Even lambs have teeth movie review năm 2024

Two best friends, Sloane [Kirsten Prout] and Katie [Tiera Skovbye], are trying to raise some extra cash for their shopping spree in New York by working at an eco-farm. While waiting for a bus to take them to the eco-farm, two brothers, Jed [Garrett Black] and Lucas [Jameson Parker] befriend the girls. The brothers offer to take Sloane and Katie to the farm, however, the girls instead are taken to the brother’s home where they are drugged. When they wake up they find themselves chained up in shipping containers and soon find out they are going to be used as sex slaves. Katie’s FBI uncle, Jason [Michael Karl Richards], gets a bad vibe about how the girls are making out and goes on the hunt to find them. Eventually, the girls escape, but instead of running, they return to the crime scene to seek revenge… that’s when things get ugly!

First, we loved the title to this movie!! The first half of the movie felt like a straight forward horror flick. We quickly find that Sloane is more willing to toe the line of reckless, while Katie is more reserved and hesitant… at first. As the movie progressed it becomes apparent these girls would get their revenge and we became eager to see how they would pull it off. Sloane and Katie had our attention from the beginning and never lost it. We found it hard not to love them, especially when they started on their rampage, we couldn’t look away. Once the second half of the movie got going, we felt it became less of a horror movie and more of a thriller. The revenge scenes felt more fun than scary, as the girls got pretty creative with their torture techniques. Although the dialogue did get a bit stale at times and some of the plot was predictable, in the end, this horror movie DOES have a pretty good bite! We highly enjoyed it.

Reel ROB Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Post Credits Scene: No

We want to thank our friends over at Reel News Daily for allowing us to do this guest review for them! Go check out our post getting some publicity on their site 🙂

Και οι αμνοί έχουν δόντια, Mulheres Perigosas, Даже у ягнят есть зубы, Még a bárányoknak is vannak fogaik, 두 여자: 피의 복수, Навіть у ягнят є зуби, 羊急了也跳墙, 姐姐妹妹殺過來



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"Do you know someone named Boris?" "He drives a blue pickup."

Admittedly, there's not much new at play in Even Lambs Have Teeth. It's essentially a tale of two girls, one more timid than the other, who have been best friends forever despite their differences, who go off to work on an ecologically friendly farm for a month to earn money to go shopping in NYC for a week. Of course, they never make it to the farm, but are kidnapped for sex trafficking.

The difference this made for me where other such films have failed to connect is the friendship between Katie and Sloane. It helps them through their ordeal and when one is ready to give up, the…

What happens in even lambs have teeth?

The film tells the story of two young women who take revenge on the sex trafficking ring that kidnapped and abused them.

Is even lambs have teeth on Amazon Prime?

Where to watch Even Lambs Have Teeth. Rent Even Lambs Have Teeth on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, or buy it on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu.

Does Lamb have teeth?

Sheep have no teeth in the front part of the upper jaw which consists of a dense, hard, fibrous pad. When born, the lamb usually has no teeth. Within a week after birth, the milk teeth or temporary teeth appear in the front lower jaw and by the time the lamb is two months old these, eight in all, have erupted.

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