he meets a renowned Professor of Happiness to show him his list that he has written during his travels. There Hector learned that happiness can be measured through methods employing calculations. Then lastly, he found himself back in the first country that he visited where he tied-up loose ends and fulfilled a promise.

I like how the book was so simply written. The author used plain language with clever and wit inserted in-between making it an easy read. It’s a wise choice I may say because by doing that the author was able to explain the jargons in simple terms that is not what should be expected from a book that tackles a topic like as big as looking for an answer to what happiness really means. The book was originally written in French and was translated into English by Lorenza Garcia.

HAPPINESS IS CARING ABOUT THE HAPPINESS OF THOSE YOU LOVE. Francois Lelord, Hector and the Search for Happiness

As he traveled to different places and talked to locals, his observations became his guide in making his list for what makes people happy. The book offers a lot of insights about happiness. Like for instance, the reason why some people seems more happy and positive than others is because some people have more gifts for happiness. In his journey, Hector came up with a total of twenty-three lessons on happiness. The lessons are weaved well into the story. It includes being with people that you love, your attitude and outlook in life, material wealth, having a job you love and appreciating the place where you’re at among others.

What annoyed me though about this book was the main character’s attitude towards women and sex. It’s so annoying that at one point he’s thinking about Clara, the girl he’s having mutual understanding with in his country, but when he sees a lovely woman in a country that he’s at it seems like he forgets everything and falls in love with whoever girl he meets. Then he regrets it and do it again. It’s a little bit disturbing how the author represented women in the book.


Written by a psychiatrist himself and a self-help author, this 165-page international bestseller book is heart-warming overall and charming in it’s own way. Taking from how the author introduced the book, it’s sort of based on the author’s real life experiences. The author created characters that are diverse and amusing. The main character’s skill in having genuine interest towards people came very useful in getting him out of dangerous and strange situations. Overall, this is an intelligently written book.

Some on the list of Hector might be too known or obvious but neverthelss offers new insights and still inspiring as it is reflective as to what happiness and contentment really means. I am not much of a self help type of books because I am not comfortable in reading a book about what should I do but I did somehow enjoyed this book. Hector’s on-point observations will help readers assess themselves and realise just what real happiness is. The book is the first in the series, the second being Hector and the Secrets of Love and the third, Hector and the Search for Lost Time and if I get the chance to get my hands on them I’ll definitely check it out.

HAPPINESS IS A CERTAIN WAY OF SEEING THINGS. Francois Lelord, Hector and the Search for Happiness

The film adaptation of Hector and the Search for Happiness was released in cinemas in August 2014, the movie stars Simon Pegg and Rosamund Pike.

Is Hector and the search for happiness a good movie?

Hector and The Search for Happiness wors because it's basically a "self-help" movie. [full review in Spanish] Hector and The Search for Happiness is a feel good movie that avoids feeling preachy at all times. [full review in Spanish]

What does Hector write in his journal?

During Hector's worldwide search for happiness, he scribbles down realizations in his journal, numbering them neatly and accompanying each one with drawings. The drawings sometimes become animated, showing Hector's growing sense that the world is alive with beauty and mystery.

Does a psychiatrist find the secret of happiness?

Summary A psychiatrist searches the globe to find the secret of happiness. This film is a winner. It will not only entertain you, but also make you think about what it takes to bring happiness into your own life. Hector is trying to say something true about a generation of quietly dissatisfied demi-adults who are terrified to take emotional risks.

What does Hector tell Clara about Ying Li?

He tells his girlfriend, Clara, that he needs to go on a journey to research happiness. On a flight to China, he is seated next to Edward, a cranky businessman. Edward takes Hector to a very exclusive nightclub in Shanghai, where Hector meets a young woman named Ying Li and instantly falls for her.

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