Are stickers on laptops cool?

Are Laptop Stickers Unprofessional?

Micheal Mullen

Micheal Mullen

Product Marketing and Content Professional for B2B, B2G and B2C Companies

Published Apr 18, 2017
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A few years ago, I started putting stickers on the backside of my laptop.

When I worked at Delteks GovWin, we were trying to find a way to get our members to talk to each other and network. GovWin is a networking and business tool that was originally conceived as a dating network to get large government contractors to partner with smaller contractors to do business. Yet, government contracting expos tend to be more about who you know and not really a place to brand yourself but a way to sell your company, its past performance and its capabilities. In some ways, its not unlike a healthcare fair at a local school. Dull but necessary.

The goal was to get more people to sign up for the free service and start networking at these expos. And a healthcare fair-like scenario with a lot of speeches or presentations wasnt conducive for our goals. I snuck into a session and noticed that all the participants were on their laptops on big round tables. For the next expo, we created a simple sticker that identified the laptops owner as a GovWin member. If I could get astickers on the back of a laptop for several 45-60 minute session, everyone on the table would notice that they werent a cool kid without that sticker. For current members, wed simply verify their status on the network and give them a sticker. For those who werent, theyd signup in the booth and get a sticker. It was a way to tell people that they were ready to do business.

From all reports, we ran out of stickers.

To Stick or Not to Stick?

Not too long ago, I noticed more stickers on other laptops and I named the practice laptags as way to merge those who continue to rely on their laptops and their stickers as real-world social media-like hashtags.

Theres no best practices for how, where or how to professionally laptag your laptop but Ive seen some great use of custom stickers informing people of the users Twitter handle, a Windows sticker on the back of a Mac [they were dual booting], a Slack logo and several tags used for cybersecurity. Laptagging might be viewed like NASCAR logos for the professional world. There will be those who love them and those who will hate them.

Yet, there are several people that I have spoken to who feel that, like the current critical view that LinkedIn is becoming too much like Facebook with more personal messages than professional ones. Most of the execs that I have met, often have sticker-less laptop [often their work rigs] and their personal devices are, for the most part, sticker-less as well.

Ill admit that I have yet to come across an exec who said anything negative about the practice. But it is something to think about as a marketing person. When people align with a brand or product, a laptag can be a very effective marketing technique for the companys brand as well as an amazing networking tool.

Currently my laptop has five stickers: one jokes about the overuse of hashtags, one promotes GamesForChange, ones a funny gamer joke, one is a cool sticker for Reds [very nice ball bearings for my roller skates] and an Ethiopian flag [my daughters birth country]. The flag one has stopped complete strangers to chat for a few minutes, scored me a free cookie once and improved my service at a local restaurant where I frequently used my laptop. Given that I workedin DC, where the highest population of Ethiopians reside outside of Ethiopia, its not a surprise.

The point is that I am going to experiment as I search for a new job. Can a few laptop stickers help me land a new role? Well just have to see. For now, laptag if you want. Think of them like tattoos that you can remove without lasers.

First published as a rant on my personal site:

Christine Hinderliter
I understand your marketing perspective on this subject. From the Desktop support perspective I can not endorse the use of stickers on computers. A company owned computer is provided to the employee as a tool and the employee does not own the hardware or the intellectual data inside. In one example that employee may win the lottery :] and move away from the organization, his options and stickers are on a computer that will be provided to new employee. In my opinion that remind me of being in grade school and being given a book full of former students markups, options and scribbles. Alternatively, the desktop support technicians could spend valuable resource time removing these stickers before redeploying the equipment. I don't believe that is a good use of a technicians time. I implemented a solution in my org. by building a sticker removal kit which we offer to our users and managers before they return equipment. It has been very successful and often generates some humorous conversation. I also find it better than beating up subject of the ever growing notion that putting stickers on corp owned computers are acceptable. Just thought I'd provide a different perspective. I enjoyed a better understanding of your view
Chrissy Collier
Christine - we are struggling with the overuse of these stickers and the time/effort it takes for my team to remove them and try to avoid damaging the screen. Can you share the sticker removal kit?

LinkedIn User

Micheal, I enjoyed reading your article. Personally, I don't have any stickers on my devices. I think it is neat when a business owner or a rep from a company has a sticker on their laptop to market their business. I've seen some bloggers/vloggers put their @ username or their Snapchat code on their laptops to represent their brand. My suggestion to anyone who wants to put stickers on their laptop should consider the strategy of their use, and identify their target audience to maximize exposure. Otherwise, it is just a laptop with really pretty stickers.
Sean Ebeling
Loved the article. This sentence looks odd though - "Can a few laptop stickers help get me land a new role?" Also, the name may be misleading. I almost didn't read the article because I thought it was going to harp on Laptop Stickers. I don't have them on my work Laptop right now but I have in the past and I think I'll need to add some. Good luck with the job hunt.
Micheal Mullen
Thanks for the edit.
Maralyn Smith
I was told some time ago that putting stickers on a laptop could invalidate a warranty if it were needed
Neda Moyer
I have heard that as well.
Micheal Mullen
Really? Now that's odd.
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